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Posts posted by Vickie

  1. blondesmiley.gifIf you picture the scene, perhaps there is an answer. Imagine 300 men kneeling, as if in prayer to our Lord. Now, imagine the other 9,700 (10,000 remained after the fearful were sent home) prostrating themselves on the ground bent over at the waist as the heathens do to worship their gods (ref. the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.). And, just as there are only a handful of true Christians in the world compared with the heathen, there were just a handful of the "kneelers" left.

    I don't know if this is correct, but the imagery struck me.

  2. blondesmiley.gifGod gave us the ability to decide, which in turn gives us the ability to question. I don't believe for a moment that He is angered with us when we are seeking His will and need that confirmation. He knows what gifts He gave us, and discernment is not on everyone's list!

    I have found that it is usually God's will and not mine or the world's when it doesn't make since. His ways are not my ways! :blink:

  3. blondesmiley.gifThe answers to these questions are obvious: God had to prove to his disbelieving people that HE is in control, that only through HIM would they have victory. How difficult it must have been for Gideon to trust Him that far.

    I have had similar situations (if you'll indulge me...give me 5 minutes and I'll tell you my life story :P ) At this time last year my husband was being released from his temporary active duty position with the Army (after being activated for the 9/11/01 attacks), and was looking to go back to a job he was dissatisfied with. We had just started a home business, and were just beginning to see some results from it. It was clear that God wanted my husband to stay home, but it was a real leap of faith for us (prior to 11/01 we had both worked full time until our last baby was born and I quit to stay home). We were used to the steady paychecks, and were really struggling with the decision. But, God has shown us this past year that we will survive no matter what is thrown our way, that through Him and His promises we will overcome all the obstacles that we keep finding (it's like walking through the living room in the dark and purposely heading toward the coffee table to ram your shins. The obstacle is there, we know it, and it's through our stubborness that we head in its direction!). I have learned when I trust Him that He is ALWAYS FAITHFUL WITH HIS PROMISES!!!

  4. blondesmiley.gif Asking God for a sign is like my kids coming up to me and telling me they're not going to obey me unless I show them what I want. It is not necessarily doubting God, as has been said before, but doubting our understanding. I believe that we should not ASK for a sign, but ask for knowledge of His will. He may give us a sign, or He may simply continue to nudge us in the direction He chooses.

    God will light His path for us when we ask...but it is dangerous to always look for a "burning bush" when it may be the man behind you at the grocery store giving you that illumination you're seeking in a simple conversation.

  5. blondesmiley.gif

    Gideon needs confirmation of God's command--"Did I hear You right?" I had an incident once where I had been sewing for about an hour when I began to pray about an ungodly relationship I was in. I was asking, "What should I do about this?" Suddenly, my needle broke. I changed the needle, sewed about an inch *break*, changed the needle, and said, "Hmmm...Lord, are you saying I should break off this relationship?" Relating the breaking of the needle to the breaking off of the relationship. (change needle, sew another inch *break*) "Is there something wrong with this machine?" (check--nope--change needle, sew another inch *break*) After about 6 needles, and using my last one, I finally said, "Okay, Lord. I get it. I will break off the relationship." And I continued to sew the rest of the day with that last needle. Sometimes we just need that confirmation of "Did I hear You right? Am I getting this? Because, Lord, You of all know how dense I can be!"

    The sinful testing of God comes when we do stupid things to try to get God to "prove" Himself--like those who practice snake charming, or those who write "faith donations" out to the false teachers on Christian television. Questioning our understanding of God is not the same as questioning God's promises!

  6. "But the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon; then he blew the trumpet..." Judges 6:34

    "Now Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom." Deut. 34:9

    "The Spirit of the Lord came upon [Othniel]." Judges 3:10

    "So Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, 'If you take me back home to fight...and the Lord delivers them to me, shall I be your head?'" Judges 11:9

    "And the Spirit of the Lord began to move upon [samson]." Judges 13:25

    "And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon [samson]." Judges 14:6

    "Then the Spirit of God came upon Saul." 1 Samuel 11:6

    "As a beast goes down into the valley

    And the Spirit of the Lord causes him to rest,

    So You lead Your people,

    To make Yourself a glorious name." Isaiah 63:14

    (NKJ 1996 Tyndale House Publishers, written by GOD) :)


  7. Gideon's father had been a typical ineffective leader--one who will please the people above all. He was not one to take a stand for what was true and just! How true for most of our leaders today. Those who DO take a stand are ostracized.

    Gideon's stand forces his father to wake up and realize what he has done. Maybe his son's actions gave him the courage to take the stand he should have taken years before. Gideon, in following a direct command of God, wasn't concerned whom it would affect. Perhaps he was hoping it would have a positive effect on his father.

    Joash's wake up call made him realize that the altars he had allowed, maybe even helped, the people of the city to build, were built to false gods who couldn't even stand up to their own dessicration. It helped Joash quit straddling the fence and get on the right side!

  8. Is it possible for one of my four children (or all of them on the really good days :rolleyes: ) to be disobedient, yet for me to still love them and consider them my child? YES! Or, is it possible for the soldier to disobey his commanding officer and still be a soldier? Well, maybe that was a poor analogy...because that depends on the infraction!

    God will use us as disciples when we allow Him to, when we allow (sometimes, force) ourselves to be in His will. Being sovereign and omniscent, He knows all things, past, present and future. He knows if we will serve Him, and to what length we will go. I believe He gives us that opportunity, even though He knows what the outcome will be, good or bad. He opens those doors for us to have those learning experiences, to take those baby steps, as Gideon did when he tore down the altar at night. If we fail to choose the path He opens to us, then He will choose another to go down that path. That doesn't mean He no longer loves us, or that we are no longer His disciple. It just means that He will give us the time we think we need, and perhaps some valuable discipline, and give us the chance the next time.

  9. Gideon must honor his Father before he could honor his father. His earthly father was in direct opposion to his Heavenly Father. If a parent is acting against God's will and a child's actions may bring that parent back to the Lord, then that is the highest form of honor!

    I have a friend whom I love dearly who has a similar situation. Her husband is backsliding and doesn't want her or the children attending church or fellowshipping with believers. In obeying her husband as we're commanded to do, she is not staying in God's will.

  10. QUOTE BY Lois Turley,Jan 19 2003, 06:52 AM

    "I am wondering if there was much difference in appearance of an altar to idols and an altar to the true and living God. (Some of you Biblical history students or scholars may have an answer for me.) Looking at the photo, the thought crossed my mind, seems a lot of work to tear down something just to build another one that looks almost the same. Isn't it the sacrifice, and the God to whom we sacrifice in our hearts, the important thing?"

    Lois, I'm no biblical scholar, but in Exodus 20:24-26, God tells Moses, "If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it. And do not go up to the altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed to it." (NIV...I prefer NKJ, but I left my bible out in the truck after church, and it's below freezing outside! My hubby and I have several dozen versions around the house!)

    Now, if you look at the picture Pastor Ralph provided, you will see uniform (cut) stones and steps. Obviously, this was built in direct violation of God's commands for altar-building, which, of course, was in concordance with worshipping false gods...false, or incorrect, worship; false, or incorrectly built, altars!

  11. By tearing down the altar, Gideon is showing whom he chooses to follow. In building an altar to the True God, and using the wood from the altar of the false gods, the Lord was showing Gideon that He is true and just, and will judge that which is not!

    Why does Gideon do this at night? Is the night mission a sign of weakness or faith?

    I think at this point Gideon was still in doubt. He had been raised to worship the gods of Baal and Ashtoreth, and did not really know the One True God. But, he was willing to obey, albeit cautiously. His willingness was overshadowed by this lack of boldness. It was a baby step for him, rather than a leap of faith. But, in his obedience, God proved he had reason to go forth boldly! :lol:

    Unfortunately, I have a tendency to be like Gideon. I sometimes hide my lamp under the bed. LORD, PLEASE GIVE ME THE BOLDNESS OF DAVID, THE HEART OF JOB, AND THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST! AMEN!

  12. "I will be with you." What more do you need than that! :D When we Christians wake up and realize that God IS with us, than who can be against us? We may face much opposition and lose battles, but God Will Win The War!!!

    Eph. 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

    Lord, help me realize my failings. Open my eyes to what You would have me do. Make Your will known to me, Father, so that I might serve You. Strengthen me with You love, Lord, and let me do mighty things in Jesus' name! Amen!

  13. Everyone has already answered the questions very capably, so I won't go there. :)

    I do want to say that I have been praying (and could use your prayers!) for the mindset that God wants us to have--to always place him before ALL things. My tardiness in replying to this question (most of you are on question 3 now) shows the trouble I have...I'm trying to squeeze in the Bible study in between getting the kids to school, the baby waking up and starting the very busy work day (home internet business), not to mention taking care of the house (well, it's not quite as well taken care of as I would like! <_< ) and my husband, who also works at home with me. I'm embarrassed to count the "gods" I've placed before the One and Only! :angry:

    Well, today is a new day, right? PRAISE GOD He lets us start again!

  14. Hi:

    I'm Vickie, from New Mexico (yes, that's in the United States for those of you who failed geography! :rolleyes: ) This study is going to be great! I think we Christians should all be grounded in the Old Testament. I'm so tired of all the junk that we're being bombarded with constantly on TV and radio, so I'm really looking forward to this study! Like I tell my husband, "Garbage in, garbage out." Time to start putting in some good stuff!

    (My husband and I and our 4 children attend a 1st Baptist church near our home.)

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