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Everything posted by MountainTrek1

  1. It is inescapable. Jesus knows us and wants us to come to the Father through Him. Becoming flesh makes Jesus human and becoming more accessible to us. When Jesus became human he gave us the opportunity and experience to "take up our cross" and show us the way to resurrection. Jesus understands in his human form how it feels to live a good life but be crucified for his Word.
  2. Belief in Jesus is a personal belief. It requires a total commitment to Jesus. We open up ourselves to Jesus and accept what He is and we trust in Him. It is a privilege to believe in Him because not Everybody does. Many hear but do not believe. We become born of God.
  3. John the Baptist was sent from God the Father to bear testimony and witness that Jesus is the Light. There are many ways to testify to the Light. At the very core are Scripture Reflection and meditating on the "Word". I apply my knowledge to counseling, conversations with people, my ministry and my work with Human Trafficking. John the Baptist was a martyr. He had a large following and lived in the desert; perhaps because it was so dangerous to testify about Jesus. If I testify clearly, people can be healed or saved.
  4. Jesus pre-existed and co-existed with god the Father at the Creation. Jesus is God Himself in human form and flesh. He is the "Son of Man". Jesus is the "Word" or "logos". John is saying Jesus is God Himself.
  5. Hi, Glad to be here with you all.
  6. 3.1 In behavioral terms how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the word? I am an adult having been born, raised and will die in the faith. The next step for me is to die and carry the Cross daily and increase in prayer.
  7. Q5. Explain how we can have the "mind of Christ". It is god's intention that we receive his blessings. It requires nothing on our part. God wants to meet our needs and will do so for our benefit. It is there for you to claim.
  8. Q4. Why didn't Paul conform to the rhetorical standards of his day in order to communicate more clearly? Because those philosophies were the 'enemy' to be defeated rather than used to make things more understandable. When we have to face our inadequacies we use not being strong enough as an excuse to not try harder. This inadequacy or limitation forces us to do the work with the power of the Holy Spirit.
  9. Q3. In what way does Christ represent God's wisdom, righteousness, holiness, and redemption? jesus is the Lord's purpose. By showing us the lord in understandable terms such as his ministery, blessings and miracles he has taught us God's plan for man. The way god has dealt with sin is to sacrifice his Son.
  10. Q2. In what ways do non-Christians in our culture stumble over the gospel of Christ?... Non-Christians who are either not practicing in formal religion or atheists or practicing other religions such as Judaism or Muslim may not like the authority of the Church. many feel the Gospel is inflexible. Many different faiths have been portrayed in tv and radio and internet media so we are aware of the differences and we choose either to let each other become aware of each other or ignore the chances to learn to understand the fundamental differences in order to educate others about our beliefs.
  11. 2. Q1. Name 4 value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed on TV. 1. Men and women don't seem to think ahead on TV to determine their long term family goals. On TV many persons are not committed to a person or relationship. 2. Many TV characters define themselves primarily by how much money they make showing that money can get in the way of growing and developing. 3. TV characters don't seem to ask themselves how how the plans they are making will fit their values. 4. TV people are not focused on making goals and values specific enough to apply to real life issues.
  12. Q4. What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or the Christian community in your area? Equal rights for gays and lesbians and church leadership. What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? Quarreling, group disorder and leadership. Who is their leader or who do they follow, Apollos or Paul or Jesus Christ. What is the cause of divisions today? Pride, beliefs, rule-making, traditions and distrust. How do we obey the command to "agree with one another". If we are right with ourselves we can be right with others. We must fail in our love for each other and in changing for the church. We must show in our unity the hope for fellowship.
  13. Q3. What gifts does God give us to ensure that we'll continue in faith until the end? God gives us strength, knowledge, and words to communicate to others. God gave every gracious gift. The Corinth church gave thanks for the calling of Paul, a view of what was going on in the Church, and they were given a chance to receive grace and peace. God will save the Church at Corinth because He is faithful. Why does each require our active participation to receive its full benefits? We have to discover our spiritual gifts and use them to build up our church. By becoming secure with Jesus Christ will determine how I behave in the belief that I owe a life of gratitude for Jesus Christ. Which do you have to enter into more? Like Paul I desire the ability to thank God for the abuses and conflicts in the Church which causes us pain, so we can fix it and get it right.
  14. Q.2 Thanksgiving How often do you thank god for the blessings of your enemies? Probably not enough. But when I do in every way I can think of: saying a prayer, doing good for someone, switching to a good attitude and remembering Jesus Christ. I may start a gratitude journal to remind myself to stay positive. What does it say about Paul that he thanks God for the gifts of those who are at odds with him? The passage says that Paul is very different from other people because he specifically belongs to God. It is a quality that makes him distinct from others. Paul actually writes this down. It says to do good to people who would not return good. You shouldn't think that because you do good you should get something back for it. You can love your enemies and they might still be your enemies again tomorrow. What specifically does he thank God for about the Corinthian believers? Paul preaches that Christ would do things for the Corinthians because of their belief in Him, specifically the gift of Salvation.
  15. Q1. Holiness What does called to be holy or called to be saints mean? We are called to be saints and to grow in holiness through Jesus Christ, who leads us on our own path to sainthood. This path seems to leave humanity to reach a level of self-immersion in the divine. The Lord asks us to lead a life worthy of the calling you receive. It requires that we remain open to the action of the spirit. We must also lead others to make a comittment to Christ whether they become teachers, prophets, evangelists or saints. What is a saint according to the Bible? Saint Paul addresses his writing to the saints of Corinth. A saint is someone who follows Jesus Christ and lives according to his teachings. A saint is a very virtuous person who has already encountered the Kingdom of Heaven. A saint means holy. The phrase 'I'm no saint' like hate the sin, love the sinner is easier to say than "please forgive me" or "please pray for me". We often rely on our religion or our ancestry to try to achieve sainthood yet don't put our complete trust in Jesus Christ to help us. What would Jesus Christ say to us? He might tell us we are not the worst sinners. Our private thoughts humble us to remember we need Jesus Christ. When sin creeps back into our life that we don't want to deal with we need to confess and pray for strength to change.
  16. Hi to All! My name is Kathy and this is my first bible study at Joyful heart and my very first post. I hope to become friends with you all in the near future. I am from Florida where I have lived for 30 years. I look forward to the challenge of a bible study group and gaining some wisdom from the experience.
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