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Posts posted by angelbaby

  1. Q1. (Isaiah 61:1-3) Are words like "captive" and "prisoner" used literally or figuratively? How did Jesus intend them to be understood when he read them and spoke of their fulfillment? How are you personally doing in adopting Jesus' agenda here? How is your congregation doing?


    We are prisioner/ captives of sin and in bandage....... here the words refer to  prisioner figuratively....

    How wonderful it is when we come out of the Darkenss (sin) to the Light of Jesus Christ who bought us freedom by the  ransom He paid for us by shedding His blood on the Cross  


    How wonderful when we come out of the Ignorance of being Unregenerate  and come to know the TRUTH....Jesus Christ..and the ONLY WAY AND ONLY LIFE.


    Jesus wanted us to tell everyone about the Truth and bring them oout of the bondage of sin....by preaching the Gospel which is the redemption of sin and Salvation


    Yes I am trying in my own way ..but far from where Jesus wanted us to reach .....


    The church could do better if every Believer is a Paul!  

  2. Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected?


    God knows our heart and what we actually are ..He is definitely a loving God and forgiving God and when we sin He knows how we sin whether it is rebellion or incapability to correct ourselves  though we want to .


    ..we need to seek God more by Reading His word which gives us strength to resist /overcome  sin ...

     true repentance and drastic measures to correct your wrong will help

     Prayer ..prayer and prayer can work wonders


     We have a faithful God ...though we stray He rescues us and He DOES  answer our  prayers ...that is His graciousness.   

  3. Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath?


    When we keep the Sabbath it should be  God centered and our behavior should honor God, Glorify God and  bring credit to bearing the name of Christ.


    Observing the Sabbath and doing earthly carnal things doesn't honor God ...Love Him and Love all   

  4. Q4. (Isaiah 58:6-7) What kinds of injustice does Isaiah condemn in these verses?


        We are Self centred rather thatn God centred.

        We make a show o pious religious observance but do not serve the poor ,show mercy or act justly.

        We tend to forget Christs commands to care for the sick, hungry, naked, prisoners, oppress workers by making them overwork

        and some exploit girls...some employ aliens so that they will not cause trouble by forming unions ..others employ or less thatn a day so that they do not have to pay medical and other benefits...all methods to oppress the poor.

       We fast but actually do not obey Gods commands! . 



    What excuses do we use to rationalize not being generous to the poor -- in our communities or in our families?


      We ffeel that they are exploit us and taking undue advantage of our kindness, we feel they lie and project themselves as downtrodden but actually they are not in bad circumstances...many times we feel that their needs are fewer but they wish to compete with higher standards and live above their capabilities..


       As regards to giving charity to widows and old age homes and orphanages we use the excuse that people misappropriate the funds and so unless we give directly we cannot be sure where the money is going ....


    In what ways is "tough love" important to help people? In what ways could it hurt them? 


    Tough love is helpful to people but they may feel infradig to accept help from you as it doesnt befit their status to take help..so they get hurt by our overshow of money.


    People want more than we can spare sometimes and though we want to help their demands are beyond our capability and they feel hurt


    Tough love can be given if the person realises his needs and is able to digest taking help and doesn't have ego  

  5. Q3. (Isaiah 57:15) What things do we learn about God in this verse?

               We learn a)  God is holy

                               B) God lives in eternity

                               c)  God is high and Lofty

                                d) God loves the humble and repentant heart


    What is the great paradox here?

       The great paradox is that God is high and lofty but He loves to dwell with the poor , lowly and contite ....He is willing to come down from

    his Pinnacle of Holiness, Loftiness and dwell witht he poor and lowly and thats  exactly what Jesus Christ did  when he came to earth...He emptieed

    Himself of his loftiness and dwelt among us.


    Why does God care so much about the downtrodden and the contrite?

       God loves the poor , the repentant and those who follow and obey His commands...Jesus Christs  mission was very much the same to serve the downtrodden, prisoners, oppressed  and open the eyes of the blind..and preach the acceptable year of the lord


    Do you and your congregation care for the downtrodden and contrite with the same intensity?


      I have an affinity for the downtrodden...somehow my friends and dear ones are the meek and of lower strata who only I can be benevolent to ....apart from this I do try to do a food ministry on sundays to the poor, a distribution of milk to children earlier on a regular basis now at intervals, on a wedding ann i entertained the families of the poor, sponsor couple of children for education, health and welfare,preach the good news to the labourers and workmen who come to my home throughout the year, gift donations to workmen who do not get jobs in off season and regularly visit orphangaes, widows homes and destitiute homes....tried to visit the prisoners but could do it only twice as special permission is needed........still I think I am not doing enough now as there is a language problem in this place of India where I have recently come ...people talk Malayalam in kerala so the majority of people talk this and are not very conversant in English or Hindi.. whereas I talk Hindi from the north  


      I do not know the personal lives of the congregation hear as I live 30 miles away from the church I attend on Sundays...not much interaction with the congregation, but I do know that many participate in the outreach programmes to the down trodden..in  feeding the needy programme at the church, the orphanage run by the church, the HIV + / AIDS  help programme by the church ,  the building of houses for the poorer strata of the congregation...every year one house is built...etc .


  6. Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God?


      The old testament is full of instructions to keep one day apart to worship the lord and rest...The Jews kept sataurday but later the early christians honoured the day Christ rose from the dead ..the first day of the week i.e. Sunday..jESUS also observed the sabbath and went to the synagogue regularly on the sabbath ..the gives us the example that God is pleased if we keep away one day to just worship him...praise him glorigy him meet together to pray and fellowship....but no body stops you from doing it more frequently...but at least once a week and whenever you wish to keep that day...it may be a friday in the middle east which is thier public holiday and sunday is a regular day of work. God wont be annoyed if you keep Friday as a day of rest...He just desires that you honour Him at least once a week.


    Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God?

    Read the above which covers this also.


    Which of these might dishonor God?

    No worship ...definitely ...rest is immaterial ..but worshipping God is what we have been created for and He demands this of us. we have been created to worship and glorify God


    Which of these keep the spirit of one "who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it"?...

    worship and rest ...whichever day you keep it .

  7. Q1. (Isaiah 56:3-8) What is the significance of God's welcome of believing and ethical foreigners and eunuchs to full status in his temple?


    God wants to inform us that His kingdom  welcomes people of all strata/ skin colour/ ethnicity/health/profession/sexual abnormality or any other diverse character...the kingdom of God is all inclusive.


    What are the implications of that for the church?


    The church tends to exclude those who do not speak the same language/ look the same / or are sinners of a known type like prostitutes/ prisioners/ immoral /  then they tend to avoid the poor/ not similarly dressed, the obese, the physically handicapped ...all these are not christian like behaviours.and we have to rectify it

      It is imperative that the people who are needy should be welcomes graciously and extend the love of God to them  and not to socialise with friends of the same strata. You can always meet friends in their home...but God seekers come to church and we are to take the opportunity to extend our love to them and bring them into the fold.


    Who does your congregation tend to exclude from its fellowship -- if not explicitly, then by emphasis and focus?

    people who are unfriendly, from a different part with a language problem, from a different culture, also known drunkards, divorcees immoral criminals  ... or such victimised ..

      in fact some very corrupt people are met with eagerness and friendly way  because of their wealth and social standing!.


    What could you do about this?


    It is very essential to preach 'SALVATION, THE CROSS AND THE WAY OF THE CROSS  .....every christian should be born again then only the change in the treatment and behaviour of christians will change



  8. Q5. (Isaiah 53) Which single New Testament passage best sums up for you the lessons of Isaiah 53? Why did you chose this passage? (Select from Matthew 26:38-42; Luke 22:37; John 1:29; Romans 3:24-26; 2 Corinthians 5:20-21; 1 Peter 2:24-25; 1 Peter 3:18; Philippians 2:5-11 -- or any other passage you can think of.)[/size]
    Philippians 2:5-11
    1. It tells us of his being God but coming to earth in humble  human form 

    2. It specifiacally tells us of the Servant role  which Isaaiah 53 is all about

    3  It tells us He was obedient to death

    4. It tells us of His suffering and death on the cross

    But if you combine it with 1PETER 2 20-24 it will give the full picture

    5   The shepherd role is noted

    6   He bore our iniquites and healed our diseases

    7.    He was reviled and kept quiet like a sheeo going for slaughter


    The 2  texts  complete the picture of Isaiah 53. 



    5. It 



  9. Q4. (Isaiah 53) In addition to our sins, the Servant also bears the punishment deserved by sinners. In what sense, if any, did Jesus bear the punishment due you when he died on the cross?


    I feel each one of us have broken the 10 commandments ....and that means these are my sins ...


    The wages of sin is death ...therefore I deserve to die ...and receive eternal damnation....I deserve to go to hell after physical death and have no right to  an Eternal Life in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy a place where there is no sorrow , no tears, no pain, no disease...wow! what I would be missing if Jesus Christ had not died in my place and granted me salvation by His Death upon the Cross instead of me ...

     I am truly blessed  

  10. Q3. (Isaiah 53) Isaiah 53 teaches what theologians call "the substitutionary atonement."

    The wages of sin are death....so we break the law we deserve to die....that was the OT

     When we commit wrong we have to be punished and in the OT "sin offering" was given to the High Priest so that the persons sins were forgiven by the shed blood of the animal which was generally a Lamb ..after the Priest offered.. this the people were pronounced cleansed from their sins.


    In the same way Jesus posed as the Lamb and His body was put on a cross ( which was the olden days concept for hanging) . punishemnt for crime.. His body was in lieu of  the "sin offering"  

                                       His  shed blood  gave " the cleansing" to all humanity .

    So if you believe this  " that Jesus was the sin offering  who died for you then you are SAVED from the Spiritual death which is supposed to come to you as a punnishment  for  your sin. and you will live with God forever and ever.


    In what sense does the Servant act as a substitute to bear our sins? Put it in your own words.

    Let us take a 18 year old boy kills his dad in the house........

    when the police comes the mother comes forward and claims that she has committed the murder and she is hanged for the murder.of her husband though actually the son does the crime.

    She dies for the crime of her son.....substitiuition...

    In a broader way...

    soldiers in a concentration camps are made to take thier rifles out every day and clean them and deposit them at the end of the day.

    On a particular day one rifle was missing and the sentry on duty ordered the soldier who had not deposited the rifle to confess and speak up..no one came forward so the  sentry said all would be punished if the culprit didn't own up .

    Then one soldier walked forward and said he ahd taken the rifle...at that he was shot dead.

    later they re checked the rifles and found they were complete in number and actually there  no rifle was missing.

        .The  soldier gave his life for all the soldiers  otherwise all were going to be killed. He was innocent without crime .but he gave his life for ALL.


    ..that is substittuition

  11. Q2. (Isaiah 53) Which New Testament parallels to Isaiah 53 convince you that Jesus himself saw his own mission and destiny spelled out in Isaiah 53?


    At the very begining of His ministry Jesus read the scroll of Isaiah in the Synagogue on the Sabath and said that it was fulfilled in Him  Luke 4: 18-21,Luke 24; 46; 


    If you aren't convinced, what stands in your way?

    I am convinced that Jesus is the Son of God. 

  12. Q1. (Isaiah 53) From how large a group of people does God remove sins in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12?


    It is for ANYONE . ANYWHERE at ANY POINT OF TIME IN HISTORY. who believe that Jeusu is lord and Saviour.



    In what sense is this a universal sacrifice of salvation?


    It is applicable to the whole world i.e. universe !


    In what sense is Jesus' sacrifice wasted on some people?


    It is for all people but if someone doesn't accept the gospel and has rejected Jesus then it is of no use to them  ... it is ESPECIALLY wasted on the Jews at that time who were witness to everything  that Jesus said and did but would not accept him and accused him falsely to crucify HIM.

    whoever does not believe in Him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only son of God. John 3:18b    . 

  13. Q9. (Isaiah 55:6-9) What does seeking the Lord entail?

         Seeking  the Lord entails Reading the Word of God with concentration and purpose, a study of the word alongside is even better and hearing the word regularly in church ,conventions and weekly fellowships...when we do this we will develop a deeper understanding of walking with the Lord


    If God's ways and thoughts are different than our own human way of thinking, what are the implications of this for success in our lives?

    Gods ways are always different and He desires us to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD....we are to trust in Him whatever the issue is ...take all your cares to Him in prayer and lean on Him and He will give you what is best for you...and you may realise it later ..sometimes you realise it at once that His thoughts are higher and His ways are wiser..


    Why is repentance necessary to this process?

    Worldly vanity is what we are all guilty of ...even the best of us have a wee bit of it ....that is why we are to repent and ask God to sanctify us...by that we realise what is required of us ...repentance refines us not to make the same mistakes again

    Why is humility necessary?

    Humility was the core nature of Jesus , his servanthood, HE came to serve not to be served but we always want someone to do the job for us , aide , domestic help etc we turn lazy and dependant...Humility instils the nature to treat everyone as better than yourself and  that way you will win the hearts of people ..Humility is a difficult attribute of JESUS TO ACQUIRE 

    What happens to us if our seeking is shallow?

    Shallow seekers are either doing it for public opinion or not focussed on their goal...you will not achieve any benefit and will not be able to draw on the power of the Holy Spirit in your life and will not be able to develop a close relationship with the Lord   

    What happens if we put off seeking the Lord when we hear his invitation?

    "Its now or never" as Elvis Presley sang...tomorrow will be to late.  many times we dont get another opportunity. 

    Is it ever too late to seek the Lord? 

    yes...if we die it will be too late ...you wont get a chance to come to the Lord and it is only in Christ there is NO CONDEMNATION .

    Can any real success be found by other means than seeking the Lord?

    Worldly success can be yours at the cost of seeking the Lord as you will be spending all your time chasing your earthly goals...at the end of the day you will find it is an empty bubble...no real friends,a  bank balance which matters little after death, your health may be poor, you may have neglected your responsibilities to your elders when you chasing other things ...all these are more precious and SUCH a  success  will not give you treasures in heaven!  

  14. Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down?

         People  spend their lives doing  things they know wont satisfy them deep down because they dont want to walk the narrow path...

     OR the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, even if they wish to obey Gods commands.


    Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead?

    It leads to damnation / eternal fire

    What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage?  

    Come to me as you are and I will give you spiritual food and drink so that you will have eternal life


    What is the cost of accepting the invitation?

    there is no cost ...salvation if free to him who accepts the  Lord Jesus Christ as His Lord and Saviour.

    Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it?

    Not always ...there are those who have ears but do not hear ..to them it has no effect


    How can you  issue this invitation in today's vernacular?

     We must be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks a reason for the faith that we confess...we should preach the gospel to anyone anytime we have an opportunity and then Pray that the Holy  Spirit convicts  them of their sins and the need of a saviour in Jesus Christ in addition to this we should endeavour to. lead Christ like and Christ centred lives.

  15. Q7. (Isaiah 54:16-17) What does the promise mean that no weapon formed against you shall succeed?

         The enemy will always be making attempts to dominate you and put you down in your attempts to do any work but those who trust and put their faith in the Lord will stand firm and twart the attacks of the enemy. 


    Does it mean we won't have to conduct spiritual warfare through prayer and faith? What then does it mean?


    No. Spiritual warfare is a part of life .we are given trials and temptations to overcome and grow in the Lord . the enemy is always prowling around like a lion to see if he can get a hold of us therefore we must pray without ceasing especially if we are put in trials;  we have  the armour of GOD to help us in our daily walk with HIM.    .

  16. Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor?

    Israel had been unfaithful to the Lord and was punished ...She suffered humiliation in captivity in Babylon, Jerusalem had been destroyed and became like a barren and desolate land.To be 'barren' was a shameful thing for a woman and so God compares the sins of Israel to an unfaithful wife and her punishment is barrenness when she forsook the Lord..

    What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"?

    God is  like the husband to Israel .He had all the authority to put her away and she cannot oppose Him or take her back even if she was an unfaithful wife i.e   He could make or  break her life  

    What does the husband do in this analogy?

    Israel was like an unfaithful wife but God could and would redeem her with love ,care and protection and give her back her esteemed position in his house. 


    In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband?

     The church is the bride of Christ and  Christ is the  Husband of the church i.e." believers" . He will love , care and protect them.


    What is expected of the wife?

    The wife is expected to Obey the husband's  commands , respect Him and submit to Him.

  17. Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful

     Good News  is  Gospel  ..therefore the good news of Peace and Salvation  in Zion  will announce the Lords Return and His soveriegn reign.  ..


    What is the original historical context of these verses?

    OrigIn in history is 2 Samuel 18;24-31

    Obviously  good news is always awaited especially after a battle has been fought..and the news of victory is wonderful and the messenger .. beautiful because whenever Israel went into  the battle with its enemies  people waited eagerly for the messenger to come over the hills..the watchman shouted one man is coming ...that was not a good sign  but when he shouted another man is running and coming  that was a sure sign of victory in the  battle ...this is the origin of this text in history WHEN DAVID WAITED FOR NEWS OF THE BATTLE.. It was always the Lords hand in the victory and not their own strength...this was beautiful


    How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?

    Paul applies this to the evangelists who would be sent to preach the gospel and this was good news to the people who would not be able to hear the gospel otherwise...therefore the feet of these evangelists was a beautiful sign of good tidings being spread to all nations 

  18. Q4. (Isaiah 50:10-11) How can you trust the Lord to guide you when you can't see where you're going?

       We must walk by Faith and not by sight.....You can never see the lords mysterious ways ...he springs surprises which are far beyond our expectations and what we can ever dream of. Just Trust in the Lord with all your heart He is a friend so true , No matter what your troubles are, Jesus will see you through. 

    Have you ever experienced fear in this situation?

    Yes. Doubts creep in , the devil finds a foothold .

     How do you continue?

    .you have to develop the strength by reading the Word of God and Prayer to resisit doubt and have Faith

    What is the danger of creating your own "light" to substitute for the invisible God? 

    God is an a;; powerful God; Nothing is too difficult for Him. so whatever your need He will provide it JUST PRAY UNCEASINGLY.

    OUR  own decisions and solutions may appear more lucrative and rewarding but Trust me without God you can do nothing. 

  19. 3. (Isaiah 50:4-9) Who does Isaiah seem to speak about in our passage?

            Jesus Christ the Messiah 


    In what way is he open to the Lord?

    He always obeyed the Father and lived in close communion with Him no matter how tired and how busy a schedule He had ...that is something we have to learn ..he was obedient unto death 


    In what way does he suffer?

    First of all Rejection.(.it is a great thing to suffer rejection) then humiliation, scoffed at , mocked, beaten , spat upon , pierced with a crown of thorns, lashed 39 times, nailed , ridiculed that he could not save himself and the MOST TERRIBLE PUNISHMENT WAS THE SEPARATION FROM THE FATHER WHEN HE BORE OUR SINS


    When was the Messiah vindicated in history?

    In His Ressurrection.

    How will he be vindicated at the end of the age?

    He will come at the end as a Ruler and King  in all glory. 


    What character quality is necessary for believers when their vindication doesn't seem to happen soon enough?


    Faith and Patience....we have to wait His time not OUR WILL .

  20. Q2. (Isaiah 49:14-50:3) Paul teaches that "all Israel will be saved." According to Isaiah in our passage, what will happen to the scattered Jews in the Last Days.

    In the last days all the Jews will return to the promised land...they have already started returning in great numbers but all have not yet come .Yes Jerusalem will be overcrowded in the last days with JEWS AND GENTILES., the unknown children.   


    Does God seem to love Jews who haven't trusted in Messiah Jesus yet?

    Yes , God loves the Jews even though they have not accepted the Messiah ..but He does everything in His Time...His promises never fail. 


    How can you show your love for Jews?

    By Prayer...the power of prayer is infinite Yes all the Jews will realise that Jesus is the promised Messiah ..it iwill take time ..Many Jews have started reading the scriptures and are realising  their folly in rejecting him.



  21. Q1. (Isaiah 49:1-13) Why do people tend to disregard or even discriminate against aliens in their country? How can you increase your love for people of other nationalities? God’s people are called to be a “light to the nations.” What might that entail for the church in your community? In your country?


    India is a country with diverse culture, creed, colour and socio econonic variation...however I wish to tell you that it is not in our nature to discriminate people in general ...we find the average Indian very congenial , helpful and hospitable esp to strangers of another place or race...I wish to tell you that the Hindus are Very TOLERANT to the gospel and will always be willing to hear it but it is our inhibitions not to preach to whoever we meet on a daily basis..i exclude fanatics in this statememnt ..It is our fear of displeasing them with our religious beliefs and feeling and a thing apart to talk about religion in society , in secular functions...Many Hindus accept the Lord Jesus as one of their Gods and even pray to them in thier homes!...they are what we call the NBBC..Non Baptised Believers in Christ ...so no discrimination here  only suspicion of INFILTRATORS WITH A TERRRORIST INTENTION would meet  disregard or discrimination.


    It is our duty to love everyone esp those who are not lovely ...there are alot many unlovely people who are generally avoided...we need to interact with them more with love and respect ..it can bring about a change in the nation


    In our community When we hold functions in open places people may attend out of curiousity ..like a church service on the beach/ playgound ...but the Fanatics can cause trouble like throw stones etc .People  do not want to be noticed attending a christian religious service in a church but in an auditorium they would attend. there are some church services held in hotel banquet halls which are open to all and they visit these. For a person from a NON CHRISTIAN background... he loses alot of family prestige and wealth and joint family security when he puts his faith in Christ ..He puts his sisters marriage  at stake as marriages are arranged still and suitors seek a respectable family ..it is a real denial for him and he is on his own... devoid of family and friends so its a difficult proposition...The church would have to be a full time support to those who turn to Christ from other faiths...


    In the country ...every person who accepts Christ has to make a LEGAL declaration of his change of faith ...thereafter the missionary or priest who has performed the baptism is taken to task.. These rules have come into effect about 10-15 years ago unfortunately because of some agencies who were doing forceful conversions for the sake of money...more conversions more money kind of thing... In some sad cases.Christian workers lure people.


    If we profess Christ humbly and let the HOLY SPIRIT work then  at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow.   ...

  22. Q7. (Isaiah 44:7b) In what sense does God "bring prosperity and create disaster"?

    When God allows disaster to strike, it’s always for the purpose of getting people to acknowledge him so that you will enjoy the blessings he has given us in Jesus

    : God allows these messes so that people will acknowledge him. And why wouldn’t we want to acknowledge the Lord? He has summoned us by name, as he did Cyrus. When? Where? At the baptismal font. There, God put his name on us and took hold of us forever. So whether it’s prosperity or disaster we face, we have to  give thanks to the Lord,. For in Jesus we have sure riches that wait for us in heaven. 

    Is God the source of evil? Of trouble? Of prosperity? Of poverty? In what sense is he responsible for these? In what sense are we responsible for these things?

    NO. God is not the author of evil (James 1:13). When we are self-indulgent and do things that are not pleasing to God,it is not  Gods doing. God did not prompt Hitler and Stalin to do what they did.

    We are each responsible for our own sins. Yet, even then God turns our self-made difficulties to good. The ultimate example is how God used the jealousy of the Jewish leaders and the cowardice of Pilate to secure payment for our sins when Jesus died on the cross. 

      Since we know that God is the source of both prosperity and disaster, what should we be doing?

    Our God is all powerful ..He is the only true God and we are His chosen people, His children  therefore we should live only to please Him.. Whatever we have is given by HIM ..all our successes , our job, our position , our financial circumstances are all his giving ..nothing is earned by us though we may feel it is the result of our hard work.

    Therefore we are to give thanks to him in all circumstances...rejoice in the Lord always.

    Praise Him. Worship Him. Read His Word. Obey His commands and Live for Him and the hope of eternal life.


  23. 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born?

    We have an Amazing, Astounding, Astonishing , Marvellous, All-knowing All-powerful Miracle working God...thats the ony way it can be explained .

     In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God?

    Another word for “ordained” to carry out the mission.

     How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes?

    God has chosen Cyrus for His special misson and brought him to power for this purpose.

     What does this tell us about God?

    God sees the heart of an indiviual and can mould it to fulfill His purpose....God can use anyone He wishes to use ..He could even change the heart of Saul , a persecutor of the Faith .

    About being humble in our judgments of others?

    When the Lord our God could use an unbeliever for such a great Job as restoring Israel and specifically Jerusalem and that too rebuilding of the temple......one can never afford to judge another ...even an unbeliever..God has a divine purpose for each one on earth    ..He is jsut waiting to see if they will respond to his message of Salvation...therefore we are no one to condemn or reject others.  

  24.  How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)?

    We can show God’s glory by Being a Good Christian and showing others that we are truly fulfilled and happy on the inside. We need to Love one another and we have to shift the  focus from ourselves to others and  be a Blessing to others that will glorify our God

     To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?

    We can tell people that He is a God who cares for His people and will deliver them from evil, enemies and captivity like He did with His people when He delivered them from Egypt by parting the waters of the Red sea.

     Our God can do the impossible and we are to depend on Him for EVERYTHING.

    We are to proclaim that He will deliver us and free us from our transgressions by God offering a sacrifice on our behalf and making us perfect like Him...Preach the Gospel wherever and whenever we can

    We must tell people that we can depend on our God at all times because He loves us so much.

    Because He cares for us He will gather us from all parts of the world and bring us to His holy mountain and new Jerusalem where He will reign forever and ever.

     To proclaim his praise (verse 21)?

    By praising Him at all times .....

    By ...actions ...clapping and applauding Him and lifting our hands in praise

    By speech ....verbal praise

    By singing....songs , psalms and hymns

    By sharing our belongings and blessings as a token of Praise and Thanksgiving for His provision  

     What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes?

    A major obstacle I face is the language problem when I move from one part of the country to another as India is a large and varied in culture and language..at resent I am struggling with Malayalam the language of Kerala which is new to me..I am from the places which speak Hindi.


     How do you benefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you?

    I receive complete happiness and Peace which makes me calm in the most difficult situations , knowing that Christ is the Lord and Saviour of my life.


  25. Gods  “servant” here probably refers to the  Jews, who call themselves Yahweh’s servants, and pretend to serve and worship Yahweh  yet there are none so blind as they in spiritual things? though they have so many opportunities and advantages of light and knowledge, yet shut their eyes willfully against the light; hence the people and their guides( the Scribes and Pharisees), are often called "blind" by our Lord, to whose times this passage refers,

    Mathew 15:4-16  Mathew 23:16-17 ;  Mathew 23:24

     who is blind, as he that is perfect? This probably refers to  such people as Saul prior to his conversion who thought he was perfectly brought up in religious matters and no one was better than him,, and all the Pharisees, those self-righteous persons who needed no repentance, and yet who so blind as they? and indeed, had they not been blind to themselves, they could never have thought themselves perfect; and yet when they were told they were so, could not bear it,

    Mathew 19:20, Philippians 3:6;  Luke 15:7 and John 9:14

    How would you assess your own spiritual blindness  in the past 5-10 years?

    Before  2000  I have been  80% blind and was more judgmental than productive. Gradually by spending more time in meditating on  the word of GOD and  getting involved  in proclamation of  the gospel, organizing Outreach programmes,, understanding the power of Praise and Worship,,Prayer, and  Bible study the blindness may have reduced by 10% ..

    How effective is a blind servant in accomplishing his masters purpose?.

     No,  A blind servant cannot accomplish his Masters purpose. Its like blind man leading the blind man!..in fact it may even be destructive like Saul.

    How effective have you been?

    My efforts have been great but the pay off has been negligible. I still stand far short of the Glory of God. I pray that I may reach at least a point when I can stand to receive the Lord without fear of being told ‘”i dont know you “

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