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lulu 1931

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Posts posted by lulu 1931

  1. I believe that GOD is looking after our souls as well as our body.

    All believers are protected ..it is their souls that are brought up to their final resting place, heaven.

    Yes GOD does protect us..maybe not our bodies but our souls.He also gives his love as we give our love to him.We should all be glad to have such a father watching over us.

  2. As I travel through my final days I feel that GOD knows my good and my bad and he still is there to watch over me. When I am lonely I know that he is there..when I am hurting he heals my heart. I don't know what life will bring for me but with his watchful and helping hand I will get throgh to someday rest in his arms.

    It gives me great strengh to know that he is there for me...I just have to ask and he will someway be there for me as long as I have faith in him. I feel blessed by this knowledge.

  3. It teaches that GOD has angles who he sends to protect us and keep us safe under their wings,as a result of our constant love and trust in GOD.

    When we trust in GOD we have the power that pretects us form making wrong choices(our enemies) and live a good life.

    If you are a godly person he will rescue from harm, honor you, give you a long happy life,and show you his salvation.

    It made me confident that I can face danger and a troubled heart with out fear. He will be near me at all times.

  4. I think it shows a man suffering from doubts that GOD is not listening to his call for help and he wants him to know that he loves him.He places GOD as a rock that he can climb into his arms and be compforted and safe.

    Sad but hopeful that GOD will answers my prayers even tho I am weak and suffering and to know that he will hear me no matter where I may be on this earth.

  5. I would ask GOD for help to protect all of our Christian Churches all over the world and help restore them from the people who do not believe in GOD. I would ask him to give us strength to bring peace into the world and the ability to send love and faith through out the world. I would hope that we could all cleans our souls and make the right choices as we travel down the right road to our final resting place.

    Chronicles2 7:14 gives a guide to get all of this done. We need to spread this word through out the world as we practice it ourselves.

  6. Humility is defined as a personal quality of being free from arrogance and pride and having a accurate estimate of ones worth. Faith denotes trust, to believe, trustworthy or dependability.You need both of thes in your prayers. When one of these is missing you lose comfidence in your prayers and lose hope in it's answer.

  7. 1. When you pour out all your troubles to GOD and admit you mistakes you always feel better and can look forward to getting GOD's blessings with hope and praise.

    2. We should praise GOD for he has done for us and then ask him to help us in times of trouble.

    3. It is important to praise GOD to let him know you love him and want to follow him fut you need some help from him. You show this by daily prayers,praise and being a better follower of his rules.

  8. Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins?

    David discribes his feeling to God and know he has brought shane to his people.He knows if you pray to GOD for forgiveness he will forgive you so David put his life in GOD's hands.

    If you pray for forgivesness and keep your promises to him he will answer your prayers ..as he wishes . GOD is a mericiful GOD ..he live within you with Grace and Love.

  9. Q3. (Psalm 98) What are the reasons given for praise in Psalm 98? Why do you think praise is so exuberant in this psalm? How exuberant is praise in your congregation, in your life? Why or why not is it exuberant?

    1 because GOD is sending Jesus to judge the righteous

    2. because the author has no complaints to bring before GOD- he is joyful and thankful for GOD's presence in his life.

    3. Our church is very exuberant and prayful..we have many bible studies, prayer groups, family gatherings, active youth ministry, and care for our seniors and sick people.

    4. We are a very giving church in supporting the poor, doing mission trips to other countries, have a loving ministery group and run in the church in a caring and friendly manner. We all practice " love one another". Other churches that I have been a member of before retirement were not like this so I feel very fortunate to call this GOD's Church.

  10. Q3. (Psalm 98) What are the reasons given for praise in Psalm 98? Why do you think praise is so exuberant in this psalm? How exuberant is praise in your congregation, in your life? Why or why not is it exuberant?

    1 because GOD is sending Jesus to judge the righteous

    2. because the author has no complaints to bring before GOD- he is joyful and thankful for GOD's presence in his life.

    3. Our church is very exuberant and prayful..we have many bible studies, prayer groups, family gatherings, active youth ministry, and care for our seniors and sick people.

    4. We are a very giving church in supporting the poor, doing mission trips to other countries, have a loving ministery group and run in the church in a caring and friendly manner. We all practice " love one another". Other churches that I have been a member of before retirement were not like this so I feel very fortunate to call this GOD's Church.

  11. Q3. (Psalm 98) What are the reasons given for praise in Psalm 98? Why do you think praise is so exuberant in this psalm? How exuberant is praise in your congregation, in your life? Why or why not is it exuberant?

    1 because GOD is sending Jesus to judge the righteous

    2. because the author has no complaints to bring before GOD- he is joyful and thankful for GOD's presence in his life.

    3. Our church is very exuberant and prayful..we have many bible studies, prayer groups, family gatherings, active youth ministry, and care for our seniors and sick people.

    4. We are a very giving church in supporting the poor, doing mission trips to other countries, have a loving ministery group and run in the church in a caring and friendly manner. We all practice " love one another". Other churches that I have been a member of before retirement were not like this so I feel very fortunate to call this GOD's Church.

  12. Q2. (Psalm 95) In Psalm 95 we are commanded to worship the Lord. What are the reasons why we should worship contained in this psalm? Why do you think the warning in verses 8-11 is included in this psalm? How does this fit with the earlier elements of the psalm?

    1. because GOD is our holy father- we are his children. We need to honor him in worship,payers, praise, and to keep our interself holy.

    2, to show the that not only do we need to show outward sumission but inward as well.

    3. Shows that we should praise GOD in all things that we do and think

  13. Hello I have been away from my computer fpr the last couple of weeks so I am just getting caught up.

    1 This palms teaches that we can give praise to God in many ways..in songs , prayers, and anything we say and do.

    2 where should we praise him..in ever waking moment

    3 With what should praise be conducted..with love and honesty

    4 who should praise...everyone that believes in God

    5 What did I feel like after I had read and reread this psalm...the glory of God and how much I love him.

  14. 1. He feels that God has forsaken him and he misses his spiritual being. He is questioned about his God and this may form some doubts in him.

    2. He talks to his inner self and reasons with his feelings..questions his inner feelings

    3. Yes about 5 years ago when my husband had heart surgery many people including my six children prayed for him but in no avail. He died after about 8 hrs of struggle and he was not responding to our voices. I thought that God had forsaken me and I became very bitter...I had always attended Church and tried to live a godly life. It took me many months to finally get back to prayers and attending Church. I think that with the help of my church friends and prayers I am back on track with God. I have had some great experiences with Bible Study and Disciple classes. Maybe this is what God had wanted me to do..

  15. question 1 David wants to be close to God at all times, both in his innerself and his outer ways.

    question 2 He wants to come face to face with God and have a personal responce from God.

    Question 3 He knows from his own past that God will bring about his own perfect will in his own perfect time: remembering this he tells his people to wait for the Lord,put hope in the Lord, and don't give up the faith in him

  16. Hello As I was wondering what I wanted to do I came across a old Hymn of Praise song book from the forties and found this responsive reading that I paraphrased .

    Responsive Reading from Psalms 19

    Leader: The heavens declare the glory of GOD

    The visible sky show his handiwork

    People: Day into day utters a speech,

    and night into night shows knowledge.

    Leader: There is no speech,nor language

    Their voice can not be heard

    People: Their message has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of

    world. In them he has built a tent for the sun

    Leader: Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his bedroom and rejoices as a runner

    would winning a race.

    People: His beginning is from the end of the heaven and his ending at the end of the earth

    and there is nothing hid from the race itself.

    Leader The law of the LORD is right, restoring to the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure,

    touching even the humble.

    People: The rules for moral conduct are rightm exsulting the heart; the commadment of the LORD is

    pure, imparting knowledge to all.

    Leader: The fear of the LORD is real, enduring forever: the judgements of the Lord are true and

    righteous for ever

    People: More to be diesired than gold, even fine gold.

    Sweeter than hone and the honeycomb

    Leader: By them you are warned , and in keeping them there is great reward.

    People: Who can distinguish between good and bad? Free me from hidden faults.

    Leader" Keep me fro presuming sins, Let them not have control over me: then will I eb perfect and I

    shall be rid of great temptations.

    Leader and people: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to your

    sight,O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

  17. This showed us that the word of creation is real and the perfection of the word is real and everlasting

    He basks in the word of GOD in awe and wonderment.

    Yes I have also basked in wonderment when I see a pretty sunset, fluffy clouds in the sky, the falling of snow flakes that are all different and a small sea shell and how they are all different.

    David is asking GOD to cleanse his words and thoughts and give him strength and assuance hi will be with him always.

  18. God is the sole creator of the universe. He made us of his own image and gave us the responsibility to care for all creatures of the universe and also guard the environment.. a stewardship.

    Jesus was made of his image and sent to us to teach the ways of God to follow.

    We are responsible for keeping our relationship to God and his people as he set forth for us.

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