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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by juwulz

  1. Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

    There is a song that I love called "Come, now is the time to worship" = this for me reminds me of the reason we go to church; to worship together, give praise to the Lord in a community setting. "How can a congregation regain this love?" I believe this comes from the top; our pastors, church elders, and staff - if the people we are learning from do not proclaim their love and joy for the Lord, it is difficult for the congregation to do so.

  2. Throughout the NT the focus is on Jesus' life on earth and how God gave us his only son who lived a life experiencing the trials, tribulations, and joys of his brothers and sisters. He lived a godly life full of examples for others to follow, prepared his deciples to continue proclaiming His words, and died for our sins. Revelation shows the second coming of the son of God, and rather than Jesus' very human experiences mentioned in previous books in the NT, He is described with splendor, honor and glory; as a conqueror, worthy of all praise.

  3. How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them?

    In today's society we are immursed in advertising, television, movies and other media that use sex to "sell" - it is difficult to turn around without seeing some suggestive situation. Many of us work in an environment that does not welcome us to share our faith or openly express our beliefs, and many schools do not permit our children to mention God or share their budding beliefs either. I believe that it is my responsibility and a blessing to be firm in my faith and beliefs, and though I may not speak of them I have many "quiet" reminders surrounding me during my workday; the cross I wear, a stone on my desk that proclaims "Jesus loves you" and the veil of peace I wear throughout the day that the Lord has given me. I am hopefull that though I cannot speak openly of my faith, that I may be a comfort to someone who may be seeking the Lord.

  4. Greetings from Southern California! My name is Julie and I am a single mom of two great kids (6 & 4). I am anxious to begin the study, as Revelation has always been perplexing to me. God Bless you all,

    :rolleyes: Julie

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