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Posts posted by kitty

  1. Gideon has the army divided into 3 groups so that all 300 men could surround the Midianite camp.

    By having the men sound the trumpets, break the pottery and raise their torches is to confuse the enemy.

    The result was the enemy was confused. The spirit of the Lord brought this on and the enemy killed each other and fled from the scene.

    The strategy worked because God created the plan. :D:ph34r:

  2. Why do we demand that God's directions make sense to us before we'll follow them?

    We demand for God to tell the reason and to explain the reason to us before we follow the directions.

    What is the spiritual danger here?

    The danger here is we have pride and rebellion in our hearts. We are opening a door for the enemy to get in.

    We can balance blind obedience and getting confirmation by spiritual people by letting them pray for us and not give them the information God has given. This way when we need confirmation, we know what is needed to be heard by God. When we tell spiritual people what we need to be confirmed, and prayed over. I heard this could be an avenue of gossip.

  3. God felt that Gideon's army was too big because, God is a jealous God, and He wants all the praise and the credit. If Gideon had gone in with his big army, God would not have gotten the credit.

    Shrinking the army's size would increase Israel's faith and allengiance. By shrinking the army, Israel would have no reason why they couldn't serve God. It would get them back to serving the true Yahweh.

    The pressure that Gideon would feel for not obeying God would be, the army and the country would be in totaly jeopardy. Gideon knew that the only way to get Israel back to God, was to obey everything God said.

    Gideon listened to God. When God said the army was too big, Gideon did exactly what God said to shrink the army. Gideon knew to obey God, no matter how silly it may seem.

  4. Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice?

    I believe that Gideon was wanting to know what God's decision was. To have a fleece out at night and only the fleece being wet and not the ground, it could only be a coincident. But to turn the test around and have the ground and not the fleece be wet could only be an act of God. Only something God could do.

    I belief this would be a sign of belief, and a test to see the real, miraculous God. Gideon knew God from what his parents, and older family members. He didn't know God in a personal way. Gideon, needed to see God for himself. He heard God once, and now God is telling him to do something at a new level. He needed confidence that this was truly God speaking to him.

    This differs from the sinful testing of God. The sinful testing is a test with a hidden agenda. The test of God is a test for me to see where God is moving in my life. Where I need to go to stay in God's footsteps.

  5. When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign?

    When we are at a cross roads. I remember when I was going courting. I asked God for a sign that I was to go out with a certain person. I believe that when we need God to help us make an important decesion, we can ask God for a sign.

    What is the danger of demanding a sign?

    The danger of damanding, we could have the wrong motives of wanting a sign.

  6. What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites?

    The Holy Spirit came upon Gideon to take action against the Midianites. By Gideon obeying God, the Midianites were defeated.

    What does Gideon have in common with other judes and leaders of his era?

    Gideon has: the spirit of wisdom, but most of all the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon.

  7. What kind of leader has Gideon's father Joash been up to this point?

    Gideon's father, Joash has been a leader for the people, and his family. Joash was a man between two gods.

    How does Gideon's action affect his father?

    Gideons action causes his father to make a decision between which god Joash wants to serve.

    Shouldn't Gideon have considered the impact on his father?

    At the time that Gideon was deciding whether to obey or disobey God, Joash was not mentioned as to how to make the decision.

    How should this have affected Gideon's action?

    The decision that Joash made and the making fun of Baal, proves that the action that Gideon made had an everlasting effect on Gideon.

    In what sense is Joash a follower of Yahweh now?

    Joash stood up to Baal and followed Yahweh because of what Gideon did in obeying God.

  8. Can a person be a "disobedient disciple"?

    I believe a person can be a disobedient disciple. We have all been disobedient at one time or another. We have to always obey what God has commanded of us, or we are disobedient.

    Doesn't that represent an oxymoron?

    No, don't understand the meaning to oxymoron, even the dictionaries definition.

    Did Gideon have a choice here?

    Gideon did have a choice. The choice was to listen to God and face ridicule, or to face God very disobedient.

    Do we have a choice?

    Yes, when God tells us to do something, we can obey him or face the consequences.

  9. How are we to obey the commandment to "Honor our father and our mother" in the kind of situation Gideon finds himself?

    When our parents are not doing what is right in God's eyes, and God tells us to do something that would go behind our parents back. We must obey God. HE is our father first, before our birth parents. In the end, Gideon's father did back up Gideon in verse 31.

    What justification does Gideon have for his action?

    Gideon loved God more than his parents, he obeyed his Heavonly Father more than his earthly father.

  10. Why does God tell Gideon to tear down the Baal altar and Asherah pole?

    The people who lived in Gideon's village, were worshipping other gods and disobeying a commandment from God. God was very jealous, and God wanted a real altar made to Him only.

    What positive thing is he to do in their place?

    The positive thing that Gideon did, was make an altar to God, and Gideon's faith was raised to a new level.

    What risks are involved in this action?

    The risk was Gideon had to choose whether to listen to God, and to his family.

    Why does Gideon do this at night?

    Gideon was afraid of what his family and neighbors might do to him if they found out Gideon was tearing down the city altar and pole.

    Is the night mission a sign of weakness or faith?

    In this case I believe this was a sign of weakness turned into faith. Because fear was used, it was a weakness. But when Gideon found out his father would back him up, the sign was turned to faith.

  11. What is God's answer to Gideon's self-image?

    God's answer was an encouragement to Gideon's self-image.

    Does this spiritual principle apply to our lives as Christians?

    Yes, when I doubt my self-image, God shows me encouragement or has someone encourage me when I feel my self-image is low.

    Can I recall any New Testament passages that teach the same principle?

    Ro. 12:3; Heb. 4:16,6:10; I Thes. 3:13

    What is an appropriate prayer to pray in light of what God has taught you from this passage?

    Father, thank you for showing me what I am capable of. Give me the strength to conquer the test You want me to pass.

  12. How did God see Gideon?

    God saw Gideon as a might warrior.

    How did Gideon see himself?

    Gideon saw himself as a person who is a low life. His family clan as the lowest of all the clans. His family as the lowest in the clan. And himself as the lowest in his family.

    How can our own self-perception prevent us from becoming what God has made us to be?

    We can put our own self done, emotional, and internally. We allow ourself to put ourself down, to listen to the inner voice inside of us. When we do something wrong, we get mad at ourself. We don't encourage ourself. God wants us to encourage ourself. Not put ourself down.

  13. According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state?

    Israel worshipped the god's where they lived. They worshipped the god's of the Amorites.

    What commandment did they break?

    The commandment they broke was Ex 20:3, Deut. 5:7 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

    In what way hadn't they "listened"?

    The Israelites didn't want to listen to God's commandments that was passed down from them from Moses.

    How does this affect Christians today?

    This affects the Christians in today's time, when we don't listen to God's voice and do what He asks of us. We are basically not wanting to listen to God's voice. To do what He wants us to do.

  14. In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles?

    He blames God for having calamity happen. Why they weren't saved from trouble that the Midianites caused.

    Is Giedon's assessment accurate? Why or Why not?

    This isn't accurate because, Israel caused the problem to start in the first place. They weren't listening to God all the way. So God gave access to the Midianites to the Israelites.

    Why do we blame God?

    We blame God for a number of reasons. One can be why did God let me loose a close friend in a car accident. One can be why am I being tested in a way to make me think twice as to why I was placed in a certain situation.

    What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

    The danger in blaming God is we can go bitter. To stop this in the future, is not to blame God, but to see what God has for me to learn about this situation.

  15. Hi, my name is Katherine. This is my 3rd bible stude I have been apart of since I started Joyful Heart in September. It is going to be lots of fun doing this study with all of you. My husband and I live in Hamilton, Oh. No kids as of yet. We have just been married.

  16. What do I think God's provision of animal sacrifice teach us about sin?

    that for the Old testament people to have their sin removed, the people had to sacrifice animals for their sin. This way they would be able to enter into the holy of holies.

    About holiness?

    We can't enter into God's throne room with sin.

    About God's nature?

    There are animals that were born with defects, some perfect, some to eat and others to birth other animals. All animals are created for a purpose, just like we humans were created for a purpose. Some animals are suppose to live, some for food, and other animals are suppose to be sacrificed.

  17. In what sense is God's provision of animal sacrifice for forgiveness of sins an expression of his mercy?

    God, in his mercy, allows these sacrifices to purge their sins, but the only fully adequate sacrifice for sin is still to come.

    Were animal sacrifices actually adequeate to atone for human sin?

    No, "it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins" (Hebrews 10:4), for the "lesser" animal cannot really substitute for the "greater" human being. Man needs someone greater than himself to actually atone for and do away with sin.

  18. What are the basic elements involved in a sacrifice for sin?

    1. confession 2. bring in the animal for sacrifice with no defect 3. Lay his hands on its head 4. Slay the animal by cutting its throat 5. Blood is collected by a priest, put on the horns of the altar, and poured out at the base of the altar 6. Remove the fat portions, which are given to the priest and burned on the altar 7. The meat is eaten by the priests in case of a sin offering

    Which of these are still necessary for forgiveness of sins today?

    confession, laying the sin at the feet of God, asking for forgiveness

    Which are no longer necessary? Why?

    bringing the animal for sacrifice with no defect, slaying the animal, collecting blood, removing the fat, and priest eating the meat. The reason why this is not done, is Jesus was our sacrifice. We no longer have to sacrifice an animal for our sins.

  19. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people?

    I have never had to live in the country where animals were fattened up to be killed. (ex. pig, turkey, chicken, cow) I feel that the Israelites had to sacrifice animals because God said to. If Jesus had not been born, or died on the cross; I believe that in today's society we would be sacrificing animals for our sin offerings as well.

    How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

    City life deals with grocery stores, farming life is in the country, they may have a grocery store but there may not be meats. City people have to depend on the farmers for our meats and fruits.

  20. Why is anger an appropriate response to sin?

    anger is an emotion. When we get our feelings hurt, we become angry. Another way to say it is when our feelings get hurt, we feel we need to show how mad we are.

    What is the difference between uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice?

    I feel that uncontrolled anger is anger that throws a temper tamdrum in front of someone( ex. family, friends, co-worker) anger that brings about justice is something to involve legal people (ex. cops, lawyers, courts, jail)

    when anger is uncontrolled, there may be damage done. When anger is brought to justice, a person feels like they can go on knowing that the law has done something.

  21. How do I know that John the Baptist's statement about the Lamb of God refers to sacrifice?

    The statement John the Baptist made about the Lamb of God implies that Jesus was a living sacrifice just as a lamb was a sacrifice in the Old Testament. (Eph. 5:2) Jesus is the only human who has no sin, so Jesus would be the only Human who can be the Lamb that makes the sacrifice.

    How was the conprehensive of "sins of the world" so radical a concept?

    I believe that when a christian witness' to non-christians, the world doesn't understand what sins of the world. We as christians try and not sin. When we do we have a gracious God who will forgive us.

  22. Hi everyone, I just finished the Revelation study 8 week class. I loved the study notes and forum questions that I wanted to continue. I am hoping that this class will let me see Jesus in a different way.

    I am just recently married. My husband and I are in training to be in the ministry. We go to church of non-denomition. It will be great to read what everyone has to say.

    God Bless. B)

  23. I believe that my life would be taken up in a twinkle of an eye. To live with Jesus in Heavon. If Jesus would live on earth in today's society, I would follow Him just like the disciples followed Him. I would leave my job, so I could be near Him.

    What I would do differently in my life would be to change the way I talked, and stay more in tune with what He is saying to me on a personal level.

    God Bless You!!! :D

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