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Posts posted by jonesjp

  1. Q1. (1 Thessalonians 4:1-2) What is the difference between (1) conducting our lives by rules and (2) conducting our lives trying to please our God? Which is stronger? Rule-keeping or love? On whose authority does Paul bring these?

    Ans. The difference between conduction our lives by rules verses please God is that rules are instructions and people tend to do just enough to stay within the boundaries, but love is different it keeps you doing what is right because your heart is in it and you don’t want to disappoint the one you love. Paul bring these on the authority of Jesus Christ.

  2. Q5. What is the difference between Jesus' resurrection and his ascension? How do the two fit together? In what sense is the ascension the completion of the resurrection?

    Ans. The resurrection is his awakening from the dead and being seen by all and doing things in the body, where as his ascension is returning back to the Father and taken His rightful place. They fit together because in order to ascend He had to resurrect or better yet be glorified and then exalted.

  3. Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body?

    Ans. He was able to do as He always have, eat, drink, walk, talk, but even more then what the physical can do. He can maneuver through doors if He wanted and be invisible. The resurrected body is greater then the previous physical body.

  4. Q3. (Luke 24:12; John 20:6-8) What about the grave clothes brought Peter and John to faith? What was so peculiar about them?

    Ans. We are people who believe in what the physical eye can see. That is why the bible explains that faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen. Peter and John did not believe when told by the women but after seeing for themselves they believe even to the point that Peter felt what he had seen was peculiar. The garments themselves were exact as they were on Christ the day of His death.

  5. Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts?

    Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened?

    Ans. The similarities seen is that the women went to the tomb, the stone was rolled away, the angels or angel did appear, Jesus was not there, and the women were told to go and tell. Even though in John, Mary was the only one at the scene. The agreement between the Gospels is that we know Jesus died, was buried, resurrected and seen by many before ascension.

  6. Q1. What differences do you find between the various resurrection accounts? How do you account for differences in eyewitness testimony? How might these differences add to the credibility of the witnesses?

    Ans. There are several differences in the resurrection accounts but they are not so far off that you cannot see what the writers were explaining. Because of our different views as individuals we can tell the story differently but in the end it all comes together. The differences in the story reminds me of how the Holy Spirit gives us understanding of what ever it is we are seeking or asking God for. Everyone may not be looking for the same thing but the end result remains the same but the delivery of the message is different.

  7. Q3. (1 Thessalonians 3:3-5) In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? In what ways does it mature them? In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Why hasn't he done away with Satan already?

    Ans. Christians are not well in accepting too many challenges especially if they feel as though they are being pressured. With that in mind it can cause some discouragement and at time a lack of motivation in open service. Bottom line they don’t want the trouble so they would rather shun away from it then to deal with it head on. Persecution again helps to build our faith in God and our character as a child of God. If we are not grounded in the Word then we can sway and it will open the door to what our true motive is in this walk. Remember the story of Job when God allowed Satan to persecute him because of the person He knows that he is and the same story for us. We stand claiming to be a child of the King and to love Him as He has loved us so when these trials come our way we need to stand firmly on the Solid Rock and be unmoveable in our walk so that he can coninue to say well done.

  8. Q2. (2 Thessalonians 3:2-3) Why is Timothy's role to be a strengthener and encourager so important? In what ways was this a sensitive role. How did it help Timothy to be sent on this assignment? How does delegating ministry help the overall enterprise of the Kingdom?

    Ans. Timothy’s role as Christian is to be a support for his brothers and sister in the ministry regardless of maturity. Our lives are there to help strengthen others when they are weak in whatever the situation may be and to encourage them when things seems not to go accordingly. Paul realized that new converts especially would face difficult challenges, if they did not have anyone around to strengthen and encourage they may fall, and since he could not go, what better person to send but one of his students.

    This role can be sensitive because he has to be a role model for these people and not allow any issues to affect his way of thinking in order to help strengthen them in the Lord. This assignment helped to build Timothy’s Character. Delegating helps because it gives responsibility to those with the assignement and keeps them accountable to God and ministry.

  9. Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20) How can we justify a desire for rewards for our labor in light of God’s free gift of salvation and our love for him? What does Christ reward? What doesn’t he reward? Why should showing accountability to our Master bring us pleasure? How does it motivate us?

    Ans. Just as Paul was ensuring that the work he is doing in righteousness will be rewarded when the time comes. The pleasure is not that you will be rewarded but that Jesus Christ is being revealed and that the Kingdom is building. He rewards obedience and faithfulness to the call. To be accountable is to know that we love the Lord with our total being and we are doing what is right before him. To know that is knowing that He will say well done my good and faithful servant

  10. Q4. Why did Jesus' enemies heed his prediction of being raised on the third day even more than his disciples? Did his enemies expect him to rise? Did his followers?

    Ans. The Pharisees believed on the resurrection in the last days. They did not want to accept Jesus as being the Son of God so you know that they were not going to believe on His return. But they took heed what he said, if for any reason He was to return they did not want the people to get a wind of it that is why they had the guards placed at the tomb.

  11. Q4. (1 Thessalonians 2:11-12) Why are "fatherly" roles so important to making disciples? How effectively do you think women can adopt these traits?

    These roles are just as important as the nurturing qualities, because it helps in developing disciples, leaders that God calls for His work one worthy of the walk.

    It is very effective for woman to adopt these traits if they are to become Christ like.

  12. Q3. (1 Thessalonians 2:6b-8) Why are "motherly" nurturing qualities so important to growing disciples? How effectively can male disciplers adopt some of these traits

    Motherly nurturing is effective for learning. It teaches patience and allows the growing disciple to be free in their walk with the Lord and not worry of man’s expectation. It helps to build a sense of trust. Male disciplers should effectively adopt this trait because it is essential for their walk.

  13. Q2. (1 Thessalonians 2:3-6) Which of the character flaws mentioned in these verses is the greatest problem in the church? Why do you say that? How can you prevent one of these character flaws from overtaking

    Ans. The character flaw most noted in the church is men pleasing. I’ve noticed how careful the leadership of the church is when preaching or teaching the gospel. They seem as though they don’t want to say anything to offend the congregants by telling the truth. Paul mentions that all he taught was according to scripture not his gospel but the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we are teaching according to the Word of God then we should not worry because it will be done in order. We need to be able to stand boldly for righteousness and not sugar coat the Word in order to please man.

  14. (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15) According to scripture, both the righteous and unrighteous will experience resurrection. What will be the result of resurrection for the righteous

    Ans:The result of the resurrection for the righteous is life is to transform this physical body for a glorified body to reign eternally with Christ. What a wonderful day it will be for the sons of God to see Him one day. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

  15. Q1. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part?

    Ans. Personal courage allows the disciple to freely speak without concern about what he knows to be true. To profess the Gospel of Jesus Christ the believer must know that greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world. Regardless ask God for boldness to speak the Word.

    How can we boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ if we are afraid or reluctant to speak about Him around others for what they may say or think about us. The truth sets us all free regardless if others appose of it. If the congregation lack courage than it will prevent the ministry from growing. Lack of courage prevents maturity and growth and that will eventually cause death.

  16. Q1. How does Job's vision of resurrection (Job 19:25-27) differ from the Jews' former understanding of death as Sheol? What is progressive revelation?

    Ans: Job sees the resurrection as hope for the righteous man to be redeemed to His savior where as the Jews sees no hope and only darkness. Progressive revelation is knowing that as you continue to seek knowledge and understanding God continue to reveal His promise to you more and more.

  17. Q4. (1 Thessalonians 1:10) What does verse 10 teach us about the Christian faith? Which of these elements are most important? Which are less important? Which are underemphasized by the church in our day?

    It teaches us the true believers in the Word of God and coming of our Savior Jesus Christ that even through trials we are to stand firm on the promise of the Redeemer that He will return for us. Just as He took on the burdens of our sins in order for us to be reconciled to the Father so will He continue to make intercession for us until He return so that we may reign with Him eternally.

    They are all important because without what He’s done for us on the cross nothing else would make sense. It all connects together and none is without the other.

    I hoped the church would underemphasize none but I will say that the one I believe to see is “Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come”. If we could really see and understand what Christ did for us on the cross then we would come before Him as lost sheep and not always questioning what the Word requires of us.

  18. Q3. (1 Thessalonians 1:5b-6a) How important is imitation in the formation of a new Christian's spiritual life? What kinds of ministry are most conducive to imitation? Why is the character of the mentor or leader so important to the health of the church? How well do people grow in Christ who aren't part of a Christian community? In what way is your character important to your family and spiritual children?

    Imitation is crucially important for new converts because it allows them to see who Christ is through us as the Christian. The word says “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”.

    Every ministry should be conducive to imitation as long as it is the Word of God that they are imitating.

    The mentor or leader of the church is the one professing to be called by God to lead His people so their character should be as God and the people as sheeps. If they have the mentality of sheep in wolves clothing then this will be a self will ministry and the people will begin to go astray and have the mentality that they can study at home and follow the TV-Evangelist ministry and not have direct fellowship with others.

    There is a hindrance in their growth because there is no knowledge and understanding of the Word because they are attempting to learn without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Since they have decided to follow their own will and not the word of God. “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher”? Jesus himself participated in the synagogues as well as the disciples and apostles.

    My Character is very important to my family. I have children and grandchildren who looks to me for guidance and if I am not the example of what a Christian Woman should be then how could I expect them to be a model Christian.

  19. Q2. (1 Thessalonians 1:4-5) Why is the Holy Spirit's working so necessary to effective ministry? What happens when the main power behind our ministry is will-power? What is the role of miracles in Paul's evangelism? What would happen if we saw miracles in evangelism in our day? What is hindering this?

    No ministry will be effective without the power of the Holy Spirit. In order for the body of Christ to fully operate, the Holy Spirit must guide it. It leads us into all truth and convicts us when we are operating within our selves. We cannot lead, people to the truth as Paul, Silas, and Timothy, did if we are not functioning under the unction of the Holy Spirit.

    When the main power behind the ministry is will-power it fails because only what we do for God last. Will-power bring chaos and personal opinions and God is not the author of confusion.

    Miracles empower the ministry and allow others to see the goodness and power of the Almighty. When we see the miracles of God in evangelism many accepts salvation. But when we hinder the power of God in our ministry then we block or quench the work of the Holy Spirit.

  20. Acts 17:1-10) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica? Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?

    This opposition seems to carry on through out the bible. If we could remember the Jewish leaders during Christ time opposed of His teachings. They are afraid of what the power of the Holy Spirit is doing for the people and that the truth is being revealed. Just as we are called Paul was also commanded by God to go to all nations and make disciples of men by preaching and teaching His Word. The truth sets men free if accepted and cause contrasting reaction to those who appose it. No violent reaction should not discourage but encourage us to continue because we are hitting a nail or better we are on target because people who live in sin does not want their lives revealed.

  21. Q1. (1 Samuel 30:1-6) Why do the men blame David? Why is the situation so explosive at this point. What does David do in the situation? What is David feeling? Why doesn’t he act immediately?

    David is the leader over them and It was him that had an agreement with Achish the Philistine King. Of course most of us would like to shift the blame to someone else and not ourselves during this distressing times.

    The men had not had time to think on anything, so they are not rational. All they are thinking about is their family and blaming themselves for not being around for them.

    The best thing for anyone of us to do in that situation is seek God in the mist of our troubles. I know that David felt hurt about his family as well but at the same time he has to stay focus of his surrounding and seek God. Because God is Deliverance, He is our help in times of trouble, and He has the answer.

  22. Q4. (1 Samuel 28:7-14) Why do you think God condemns occult practices of communi-cating with the dead and channeling spirits of the dead? How might such practices open Christians to victimization and oppression by evil spirits? What should you do if you’ve been involved in such practices in the past?

    God condemns this type of practice because it is contrary to righteousness. It is satanic and of evil nature. "In addition He state though shall have no other god before me because I am a jealous God".

    The bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. So if we open the door to those types of spirits and allow them into our lives we are in for a rude awakening. It would lead us to a life of destruction.

    If you have been involved in such practices then you should begin to repent and seek God to the utmost.

  23. Q3. (1 Samuel 25) What do we learn about David’s character in this incident with Nabal and Abigail? What do we learn about Abigail’s character? Nabal’s character? Why do you think this story was included in 1 Samuel? What important knowledge does it add to our understanding?

    David reacted fleshly as some of us would today. Not thinking of the consequences but reacting out of our feelings. Nabal was a mean and selfish man, where as Abigail is a wise woman who react by looking at things ahead and knowing how to weight the outcome. This story is to teach us that even as we stand righteous before God the flesh is in constant battle with the spirit. So we need to remain focus and be alert and not move by our feelings but by the direction of God.

  24. Q2. (1 Samuel 24:12) How do we apply the principle of not lifting a hand against the Lord’s anointed in our day? What provisions are there in 1 Timothy 5:19-20 for calling leaders to account. What do you think God will do to those who slander, persecute, and martyr his appointed leaders?

    We apply the principle of not lifting a hand against the Lord’s anointed by respecting those who are in leadership and never speak ill of them. Keep them in prayer before the Lord. If a leader sin and we follow according to scripture by two or three witness then we should rebuke him/her publicly so that other may take warning. Those who deals’ disaccording with God’s anointed will have to face the wrath of God.

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