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Marilyn Rivington

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Posts posted by Marilyn Rivington

  1. We are commanded by God to be subject to those in authority over us whether parental, work, government etc. But this always takes into account that those in authority are not in conflict with God's authority. We choose to obey freely and this brings glory to God.

    As others have already said rebellion is a serious sin and not one we would want to commit (1 Samuel 15:23). Obedience warms God

  2. I was brought up in a home where horrific violence was the norm. I had no worth, I was a thing to be used. I have learned that it is not what happens to me that is important - but what I do with it - how I live my life in spite of what happened.

    God has shown me that I am priceless. I am chosen. I have been redeemed from the pit. I have been washed by the Blood of the Lamb.


  3. When Jesus comes I shall see him face to face - what an awesome thought. Jesus says, "Stay awake, because you don't know the day or the hour." (Mt. 25:1-13)

    It inspires hope especially in our world today, because God is going to make all things new. He is going to make his home with us and there will be no more tears, no more death, no more grief, crying or pain. There will be no more terrorist attacks, no more abuse, no more killing, no more ethnic cleansing.

    We loose hope that there is a better life. We live only for today

  4. So many scriptures tell us that if we don't forgive others we will not be forgiven ourselves (Mt 6:14-15; Mk 11:25; Lu 6:37; 11:4; 2Cor 2:10; Col 3:13)

    This is cause and effect. If I forgive others (oedience) I will be forgiven (sprinkling). I can't have one without the other - or at least to the amount I forgive - I will be forgiven.

    I want to forgive all - so I will be all forgiven.

    Obedience is not a work. It is what I do to please God and to say thank you for what Jesus did for me on the cross. Grace is free but it certainly was not cheap. It cost Jesus everything.

    Selwyn Hughes says when people say to him "My problem is that I can't forgive," he usually responds, "No, that is not your problem. Your problem is you don't know how much you have been forgiven."

    I forgive because I have been forgiven.

  5. We are saved by Grace. The grace of a Loving God.

    We are saved by faith. Faith in the Lord Jesus the Christ.

    For there is no other name in heaven or on earth by which we can be saved.

    Acts 16:29The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. 30He then brought them out and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" 31They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."

    If we believe and stand firm then our unsaved family will be saved as well. Halleluia!

  6. The antichrist, the false prophet and satan are an unholy trinity that will appear in the last days and even some of the elect will be deceived (Mark 13:22).

    We need to be diligent, prayerful and walk in the promise of Jesus,

    "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. " (John 10:27-28)

    Blessings, Marilyn

  7. It was by the blood Jesus' obedience to die such a horrific death and the blood he shed on the cross that bought us back from eternal death for our sins to eternal life.

    If we love our lives too much and insist on doing things "our way" we will not be a witness for the Word. We have to die to self in order for Jesus to be Lord of our life.

  8. What was most bitter for me in this passage was the silence in Heaven. I can't even imagine what that would be like. Speaks to how serious the opening of the 7th seal is.

    Time is running out for the people of the earth. We need to heed the warnings of Revelation and turn away from sin and turn to God.

    What was most sweet was God's seal on the righteous and his protection of the redeemed.

    It is easier to reject what is hard to understand and do nothing about it. It is hard work trying to dig deeper and discern the hidden meanings through prayer, searching the Word of God and taking part in courses like this one, but the rewards are priceless.

    Blessings, Marilyn

  9. One view = 144,000 represents perfection - the perfect number of redeemed (12x12x1000)

    God has the ultimate authority over ALL creation. God puts a seal on the foreheads of all that love and honour him and we (I count myself among those) will be protected and saved from God's wrath. I am reminded of the words at my baptism when I was "sealed with the sign of the cross and marked as Christ's own forever." Halleluia! How much greater will be the seal that God himself puts on me!

    The words from Ezekiel, "They think that the Lord has abandoned the land and that he doesn't see." God does not abandon us - ever. With all the evil in the world today we need to be reminded of this fact. God has not forgotten his people.

    Blessings, Marilyn

  10. The great multitude before the throne and the Lamb came from every nation, tribe, people and language and were so many they couldn't be counted. They were wearing the white robes of the redeemed that had been washed in the blood of the Lamb as they had come out of a time of terrible suffering. Their chant was "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb."

    They serve God day and night in his temple. God covers them with his presence and protects them so that they will never want for anything ever again. Jesus, their shepherd leads them to "springs filled with the water of life" and God wipes every tear from their eyes.

    What an awesome word picture of the redeemed.

    John Newton felt he had been cleansed from his sin of slave trading by the blood of the Lamb and wrote Amazing Grace in grateful thanks for God's mercy.

  11. . This passage reveals that the Church is still here, not yet raptured.

    . The souls are under the altar. They offered the gift of their life. (Matthew 5:23)

    . Close to the Holy Place and close to God.

    . They were killed for their confession of loyalty to Christ as opposed to emperor worship.

    . God says,

  12. Worship is being offered to God as God, or God as the Father AND to Jesus as God the Son. Both receive the same worship. The Son is worthy because he is the Lamb slain for the sins of the whole world.

    The Father and the Son are one. We worship and glorify one and the same God whether we call him Father, Abba, Lord or Jesus.

    We have the same relationship with the Father as we do with the Son. Although we relate to them differently. That is why it is so important to use their different names in Scripture as it emphasizes different aspects of the Godhead. By this I mean, Yahweh Rapha, God my Healer; Yahweh Jireh, God my Provider; Yahweh Shaloam, God my Peace; Lamb of God; King of Kings and Lord of Lords; Bright and Morning Star; etc. This is not to forget the Holy Spirit, the Comforter who teaches us about Jesus and lives in us.

  13. Ephesians tells us "And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus" (2:6). So in the Spirit we are already reigning! Halleluia!

    I believe in the priesthood of all believers. Jesus is our High Priest, interceding for us before the Father. We are priests by being a servant to each other, caring for each other, loving each other, meeting each other's needs.

    Every Christian is a part of the Body of Chirst. Therefore we are members of the Kingdom of God (Luke 17:21)


  14. Jesus in the midst of the lampstands is not the crucified Lamb - although he is that. He is the resurrected Christ, risen and ascended in all his glory. BUT he is in the middle of the churches. He is Lord of the churches. Present with his people - not absent (Matthew 18:20).

    We need to have the complete picture of the Jesus we worship. The Jesus who lived among us as one of us. The Crucified Lamb that takes away our sins. The Risen Christ that brings the promise of eternal life. We need all the images for a balanced faith.

  15. Hi all,

    I am a new senior who lives in Canada. I have three grown children and three grandchildren.

    Looking forward to sharing again. May we be blessed as we journey together through Revelations.

    - Marilyn

  16. a) We need to hold on to what is true in times of intense persecution. The testimony and witness of others keeps the truth of God's person and God's promises through Jesus in the forefront of our mind. It builds our faith to keep us "holding on."

    B) Jesus' life, death and resurrection encourages us. There is more than what is happening to us now. We have the promise of eternal life through Jesus. Jesus is the perfect example for us.

    c) We have got the whole message wrong. Some churches are so afraid of offending someone and driving people away that they do not speak the truth in love. They no longer speak to the world about what is right and wrong. They are allowing the world to tell them.

    I believe we are on a very slippery slope indeed!

    - Marilyn

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