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Everything posted by sherrylynn

  1. Q2. (2:15-16) To what degree are we responsible for the poor and needy in the church community? How about our responsibility for those outside the church, in the community at large? We are responsible for the poor and needy both within and outside the church community in the amount that we are able to give.
  2. Q1. (2:14-18) In what sense is faith dead if it is unaccompanied by action? In what sense might (if that were possible) it be alive? Faith puts us in a right relationship with God and through that relationship we are obedient to Him. Faith and obedience will result in action prompted by the Spirit producing fruit. If there is no action the faith is not alive. However I would have to agree that if all we can do is pray, that prayer is also an action: Pray without ceasing/The fervant prayer of a righteous man avails much.
  3. Q3. (2:9-11) Why does James refer to the Great Commandment as the
  4. Q2. (2:4) In what way does favoritism make one a judge? How does favoritism make one a judge with
  5. Q1. (2:1-3) What kind of person or what kind of sinner do you tend to discriminate against? What kind of people are you (or your church) trying to make a good impression on? I try not to discriminate but in truth, I do discriminate against ambitious people and people who appear to be caught up in worldly things like professions, titles, accomplishments, recognition,etc. It's totally unfair of me because I don't know their hearts - only God does. I don't try to impress anyone or any group of people, however I do hope my love for the Lord shows through to everyone I encounter whether on a daily basis or just a chance meeting.
  6. Q4. (1:26-27) Why does James make taming the tongue and caring for the poor the prime tests of pure religion? Why not the quality of our quiet time or worship? Taming the tongue and caring for the poor reveal the love of Jesus in us and will glorify the Lord. We are to show our love by edifying others with uplifting words and doing unselfish acts. We are not to gossip as that is a sin. The quality of our quiet time and worship is very important between us and God, however we are to be salt and light for the world to see and by taming the tongue and caring for the poor the world can see we are indeed salt and light all for the glory of God.
  7. Q3. What is this "perfect law" that James mentions? How would you define it? How does it relate to the "royal law" (2:8)? In what sense does it bring liberty? I think the perfect law is God's Word. It is what He has told us in the Bible and we are not only to study it daily but we are to live it and thus produce fruit. The royal law is love. God has commanded us to love him and our neighbor and if we do this we will be obedient to the perfect law. It brings us liberty because we are no longer a slave to sin, but free in Christ Jesus.
  8. Q2. (1:22) Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives? What is the nature of the self-deception? In my own experience I was brought up in an environment in which church attendence was more or less a requirement in which my teachers kept a record. When such emphasis is placed on attendence we may begin to think that appearances are more important than what's in our heart. And attending a service or watching one on television can and does often inspire us and make us feel very good. It is up to us to follow up on those feelings, not to just be content with the "high" of the service. The nature of self deception is sin - Satan is the father of lies and when we start to believe the lies we let ourselves become deceived.
  9. Q1. (1:18) In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the "word of truth"? What does spiritual life have to do with the Word? Our spiritual birth begins the new life given to us by Jesus, the Word of truth, when we accepted Him as our Lord and Savior. The spiritual life that follows our birth is only possible by the indwelling of the Spirit who leads us and guides us.
  10. Q4. (1:5-8) What is the promise to claim in verse 5? What is the condition attached to this promise in verse 6? How do trials help us receive this wisdom? The promise is wisdom-given generously by God without finding fault. How awesome! The condition is that we believe and not doubt. Trials help us recieve wisdom by pointing us to God and asking Him for the answer. He will give us the solution but we must believe He will give it to us and not doubt. And He will generously bless us with the wisdom we need. And with each trial and each answer from the Lord, our faith will increase and thus the wisdom from Him will also increase.
  11. Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? For me trials have taught me to rely on God - to focus on Him. When we hand it all over to God and follow His leading, then we are cured of doublemindedness. But it's so easy to fall back on our old ways of handling our problems. Trials help us grow in faith by increasing our reliance on God. When we see the totally awesome things He does for us how can our faith not grow? When He pulls us out of the muck and mire, how can we not praise and thank Him?
  12. Q2. (1:13-15) Why do people blame God for evil? Does God tempt us with evil? Does he tempt sinful people with evil? Why does he allow people to sin? Why does he allow evil to exist at all? Maybe people blame God for evil because they don't want to see the evil within themselves. Or it's just easier to balme God who they don't know. If they knew Him they wouldn't blame Him. God NEVER tempts either believers or unbelievers with evil. Sin and evil exist because we live in a fallen world. We have freewill to choose to follow Satan or God. God wants all of us to choose Him, but allows Satan to prowl for now. Jesus has already defeated Satan and we have the freewill to choose Him over Satan. We must face trials and temptations in this world.
  13. Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed? The value of the trials I've had is to bring me closer to the Lord and to keep me there. When life is going smoothly I tend to backslide, but the bigger the trial, the more I study and pray. Satan has not nor will he succeed in destroying me. God continues to refine me with each and every trial. I grow closer to him. My prayer life has increased measureably. God has blessed me with peace that truly passes understanding. Worry is becoming a thing of the past. Trials have taught me that God is in total control and His will be done. Now when I face a trial I talk more about what God has done or is doing for me than all the troubles of what could happen. My focus has changed from me and my situation to God and His glory.
  14. Hello. I'm Sherry from Minnesota, USA. I am looking forward to this study of James. I've taken other studies here at Joyful Heart over the years and wish to thank Pastor for all the work he puts into them. This is a great place to study God's Word.
  15. If people are promoting themselves rather than giving God the glory I would say they are insecure and immature in their faith. We need to pray for them that their service to God will become what God wants it to be. God has given me the gift of serving and I try to do all that I do to the glory of God.
  16. I think non-Christians and Christians alike don't like the idea of giving an account of their actions because we are ashamed our them. We know we've done wrong. Giving an account of our actions should inspire within us to do what is good and right. We should live with the attitude that God knows everything; what we do and what we think. We can hide nothing from Him and this should cause us to live in humble repentence and long to hear the words, "well done good and faithful servant."
  17. I think non-Christians try to get us to sin with them for a variety of reasons: because for them it is fun or profitable in some way. Or they see it as something everyone else does. It's their way of life and they want us to join or share with them. They feel they have our support or encouragement and that will reinforce their behaviior. I think we are tempted to join in their sins for some of the same reasons they want us to to join - it's fun, profitable, everybody does it etc. We can resist the temptaion by putting Jesus first in our lives, by learning what is acceptable to God and what is not, through continual prayer, by enduring their ridicule and knowing that we will receive God's reward, not man's.
  18. I have pledged my faith in Jesus and promised to serve Him, however I don't think this pledge relates to my baptism. I was baptised as a baby and have no memory of it. The knowledge of it, however has been a source of comfort for me in times past and also a grounding, if you will, in that I am a child of God.
  19. My sins. My heart aches over my sins. Knowing that all my sins have been forgiven is a comfort, but knowing when I get up in the morning that I will sin some time during the day is a depressing thought. Jesus, out of His love for me died for my sins and yet out my weakness I continue to sin - the righteous for the unrighteous. He is so awesome!
  20. I would have to agree with the others who answered that fear is what makes it hard to witness when persecuted. And for me personally focusing on Christ rather than my fears is what I find most difficult. I tend to let the "what ifs" occupy my mind trying to work out all possible scenarios rather than just trusting God to see me through and give me the words.
  21. Mistreating our spouse will hinder our prayers because we will be separated from God. He will not hear the prayers of a sinner.
  22. By relating to his wife with knowledge and wisdom a husband conveys his love and respect for her. It demonstrates love by showing to her that she has value and worth. She is an equal heir in the kingdom of God. It demonstrates self interest in that if she is treated with love and respect she will love and respect in return and theirs will be a peaceful life together blessed by God. Husbands and wives try to dominate each other for various reasons all stemming from sin, including pride, control, insecurity, arrogance. The harm it causes is to make them a stumbling block not only for each other, but also for the children in their household. Domination is contrary to God's nature in that He is love and there is no love in domination.
  23. I believe a person cultivates inner beauty by walking closely with the Lord. The Holy Spirit will fill us and it's God's beauty that will shine through. Character is built by relying on God in all trials and tests. It is important to God because it's HIS character we are to grow into. THe closer we come to Him the more He will be please. Godly character will attract a woman to her husband and she will hang on to him because her husband will recognize the value of those traits and paise God for them.
  24. I think we should try to look our best out of love and respect for our creator. We are created in God's image and if we fail to respect that image we are no longer honoring Him. We are diverted from what's more important when we place the priority on ourself rather than on God. When we spend too much time, energy and resources on self we show disrepect and dishonor to God. The balance would be to place God first in our lives while maintaining our health, wearing modest attire and adornments and always giving thanks and praise to Him.
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