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Posts posted by mrssbarker

  1. Hello everyone, my name is simone barker, I am from virginia and have done one other study, the easter faith one it was great. I look forward to this Romans study and to learning and growing closer to God.


    simone b

  2. what about the grave clothes brought peter and john to faith?

    Peter ran straight into the tomb, John was hesitatant and then went in, the way the clothes were laying on the shelf, because Jesus just slipped through them, if his body had been stolen the clothes would either not be there or they would be in a pile and not laying as if a body had been in them.

    what was peculiar about them?

    the head piece was folded neatly, the linen from the body was laying there.

  3. Because of hearing it straight from him and remembering stories about how other things had happened as he said they would.

    the disciples were not ready for Jesus to go they felt there was more that he could teach them.

    His enemies weren't sure so that is why the guards were posted at the tomb.

    His followers were ready for whatever was to happen, because he had taught them so much already.

  4. Greetings Pasort Ralph,

    My name Simone B., I am in Virginia, USA. I was searching online for Bible Studies, I am a housewife.I am deaf and was attending a local bible study my hearing aide stopped working, that's why I am here, I am eager to study about the Resurrection and Easter Faith, I am sure I will be doing many more of your studies as the Lord guides me. Please add me to your church prayer list for my hearing to be restored or if necessary a stonger hearing aide to be provided. Thank you and God Bless you.


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