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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Rod Beenleigh

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Everything posted by Rod Beenleigh

  1. What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? In our fallen state we are prone to many weaknesses or sins and therefore this opens us up to temptation. What does this passage teach about our temptations? There is no temptation that hasn't been experienced by humanity. What does it teach us about God's help in temptation? God is faithful, God is trustworthy, He will not allow us to tempted beyond what we can bear. He will also provide a way of escape.Flee and thank God for his protection
  2. The "liberal" Corinthians had ready excuses for why it was okay to eat with their friends in feasts held in pagan temples. What were their excuses that Paul combats in verses 1-6? " we all have knowledge" was the excuse they used to eat freely in the temple but to the detriment to the newly converted. Sometimes we excuse our own questionable behaviours. How can we assess the validity of our excuses? Ask yourself W.W.J.D.? and the Word of God What effect would observing your behaviour have on new Christians? Although we are all "work in progress" the new Christian would be looking to respond in like to what we have done or said. It makes one realise how careful and sensitive and loving we should be at all times.
  3. The disadvantages of remaining unmarried include being deprived of sexual relations. What are the advantages of celibacy that Paul discusses in these verses? a, Free from worldly concerns b, Fully focused on the Lord's concerns c, Devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit and mind. How can married believers maximise full devotion to the Lord? By evenly sharing marriage duties it would enable both to devote more quality time to their Christian life. By mutually agreeing to times of celibacy to increase periods of prayer and study.
  4. What do these verses teach about divorce for married believers? a, A wife must not separate from her husband. b, If she is separated she must remain unmarried or be reconciled. c, A husband must not divorce his wife. What about divorce where one spouse isn't a believer? a, He/she must not divorce her/him if that spouse is willing to live as a couple. b, Not to initiate "divorce by separation". What about remarriage? It is good for them to remain celibate but if the desires are great should remarry to a Christian.
  5. What do verses 9 and 37 teach about sex between couples who are engaged but not married? Verse nine clearly states that if they are not able to maintain self control they are to marry. In verse thirtyseven , if the man is convinced that he can control his desires it would be better to stay single. What counsel does Paul give to engaged couples who do not control themselves sexually? " Better to marry than burn with passion"
  6. Why does Paul concede that "it is good for a man not to touch a women"? Being in a state of celibacy allows one to be able to devote their life fully to Christ. What does he teach about sexual intercourse within marriage? God created us ,in part, to procreate within the unity of marriage. How does he teach mutual rights within marriage, not just man's rights? Each spouse is duty bound to give their body to the other in an honourable way to satisfy the others needs. What does the passage teach about using sex as a bargaining chip within marriage? That neither party use sex as a weapon to exploit the desires of the other,ie do not deprive, refuse or cheat . By mutual consent sexual activity could be postponed to allow for prayer or devotions.
  7. Why is the gospel such good news to those who have been involved in gross sin? It gives to those who have sinned an opportunity to wipe the slate clean,to start life afresh. On what basis can a person be forgiven? Acceptance of Jesus Christ as our saviour and redeemer. On what basis can a person be cleansed from sin? Repentance and asking for forgiveness
  8. What does the scripture teach about participating in homosexual acts? "Do you not know"and "Do not be deceived" as Paul said; homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of God. What does the scripture teach about heterosexual immorality? The same as the homosexual. Why is repentance so important for a believer? It allows the repentant sinner to be once again be in a state of "washed","sanctified", and 'justified'. It re-establishes a right relationship with God.
  9. How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each to court? It conveys to the general community that Christians lack the attributes outlined in the Bible, namely love,forgiveness or even the ability to govern itself. How should disputes be settled between believers? They should follow the steps outlined in the Bible that a wronged brother should approach on a one to one basis if this doesn't bring a solution then one or two witnesses are brought in to hear the case. If this again doesn't produce an answer the problem goes before the selected elders. Christians should sort out their problems in house. How might this be instituted in a local congregation? The congregation should be made aware through Bible instruction of the avenues available to settle disputes. The pastor, elders or mature members be elected to form the panel. Among churches in a geographical region? Although possibly rare used it would be good to see all churches united and maintaining the standards of God's word.
  10. According to this passage, with which sinners should we be willing to associate? Paul instructs us to associate with the unsaved in as much in the way of witnessing. Why make a distinction between unbelievers and believers? We aren't called to be judges of the unbelievers but by example show how an unbeliever can be transformed by the teachings of Christ and ultimately, salvation. Believers who are our brother and sisters who have chosen to be followers of Christ are deserving of love together with discipline to be shown gently their moral error to encourage them to return to the community and fellowship of the church. What are the dangers of associating with unbelievers? To be led into their ways, to lower our Christian standard in order to befriend them, to spend so much time in their company as to disregard the fellowship of Christians. What are the dangers of associating with unrepentant believers? To be drawn into their error of custom or belief thereby corrupting ones relationship with God/ Christ.
  11. How does the presence of openly sinning members affect others in he body? Causes others to lower their standards and sin also, to undermine their faith in Christ and in the church. What in Paul's background might explain his use of " getting rid of the yeast"? Paul had been a Pharisee which required strict compliance with the total removal of yeast from one's household. To remove the sinner before he corrupted the whole cogregation
  12. Q. In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? A steward is a Christian who has proved to be trust worthy to manage or assist in the running of the Lord's house, the church. Q. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful? Yes Q. What effect did this have on the church? Very unsettling, divisive and corrosive. Q. On this persons witness? Takes away all levels of trust. Q. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our areas of ministries? Our carnal side of our nature overpowers and in our weakness commit error. We have taken our focus away from Christ and by doing so our spiritual strength diminishes Q. What can we do to remedy that? Keep Christ foremost in our mind, recite memory verses, read prompt cards, study the Bible. PRAY!! ".. examine the scriptures daily to see if those things were so" Acts 17:11
  13. I would like to think that I have a strong hunger for the Word. I like to go to the Hebrews or Greek to get deeper meaning of words or verse but I have a problem with recall. Although this doesn't stop me it is frustrating. In terms of jealousy and quarreling I would classify myself as adult.As to growing to the next stage would like to find a local friend to travel the spiritual way as encouragement and mentor. Rod Beenleigh
  14. Hello my name is Rod, I live in Queensland, Australia. I have been a Christian most of my life but I would like to learn more and apply what I learn. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead
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