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Posts posted by Delivered

  1. Q4. (John 4:39-42). Why do you think Jesus stayed two days in Samaria, when elsewhere he instructed his disciples not to preach in Samaritan villages?

    When the Samaritan woman believed this man who was talking to her was truly the “Messiah of Israel”, is when she left her water pot behind to quickly go into the city, eager to testify, to sow seeds of “truth” to whosoever would listen, and when her testimony was well received and they came unto Jesus “seeking” to know more, hungry and ready to feed on God’s word, the fields were ready to be harvested, the time was right is why he stayed.


    Q. What does it mean that Jesus is the Savior of the whole world?

    Jesus came to do the will of the Father, offering Salvation to “whosoever” will believe in the Messiah, God’s Son.

  2. Q1. (John 4:31-34) What does Jesus mean by "food" in these verses?

    The food Jesus was talking about is “Spiritual” food, delicacies he had just shared with the Samaritan woman, spiritual food when received, when taken in, will satisfy the hungering of the soul:


    The questions she asked revealed her soul was hungry for that which is spiritual, that which is true, this is why she received his words as if they were honey to her mouth, thereby she knew who he was as she said, “I know you are the Messiah”


    Q. What was his passion?

    His passion was to complete the work the Father sent Him to do.


    Q. What will it take so that your passion, your goal in life, is to do the Father's work?

    When I believed and turned my life over to God is when the will of God was felt on my life, my passion is that of “love” as the Father’s word feeds my soul with, “If you love me, keep my commandments” and I esteem the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.



  3. Q6. (John 4:23-24) What does it mean that "God is spirit"?

    This question was difficult for me to answer as I know little about the “Spirit world”, I know about God and about the Holy Spirit, so in my quest for an answer, this is what came to my mind.


    The things of the spirit are that of the ”Supernatural”, God was seen by the Israelites in a THICK CLOUD, so that the people may hear when He speaks to them, in the day, the LORD went before them in a pillar of a cloud, and by night, in a pillar of fire, to give to them light.


    (Exodus 14:20-21) And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night, and Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.


    We serve a God that is above all things and what man calls impossible, we who believe through faith understand, He who is spirit does it supernaturally without blinking an eye.


    Acts 1 tells us, after the Messiah spoke, they saw him taken up; and a “cloud” received him, taking him out of their sight, and this Messiah will come in the same manner which was spoken of by Daniel when he saw in a dream, one like the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven, a prophecy I am looking forward to - The dictionary tells us what cloud in (Exodus 19:16) means, the word “cloud” comes from the root word - aw-nan' to cover; used only as denominative, to cloud over; figuratively to act covertly, that is, practice magic:- X bring, enchanter, observe times, soothsayer, sorcerer; that of the “supernatural” - A “CLOUD” (as covering the sky), that is, the nimbus or “THUNDER” cloud.


    It is sad that many denominations have turned the Spirit, God Almighty, into some kind of marshmallow cloud, when in reality the Spirit is a “Thunder Cloud”, a God to be “feared”: (Heb 12:26) Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.


    The Spirit to me means that which is “SUPERNATURAL”: science teaches, mathematically it would be impossible for the Universe and all of God’s creation to be – it would be impossible if just a minute fraction of measurement was off, the creation of the universe is outside the scope of presently known laws of physics.” There are seventeen specific prophecies about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is only one chance in 480 Billion x 1 billion x 1 Trillion that these Old Testament prophets could have accurately predicted these prophecies that have been fulfilled - except they be of the Spirit; The Bible is not just any book, it is the very breath of God, Spirit breathed and in it God is revealed to all that seek for Him.


    Q. What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth?

    To worship in “SPIRIT” is to offer up to God worship that is rooted in “FAITH” - Faith is of the Spirit, a gift of God and not of men.

    To worship in “TRUTH” is to offer up to God worship that is genuine, that which is true and not hypocritical. Let us not be a people who honor God with our lips, when our heart is far from Him, for He who called you is holy, we also are to be holy in how we conduct our lives, for it is written, Be holy for I am holy.


    Q. Have you ever "gone through the motions" of worship without worshipping?


    Because I am a new creation in progress is the reason I sadly say, that at one time and other I have allowed the things of life and the trials that it holds to distract me from the things of God, however, I am finding that the “WORSHIP” God desires of me does not restrict me to when I worship in church, the worship he is looking for and that pleases him is how I face and live each day, God sees my worship when I ask forgiveness from others, when I go to Him even when I feel my faith is at its weakest, asking him to enlarge my faith, I believe God sees my worship when I desire to walk in obedience to his laws, not because I have to, but because His Son has written them on my heart.


    There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death, today I see man turning away from the things of God and are going their own way, how sad for them when the day comes when they “WILL” stand before the Spirit and be judged.




  4. Q5. (John 4:19-22) What motives cause the woman to bring up a religious controversy to Jesus?


    When this Jewish stranger started a conversation with her, a Samaritan woman, she had to ask, “why was he speaking to her”, and when he replied by telling her about a some kind of water he has, water that will bring everlasting life, speaking to her about a gift of God, and when he preceded to tell her things about her private life, things he could not know, is when she perceived, she acknowledged, this man who is speaking to her, is a prophet of God, therefore, I can only imagine what was going on in her mind, but, what greater “motive”, or opportunity would there be for her, but to ask for clarification to a question that has brought so much hatred and division between the Samaritans and the Jews, for the Samaritans say they have the answer, while the Jews say they do, was to ask this prophet “Where is the place men are to worship God?”


  5. Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men?

    She perceived he was a prophet, a man who speaks for God.


    Q. What effect did it have on her faith?

    When a true prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, the things spoken will come to pass, will be true, I see her faith had

    been ignited as she seeks for truth from this man she perceives to be a prophet, and she asks for clarification to the “contention” that was held between the Jews and the Samaritan’s as she said  (v20) Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.


    Faith was ignited by “TRUTH”, and for this Samaritan woman, she was open to and was seeking that which is true, she was taking steps towards and yet not understanding that he is more than a prophet - He is the “Chief Cornerstone”.


    Q. How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith?

    We must test the spirits to see if they are speaking for God. They killed the prophets who spoke “truth” that of doomsday, while they praised the prophets that brought “good tidings” untruth, if the prophet speaks in the LORD's name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the LORD did not give that message, and need not be feared.



  6. Q3. (John 4:9-15) What does the "gift of God" and the "living water" (4:9) refer to?

    The “gift” of God refers to God’s "One and only Son", it is through the Messiah that “living water” will flow; bringing forth spiritual life that refreshes the soul.


    Q. What does receiving this gift result in (4:14)?

    The results of this gift is that of “Salvation” “Eternal Life” – The Samaritans acknowledged the Scriptures as inspired by God, Jesus was speaking to the Samaritan woman on her level of understanding when he asked her for a drink of water - God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he is my salvation. Therefore with joy shall you “DRAW WATER” out of the wells of salvation? (Isa 12:2-3)


    Jesus came right out and told her, “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is of the Jews. (John 4:22) ----- Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall “NEVER THIRST”. (John 6:35)

  7. Q1. (John 4:7-9) Why do you think Jesus went against the social norms to communicate with the woman?


    The divisive roots between the Samaritans and the Jews go back to the death of King Solomon, when the Southern Kingdom worshipped in Jerusalem but the Northern did not, when Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel they deported many of its people and replaced them with pagans, they intermarried with the remaining Jews who produced the “Samaritans”, they, the Samaritans, denied Jerusalem as the religious center causing strife and hatred to grow between the Jews and the Samaritans, this should be a lesson to us all, we must be careful that we do not allow a “SUPERIOR” attitude to take hold of us as it will fester and be divisive, anti-Semitism seems to be taking root again, even in some churches - Jesus came to unite so that man would live peaceably with each other, as we see Him reaching out to the “Samaritan” woman.



    Q. Why do we hesitate to go against social norms to share the good news?

    I do not hesitate to share the good news, however, I will not continue to “SHARE” with those who want to argue and are divisive, I prefer to walk away.


    Q. How do we balance our need to obey God and our need to live peaceably in our culture?

    We must be wise as serpents and not be naïve to what our “culture” of today represents, I believe the church has lost it balance as they have been quiet and peaceable to the dangers and hatred that has been growing in America, and in the world against the things of God;


    To live peaceably if possible, does not mean God’s people are to be quiet while our “culture” tramples on the things of God, while our “culture” tramples on the very foundation our nation was established on – The church’s “peaceful” – “turn the other cheek”  to the abomination of abortion, have allowed our “culture” to call murder, the rights of the woman, preceding that of God’s holy law, to cherish “life”, the peaceful means of the church has allowed our “culture” to command our school children not to speak of God, the unbalanced wheel of “peace” has allowed our school systems to put fear into our children, that even by having a picture of a gun is some kind of evil, instead of teaching them respect for, and the purpose of, is that of individual protection and protection for our “Nation”, while at the same time, the enemy is teaching their children that of war, calling their nation, a nation of peace, while teaching their children to kill us.


    There is no balance until we put God first, a voice fighting against our “culture”, fighting to keep God’s laws in the lives of our children, fighting to put back God’s commandments so they may take root in their hearts, the very commandments our court system was established on, the balance of our “culture” is off, it has replaced kindness with that of “bullying”, do we not see hatred festering as the word “RACIST” is used when we speak of the things of God and replacing it with “Political Correctness”.


    Jesus crossed over the “culture” line by reaching out to the “Samaritan” woman simply by asking her for a drink of water, he in his wisdom wanted to take this "opportunity" to offer this woman that which is pure, peaceable, and gentle, that of “living water”, he opened the door to her, it is now up to the woman to respond for the door of communication is there for her to walk through..


    The important part in balancing between that of God and peace in our culture is - God must come “FIRST”!


    Let us not forget another time when the Messiah crossed over the “culture” line and he over turned tables in the temple, he was  placing “GOD FIRST”, peace second, for without God “FIRST” in our lives, there will be no true “PEACE”.

  8. Q5. (John 3:36) Is it possible to believe in God's love and God's wrath at the same time?


    Without God’s “wrath” his “judgment” there would be no need for his “love” his “mercy” – This is an important part of knowing God and what happened in the garden of Eden, the workings of the Cross, the giving of the Holy Spirit, God’s word that enlightens us on how to please and to love the Father is by keeping his commandments; A people who have been touched by God are those who display ”fruits of the Spirit” “obedience”, “good works” a people who have been reconciled to God through His Son are called to be a “holy people” – (not a perfect people, and for that I am most thankful)


    Q. How does God's justice allow salvation, when what we deserve is punishment for our sin and unbelief?


    The world is subject to condemnation and in the end will have its sinfulness condemned, Jesus did not come the first time to condemn the world, he came to bring salvation, to bring the world into covenant with his Father, something the world did not deserve, a world that once felt the judgment of God when he sent the flood; Those who have heard and refuse to put their trust in God’s Son, are really turning their back on God and are already judged, the awesome love of God was revealed when the Father allowed his Son to come and to offer up to the world that of “Eternal Life” in place of God’s wrath.



  9. Q2. (John 3:26) Have you ever resented "larger churches" that attracted people from "your" church?

    Absolutely “not”


    Q. What is wrong with this kind of possessiveness?

    Possessiveness is not a fruit of the Spirit, however, to question and to test the spirits and to seek for that of truth is a good thing, as we read in (v25) there arose a “question” between the disciples of John and other Jews about purifying, we too are called to question and to test the spirits.


    Q. Is it self-pity or something else?

    The gospel of the Messiah is power of God that brings man to salvation, to the Jew first, and to the Gentiles, it discloses how God makes people righteous in his sight, from the beginning to the end it is “TRUST” for Romans 1:18 tells us the wrath of God is revealed against all “ungodliness and “unrighteousness” of men - it is not popular these days to point out that God is a God of wrath.


    People would rather quote (God is love) and look no further. But it is in the context of God’s holiness, his hatred for sin, and his justice, meaning his dispensing the punishment that sin brings on itself, that we come to see how precious his love, mercy and grace are – God’s wrath is continuously being revealed, because people keep on sinning, this is why God’s delight is in mercy, not wanting to “have to” judge those who do evil, therefore, it is important we put aside “SELF-PITY” the working of the “FLESH”, for there is glory, honor, and peace, to those whose “WORKS” are “GOOD” to the Jew first and also to the Gentile, for with God there is no respecter of person, for God so loved the World.

  10. Q1. (John 3:22) What is the importance of Jesus spending time with his disciples?


    The importance of spending time with the Master is of great importance in order for a disciple to learn, it is important that His students understand what it really means to be a disciple of the Messiah, the path the disciples were about to walk was not going to be an easy wide road, it would be a road that would become more narrow as they walked, and if not prepared to be a disciple, they will eventually not want to walk the walk, therefore, Jesus was preparing them, teaching them how important a life of obedience is, in other words, to practice what they believe, for the Scriptures teach us, “many will become weak and will fall away”.


    Q. What is his strategy?


    His strategy is that the disciples will be “WELL” prepared so they will be able and ready to stand strong when adversities do come their way, it is time well spent when the disciple soaks in this knowledge and come to the reality of what is meant by to “believe” - To be a believer, a disciple of Christ does not mean that of “head knowledge”, to “believe” is the willing act of stripping away of sin of “self rule” that covered the heart, circumcising it, leaving it vulnerable to the things of God as we offer ourselves up to God to teach us the things we must know to be a true disciple of the Messiah


  11. Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous?

    I believe this verse is famous because it is the only hope the “World” has.


    Q. What does it teach us about God?

    It teaches us how much God loves his creation, the world, love so strong that he gave his only begotten Son for the Jews and for the Gentiles, for whosoever will believe, and will place their trust in Israel’s Messiah; God’s love is offering a choice for the world, that of “perishing” or that of eternal “life”. Choose today whom you will serve.


    Q..What does it teach us about salvation?

    The world will one day face the condemnation of God, and in the end will have its sinfulness condemned, I believe Nicodemus came to believe and understand what Jesus was teaching him about salvation, Jesus did not speak to Nicodemus in riddles as he did those who did not have ears to hear, he spoke to him as “Master to Master” for Nicodemus held the title “Master”.


    Because he was a ruler, a Pharisee who studied God’s laws that we see Jesus speaking “boldly”- face to face with Nicodemus, quoting scripture, recalling when “Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the ‘Son of man’ be lifted up”- Scripture when spoken is powerful, I can only imagine what must have been going on in the heart of Nicodemus as Jesus took claim to the “Son of man” (Daniel 7:13-14) - "I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.  And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed


    I would not be surprised if this was the moment when Nicodemus “spiritually” understood the reason why the Messiah must “FIRST” come as God’s Lamb to be lifted, as when Nicodemus heard Jesus speak these words, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16)


    This was a mystery to the Jewish rulers, as they were looking for the Messiah to come and sit on the throne of David, but it wasn’t “His” time, the rest of the story is yet to come, and I say, “Come Lord Jesus come”



  12. Q3. (John 3:5-7) What does it mean to be "born of water and the Spirit"?

    Q. What do you think "water" refers to?

    Q. Why have you come to this conclusion?


    According to Jewish background “WATER” represents “PURITY” – one had to be ritually pure before entering the Tabernacle or the Temple, the “water” Jesus turned into wine came from the water pots of stone, after the manner of purifying of the Jews (John2:6).


    Ritual purity could be lost in many ways; therefore, the means of restoring it was through washing, a person who immerses himself is one who desires to being “cleansed” – to be made pure.


    John the Baptist came preaching, preparing the way for the Messiah, John’s preaching must have been powerful, in the sight of the Lord he was great, and John was filled with the Holy Spirit while in his mother’s womb, therefore, I can only imagine the powerful and convicting words of truth he was speaking to God’s people, Israel, powerful words of “Repentance” - you must turn from your wicked ways and return back to God, such powerful words that great multitudes flocked unto him, believing and submitting to his baptism, however, how sad for those who did not believe and rejected his baptism, for it is a repentant heart that prepares the way for the Messiah, the greater One who will baptize with the power of the Holy Spirit.


    Q. How, then, would you paraphrase "born of water and the Spirit" to best bring out the full meaning?


    Repentance is our water pots of stone that holds the “WATER” of purification, and it is ones testimony of “FAITH” that releases its “water” to flow over us, allowing our entire being to be immersed in its cleansing power, preparing the way for the Holy Spirit to come in and to take residence in the heart of man.


    What a day that was for me when my heart repented and released its own way, and turned it over to the working of the Holy Spirit, the day I was “born of water and the Spirit”.



  13. Q2. (John 3:3-5) What does "entering the Kingdom" have to do with being "born anew"?


    The Kingdom of God is a holy Kingdom, its ruling is that of righteousness, for mankind to enter it, man must be cleansed from all unrighteousness, in other words, to be “born anew” of the Spirit, the man God created to be, right from the beginning, when the LORD God breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life, and man became a living soul, “born from above”.


    Q. Which do you think is the best translation here: "born again," "born anew," or "born from above"? Defend your reasoning.


    We must be “born again” “anew” from “Above”


  14. Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God?


    The Kingdom the Messiah was speaking of is a “Spiritual Kingdom” that comes through the purification of water, that of repentance, the teaching of John the Baptist, a symbol of putting away of the filth of sin, however, Jesus is teaching, it is far more than just the outward cleansing, It is the inward cleansing, the circumcision of the heart that brings forth the presence of the Holy Spirit and a “New Life Begins”.


    The Jewish people were looking for the “Political Kingdom” that the promised Messiah would bring, this was a mystery they did not fully understand – They were looking for the King of Kings to come and sit on the throne of David, not understanding that the first work of the Messiah would be that of the “Lamb of God”. 


      Q. Do you think Nicodemus understands him?

    I believe Nicodemus who came face to face with the Messiah did come to understand what Jesus was teaching him as Jesus dealt with him at his need, which was to be born from above. 


    Q. Why or why not?

    Many teachings on Nicodemus are that of a negative nature, one being because he came at night, and that Jesus had to rebuke him for not knowing the answer to a question he asked, however, I see Nicodemus differently, I see a man who believed not in the miracles, but a man who placed his faith in “Him” - the One who did the miracles, he believed Jesus came from God, he knew that no one could do these miracles only if God was with him, his words speak to me of “faith” and when “faith” is lit in the heart of man, as it was in the heart of Nicodemus, you become hungry to hear more, therefore, no matter what time of day, or obstacles that Nicodemus felt were in his way, he did “GO” and seek Jesus out, he was hungry to hear more from the Rabbi, the title Nicodemus used when he addressed Jesus meant more than just “teacher” it meant “Master” a title of great respect and only given to a few – I believe it was Nicodemus faith and the drawing of the Holy Spirit that brought Nicodemus to seek Jesus out and to enquire of him, and as the word teaches us, “If you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him” – I believe Nicodemus was doing just that.


    The Holy Spirit is able to turn a timid Nicodemus into a man of strength, a man who will stand up against his peers as Nicodemus did when he defended his Savior before the Sanhedrin, John 7:45-52;


    After Joseph of Arimathaea, a disciple of Jesus, who secretly for fear of the Jews, sought Pilate that he might take Jesus body away, we see Nicodemus, which at first came to Jesus by night, bringing myrrh and aloes, and they wrapped the body in linen clothes that had spices, and they laid him in a new sepulcher, these to me are signs of great love and devotion, that of a true “born again” believer.


    There have been times that I too have had times of timidity, when in my heart I want so to be brave for Him, I find the more I rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit and I feed on God’s Word, the stronger I become, I know how important it is that I not only feed on God’s Word, but that I follow after its teachings for I can hear that small voice in my ear saying, “If you love me, keep my Commandments”




  15. Q3. (John 2:23-25) What is the problem with faith that rests solely on miracles? Is it true faith?

    Many believed Jesus was the Messiah when they saw the many miracles he did, many “believed in his name” but true “FAITH” calls one not to place their faith in the miracles, but to place their faith “IN HIM”, trusting faith that calls the heart to commitment.



    Q. What is necessary for it to develop into true faith?

    Seek God and you will find him is the hope for those whose calling is true, it is sad to read that the many who witnessed the excitement of the many miracles Jesus did, were not ready for commitment, they were not ready to acknowledge their sin and to repent - A step of “true faith”.



    Q. Did Jesus see these problems as a reason not to perform miracles?

    Jesus did not commit himself to those who said they believed, for he saw through their misplaced faith, however, I am thankful that he continued to show forth his miracles, for there are those who are seeking after the truth, as that of Nicodemus, the Jewish rabbi and member of the Sanhedrin was, Nicodemus saw the miracles, the signs Jesus did and he believed in Him, therefore, he sought out Jesus, seeking for more, another step for faith to growth in, and in his seeking, Nicodemus found more than the Messiah, he found the Savior, Nicodemus was “born again” from “above” and he came to put his trust in Jesus, Yeshua. (19:39)


    I am thankful that the Messiah did not stop performing miracles, for he has done many miracles in my life, the biggest one being, he changed me - a new creation in progress.




  16. Q2 (John 2:11-17) Apparently, Jesus was angry, was his anger justified?

    Jesus actions displayed his zeal and love for his Father, his actions rightfully displayed his strong and emotional response to the laws of God, his actions were justified, for his anger was utilized effectively, to set boundaries instead of retaliation.


    We must not ever forget, God’s judgment, his wrath is coming, and I believe it is not far away from a people who do not “Fear the LORD God”.


    Q. Is anger good or bad?

    Anger is a normal response to any situation that may be interpreted as being a threat, or crossing ones basic boundaries, it is an emotion felt by virtually all humans at some time or other, it is how we react to that anger that determines if it is good or bad, anger must be dealt with, or it could become spontaneous, and lead to uncontrolled fits of anger, anger without a cause, utilized to display ones zeal for God appropriately, can be used for corrective action.


    Q. What about anger gets us into trouble?

    We are to be careful that we not be angry with a brother without a cause, for one will be in danger of judgment.


  17. Q1. (John 2:14-17) What was going on in the temple?


    The Temple had become a place of business, instead of a sanctuary, where one could go to worship and give honor unto God the Father.



    Q. Why was Jesus offended by it?


    What does the LORD, the God of Israel require of us, but to fear the LORD our God, to walk in his ways, to love him, and to serve the LORD our God with all our heart and with all our soul ---- The disrespect for the Temple of God was too much for God the Son, for the heart of man revealed - they did not “fear” the LORD their God, this is why the Messiah spoke those words, “Make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise”. 



    Q. What action did Jesus take?


    Jesus did not turn the other cheek to the wrongs that were going on in the temple court, (there are times we too must stand strong for the things of God) therefore, Jesus drove them out, he did not say in a pleasant voice, would you please not do this, he with the authority that comes from God the Father, the Son overthrew the tables, he demanded they leave, and to take the sheep, the oxen, and all by their actions that brought great offence to God the Father.



    These questions brought me to think within myself, for the body of believers, “WE” represent the temple --- as I looked within, I had to ask - are there any tables Darlene that need to be turned over in your temple?????



  18. Q4. (John 2:6-10) Why did Jesus perform this miracle behind-the-scenes?

    I would have to repeat what he said to his mother, “Why ask me this now, when it is not my time”.


    It is in my opinion, Jesus was doing his first recorded miracle behind the scene because, it was not his time, or place, to reveal to others his Messiahship, however, because of “LOVE”, I see this done in private as a love gift to the family, and a sweet answer to the call on his mothers heart, what a wonderful beginning, just a hint of the signs yet to come, signs prophesied, that He is the Messiah.


    Q. Who was he trying to protect?

    I see the love of God shielding the family from humiliation.


    Q. What does the quantity of the wine tell us about Jesus' glory?

    It is full to overflowing, there is enough for everyone.


    Q. What does the quality of the wine tell us about Jesus' glory?

    The miracle was not that Jesus turned water into wine, but that he turned water into the “BEST” wine, the best of wine takes time, even years to bring forth its true effervesce, and the fruit must come from the best of grapes, grapes that have been watered and well cared for, it is interesting to me that the water Jesus used, was what they used for that of purification;


    unadulterated wine when drunk in “moderation”, has a tendency to revive and invigorate, to make cheerful, and provides a continuance of that cheerfulness by strengthening the muscles, and bracing the nerves.


    Jesus referred to the broken matzo as his body and the “wine” as his shed blood, (Genesis 35:14) Jacob poured out a drink offering of wine over the altar, in Israel’s sacrificial system the material of a drink offering was wine, Jesus, his given Jewish name was Yeshua, in Yeshua’s time wine was a metaphor for blood, Jesus poured out his wine, his blood over the altar, his blood that would give life, to make one cheerful, to bring strength and to revive in us a new creation;


    therefore, when I recall this verse, I rejoice, for the “BEST” of “WINE” has been poured over me.






  19. Q3. (John 2:6-10) Why do you think alcoholics are quick to point out this miracle?

    If an alcoholic is quick to point out this miracle as the miracle that condones sin, drunkenness, I would have to say, it is in their ignorance of what God’s word says that they speak, it is sad to say and a reminder to us all, no matter what “OUR” addictions may be, we often find ourselves with the need to put the blame elsewhere, when God directs us to look within.


    Q. Which is wrong: drinking wine or drunkenness? 

    God tells us “excess” of wine, drunkenness, is wrong, (1Peter 4:3)


    Q. How can we avoid excesses and still enjoy God's good gifts?

    God directs the believer unto a narrow path called, “DISCIPLINE” – “SELF-CONTROL” – (1Corinthians 9:25-27) is a reminder to us, every man that strives in the games, runs the race, must exercise “SELF-CONTROL” in “All Things”, and to do it with a purpose, that we will receive an incorruptible crown, therefore, we are to bring the body into bondage, and for the Christian, for those who have the “Power” living in them, we can do it.



  20. Q2. (John 2:3-5) Why do you think Mary pushes Jesus to solve the wedding host's problem?


    Loved ones, friends, and relatives, are the ones invited to a wedding, the mother of Jesus, Jesus and his disciples are there, for hospitality to them in the east was a sacred and important duty, a wedding feast could last up to a week, therefore, to run out of “wine” would be humiliating to the bride and groom, and a sign of disrespect to those who have come, I do not see Mary as “pushing” her son to solve the problem, what I see is a “woman” who cares and understands the seriousness of the problem, a “woman” who understands the importance of providing a cordial reception to their guests; I see in the heart of this Jewish mother of Jesus, love for others, as she presents this problem and great concern to her son, and she tells him, “They have no wine”.


    Q3. Are her words to Jesus appropriate?

    Yes, I believe Mary, a godly “Woman” is acting appropriately, hospitality played an important part to those in the east and to those who love God, and Mary was faithful to her God, the God of Israel.


    God’s Word teaches us the importance of hospitality, being hospitable to others is a big part of loving others, God tells us being hospitable is an important trait we should desire to have, especially for those who minister to others, teachers, preachers, you and me, be hospitable to one another. (Romans 12:7-13) 


    Q4. Would you categorize Jesus' reply as a rebuke?


    What I see is not rebuke, what is see is “love” ---- It appears the time has come for God’s Son to start the process of putting a distance between him and Mary, for there are many changes to come, and for Mary to adjust to


    What was spoken here between mother and son is something we will not fully understand, but I believe it must have been a special moment, a time Mary must have known would one day come, for she knew even before he was born, that he was meant for greatness, and the amazing moment when the Holy Ghost came upon her, when she understood, the baby she would have would be a holy child, that he would be called the Son of God, she knew the mystery, she knew she would bring forth the promised Messiah; however, no one told her how to stop being his mother, to stop seeing him as her child, and instead, to start seeing him as the “Son of God”- the promised Messiah, I believe Jesus understood the situation, and he was at that time, in his wisdom was helping her in the transition that was soon to come, helping her to understand more fully what He meant when he spoke to her these words, “My Hour as not begun, why ask me now”.


    Q5. If so, why does he go ahead with the miracle?


    After Jesus heard his mothers response to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you” - it was evident that she received his communication in the right spirit, I believe in my heart that Mary must have known at that moment, when she spoke those words, that she would have to be ready for what he might do, I believe she understood, her “hour” has come, for her to let go at seeing him as her child, transitioning to seeing him as her “Lord”.


    The problem was still there, and Jesus was not about to ignore the seriousness of the situation, because of “love” he went ahead with the miracle, for we know the love of the Messiah, for we know, he is able to do exceeding abundantly “above” all that we ask or think of Him.



  21. Q5. (John 1:50-51) Which aspects of Daniel's prophecy in Daniel 7:13-14 does Jesus apply to his title as Son of Man?


    Jesus prophesied again to Nathanael, that he will see far greater things than these, that he will one day see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man; and I can’t help but believe that this Jewish man Nathanael, who Jesus said had no guile, knew the scriptures well, knew the promises God made to Israel about the coming Messiah, the King of Israel, as we read in Daniel and in Revelation:

    (Daniel 7:9,13,14) Daniel prophesied, he beheld the Ancient of days did sit, (God the Father) and there are thousands and thousands ministering unto him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened, when in the night visions, Daniel saw, one like the Son of man (the Messiah, the King of Israel) he came with the clouds of heaven, and went to the Ancient of days, as they brought him before him, takes us to Rev 14:14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.



    A sharp sickle represents judgment, Judgment is coming and is in the hand of the Son of man, I can hear Joel 4:9-13 in which grape harvesting and wine pressing are used as a metaphor for judgment, and Isaiah 63:1-6 in which God treads the wine vat in his fury, judgment is symbolized by the harvest at Jeremiah 51:33, and also Jesus own parable of the wheat and the weeds, where the Messiah who treads the winepress.


    I believe judgment is coming not just to the world, but to America, for America “has” and “is” trampling on God’s mercy and grace.



    When will the Son of Man complete his ministry?


    Dan 7:14 And there was given him, the Son of man, the King of Israel, dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.


    They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other." (Matthew 24:30b-31)


    I believe it will be soon, but very soon, when we will see the King, when every tongue will confess, and every knee will bow before the coming Son of man, the King of Israel, the promised Messiah, who will rule therefore with a rod of Iron, that of righteousness.





  22. Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism?

    Jesus dealt with Nathanael’s skepticism with “truth” of who Nathanael was, you are a true Israelite, a Jew which is one inwardly; whose circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, in whom there is no guile, whose praise is not of men, but of God. Here is a stranger to Nathanael, and yet he seems to know just who he is, how can that be?


    Q5. What was the nature of the miracle?

    Jesus continued to tell, by prophesying to Nathanael, about a moment in times past, something only Nathanael knew, before Phillip called Nathanael to come and see the Messiah, Nathanael spent some time under a fig tree, that must have been a very important moment for Nathanael, for when Jesus spoke to Nathanael and told him he saw him there, it was an opener to him and faith came to life in the heart of Nathanael. (I have to wonder while he was there under the fig tree, was he praying that he might one day see the Messiah.)


    Q6. Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus?

    He bestowed upon Jesus what every believer in order to be saved must also bestow; Jesus is the “Son of God”; the King of Israel.


  23. Q. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn't Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying?

    Jesus did more than just tell them, he invited them to come, to “follow” him in order to see.


    Q. Why was it important for disciples to "be with" Jesus?

    Jesus, being the Messiah, their Rabbi, whose meaning here was more than just teacher, but that of “Master”, that of highest learning, it was most important that they take this opportunity and learn what it means to be a follower of the Messiah.


    Q. What does "being with" Jesus mean today?

    The more time we abide with the Messiah, the Christ, the more we learn of the importance of being a “follower of the Rabbi Jesus”, there is a cost, and it is important we understand  what He taught us, they hated him the Messiah, they will hate also his followers. In order to be a follower of the Messiah, John was willing to give up his life, are we as willing as John was to be a follower,  to "be with" Jesus" today?

  24. Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus?


    Andrew started following Jesus the Messiah on the testimony of John the Baptist.



    Q2. What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?


    The cost was nothing for John, for he was more than willing to decrease, but the cost for being a follower of the Messiah eventually did “cost” John his life, and we who believe in the Messiah are called to give up our life and follow after Him in righteousness, we are called to decrease, put to death the old nature, allowing the “newness of life” to shine in our lives.



  25. Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist's baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings?


    John’s water immersion accomplished ritual purification, good intentions of a heart repentant of sin, who desires to turn to God.


    Baptism is a word that means "immerse, plunge under water.

    Q. “What does a "baptism of the Holy Spirit" imply about this event?


    Jesus promised the believer that they would be immersed in the Holy Spirit, immersed with “POWER”, dynamite from God that would enable the believer to run the race set before them, (Luke 24:49) And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with “POWER” from on high.


    It is hereby that they will know we that dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us his Spirit, for we “testify” that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world, that whosoever will confess Jesus is the “Son of God”, God dwells in him, and he in God (1John 4:13-15)


    The immersion of the Holy Spirit is something John, nor the blood of “bulls and goats” could ever do, immerse the repentant heart with the Holy Spirit, for only some in the Old Testament, as God saw fit, had the Spirit on them, such as Moses, the seventy elders, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, Saul, the messengers of Saul had the Spirit on them and they prophesied, Bezaleel, of the tribe of Judah, was filled with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, and King David to name a few.



    What a wonderful blessing there is for the believer, the promise of the Holy Spirit.

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