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  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q23. Strengths
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Such a sad denouement. Like too many of us, Solomon started better than he finished. From the list of twenty, or so, of Solomon's "positives," those that seem most defining he had little control over.

1) He was picked by God. Solomon didn't do anything to be picked other than exist, but still, he was chosen. One would think that this, alone, would assure him a godly destiny, but then again, recall Saul, a king who was chosen by God who failed! Solomon didn't fail. He retained his crown until his death. So, God had positive reasons for selecting Solomon and putting Israel's destiny on his shoulders.

2) Solomon was born with abilities that gave him advantages including intelligence. He seems thoughtful and hesitant to pronounce judgment. He was not loving, but fair-minded. He seemed to have an aloof relationship with the people he ruled -- definitely an elitist, NOT a populist.

3) Solomon built the temple and set up a religious-like bureaucracy to maintain the worship of Yahweh. He had his priorities right, in this regard. He fulfilled his obligation and promise to God. Unfortunately, setting up bureaucracies -- in government or temple worship -- plants the seed of their eventual destruction. 

4) Solomon had the winds of political power at his back. This, too, was not his doing. He happened to assume power at a time when the powerful nations around him were jostling for advantage. A power vacuum usually helps newbies and not established powers such as Egypt. It certainly helped Israel/Judah. He was able to pursue peace because none of his neighbors were excessively belligerent.

5) I can't help but notice that Solomon's most lasting achievement were in the international realm, not domestic. Increased influence/reputation was a consequence of increased trade, a strong national defense, great wealth, good PR and peace, etc.  

6) Solomon, or someone close to him, wrote the Proverbs. In the end, these writings have lasted.  I wonder if he would have been just another name in the line-up of kings had he not written the Proverbs.


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 No 5 Solomon builds the temple 

 No 7 Solomon reforms the government 

No  11 Solomon supports justice in courts

 No 12 Solomon takes special care for the needy in his kingdom.

No 13 Solomon strengthens Israel’s defense.

No 15 Solomon accumulates fabulous wealth.

No 16 Solomon is also gifted intellectually and wrote the books of proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the song of Solomon 

Solomon is  so gifted because he is loved and chosen by God to be king after his father king David.



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