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Posts posted by TennLady01

  1. Q3. (2:7-8) Was Jesus really a human being or only pretending to be one?

    He was human he was born of a woman and he had to eat drink and walk as we humans do. He was still God only in human form and that is why he was able to be tempted in the wilderness and that is why he felt pain as with the death of a friend and wept. How much more human can you be to love so deeply.

    What do these verses teach?

    That he was God and is God and will always be God just as God the Father is and that even though he took our sins upon him he had no sin in him. He was perfect and did not sin while he walked this earth and that a great example for us to know to do our best always.

    What difference does it really make whether or not Jesus was human?

    He could not have gone through and told us that he went through all the hurt the pain and the disappointment that he did as God but as human he was beaten, spit upon and nailed to the cross. He was human to let this happen to him he had to be God for not one of us would be so willing to take this all on for all the sins of the world. Thank you Jesus for such great Love and compassion.

  2. What does it mean that Christ didn't cling to His equality with God?

    Jesus gave up his God power in order to come to earth to be the sacrifice for our sins. He is God but took on human form so we could be forgiven of our sins. He being God was lead as a lamb to the killing and did so willing for that is the only way God the Father could look upon us ever again. He cannot look upon sin that is the reason he could not look upon Jesus on the cross as he took our sins upon him. Thank you Jesus for loving us so much.

    How specifically does this passage teach that Jesus was divine?

    If it was not for the divine love of Jesus we would be lost. He did not have to do this for us. It was of his choice and free will he came and died for our sins. He being God did not have to do this the choice was his and he died for us. Lord we can never thank you enough.

  3. Q1. (2:1-4). To achieve unity in your congregation, why is humility necessary?

    We must be able to put things in the right order in our lives and in our congregation, it is necessary that we do not want glory but give out compliments to others and not seek out self approval. Jesus always put others first we are to be like Jesus.

    Can you give an example of how lack of humility caused a division in your church?

    When you see on that will not agree with anything that is said by the elders. One that thinks it is there way or no way not willing to listen to reason. They do not even want to take time to pray before they give an answer. This will divide a church and cause hurt feels and God never wants a person to put their feeling above those of others. We need to pray and watch our words not to cause division.

    What are you doing to bring unity in your church?

    I have heard so many say that they will not clean or help keep the church clean what a shame to not think it an honor to clean the place we go to worship our Lord. I make sure I tell anyone that is working to make things better for the church and look better what a wonderful thing they are doing. It take so little to give praise to others and it does make them know they are appreciated. Thank you Jesus. Never to think one is better than another be willing to help out in all work that is being done. Even if it is cleaning the bathrooms we need to not think highly of ourselves but if another is willing to do this work join in and help all I can is what I want to do.

  4. Q4. (1:23) What do Philippians 1:23 and 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 teach about the state of Christians immediately after death?

    After death a person who is forgiven of their sins and serving the Lord Jesus Christ will not hang around in a grave waiting his return we will be with him where he is and will be happy never to have to worry or have concern. We will be with Jesus. Praise the Lord. :D

    How does this comfort you?

    I do not have to count on others to pray for me after death to get to heaven. Who knows if that is true if any would pray hard enough or long enough. I am so glad that our relationship with Jesus is personal and does not get based on the prayers of others. :ph34r:

    How does this energize you?

    It makes me to know that I will be so much better off when this body is gone and the glorified body is what I live in. It makes it so much easier to not fear what man can do to me because if I die working for the Lord I go to be with Jesus that makes me very happy and ready and willing to work for the glory of God. I don't need to watch behind me or anywhere for God is in control and I will be with him. :rolleyes:

  5. Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness?

    We seem to fear what other people will think of us and if we will do everything the way another would do it. We know that is it wrong and we need to be bold for Christ Jesus. The word says perfect love cast out all fear we need to increase our love for Jesus and less for ourselves.

    Why does fear of people bind our tongues?

    Seem satan is always attacking the mind. He tells us we do not know what we are talking about and in turn we start to believe him. What if they say that is not right well to stop this fear we need to know the word then we will not have the fear of what others will say about us.

    How does 'losing our life' for Christ's sake actually gives us abundant life?

    As Paul said for me to die is gain. When we leave this world if we are a child of God we move to heaven to be with Jesus and that is much better than anything that is offered here on this earth. We should long to see his face to be with Jesus and cry out to him Come Lord Jesus.

    What fear is keeping you from clear witness?

    For me it is just what I said before that I may not remember where the scripture is found or might quote it and it not be the words as it is written in the bible. With so many other bibles now days it don't seem to bother me as much. I do want to read more and learn more at all times so I can share boldly with others. Also the fear of them not wanting to except Jesus into their lives. But we must remember we plant the seed it is Jesus who gives the increase others water and some may even help it grow but we are to plant that seed. Praise the Lord.

  6. Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"?

    Trials will help us to stand and to be stable. A doubleminded person is unstable in all their ways. When we have already faced something it is easy to stand back and know that when it comes at us again Jesus is there to help us to make it through. Just as he always has he is faithful and true and he is our friend.

    How do trials help us grow in faith?

    When you go through a trial your faith grows because you know then that you can make it with the help of Jesus and it proves to us that he will never leave us or forsake us. Jesus is a friend a true friend one that sticks closer than a brother. He is with us always even unto the end. Thank you Jesus.

  7. Q2. (1:18b-19) Why is our ability to rejoice so dependent upon our faith that God is in control, working even in the midst of difficulty?

    We need to remember that faith is the substance of things hope for the evidences of things not seen. We depend on God because we have seen the evidence of the things not seen come to pass in our lives. When we have faith in God we know that it does not matter what things seem to look like but that God is in control and it will all work for our good because of our faith in God.

    What must you believe in order to be able to rejoice in the midst of problems?

    That no matter how things look with the eyes we know in our hearts that God is in control and he will never leave us or forsake us.

    What is your basis for believing that?

    Many times I have seen God take what seemed impossible and turn it around to be true. The more you read the word of God the more you depend on it for your answers. Faith come by hearing and reading the word of God the Bible. Thank you Lord for your word.

  8. Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so?

    They see that you not only speak the word of God but you live it. It is easy to tell someone to do something when it don't effect you, but when you are going through a trial and they see you hold fast to the truth in the word of God they know you live it not just say it.

    Why was Paul's witness so powerful?

    He was in a place where he could speak to a new guard every time they chained him to one. He was being talked about in the prison and in the homes of those he told about Jesus and he did not back down because of fear he knew if he died it would mean going on to be with Jesus. He did not fear or stop what he was to do teach the gospel.

    What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right?

    Right now I am going through a lot of problems with my family. My daughter is having marriage problems and she sees that I stand fast and hold to God for the answers to my own marriage. There was a time I would run from my problems, that was when I had not grown in the Lord, now I know to stand and hold onto the word of God and I am praying she will do the same. Many are watching you not just our families but our neighbors and our friends. Our biggest impact seems to be with our families they know what we live we can't hide anything from them so we must hold to our faith in God and walk according to his word. Be an example not just say the words. Thank you Jesus.

  9. Q4. (1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment?

    Because the need for discernment is great then as it is now. We need to know what is of God and what is important to God for that is who we live our lives to bring praise too.

    What will be the result of discernment in their lives?

    They will be as we will be able to tell if they are growing and able to examine the things of importance's for their growth in God.

    How does selfishness cloud discernment?

    We should never put ourselves before what is needed to be done for the glory of God when this is done you have become selfish and no longer walking in the will of God for walking for your own pleasures.

    How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives?

    The enemy wants us to focus on the things that are best for our lives and not on what is important for the glory and praise of God. He wants us to be selfish and put what we want before the word of God and what will bring him glory and praise.

  10. Q3. (1:6) What does Paul expect God to do for the Philippian believers?

    He expects God to finish the things he has already began in them to help them to hold fast to the knowledge in Christ Jesus.

    Why does he expect God to do this? God didn't bring them this far to leave them out on their own he is faithful and true to those that seek him.

    What is the basis of Paul's confidence?

    Paul base his confidence in what he knows already that God is there at all times he will never leave you or forsake you. He is a living helping God.

    On what basis can we expect God to do this for us?

    God is no respecter of persons he will do for all what he did for anyone else he loves us all the same and he is faithful and true to his word. He cannot lie. Priase the Father Son and Holy Ghost for they are love.

  11. Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership?

    We receive blessing and teaching from the Pastor as we attend the church we support and help out in. We receive blessing from God for he promises us that in his word. We learn to be a blessing and to help other. Without a leader you do not know how to follow God and it is with love that a Pastor or leader teaches us and we receive so much from him and from God as we give in accordance to the word of God.

    What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial?

    Money is a very small part of what one can give to support a church. We give of our time it takes more than just a Pastor to keep a church alive there are teachers and even right down to janitors. We do all we can and God has others to do their part that is what makes us partners with each others. One alone can't do the work it takes the whole body to get things done.

  12. Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? What is the root idea of "saint"? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? (Note: to answer this question correctly you'll need to refer to the notes on the precise word meanings.)

    The basic idea of slave is one that no longer belongs to ones self. You have given you life up so that Christ Jesus can live in you and you are his slave or bond servant. A willing slave paid for by the blood of Jesus on the cross.

    The root of the word saint is one that we are forgiven and our sins are covered by the blood of Jesus. We are not perfect we are forgiven thank you Jesus.

    We are no loner our own we belong to God he is our master our healer all we need he has and will supply. He is the ruler of those that choose to serve him. We are bond servants or slaves both mean we give up our will to live for him. We put off the old man and take on the new creature in Christ Jesus. We do this willing and his has already paid the price for our salvation. Thank you Jesus.

  13. Q5. Now that you're finished with James: Practical Christianity, what did you get out of this study? How would you evaluate the study? What can be improved?

    The book of James is so important to our walk as a Christian. We learn there about love, the tongue and many things we face day by day. It opened up a way for us to look at others thinking by reading the reply's and it also help us to know how to step out in faith and pray one for another. I am grateful for this study as I am for all the one that are taught here. I thank God and ask him to bless you for the work you are doing in his name.

  14. Q4. (5:19-20) In the light of James' emphasis on active faith vs. dead faith (2:17), why is the role of finding and bringing back the wandering sheep so important?

    Live faith is active faith that will move and get things done. Some times when another falls short they need help to be able to come back to the place and even higher than they left. The word says the angels rejoice at the return of a saint to the Kingdom. We know it is God's will for all of us to make heaven our home. Sometimes it happens one will fall short and we are all not perfect so when we see a brother or sister that has left the love we need to do all we can to help them find their way back. The word tells us that doing this not only saves their soul from hell but will hide sins from you for the work you do. None of us are perfect but we can have perfect love through Christ Jesus one for another.

  15. Q3. (5:14-16) In the healing prayer, what is the role of oil? What is the role of the prayer of faith? What is the role of faith? What is the role of confession of sins?

    The oil is the symbolic of the Holy Spirit and then it is applied on the sick the prayer of faith that releases the anointing of God. By faith we receive healing and it is by faith we can pray for others. Nothing we do can heal anyone but God does the impossible. Thank you Jesus.

  16. Q2. (5:14) What is the elders' role in prayer for the sick? What must be their spiritual qualifications for this ministry of prayer?

    The elders are those with great faith, just because you are old in body does not make you wise in the Lord. You have to be a bold Christian that will stand up and believe that Jesus is going to heal the person that they are praying for. It takes more than words it take true faith that is not moveable to pray for the sick and them be healed. Jesus already did his part he said BY MY STRIPES YOU ARE HEALED. That means his part is done our faith is what will let this take place.

    They expect God to heal they do not dough that he will heal others and themselves. They read and stand on the word of God they have faith to know he will heal when they do as the word says do and he will always meet you at that point of faith.

  17. Q1. (5:13-14) According to verse 14, who is to initiate prayer for healing? Why might this be important?

    The person who is sick is to call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him. This is a show of his faith that he believes that Jesus will heal him. It is up to the person that prays to have faith for him to be healed also. So it takes a lot of faith to receive healing. When you are sick it is hard to believe totally for yourself so when you call on the elders their faith joins with yours and you are healed. Thank you Jesus.

  18. Q4. (5:9) What does our grumbling and complaining say about us? About our faith? About our patience?

    Grumbling and complaining say we have a lack of faith. We should do all we can without the summering and going on as in the days of Moses. We see what happened to the children of Israel when they started with the grumbling they wondered around for forty years. God is the same God and we don't want to be out there wondering around when he returns.

    It says we have a lack of faith and we know that faith without works is dead so keep your faith alive believe and watch and wait for the return of the Lord while working for him.

    A person that grumbles and complains does not have patience. They are to busy feeling sorry for themselves to know what they have or need. We can't be percent and wait if we are speaking against it. We need to be patient and rejoice in the Lord always as he told us to do. :D

  19. Q3. (5:7-8) What can happen to us Christians if we lack the patience to eagerly expect Christ's return? Why is patience so vital?

    We are to watch an pray this is what the word tells us to do. We have to have patience in order to do this and to expect him to return for us soon. Each day we should wake up looking for his return for he said he will come in an hour that no man knows so with patience we wait for him to appear. Still we are eager to see him face to face and be with him forever.

    Without patience we would give up and not be excited about his return. We are to wait for him like the next moment he will be here for us. We are to pray for him to return for us and we have to have patience in order to do that and know he is coming soon. Come Lord Jesus.

    Look up your redemption draws nigh. Thank you Jesus. :wub:

  20. Q2. (5:5-6) What is the spiritual danger of our demand for comfort and luxury?

    When all is going just the way we want it things get easy to depend upon. We need to keep depending upon Jesus to help us and not let ourselves fall into believing we can do anything on our own. It is only through the blood we are even saved.

    Extra credit: How might our demand for low-priced goods and services cause us to (1) oppress our own employees or

    We seem to want everything for nothing these days. For one things we want a car that runs forever so we push for lower prices and we get less quality. They get cheeper help and that way they can sell for less and it is not the quality we did get before they started paying cheaper wages.

    (2) cause workers in this country or abroad to be under paid or oppressed?

    When they take the jobs for other countries this country pays the price with lost jobs and the unemployment is higher now than ever before. That is how it hurts us for them to be under paid we end up losing in the end. Plus the quietly of things are not as good.

    How does all this relate to the need for patience?

    If we are patient we will get the job done right and we will be able to use what we get and what we help to make. The need for patience is great on the job in life and in all we do. We want to much in an instant now days we do not take time to stop and see what we do is good or not we got to step and examine ourselves and our work as well as the way others see us. Others may not see what you are doing but one thing is sure God does. :rolleyes:

  21. Q1. (4:13-16) What danger is James warning us about in verses 13-16? How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy

    He is talking about those that are self confident. They do not put their faith and trust in Jesus but in what they know or think they know.

    It we pray first and wait on the Lord to let us know what to do and when to do it and give him the glory for all that is done or going to be done then we can stay humble and willing to be used of the Lord. When we say we can do this and that we get in trouble. That is when we have stepped out in self and not trusting in God. He is our help our hope and who we need to depend upon. Thank you Lord you are ever present with us and you are our hope for all things.

  22. Q4. (4:11-12) In what way does bad-mouthing a neighbor cause you to be a judge of the law? Why is it tempting to bad-mouth others, do you think?

    When we speak against someone we are setting in judgment of that person. We cannot be a keeper of the law and a judge of the law. We live by the law there fore we are to uphold the law and it is not to speak evil of our brothers and sisters. We are to love our brothers and sisters and say only those things that are uplifting about them. If you don't have anything good to say then don't say nothing at all. It is better to keep your mouth shut then to offend that person and try to rebuild what love that is there between the family of God. We don't need to help Satan destroy our love for one another and give him tools to work with. We need to keep our mind on God our head in the word to learn more and leave the others alone if you can't be of help to them.

    We talk bad about others to make us look good or to fit in with the other person that is speaking bad about the person. It is not right we should not do it and God is not pleased when we do this. If you have a fault or problem with a family of God member take it to them do not tell others. That is how so many people get hurt today in churches and will not come back. Let us do the royal law and love our neighbors as we love ourselves and I know it is not always easy but it is necessary if we are to please God.


  23. Q3. (4:6-10) Verses 7-10 contain 10 different commands. Why are these actions so vital? In what way do they go against our nature? Which of these commands is most difficult for you?

    They tell us what God expects of us and the way to reach out to him to be able to live for him and be expectable to him. We can't please God unless we are willing to humble ourselves and do what is right in his sight.

    Our nature does not want to admit that we are wrong. It wants us to be able to do what we want without any thing stopping us. We are in human form but we need to live Godly this is never easy unless you are willing to submit to the will of the living God.

    It is hard for me to take things before the throne and then leave them there. It is like I think in my mind at all times that I can do something to help this problem if I just work at it. We know that is wrong it is taking the faith out of our walk and we are not trusting God to handle what we need. The human nature is one to try to fix everything. This is hard for me because I was taught that if I work hard and do my best that things will work out for the best. That is not always so. We can do all we can and still fail if we don't trust God for help us. Knowing his will and his way is always best. Jesus is all we need so we need to put thing in his hands to help us and not try to do everything ourselves. Help me Lord to do this more.

  24. Q2. (4:4) Why does James refer to church members as "adulteresses"? What does the adultery consist of? Who is the aggrieved husband? What is wrong with friendship with the world?

    He use the word adulteresses and not adulterer because he wanted to let it be know that the church is the bride of Christ.

    Adultery is looking away from one on husband and taking on desires for others that you have no right to. They are not your and you step out of line when you **** after another. When we **** after things of this world we are replacing God with them. That is wrong and it will not be excepted by our Lord. The aggrieved husband is the son of God, Jesus, The one that gave his life for us so we might live and be with him forever more. We have to be careful not to have a love affair with the world for that is not pleasing to God the Father or the husband his son Jesus Christ who died to pay the price for our sins. He put us first and we should do the same for him.

  25. Q1. (4:1-3) Is God against pleasure? What wrong in living to increase one's pleasure?

    No God is not against us having pleasure he set things in order so we would do just that. He is the one that gave us sinces to know pleasure he is king and loving and wants what is best for us.

    We are not living to seek what is best for others only for ourselves. We put ourselves before others it is never good. We need to keep all things in the proper order that is Jesus first others second and then us. When we do this we will find that at times the greatest of pleasures is in serving others. Then we are blessed by God and he will see to all our desires and we will always have him first in our lives. Pursuit of personal happiness is selfishness, pure and simple. When we are more concerned our own personal happiness than we are todoing God's will then it is sin.

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