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Posts posted by Reeallen

  1. Access to the Father is so important because we realize now that we are no longer castaways in God's sight, but we are now the children of God because he shedded his blood on Calvary's cross so we can have a right to the tree of life and we can all be one both Jews and Gentiles alike. When we have access to the Father we can ask him for anything and he will give it to us as long as we are walking in his footsteps.

    Access to the Father is similar to having diplomatic relations because we are no longer divided, but have become one in the sight of God. When we have diplomatic relations with God it is like us going into a foreign country with our passports and being recognized as a citizen of that country with diplomatic immunity meaning we are protected and we have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

    In other words we are no longer strangers in a foreign land. We obtained this access by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. This access fulfills the two greatest commandments because we are to love the Lord thy God with all our hearts, with all our soul and with all our mind. We also are told to love our neighbor as ourselves.

    We know if we love ourselves, we will not do anything to hurt us and the same goes for our neighbors.

  2. Q5: His power worketh in us. There is more power at work than we can ever imagine, because God is an awesome God and he will do more than we cold ever expect of him. In other words it would be mind boggling. It isn't more evident because we have let our guards down and instead of letting the spirit of God have His way, we cut him off. If we exercise Christ's power on earth, this will bring glory to God because blind eyes will be opened, the deaf will hear, the lame will walk and the dumb will talk. And all the glory will go to God not man.

  3. Q3: Paul was saying that although we are Gentiles, Jesus died to save us all from our sins and he has raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, because we are saved by grace through faith and we all have the same authority and power over the devil. Jesus also does not want us to be lost, but continue to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.

  4. Paul was teacing the people that regardless of the spirit beings that encamped themselves in the invisible realm, that the power of God was much greater, because God had raised Jesus, His Son from the dead with awesome power and seated him at the right hand of God in the heavenly places far above principalities and power and if these people believed in God, they had nothing to worry about because all things were under His feet meaning that Jesus had all powers in His hands and we as Christians should possess the same power and authority to put Satan and his imps under our feet because we are now fighting spiritual warfare.

    We have to remember in the 28th chapter of St. Matthew when the two Mary's went to the grave to see their Lord and Savior, an angel met them with the message that "He is not here; for he is risen." When the disciples went up into the mountain as instructed, Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, :

    "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth".

    Who would not serve a God like this? That is why we have to put on the whole armor of Jesus Christ so we can fight the devil with faith believing that God is our refuge and in Him there is no fear

  5. Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"?

    Paul prayed that God would open the Ephesians' eyes so they could have faith and experience the mighty move of God in their lives and witness his great power within them.

    What is wrong with their eyes?

    Physically there is nothing wrong with their eyes, but they were blinded spiritually because they could not see the mighty move of God in their lives. In other words, their hearts were not receptive to God's mighty power.

    Where does this power operate according to 1:19?

    The power of God operates within an individual. In order for you to receive the power of God and it working in your life, you have to have faith in God and be a believer.

    What miraculous event does Paul use as an example of this level and type of power?

    The example Paul used was the power God used in the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

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