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Posts posted by kitty

  1. When we are willing to die, during persecution; there is a peace. We know that if we are to die, we will go up to heavon. A much better place.

    When we aren't willing to die, there is fear when persecution comes. At all times there should be no worldly fear to pick up the cross. It should be an honor.

    When we pick up our cross, we are following Jesus' example. We are obeying His commandment. To pick up our cross and follow Him daily.

  2. If there is a reason, why we aren't persecuted. There must be some things going on. One we work in a totally christian setting and there are no non-christians around. Two, we work with non-christians and there is no need for the persecution on the christians. Which means there is some sin with the christian.

    Persecution should make us happy, when we give God the glory. When we know that Jesus is right beside us while we are going thru persecution. We should have joy inside us.

  3. To avoid persecution and suffering means that Christians won't pass the test and grow up. Our faith won't strengthen. We will stop serving Jesus.

    I can't remember when I was distracted totally. I do know that sometimes I will temporary forget who I am and be lost in the persecution. But Jesus always reminds me that He is right next to me when I am in a trial that is real deep.

    There are a few christians that I have observed that I thought they wouldn't make it. But I pray for them and God takes care of them.

  4. To me, when people promote themselves; they are giving attention to themselves, maybe they have pride or want to boast about the work they did. This may show the what kind of person they are. It shows that they have some maturity.

    God has given me spiritual gifts, He has given me to speak in different kinds of tongues, and the gift of prophecy. Both of these, God is teaching me how to operate in these gifts, in a deeper way.

  5. I believe that non-christians like to live as they please. They don't believe in being accountable in a Christly sense of way.

    Christians think that it is hard to have accountibility. That when they are accountable, they will have to work hard to be accountable. To be accountable means that there are people (co-workers, friends, family, church members) who will help us to stay on the road that God has laid before us. As a result, we will be able to live for God, not having to worry about temptations that come our way. We also will have people who won't be afraid to keep us accountable and help us step by step.

  6. I have pledge to follow Jesus Christ and be His disciple. I was baptized as a child. I grew up in a difficult home, and realized when I was a young adult that I needed to be baptized. I felt a conviction. So following the prompt of the Holy Spirit, I was baptized again. I felt that I was already a disciple. But I felt that I needed to get right with God in a deepter way. Then when I recently got married, I felt that the fellowship that my husband and I was apart of that as a couple we needed to be baptized in the river. I felt that this was to start our ministry together.

    I know that until God speaks to me I won't be baptized again. I don't think it matters how many time we are baptized. When God tells us we need to do something, we need to obey Him.

  7. I find it fasinating. That God would want me in his family. A sinner. Not only a sinner coming into the family of God, but that He wants to raise me up. To minister to others. God loves me so much that He sent His one son. It fasinates me that we have a God, a daddy who would sacrifice His son just for me. Not only sacrifice His son, but He turned His back on His son. Then God wants me to grow up, to sit by His side and learn right next to Him. To meditate on His word, and to minister to others.

  8. It can be difficult to witness under persecution, because those who persecute us don't want to listen to what the christian has to say. The persecutor's heart is closed to what the christian has to say.

    It is easy to make a wrong decision, because we don't want to say the right thing to bring on the persecution.

    All four can help me in my situations. Each advise is useful, and a reminder. As to how I'm suppose to deal with the situation.

  9. Peter was telling the christian husbands, they need to look after the wife's needs as well as their own. The wife is under the husband. Husband's needed to grow up and be smart with their wife.

    When the husband demonstrates that he is looking after his wife's needs, then this leads to a demonstration of love. He shows affection to his wife. Without the wife having to leave any clues.

    When the husband looks after his wife and sees what needs the wife may have, not only is this demonstration of love, but it tells the wife that her husband is still interested in her and someone else.

    Men may feel that when they dominate their wife, that they are in control. I'm not knocking anybody down. Wifes also feel they have to be the dominate one. This can't be. No one should be the dominate one. Only God should be the dominate one. Any one else is looking for trouble.

    The harm this causes, is the undominate one feels they are being riduculed, abused, and in an un-safe environment. It cause the undominate one too feel self-secure. Like they can't do anything correctly.

    God wants everyone to be free. If there is domination happening, there is no freedom in the marriage.

  10. To cultivate inner beauty, one must yield regulary. Let the Holy Spirit reign in my life on a daily basis.

    Character is the same way. By letting the Holy Spirit clean my old and dirty nature. He replemises my nature with the characterists of Jesus. Love, joy, peace, patience...the gifts of the Spirit.

    When I have true character it show the Father, that we want to be in his presense. That we aren't fooling around. We are serious about our intimate relationship.

    By the Godly characterists, the ungodly mate will see that the Godly mate is not of the world but is apart of God's family. The Godly mate doesn't have worldly emotions. The Godly mate has the inner beauty that comes only from God.

  11. Sin has a power over us that can blind us. Satan is still loose and and blinding christians and non-christians. We must die to sin and live for righteousness. To die to sin is to speak the truth even when we want to lie. When we know the consecoinces may want us to lie. To live for righteousness means to live a holy life. Not to lie, cheat, go over the speed limit. To live by the law and rules of the house, school, and work.

  12. Jesus bore my sin not what I have done. This being repented. But the sins I have already commit. It doesn't matter how hard not to sin, I am going to sin. Knowing this, Jesus went ahead and became my sin offering on the tree. He knew that I would cuss, lie, and do wicked things. But he had compassion for me that He still went thru the persecution, beatings, scourging, and the nails on His wrists and feet. He became my sacrifice. All He wants for me is to offer him a sacrifice of praise to him.

  13. Just as there had to be a spottless lamb and goat in the O.T. times, Jesus is our spottless lamb in the N.T. and present. To have spots meant there was sin. So for Jesus to be sinlessness important. Jesus had to have no sin.

    Jesus suffered a whole lot when my future sins were being poured out into his soul.

    Only one man could stand this kind of corruption. That would be a man who was super-anointed to handle the velocity of the sins of all people in the world at present and 2000+ years later.

  14. In the past Jesus' suffering only meant that he healed me, forgave me and is interceding for me. But since I have seen the movieBook of John and The Passion, my eyes have been opened further. During the movieBook of John. I saw how Jesus moved around the crowds and had compassion on them. Even when he was tired. During the movieThe Passion, I experienced some pain during the movie, by the time the movie reached where Jesus was being beaten, I was not in pain. I had also passed the time for me to take pain medicine.

    These two movies have opened my insight as to how much Jesus suffered. I am thankful that Jesus went thru this and took my place. He didn't have to do it, but He did anyway. What words can express How much Jesus loves us to suffer for us. There isn't.

  15. Jesus' behavior tells me that I need to keep going until my graduation comes from this job. My job was a God given job. To shine the light into the heavily darkness. By seeing Jesus' actions, I see that there are some areas that need work. And there are some areas that are really good. Jesus is the first example and only example that I need to focus my attention on. When it comes to unfair co-workers who are higher than I and managerment, Jesus is where my attention will be seeking and see how he faced an issue.

  16. In the company that I work, there is unjust things going on. Some the employers know and some they do. When this effects me. I try and not complain. But I go to God. When I complain it shows the world and God that I can't trust God. Prov. 3:5 "Trust in the Lord" complaining is the opposite of trusting.

    When people treat me unfair in the work place. My co-workers see what is being done. They often say to tell what I feel. This is not what God wants. Instead I calm down and continue with my work. By doing this, the world may see that I'm being walked on, but I see that I'm giving all the room for God to work. For his glory to shine thru me.

  17. The bible says to submit ourselves to our masters. If we were to put these terms in todays society it would mean: employees submit to the employers. We need to show our employers whether saved or not that we are God's kids. We need to show the un-saved employers that we aren't like the others. We show them that we don't cut corners when corners need to be cut.

    When we don't do an honest job it shows our employers and God that we can't be trusted. It shows what kind of christians we really are.

  18. We are free people. We choose to obey voluntarily. God gave us an ability to live freely and to obey him. When we speak good about Him. We are bringing glory to his name.

    Just like when we rebel it hurts the other person. God is different. He knew when He created to world that humans were going to rebel. Knowing this God still created us humans. He gets hurt, but he is forgiving, and forgets when we repent. :)

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