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Posts posted by JanMary

  1. On 10/6/2022 at 4:47 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q29. (2 Corinthians 12:7) Why do we often feel so weak in times of sickness or affliction?

    I've been there at this time, having lost my husband  a year ago after a year long illness. Grief has felt like  sickness

    to me...like a long drawn out flu virus sapping energy, focus, desires, interests, strength, appetite, joy.

    Why are we tempted to stop ministering to others when we are struggling?

    Self absorption, fatigue, self pity, low energy, lack of interest and or desire.

    It's interesting that He has still given me opportunities to minister to others. I brought a new neighbor to church on Sunday and she said "This is the first time in my life that I have been in a church!" I've had the privilege of praying for and encouraging another neighbor who was going to an A.A retreat, and who called me last night to say thank you for praying. It was a good experience!  (both of those opportunities were lovely, and were done in HIS strength, because I'm still feeling drained, lacking energy to even push the vacuum cleaner around!

    He is faithful to work through us in HIS strength to accomplish His purposes through us. I'm thankful that He does! 



  2. On 7/19/2020 at 9:37 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 15 Meditation (Psalm 134). What does it mean to you to bless or to praise the Lord? Do you take time in your daily devotions to bless him, to praise him? What does it mean to you to receive a blessing from the One who made heaven and earth?

    1. One definition for Bless, is to make happy. Another is to consecrate or hallow. To praise is to glorify, extol, or magnify, to honor.

    With  all of that in mind and with the understanding from Scripture and from experience, that He is always near, He is in me, I am in Him and am His beloved daughter, blessing Him is simply "being," "resting" in His love and care, delighting in His presence and His Word, enjoying spending time in prayer, sharing my joys, sorrows, needs and bringing others needs to Him. Me eagerness and desire  to tell others how awesome He is and how He longs for them to know Him and the salvation He longs to give them, blesses Him.

    Thanking Him and intentionally telling Him often, how much I love Him, thanking Him for choosing and calling me before the foundation of the world was formed blesses Him.  (Eph 1:3-8) (When I read those verses, it takes my breath away in AWE and wonder and praise)

    In early days I thought worship was simply singing, and it is singing, but that's just a part of worship. Sitting in silence before Him is worship (Psalm 46:10) Be still and KNOW that I AM GOD! I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth".

    Delighting in wonder and awe in His creation is worship.  Taking Communion is worship...and blesses Him as we remember all that He has done for us through His death and resurrection on the cross. He encourages us in Isaiah 53:4,5  and I Peter 2:24, and other places to take His body and blood for the healing of our bodies. (I take Communion every morning, remembering that His broken body was given to heal my "broken body" and am being healed from an illness from which I'm told there is no cure! Nothing is incurable for Jesus! 

    Recognizing His sense of humor is worship! I've heard Him chuckle! He gets tickled over things just like we do! I'm as certain as I can be when I look at some of the creatures He made that He was thinking of our delight in them. The monkey at the zoo with the huge air pouch he blows up then whoops so loud he can be heard all over the zoo, along with his audience who is howling with laughter. Can you, with me see our God laughing with us, enjoying the fun and our "seeing" His handiwork through His little creature?

    A dear friend was telling me of sobbing for joy over the wonderful miracles which have been given to him, and I remembered that tears are prayers as well. Some tears are for worship and some are for grief and pain, but those  too are blessing to Him in that they are being brought to His tender heart rather than hidden behind a pillow. There were lots of tears the first time I surrendered my will to His Lordship, through gritted teeth!

    Thanking Him that I have breath is worship. Acts 17:25. He gives life and breath to all....His Word is God Breathed (2 Tim 3:16)..so every page in the Bible contains His Breath, and Breathes life into us as we read His Word. He holds our breath in His hand. Remembering that each breath is a gift, is worship. The King in Daniel 5:23 was told "the God in whose hand your breath is" quickened to me that It's His grace which keeps us breathing in and out! The first indrawn breath of a newborn baby (or any creature) is from God's "nostrils".

    What a magnificent God and Savior we love and serve, and Who loves and cherishes each of us! I was telling Him the other day  that I am in AWE that the creator God of the Universe waits in my little nook each morning for me to come and sit with Him, and that He enjoys spending time with me as much I enjoy Him. It's hard to get my mind around that kind of love and intimacy. ALL PRAISE TO HIM FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW, PRAISE HIM ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW, PRAISE HIM ALL YE HEAVENLY HOST, PRAISE FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST! AMEN.

    Pastor Ralph, thank you so much for Songs of Ascent....another amazing meditation/study. You know just how to draw our deepest  thoughts and longings to the surface which will honor and glorify Him and cause us to draw near to Him. I can't wait for the next one! Blessings to you and Jean!

  3. On 7/19/2020 at 9:36 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 14 Mediation (Psalm 133). Which word pictures in Psalm 133 do you find most compelling?  Why do you think lasting unity is so hard to achieve in our world, in our countries, in our churches, in our families? What do you think is the chief obstacle to love in your life?

    1. All three are compelling to me, so it's hard to choose one over another. The dew which refreshes and falls at night when all is calm and quiet, I'm "thirsting for" as well as the Oil, Holy Spirit's constant presence to  comfort, teach, guide, inspire, train, fill, love....but now in the chaos and unrest of the Marxist insurgency trying to remove our president, and to take control of America's government, in order to hasten their desire for globalization (to repeat Satan's objective at the Tower of Babel: to achieve a super society governed by one dictator, apart from God.). Defeat of the enemy and UNITY, peace and civility is my hearts cry.

    God's mercy is shown in Acts 2, when all 17 of the Tower of Babel conspiracy nations, listed in Genesis, are recorded as being represented and were present when Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost!  God's grace!

    2. True Unity is modeled by our Triune God! Three Persons in One, in perfect harmony but with 3 different functions. The family is a type of their harmony, but our fallen nature is hard pressed to give up the innate desire for power and control, so conflict is inevitable, which then follows in churches and governments. 

    3. The fallen nature cannot truly love nor give unselfish love. Only in Christ and surrender to Holy Spirit's control can we give and receive a semblance of His unselfish love.

  4. On 7/19/2020 at 9:34 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 13 Meditation (Psalm 132). State the Davidic Covenant or Promise in your own words. How was this promise fulfilled in Solomon’s time? How was it fulfilled in Jesus? How will it be fulfilled when Jesus returns?

    1. State the Davidic Covenant or Promise in your own words.

    God swore an inviolable oath that a son from David's own body would sit on his throne.

     2. How was this promise fulfilled in Solomon's time?

    Solomon was the son/heir/king from David's own body.

    3. How was it fulfilled in Jesus? 

    Jesus is the direct descendent of David, through the lineage of Mary, Jesus' mother (Matthew 1:2-16) and Luke 3:23-38,  "as was supposed of Joseph, son of Heli."  (the Messianic lineage)

    4. How will it be fulfilled when Jesus returns?]

    Jesus who is seated and reigning in Heaven over the entirety of creation, will one day sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem, the final King on earth when He reigns for 1,000 years, then forever in Heaven.

  5. On 7/19/2020 at 9:33 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

    1. Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress?

    I don't recall ever demanding answers from God, but I whined and demanded "YOU SAID..." which is about the same thing or worse because I was implying that He lied or that He misled me! The stress was from assuming I understood what He was saying, because the need was urgent at the time. It took me a long time to understand that when He doesn't give a time frame for a promise, He intends to "keep me" until He's ready and until I've settled in to wait in patience, and to persevere in faith in the testing. I also had to learn that He is not at my "beck and call"...He's not only my all wise Father, He's my King!

    2. How have unexplained events in your life made you angry?

    Almost every promise He has given me has involved YEARS of waiting, and after 40+ years, I'm still waiting! At times in misery, I've been angry, because it seemed like He had forgotten me. (That was symptomatic of my childhood, from being ignored or abused and from not having needs met.) Every now and then I hear myself saying to Him "Here I am"....like he put me down someplace and forgot where He left me. My anger has been from  the disappointment  of "assuming" I knew the time frame, and from the years of waiting, expecting, watching and hoping, and even though at times He has restated the promises, it has felt like a "carrot being dangled" in front of me, and when it seems it's about to be fulfilled, the carrot gets moved further away. It's painful to see the years  going by, getting older, like being pregnant for 40 years....and no baby. 

    But I shared in a previous post that I asked Him to develop patience and perseverance in me when I was a very new Christian. So the long waiting has been His gift of "working" those character traits into my spirit. 

    3. How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul?

    I have to get alone by myself, and tell Him very honestly how I'm feeling, and usually cry which releases the "angst" and disappointment. I forgive Him (though He's perfect and loving and kind) it's for me , to release what's been stuck inside, blocking intimacy with Him. Then I apologize for being a bratty daughter and ask Him to forgive me and to extend more grace as I wait. Then I might ask "What would you say to me in this moment?" His response is almost always instant as He brings a scripture to my mind, and reassures me of His love and care. His presence quiets me. 

    One that I "hear" often in those moments is "I will perfect that which concerns you" Psalm138:8 Another is Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I AM GOD."

    I think the most important thing I've learned in the long waiting, is that what seemed impossible to live without, is no longer so important and He has become my all, my joy, my home, my life, and I'm at His "beck and call" as is intended as His child.

    4. What does it mean to "hope in the Lord"?

    It means to me, trust and reliance upon Him, and that He's the source of all my expectation,  my needs, my joy, both here in this life and my life eternally with Him in Heaven.

  6. On 7/19/2020 at 9:32 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?

    1. How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives?

    That has been huge for me! Living under constant criticism, threats and more for the first 20 years of life, conditioned me to feel guilty and oppressed, in bondage and fear. For the longest time as a believer I felt guilty and was easy prey for our enemy to torment me, reminding me of past sin and failure. One almost magical day I discovered that the red heifer, (a type/shadow of Jesus) was  taken outside the camp, killed and burned to ash, and the ashes were then sprinkled in water used for ritual purification in temple ceremonies. Ash is the final stage of burning!  Holy Spirit reminded me that all of my sin, past, present became ash on the cross , through His blood. I wrote down the sins which I was frequently reminded of, burned the paper and put the ashes in a zip lock bag as a reminder. (that brought the end of the torment....It stopped that day!) Apparently, because I learn visually, I needed something I could "see and I  now live in peace and joy knowing I am totally accepted in the beloved, and when He looks at me He sees His beautiful "ermine" robe of righteousness, in  which He wrapped me when I said YES to Him.

    2 . Our faith?

    With that "load of guilt and shame" removed forever, I'm free and open to Him, with no barriers. Back in those burdened days, I was hesitant to come to Him. My faith soared in the new freedom with no dark "cloud" of "have I confessed enough" removed. My heart is light, I'm free to chat with My Jesus during the day, and if awake, at night, free as a bird, in His love.

    3. How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? 

    Knowing that I'm forgiven, my "record is clean" and there is now no condemnation, I've become a quick "forgiver" extending His  grace which covers me,  to those who offend me. (for the really big and painful ones, I still journal, and get the anger outside of me, so it's a clean unconditional forgiveness) It 's cleansing to "air" my thoughts/emotions  as ugly as they might be, as I tell the Lord all about it...it keeps me honest with Him asI ask Him for grace to forgive as He's forgiven me.

    4, 5, 6: How is your expectancy level?  Hope? Faith?

    I've been waiting for over 40 years for Him to fulfill several promises to me, and still I wait, but I wait with expectation, because  His Word never fails. I've had periods of severe testing during these long years, but He sustains me. I didn't realize all those years ago, that when God gives us a promise, the likely hood is that for a time the exact opposite happens, and it did and has continued. (I feel at times like the picture I've seen of a mother cat carrying her kitten by the scruff of the neck to move to a new location..  I'm that "kitten" He carries and when all is said and done, He will receive the glory for the faith which has not failed. 


  7. On 7/19/2020 at 9:31 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 10 Meditation (Psalm 129). Can you think of times in your life when God has delivered you from affliction? Or perhaps from “the cords of the wicked”? How have you dealt with the bitterness that comes from oppression? Have you been able to forgive? If not, what would it take to enable you to forgive your enemies and offer them a blessing?

    1. Yes, He has definitely on numerous occasions as well as from the "cords of the wicked". 

    From affliction,  years of chronic sinus pain and sore throats...My Dr. pointed out that years of suppressed anger and the inability to speak up were the cause. Discovering that was the Lord's avenue for my healing, she also helped me to "find my voice" and encouraged me to keep a journal.  Later I learned from  Christian Psychologist, H. Norm Wright, that anger is a powerful energy force that if left to swirl around in the body, is the cause of many diseases....so I learned to write about my ANGER....and he was correct! The anger actually comes out through the pen or pencil onto the paper and is released, making forgiveness much easier to extend! (I prayed for years for healing not realizing  that the sinus/sore throats were just a symptom of a deeper "illness". (as children, we were never allowed to show or express anger....only my parents could do that, and combined with some very incorrect Bible teaching that anger is a sin. (It's what we do with the anger that becomes sinful, and suppressing and trying to ignore it, or turning it inward is  harming ourselves!)

    2. Cords of Wickedness: Having been molested as a child, I was tormented by memories, as the enemy does, and later I was frequently in normal places like the tennis courts, and chasing a stray ball, and would be confronted by a man exposing himself, and on too many other occasions, which need no further mention. It took a deep "cutting of those cords" by our Jesus, to be set free from the "shame" of having been exposed to such things, and from the  shame of having  witnessed them. (The shame belongs to the offender, not to the victim who witnessed the demented behavior. "Cutting the cord" removed the stigma of having witnessed those sickening and frightening traumas.)

    3. Oppression: The  most painful event required some maturing in my young faith back in the day, to realize oppression is from the pit of hell, and is not to be tolerated! I appreciate that Jesus gave us His authority to deal with oppression. (It was an "ah ha" moment when I happened upon a  3 foot long dead snake, belly up.....and heard Holy Spirit say: That's how much power Satan has. NONE! You are to take authority over his attacks and no longer tolerate them.

    4. Before I learned that lesson, I was viciously attacked by a "friend" in a group, who came after me with a vengeance when I failed to go along with a plan she suggested that was not a healthy thing for our group and saw me as the enemy! She in turn tried to turn everyone in the group against me...life long friends, and for several months, they were caught up in the chaos and confusion, and I felt abandoned. I did feel bitter and betrayed, actually physically ill from grief for several months. I kept praying and asking for help and wisdom and as the Lord "righted the ship" so to speak, others recognized what had "hit" us....and she left the group....but  I was left with bitterness and soul sickness. I have to say it took me some years to be totally free from all of the fallout. But I kept bringing it before the Lord and one day I wept FOR her instead of praying  ABOUT her, and I was finally "cleansed of the ugliness" and pain. 

     5. Forgiveness is a gift, I believe. A way of letting go of hurts. (of stopping "drinking poison hoping the offender will die!"). When I think of all that our Jesus has forgiven me, I no longer want to hold onto the betrayal, or sins of another toward me. I heard a story about ancient times where when one committed a murder, the dead body was strapped to the murderer and was forced to carry the stinking corpse on their body. I don't know if that's true but to carry "CRUD" in my heart has the same effect....toxicity and revulsion. I'm quick to forgive (after writing about how angry and hurt I am in my journal) and to let go of the offense...thank you for this gift, Jesus! And thank you that as Micah 7:19 says, "You buried my sins in the deepest part of the ocean" and Corrie Ten Boom reminds us that He then puts out a "No Fishing" sign!"  (Offering a blessing takes some time for me...but it does come)

  8. On 7/19/2020 at 9:29 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 9 Meditation (Psalm 128). What does it mean to “fear the Lord”? What kinds of blessings has God showered over your life? Why does he allow remaining struggles? Does faith always result in prosperity? How do you define prosperity?

    1. To "fear the Lord" is to see Him and interact with Him in healthy AWE with wonderous respect. (Loved learning that years ago, as my dad told me I was to be afraid of Him as he was! What a miserable way to live!)

    2. What kinds of blessings has God showered over your life? 

    Oh my! Where to start? Too many to recount, so will put them in categories: First, lifting me out of the muck and mire I was wallowing in, and saved me, letting me know I am now His beloved daughter for eternity. (I know a "cracked pot" is best to allow the light to shine forth, but I was a shattered pot). He has been putting me back together, piece by piece, gluing me together with His gentle love. He has removed the fear that filled and surrounded me from infancy, by allowing me to go through scary trials, holding my hand, and demonstrating that He is forever faithful, always present, never distant. Before I knew Him, He knew me and protected me from permanent scars and irreparable damage. When my parents failed to protect and nurture, He always brought at least one neighbor lady, teacher, or friend's mom who filled some of the gap, providing kindness, guidance and even beautiful clothing. He has never failed to surround me with loving and caring friends. He has given me a special family. (Our son arrived 9 months to the day after I asked for a "blonde, blue eyed baby boy" coming made to order, to resemble my side of the family. (Our daughter is brown eyed, darker hair resembling her dad's family, and is beautiful). When we wanted the children to go to Christian school but couldn't afford the cost, we received a small inheritance in the mail. (financial is a huge area: Having been business and home owners with 2 cars and lovely things, we lost all during the 1990 recession, gradually until we would have been homeless but for His intervention through friends, strangers who had never met us, gifts, groceries, insurance, trips...we've never lacked anything. I could go on forever, but His steady, loving Presence, His tender Father's heart, answered prayers, steady guidance, and prophecies to let me know what is coming next through dreams and Rhema words in His word, are what bring the most security and yes, Awesome Wonder,  joy and respect! 

    But I can't leave out how He has taught me to not only appreciate His creation, but to be able to live near the ocean, and mountains, surrounded by glorious, breathtaking beauty! I've heard Him chuckle....so I appreciate His sense of humor and that He has blessed me with one. Every day our life is totally dependent upon His generosity, and He never fails to provide everything we need. 

    3. Why does He allow remaining struggles?

    Probably for many reasons in different lives,  but for me it is to demonstrate His love, and desire for me to grow as I depend upon Him. The struggles keep me eager to wake up and to settle into my cozy nook where He waits for me every morning to share our time together. I've asked Him to keep me close...I never want to wander away (did that once....never again, by His grace!) It is the struggles which initiate and maintain the intimate relationship we have....He's my Daddy, my Papa God. 

     4. Does faith always result in prosperity?

    If that were true, I could be a ridiculously wealthy woman. (I prayed years ago when asked what I want on my tombstone, and said "I want to be known as a woman of faith who loves people") He has given me the gift of faith, and a prosperity in knowing and loving people of every race and creed. What I enjoy here and will take to Heaven is true prosperity.

    5. How do you define prosperity?

    I'm prosperous, surrounded by people to love and who love me, and a Father who lets me know He too cherishes  the time we spend together,  more than one Bible translation, good books, enough to eat, a car to get where we need to go (we have a 1995 mazda, which fills that need) a warm place to live (we are thankful for air conditioning too, especially during last weeks 110 degree heat wave). My entire family is either in Heaven or on their way!

    Pastor Wilson's Bible studies are one HUGE blessing to help us grow spiritually and have been for a number of years. Thank you Pastor Ralph for your generosity in sharing your love of the Word with such wisdom, skill and grace, with countless disciples around the world!

  9. On 7/19/2020 at 9:28 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 8 Meditation (Psalm 127). Why is work without trust inadequate? Why is trust without work an illusion? How can we achieve the kind of balance that affords us good rest? Why do you think the psalmist stresses that children are both a “heritage” and a “reward”?

    1. In my early days as a new believer, I was "doing" to gain acceptance with the Lord and to please others. I heard lots of "do and do" sermons and it was several years before Colossians1:10 revealed to me that in Christ, I am already fully pleasing and acceptable to Him and my service (Col 2:10) is to flow from Him (on the inside where the Godhead, Father,  Son and Holy Spirit resides in me, outward "bearing fruit in every good work" in obedience and joy to others. To do otherwise is to produce "works of the flesh" or "wood, hay and stubble" produced in pride (or fear) apart from Him, which "at that day" will be tested and burned to ashes.

    (Eph 2:10) tells me that I am God's own "handiwork" recreated in Christ Jesus that I may do those "works which God predestined" or preplanned  for me to walk in."  That is so  comforting, that I don't have to "drum up" good works....I am just to stay tuned to Him and He will direct my path and will show me what and where I am to walk!  I've learned in the morning to ask Him to direct my steps....and my stops, and I'm always amazed at where He leads....one day it was to stop and pray for a sick, homeless man with a disgusting open sore on his hand, weeping green pus. I chatted with him and asked if he would allow me to pray with him.....he said yes, and God healed him! Every day has become an adventure and is a very restful way to live, knowing that as I follow where He leads, I'm in His perfect will and plan for me. 

    2. Trust without work is indolence....uselessness in the Kingdom of God. He tells us to "go"...but at HIS leading, we are to follow.

    3. Children are a gift and a blessing from God. Not everyone has that blessing, and many (60 million babies) have been sacrificed on the "altars" of planned parenthood. Only God knows what blessing those little ones should have become in this world. His plan for life on earth revolved around "family" and children are meant to bring joy, unity, and growth to the family structure. They're meant to be a comfort to parents in their old age, and parents are meant to guide and help to shape children in Godliness and faith. ( I won't go into how we've massacred His pattern)



  10. On 7/19/2020 at 9:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

    1 & 2: Having experienced both miracles, and long agonizing years of waiting for promises to be fulfilled, I think of the fruit of the Spirit, (His character being worked into our lives as we walk with Him) Patience and perseverance seem to be underscored and in capital letters. When I first discovered this passage in Galatians 5:22,23, I  understood that this "fruit" was meant to be present in my life as a reflection of Who He is, so I asked especially for patience and perseverance, because I was totally lacking in both. I thought they would be imparted with a wave of  His hand, as a fairy godmother might do with her wand. Now 47 years later, much older and hopefully wiser, I've learned that they are "obtained" very gradually (at least for me) and excruciatingly slow, through trials, testing, disappointment, waiting,  suffering and more waiting. So my answer is that growing in grace and character in order to better reflect Him to others, is more important to me (and I think to Him) than the stupendous miracles which I have experienced, which are a blessing for sure, and are beautiful to share, but which also reflect His character. They aren't "showy" but help in how I treat other people, and in how my inner life is more peaceful and serene.

    3 & 4. Honestly? I can't shout for joy yet, though I know His answers will come, because His promises are sure, and when they do, there will be shouting and perhaps a jig or two, but for now, the long waiting has produced a quiet serenity in which I'm comfortable. To shout now as tired and  worn out as I've become, would take a "stupendous miracle of grace" to expend that much exuberance in advance. (those in the Psalm knew exactly how far away they were from being "home", and could exult and shout as they could almost "see and taste" their homeland.)

    As far as patient obedience, I have learned in the waiting, to hear and recognize His voice, which is priceless to me. As I shared in a previous post, one result of this was in "being rescued from the fowler's snare" (possible rape or death) by a mere 3 or 4 seconds as Holy Spirit said "GO NOW" and I didn't hesitate or ask "why?" but obeyed. That, I have to say was one of His  "stupendous miracles" of grace and is another reason why I'm no longer "antsy' about the "when and how" of what He has promised. It's enough to know I'm in the "palm of His hands" in His tender heart and care, and that His Papa's eye is always upon me.

  11. On 7/19/2020 at 9:25 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 6 Meditation (Psalm 125). What does this psalm teach us about the security that the Lord gives us? What examples do you see of unrighteous rulers? What kind of government happens when rulers are unrighteous? What happens in the government of our hearts when we allow unrighteousness in us to continue to guide our actions and thoughts?

    1. In Jesus we are secure, as steady as Mount Zion which cannot be moved but abides and stands fast forever. We are promised that we will go through trials and testing, but we are never alone in those times (or any other time as well!) Colossians 2:10  tells us that "we are IN HIM....and HE IS IN US.. we are filled with the GODHEAD...Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and reach full spiritual stature. So though we may tremble and quake.. (at least I do at times) we are absolutely secure in His arms and His love. He Has PROMISED: " I will never, no not ever leave you (alone for one second) nor forsake you!" (Heb 13:5)

    2 & 3. Unrighteous rulers, judges, & officials are all around us. We've elected or appointed many in ignorance, and by not voting our values. Many stick to a "party" rather  than examining the party platform. (The Democrat party promises government paid abortion right up to and during delivery of a full term baby if the mother doesn't want it! It's called infanticide)....as in the Old Testament when babies were sacrificed  to idols and in fires. (We've murdered  over 60 million babies in America) The previous administration in America began a slow attack on Christianity, and appointed hundreds of left leaning judges who make decisions not in alignment with Biblical principles and righteousness and our laws. We are reaping the consequences now in that  a believing President Trump was duly elected (though a very young Christian but soon to be baptized in Holy Spirit according to prophecy) and a civil war is upon us....an all out war against our Constitution, our traditional values and our faith, in an attempt by the Marxist regime (disguised in racially charged issues to try to unseat our president and to destroy our way of life). The coup attempt began before he was sworn in at his inauguration disguised as "Russian Collusion" which has since been totally debunked as a fabrication, but is still being trotted out by the leftist owned media. Corrupt FBI and Secret Service employees helped to try to prevent him from taking office through illegal means:  spying, leaking top secret information which was published in the papers after twisting the facts, wire tapping His phone and the phones of other duly elected  officials, arresting and falsely accusing his campaign staff and imprisoning several who have since been proven to be innocent of anything, except helping to get Pres. Trump elected. 

    I find it interesting that throughout the gospels Jesus encouraged seekers to join His "party"....if we voted according to His party. we would be a completely Christian nation, rather than a bitterly divided nation where one cannot voice an opinion (pro Pres. Trump)   without being shouted down, and in some cases injured. The good news is that he will be reelected, America will be saved and survive, this virus will be "killed" and eradicated with the soon outpouring of Holy Spirit....a second Pentecost after a literal Passover all over the world (entire nations shut in and hiding in fear in homes...much like the disciples following the Crucifixion, were hiding in the upper room fearing that they might be next....UNTIL Holy Spirit filled them....as we will be experiencing very soon. Our sleeping churches will come alive with signs, miracles and wonders, and billions around the world will be saved after 100 years of prayer having gone up to Heaven for a world wide revival!

    3. Just as in a literal government gone wrong, our hearts "are deceitfully wicked"(Jer 17:9) and need very little leeway to go astray in seeking after the world and what is on offer. Thank you Holy Spirit that you are a constant source of encouragement, convincing us of truth, and convicting us when we are vulnerable to going down paths not of your choosing. Thank you that you never leave us alone, that you know we are constantly being wooed to "come away" from truth and the loving secure Arms of our beloved Savior and Lord to the momentary "glitter and glamour" appealing to our fallen nature and that when we yield to You, our enemy loses.



  12. On 7/19/2020 at 9:17 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day  4 Meditation (Psalm 123). What does this psalm teach us about trust that our Master will right our wrongs? What does it teach us about contempt for others? What group of people in your particular community most bear the brunt of prejudice? What can you do to go out of your way to show active love toward them?

    1.  It teaches me that as I look to my Papa God, He ALWAYS shows mercy and loving kindness to me, especially when I am scoffed at with contempt from others. His tender heart always listens and always hears my cries for help.

    2. It tells me that His eye is always upon me, even as His eye is upon the lowliest sparrow. He sees it all, knows all about the wrongs done to me. Contempt is based in pride and an attitude of superiority, and we know that Proverbs tells us He hates pride, and that pride goes before a fall. (perhaps that's how he deals with those who harbor contempt for others) I think of 2 Cor. 10:12, which tells me that when I compare myself with others, or measure myself by others I am a fool. (I will either see myself as superior which is prideful, or inferior which is an insult to God who created me to be just as I am.)

    3. This may seem like an odd answer because it is not about race or religion, which seems to be the most common cause of contempt from others, but this is an election year and I live in California, a  mainly "blue" or democrat controlled state. The group of people who are bearing the most contempt and prejudice are those who wish to  re-elect President Trump who is the most pro-life President in U.S. history. One cannot even make a comment, put a U.S flag in the yard, or a sign on the car without the flag being ripped up and stomped on, or the car being "keyed" or being screamed at or shouted down if a comment is made for Pres. Trump. I know of two families who are so divided on this issue that those who are against Pres. Trump (with great contempt against him and their family members) will no longer associate or speak to family members who love and appreciate all that he is and has done for our America.. It's rather frightening and hard to believe that the Marxist revolution which was introduced gradually in the previous administration and has grown so that one can no longer voice a respectful opinion without severe consequences. I'm white, and have many black friends, who are mortified by the BLM takeover by Antifa, and who are using this "cause" to raise racial tension and chaos in order to disrupt the election process. (Ultimately it IS about religion, because Marxism insists on the eradication of all religion)

    Our church is delightfully multi-racial, as is our community, and I'm unaware of overt contempt, although it may quietly exist because people are people, and sin abounds. But comforting to remember how our God looks upon it and deals with it in and on behalf of His children. If as  His children we are showing contempt, there will be correction, at some point. If it is toward one of His own, there will be some repercussion also at some point.

  13. On 7/19/2020 at 9:24 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 5 Meditation (Psalm 124). Think back on your own life. In what circumstances have you seen God deliver you from danger from others? Even from danger from yourself? How do you explain God’s undeserved love toward you? What undeserving person comes to mind who can be the object of your love and mercy?

     1. When I was beaten with razor strap and told "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to beat you to death!" "I'm going to beat you until you can't walk" the first time at age 4. It was my mother who'd had a terrible fright. Later on it was my father who used fists. But even though I didn't know the Lord until I was 30, He protected me from serious injury during those times. I did suffer emotional scars and PTSD,  but He has been doing a gradual healing in those areas over the years. I mentioned in an earlier post about being spared from death  in a rollover car crash in a blinding rainstorm. The police officer who rescued us told me before taking us to the hospital, how fortunate we were to miss crashing into the cement abutment by a short distance where a man was killed the week before in a similar accident. Also in an earlier post about being spared while alone in my car in a wilderness area, much like verse 7 describes....from the trap of a fowler's snare. This time Holy Spirit warned me beforehand and told me to "GO NOW" and I'd learned to hear His voice and immediately started to leave.

     Several of my brothers committed suicide by shooting themselves in the head with guns, and though at times I thought about it myself, the Lord sent help to comfort and encouraged me to live. I'm so thankful to Him for His mercy and grace for the many blessings, and for saving me from myself!

    2. The only explanation is that our God is a merciful, Father, who IS LOVE.  Eph 1 & Colossians 1,2 tell me He knew and loved me, even imagined me before He created me, chose me and called me to be His own...before  the foundation of the world was formed and eons before I was born. That love protected me through all the years of abuse, then Holy Spirit wooed me and introduced me to Jesus, (John 16,17) and when I said Yes to Him, I became His beloved daughter forever. His love shown me, helped me to forgive my parents who didn't know Him and were abused themselves. (Hurting people hurt people!) He sent a young woman to share Christ with me, and who invited me to a Bible study (I didn't want to go.....she asked many times until I said "yes") I went through 10 years of Bible Study Fellowship, and will always be thankful to her and for that amazing Bible study and later for the many years in a 12-step program/ Bible study where my emotional healing began. And for the past number of years for the many Pastor Wilson's amazing, fulfilling, challenging, encouraging studies! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing each one. 

    3. One abuser later in my life who abandoned, neglected and abused me, and whom I forgave years ago, but who does not yet know the Lord. I pray for him to come to know our precious Lord and Savior. Though he did much harm, I pray for the same mercy and grace and forgiveness for him which I have received. He lives in another state and I'm asking the Lord to send someone to tell him about Jesus, just as He sent Ann to me when I was "wandering in the desert, lost with no place to turn" and now am found and forever secure in His love.


  14. On 7/19/2020 at 9:17 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 3 Meditation (Psalm 122). Why do people desert the house of God in our day? Why do so many Christians believe they can mature in Christ without the help of Christ's people? How can you pray for the peace of God’s house? What can you do to “seek the good” of God’s house?

    1. Why do people desert the house of God in our day?

    I think there are many reasons! There are 2 generations now in America who are unchurched....that started years go when children's sports activities were scheduled on Sunday morning and the subtle attack on Christianity and erosion began. In the schools the curriculum was "scrubbed" of all mentions of God, or Jesus in history, literature, and English. Christmas and Easter programs became "winter Festivals" and "Spring concerts"  Graduation speeches were outlawed if when reviewed for approval, there was any mention on God, Jesus, or faith. The Ten Commandments were no longer allowed to be displayed in classrooms.  Stores formerly closed on Sunday decided that was a big day for shoppers now that church was no longer a priority. Wholesome movies like Lassie, Leave it to Beaver, Father knows Best, were replaced by violent movies and  programs which ridicule religion. Many parents are too distracted and too busy to teach and train, focused instead on what was left undone Monday through Friday while working.....on and on it goes. And at the same time as this erosion was taking place, many churches have eroded into social activism, a watered down gospel, and are no longer places of reverence, miracles, deliverance and healing. The comedian who coined the phrase "the Church of what's happening now" wasn't far wrong regarding many churches, whose main focus is to entertain, serving coffee and donuts to eat during the service, rather than exhorting and teaching. Many wander away from church disillusioned and disappointed as church became irrelevant...and t.v. church is easy to find in the comfort of home in pajamas!

    2. Why do so many Christians believe they can mature without the help of Christ's people?

    The subtle erosion from virtues of humility and submission, to the "me generation" and the belief that to "get anywhere in life" we must be in control, keep a stiff upper lip, and "get it done" and pride says it's weakness to need or to depend on others, especially if Christ's people are older. So self reliance results in "stunted growth".

    3 & 4:  How can you pray for the peace of God's house? 4. What can you do to "seek the good" of God's house?

    I believe that revival is the only option for a complete turnaround in our nation, and in our churches. I am praying fervently for revival! It has  been prophesied, and I believe we are on the brink of the huge outpouring of Holy Spirit for such a time as this where billions of souls will be saved and our nation will once again turn to the faith of our fathers.

  15. On 7/18/2020 at 5:26 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 2 Meditation (Psalm 121). In what ways is God your Help? How does he help you? In what ways  is he your Keeper? How do you perceive that he guards and protects you? How is he your Shade? How do you see that he shields you?

    1 & 2: First and foremost, He picked me up from a slimy pit of sin and death and saved me from hell, bringing me out of death, to life in Him. He kept me from suicide unlike 2 of my brothers who just gave up, from the violence and rage in our childhood home. I think of the old hymn, "I need thee every hour".....and my song is "I need thee every minute, precious Lord". He kept me and both of our children from serious injury when my little car slid off the freeway during a blinding rainstorm and we rolled, ending upside  down,  unable to get out of the car, the children hanging upside down in their car seats. I was thrown around like a rag doll ending up on my back looking up at them. He sent people to get us out of the car and a police officer who "just happened by" going the opposite direction, took us to the nearest hospital. The children were unhurt, and the back injury I sustained was healed miraculously several months later as I watched the 700 club on T.V.  Ben Kinchlow was interviewing Demos Shakarian,  of the Full Gospel Businessmen when he suddenly turned to the camera and said "There's a lady watching who was injured in a car accident. It's your lower back. No it's in the back pelvic region, and just then I heard little clicking noises in that area, then pain stopped and I ran to the phone to tell them "That was me that God just healed!!!" I never had any more pain!

    He helped me a number of years ago when I was being tormented with fear from Satan. I had driven to a quiet place out of the hustle and bustle with my Bible, to pray and to cry out to Him for relief and help. When I started to turn the car around to go back home, I noticed a 3 ft. long snake by the side of my car. Stunned that I hadn't seen it when I parked, I opened the door and saw that it was dead...belly up, as they say. As I stood there looking at it, puzzled that I hadn't seen it when I arrived, I heard Holy Spirit say" That's how much power Satan has...NONE. You are to stop being afraid and use the authority in Christ which you've been given, to rebuke him and to resist him and he WILL FLEE from you".  That fear is gone and His authority is truly effective!

    He kept me safe when I was alone in a wilderness area during the winter when few people were out and about. There was only a short, narrow entrance/exit into the parking area, and I was parked facing the hills where I'd seen baby mountain lions and other beautiful animals. I was writing in my journal and heard in my spirit "GO NOW!" I put down my pen and started the car and followed the arrows circling to the narrow, short entrance/exit. As I started up the driveway a man in a black car was coming in and I glanced his way as we passed each other less than 2 feet apart. The hair on the back of my neck literally stood on end as I'd read sometimes happens to people. I was looking into the face of sheer evil, is the only way to describe him. As I sped away toward home, I said Lord! What did you just save me from????   I can only imagine what, miles from any homes or people. No Cell phone. Thankful that He taught me to obey without question years ago, or I may not be here today, since the man could easily have blocked the exit and it would be a different story!

    He helps me when PTSD episodes are triggered from childhood trauma...He's always patient, kind, loving, soothing, rescuing, comforting, encouraging, and quick to lead me to the exact scripture I need to quiet the terror. He's my shade in that He is always going before me, coming behind me, above me, beneath me....and living in me. I'm always covered by His amazing love and protection. I will praise Him forever for choosing and calling me and making me His very own child. (Ephesians 1:4,5)


  16. On 7/18/2020 at 5:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking him to do about your stresses?

    1, 2: Stress, when severe, grabs all of my attention to the point that I feel it in my body. I may feel overwhelmed and discouraged, feel the downward pull, and  I may lose my focus on the Lord, until I remember that nothing is too hard for Him to handle, and I remember how many millions of times He has walked me through "deep water" and through "fires" of testing, and has never failed to help, comfort, encourage and deliver me, unscathed, and in fact stronger for having gone through the trial. Then my heart is lifted and I remember how much He loves me and how committed He is to grow my faith and trust  (a "picture" I saw in my mind as I wrote that was of a rubber band being stretched thin, then when "I remember Him" the band snapped back to it's relaxed position!) 

     3 & 4: I believe I have, given it to God, and there has been great improvement over the years, but I still have bouts of PTSD from childhood violence,  so I'm not sure that handling painful stress will ever be entirely eliminated,  and I have asked, and He is entirely faithful and always present when I cry out for His help. He has shown me that the  PTSD "trigger" is when I feel trapped, and that has helped greatly! He never fails to lead me to scripture  which is the best reassurance and comfort and strengthener for me.

  17. On 6/3/2020 at 5:11 PM, JanMary said:
    On 5/15/2020 at 9:44 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 13 Meditation (Revelation 14:1). What is the significance of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion? Who are these 144,000 people with him? What is the significance of the Lamb’s and the Father’s names written on their foreheads?

    1. What is the significance of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion? 

     Mount Zion is where our faith began when Abraham, in obedience, took his only son Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice...a type and shadow of our Father sacrificing His only begotten Son  our Savior Jesus  on that mount . Mt Zion is where Grace (Jesus death and our salvation) replaced obedience to the Law (and bloodl sacrifices) given at Mt. Sinai during the Exodus. Jesus standing there,  in now the New Jersusalem, the Heavenly city come down from Heaven, gloriously victorious over all the work of the enemy,  and all His work on earth successfully completed! What a glorious sight to imagine!!! What Joy that the Jews have  finally completed the work they eschewed 2,000 years ago.

    2. Who are these 144,000 people with Him?

     They are the Jews who during the years of Tribulation,  newly born again and zealously evangelized the earth for Jesus.

    3. What is the significance of the Lamb's and the Father's names written on their foreheads?

     Jews  have rejected Jesus as their Messiah since He walked with them on earth and died for them...for all mankind. Now they have both the Father and Jesus' names written on their foreheads, indicating  they have received Him as their Savior prior to their deaths. Completion....Father and Son together with the chosen people in unity, home at last.


  18. On 5/15/2020 at 10:00 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 24 Meditation (Revelation 22:3-5). With the picture of God and the Lamb high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filling the temple (Isaiah 6:1), what significance does it have for us to “see his face”? What kind of intimacy and access does that imply? How can you begin to “sit at his feet” and “behold the glory of the Lord” now? (Luke 10:39; 2 Corinthians 3:18). To what degree are you currently doing this?

    1. With the picture of God and the Lamb high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filling the temple (Isaiah 6:1), what significance does it have for us to "see His face"?

    The Bible tells us our eyes are "the windows of our soul".....we see "into" a persons heart and soul when we see their eyes and the expressions on their face. To see His lovely face and eyes indicates how close we will be to Him with a new depth of "knowing" Him and His heart of love,  than while reading about Him, and experiencing His presence as we sit with Him,  read His word and interact with Him in prayer in our daily walk. 

    I've had the privilege of a visitation from Jesus many years ago, when He appeared to me during a time of sheer terror where I thought I was going to die if I didn't get help, immediately. Though He was only about 8 feet away, He was surrounded by such brilliant light, that His facial features were not clearly visible as described in these verses when we will see Him. My eyes were closed, but I could FEEL His presence before I turned to see where the brilliant light which filled the room was coming from. I felt His  warmth physically, like warm oil or honey surrounding and filling me, but I could not see His facial features nor His eyes but I knew His voice when He said "Be still and KNOW that I AM God" ( I was so new I didn't know that was a scripture verse, until much later when I read Psalm 46:10)

    2. What kind of intimacy does that imply?

    When we SEE His face, and look into His eyes of love, I believe the longing which is never fulfilled here, will finally, completely overflow with unspeakable joy and ecstasy!!!  

     This was emphasized as I was just at the grocery store, wearing the required mask during the Covid 19 virus outbreak. When I smiled at an overwhelmed clerk, I realized she couldn't see my smile, and though she could see my eyes, she couldn't see the expression of compassion on my face. There will be no hindrance, no masks, no separation when we are fully His, face to face.

    3. and 4:  How can you begin to "sit at his feet" and "behold the glory of the Lord"? Luke 10:39, 2 Cor 3:18) and to what degree are you currently doing this?

    The most special time of day for me is when I "sit at His feet" the first thing every morning...journal opened, writing what is on my heart, what I'm confused about, need or want to know, praise Him for, thank Him for and so on. Then I read His word with pen in hand and "listen" for His answers to all that I've just poured out to Him. I behold His glory as He speaks through His Word, or speaks to my spirit through the Holy Spirit's voice. This morning in answer to a question about the long wait, and whether it involved lack of faith,  I read three different times, in the scriptures for the day (Proverbs, Psalms, and Jesus Calling (devotional)  "When the time is right, child".  Nope! Not lack of faith, it's just not the right time, so I will rest in His answer.  I beheld His glory! He sits with me as I sit with Him...but I long for the time when I will be truly with Him.


  19. On 5/15/2020 at 9:57 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25). Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light? In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem’s light is the Lamb? In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places?

    1. Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light?

    I remember "back in the day" when that was true and it was due to the intense shame I felt over the abusive, violent home I grew up in, where we had to keep secrets and not talk about the family with others. After I became a Christian those dark secrets were still locked away, some even from my conscious mind, but that dysfunctional training needed the light and love of Jesus as I studied the Bible, and grew to know and love and trust Him,  to illuminate all that needed His healing and deliverance. In the shame heaped upon me, I believed I was a mistake, rather than that I made mistakes and it was painful to admit to any sin. (Wrongdoing and mistakes were severely punished with beatings and sometimes being threatened with death) and that fear as a new believer had to be removed by Holy Spirit, in teaching me that all of God's anger and wrath was poured out on Jesus on the Cross and will never be poured out on me or any of His children. Instead He gently corrects but never punishes His children.

    2. In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb?

    In the sense that Jesus IS the Light....At creation He said "Let there be light" and there was light...Gen 1:3, before He created the Sun, moon and stars." He separated the Light from the Darkness". And in  2 Cor 4:6 " For God Who said: Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts so as to (beam forth) the Light for illumination of the Knowledge of the majesty and glory of God (as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed) in the face of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) amplified

    3. In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring light to some of your dark places?

    Once I felt safe and secure in His love, there were 20 years of "dark places" which needed to be healed with His love, as He brought the memories into His Light.  Then He taught me how to forgive and that diminished more darkness, replacing it with insight into the brokenness of my parents who did what was done to them. (That was a long, painful process but He kept shining His light and His love into my heart, until one day I wept for my parents and their pain and ignorance about how to parent). I've been finding even as recently as the past several months, that there were some really DARK  hidden places which were the basis of some fears which just would not "give up" and needed to go. I'm feeling more free than I've ever felt....and more loved and able to love as a result of His tenacity and tenderness in revealing what was necessary when He knew I was ready and able to deal with the past. 

    Just as sunlight helps build up our immune system, His LIGHT has brought wholeness to my being....some of my illnesses were directly caused by the hidden "junk"....and I'm in better health than I've ever been.

    How I praise and thank Him for His love  and care for me, for saving me and my family, and that as a result I've been able to share His love with my very wounded brothers, who are one by one coming to know Him. He had me write a letter to my dad when he was 79,  to tell him all that the Lord had done in my life and how to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. He died at 80, in Christ! Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace!

  20. On 5/15/2020 at 9:58 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 23 Meditation (Revelation 22:1-2). What is the significance of the source of this healing stream? In what ways can “living waters” flow through you to bring healing to others?

    1. What is the significance of the source of this healing stream?

    The healing stream is flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb....from whom all blessings, all redemption, all purity, all holiness, ALL life flows. On earth we can't survive without water for more than a few days...but there in glorified bodies perhaps it's simply for continual refreshing from our God and King. It indicates that we will be intimately near Him and continuing to depend upon Him as our source of abundant eternal life. There will be no sickness in Heaven, nor any accursed thing so the healing leaves from the Tree of Life, which was present in the Garden of Eden,  may be symbolic of "all tribes and tongues and nations" finally gathered together in Him,   living in harmony and peace" in His presence. (I'm thinking of the nations who gathered together in their unholy alliance in Genesis to create a super society apart from God, and where He thwarted the plan by confusing their languages.....and now in our day, the same plan is being plotted, called "Globalization" by the godless "elite" billionaires which will culminate with Anti-Christ as it's "unholy" leader for a time. Now finally, the nations will be unified in Christ for eternity, His Name on all foreheads.

    2. In what ways can "living waters" flow through you to bring healing to others?

    John 7:38,39: He who believes in Me (who cleaves, trusts and relies on Me, as the scripture has said, From his innermost being, shall flow (continuously) springs and rivers of living water. But He was speaking of the Spirit, Whom those who believed, trusted ( had faith) in Him were afterward to receive. 

    His living waters may flow through my words, spoken and written, my deeds and actions, as I interact with others. The promise is they WILL flow....and don't have to be forced or drummed up....but will flow naturally as I live a yielded life to and in Him.




  21. On 5/15/2020 at 9:55 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 21 Meditation (Revelation 21:22). How did the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Temple in Jerusalem create barriers between the people and a holy God? How can our traditional forms of Christian worship keep us from full intimacy with God? In what sense do we understand that the “temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb”?

    1. How did the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Temple in Jerusalem create barriers between the people and a holy God?

    Both the Tabernacle and the Temple were off limits to all except the appointed and anointed priests chosen from specific tribes in Israel. They served as intermediaries between sinful man and Holy God, through offering the blood sacrifices brought to them for that purpose. Only the High Priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies once a year to sprinkle blood on the Mercy Seat covering the Ark of the Covenant for the corporate sin of the people.  It was all mysterious, but every part of both was a type or picture of our Lord Jesus that we now have the benefit of knowing and understanding from the Word of God.  

    2. How can our traditional forms of Christian worship keep us from full intimacy with God?

    Because they are corporate in nature, and the choir and prayers and sermons are conducted by go-betweens or intermediaries as in the Tabernacle and Temple of old. Other than singing together, it's mostly a production to see or observe, no matter how well it is planned. We need corporate worship to encourage one another and to fellowship and for teaching, but if that's all one does is go to church on Sunday, to the neglect of personal intimate time alone with Him in prayer, with our Bibles opened on our desk or lap, we may get to Heaven as a born again believer having only a second hand "relationship" having missed the sweetest and most rewarding part of life that we are here to experience and enjoy.

    3. In what sense do we understand that the "temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb?

    Every part and aspect of the temple is a "picture" of our Lord God Almighty and the Lamb. We will then experience, know, feel in our hearts and emotions and with our new Heavenly eyes and ears all that we have been longing and hungering for here on earth!  I can hardly breathe when I try to imagine that day when we arrive....it's too wonderful and glorious to even try to imagine.....and to know that there will never be an end to being wrapped in His love and care! Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

    I've thought about the Israelites seeing for the first time, the Ark of the Covenant held high on the priests shoulders, as they stood on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan river as they crossed over into the promised land. It had been hidden for 40 years, disguised and covered by badger skins in the tabernacle, (as Jesus glory was "hidden" from them by human skin) and now the sun was glistening blindingly on the pure gold, as every one had been instructed to keep their eyes focused on it as they crossed. I think that is a "type and shadow" for us. A picture of us seeing Him for the first time as He is, when we cross over into our eternal promised land. What a day that will be!!!!

    We will no longer be denied full access to worship and to fellowship with our Lord and God. We will spend eternity as He intended for His children when He walked with Adam and Eve in the perfect environment of the Garden of Eden, face to face. 

  22. On 5/15/2020 at 9:54 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 20 Meditation (Revelation 21:14). The 12 Apostles of the Lamb became the foundation of the New Jerusalem. How has your life, your example, and your testimony been built into the foundations of the lives of your family and community? In what sense do you see yourself as an Ambassador of the Lamb?

    1. The 12 Apostles of the Lamb became the foundation of the New Jerusalem. How has your life, your example, and your testimony been built into the foundations of the lives of your family and community?

    I can only pray that my life, example and testimony ARE in the foundation of family and community. One of the gifts I've been entrusted with is evangelism,  and with that gift comes a God given ability to share the Lord easily, and I do  that at His leading where ever I am, and had the privilege of leading our children to Him and His love when they were 2 and 6.  At the perfect time the  gift of a Bible study became available which also had a children's program. Several years later, a gift from my Dad's small estate when he died,  paid for the first year of Christian school for them, which we were blessed to be able to continue through their entire education. So they both have a solid foundation upon which to build their lives. It goes without saying there have been mistakes along the way as well.

    I've had the privilege of sharing with my brothers and their families, and one by one by His grace they have come to know the Lord!  He built the firm foundation of our Christian faith, and  my prayer is that the small stones He's given me will add to that foundation for His honor and glory. 

    A comment that many have made is that the way I have persevered through the years of loss, trials, false accusations, catastrophes, has been an inspiration to them to keep on going in their own struggles. But again all glory goes to our Lord who has been laying my own foundation. They mention my faith, and I  see a "picture" of a mother cat carrying her kitten to a new location, by the scruff of it's neck....that kitten would be me being carried by Holy Spirit, over and over again, through the years when I might have given up otherwise....so all glory to Him for any faith that I demonstrate.

    2. In what sense do you see yourself as an Ambassador of the Lamb?

    I think of the scripture which says: "We show and make obvious that we are a letter from Christ delivered by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." (2 Cor. 3:3) and remember the impact which it has had on my life in terms of how I try to comport myself around others, and especially nonbelievers. It's been my hearts desire to deliver only love letters from His heart when I speak to strangers, friends, or family.  In many cases, we have only one opportunity to "deliver His message of Love" so that is always on my mind...where ever I go. I want to represent Him accurately to others, and have made that a goal to pursue.

  23. On 5/15/2020 at 9:53 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 19 Meditation (Revelation 21:9-10). Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth? What might be God’s plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

    1. Why do you think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding?

    It is beautiful, flawless, pure, "virginal".... the original design of His intended habitation for His Bride, before sin and corruption entered into it.  It is Holy, Hallowed, consecrated, pure, undefiled in any way, since it has been created in Heaven's courts.

    2. What is the significance of the Bride descending down to earth?

    Just as a bride often descends down a staircase to her groom, this Bride will be descending to our Groom and seeing the forever home we have heard and read about, and is now reality,  prepared for her during the years of betrothal while she has been cleansed and maturing for this intimate eternal marriage. She has been in Heaven, untouched by any uncleanness, so she brings only virginal purity  to the marriage.

    3. What might be God's plan for this New Earth that has been cleansed by fire and recreated?

    The old, corrupted earth has been destroyed and cleansed by fire, and  is now the perfect forever home for His holy, pure bride, and the intimate relationship our God envisioned in the first place. Since He didn't want robots for children all of the thousands of years of sin and destruction had to transpire in order to achieve through His blood, and without manipulation, the forever bride of His heart that He sought, and to prepare this fitting place "clothed with His Glory". 



  24. On 5/15/2020 at 9:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 18 Meditation (Revelation 20:12). What do the records contain that are opened before the throne of God on Judgment Day? How do they differ from the Lamb’s Book of Life? How is it “fair” that we escape judgment by having our names written there, even though we have committed many sins? Who paid the price to make it “fair” and just?

    1. What do the records contain that are opened before the throne of God on Judgment Day?

     This is the Great White Throne judgment (The Father judges no one.) where Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and Judge of the whole earth is seated, to reward all whose names are recorded in the Lambs Book of Life, for their deeds done through the Holy Spirit, in their walk of faith. (for the things done in the flesh for recognition, that is the only reward, those will be burned up as wood, hay and stubble. (Luke 16: 19-31 Jesus speaks to the Pharisees of this time. Jesus also taught about what the servants did with the talents given to them and their suitable reward for each...or in the case of the foolish servant his was taken away and given to the one who had 10 through investing (in the kingdom) Mt.25:14-30)

    Rev. 20 is about accountability for every life lived, each one precious to our Lord, saved or not, each ones lungs filled with His breath.  All who rejected God's free gift of salvation and eternal life through Jesus,  and whose names are not written in the Book will be sentenced and thrown into the Lake of Fire , which is the second death. v15).Jesus speaks of this separation in  Mt:7:13,14;  Mark 9:42, Luke 16:19  and to this time of judgment.

    2. How is it fair that we escape judgment by having our names written there, even though we have committed many sins?

    Grace is the free gift offered to every living soul....a "Fair" and Free" gift to receive or to reject. Those who would cry "foul!" had the same opportunity as you and I, but chose to go their own way and rejected this priceless gift.

    3. Who paid the price to make if "fair" and just?

    Our precious and glorious Savior and King, Jesus the Christ! How we praise and thank you, gracious Lord!

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