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Everything posted by HeartMindSoul&Strength

  1. Jesus was sent to give us salvation. In order for this to happen He needed to experience humanity. He needed to understand and experience the same temptations as us and He did. He suffered for this, but conquered it. That is why He is a great teacher and deliverer of our sufferings like temptation. His suffering conquered death for us and paid the price for death. As God He could have commanded anything, but He didn't, He suffered as a human and blessed be the Holy Son, He resisted and won. On a separate note, think about how the angels, although above us, are spirits sent to help those who will inherit salvation, thus allowing us to glorify God and have high honor and glory above them for God made it this way. He put everything under us to us and God left nothing that is not subject to us. Think about how Jesus said, You could move a mountain if you had a little faith. The mountain is under us and is what is subject to us and temptation whether sinfully or demonically driven, it is subject to us, as God has made it this way. We just need to take authority over it and what comes at us here on earth. Isn't Satan and evil spirits here on earth, thus making them subject to us as well? Jesus paid the price for our sinful behaviors and broke the power that the evil one had over us. He gave us a new life, free of condemnation and reborn of the Spirit. We must honor and glorify our heavenly Father for it is He who wrote it this way long ago and God knows what He's doing so trust Him.
  2. How would a "Son" words be more than a prophet...they are not any different than that of a prophet because a true messenger of God, speaks what God desires for them to speak just as Jesus spoke and did what God had intended from the beginning with Him. When God speaks it is to be truth. So whether it be a prophet or Jesus, it's God speaking through His Spirit to others. God created our Savior to be many things for us...let's not limit the power and authority of God the Father in God the Son. Jesus showed us what we as humans were to be and as God wills us to be if we let it happen. Jesus showed us what Father desires from us and proves it can be done in a human body, as Jesus was our example. He was everything Good, Perfect, Pleasing and of Fathers will. Besides Jesus using righteous anger, just as the Father would...hmmm Jesus did nothing but sacrifice, save, love, heal, forgive, care for, feed, be honest, taught and remained righteous until then end. Even His anger was expressed out and with love. Let us not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so we can test and approve of what God's will is, His good and perfect and pleasing will. To have a mind like Christ. To be of one thought, mind and purpose...like God Christ is everywhere, God is everywhere, we are in Christ. We have the same Holy and Righteous Spirit that God is only we are born defiled and of this world. So, it is no wonder that we see this question and pick it apart...Yes, Christ is created above all things and when we become believers we are given angels to care for us...it says so in Hebrews. Jesus is at Fathers right hand...He is the trinity of God as He created it to be....God wrote long ago about what He was to do...what He will do...what was to come and what did transpire...So Jesus was God before Jesus became our God and God told us He would...It's that simple...Prophets did serve Father, and they probably have so much authority in Heaven depending on what they did here for Him...but who knows for sure what is going on in heaven that is unless God reveals it to them here on earth or takes them to heaven and shows them. All I know, be grateful to what God has given us here on earth including what prophecies were told and the truth's that were revealed through them. Be grateful and give thanks and ask those who did His works for His will receive His blessings tenfold. Don't forget that the prophets that did so much suffered so great too. Such a small price to pay to glorify God isn't it?
  3. I have not read the other comments regarding this and I wanted to write what comes to me through the Spirit. I wrote and re-wrote learning more and more and refreshing old beliefs. Here is how it is revealed to me. God created Jesus long ago, so Jesus has always been. He has existed through new testimony prophecy, John the Baptist and in old testament prophecy and through scripture. He proved Himself to be God by example. He illuminated the Spirit of God and revealed God desires for us and to us and still does even now as you seek Him. Jesus was sent as the example, as the way out for those who believed in God and wanted a way out to stand up under. He was and is and will always be, the Healer, the Teacher, The Faithful, the Flawless, The Powerful, The Humble, The Meek, The Seeker, The Deliver, The Forgiver, The Sacrifice, The Redeemer and whatever else is good and perfect like God's will for us. He is the epitome of peace, love, kindness, gentleness, goodness and self-discipline because He was, by God's grace and mercy the image of God and He is of God's Spirit, created by God's Spirit, Dwelling richly in us might I add through the gift He promised us, the Holy Spirit. Sharing Himself, revealing Himself and Giving Himself to us freely through having only to believe. Jesus said, to sum it up, two of the greatest commandments are...Love thy Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and treat each other as you would yourself. How were we to love a God we knew so little about, who could change at a moments thought because He is the Great I AM, after all, He is the One who could make us or break us, who could be heard in the word and through prophets, but not be seen? But, He is Greater than our thoughts isn't He. He gave us Christ, so we would have the way out to stand up under. We now had what God planned for us so long ago. Jesus!!! That's how we get to know Him. Christ Jesus was the true Spirit of God. Through Jesus He showed us that we are to be like Him, forgiving, loving, guiding, humble, disciplined, faithful, seeking, honoring, obeying, peaceful, kind, gentle, fruitful, honest, teachers, healers, prayerful, discerning, sacrificing, serving, surrendering, delivers of the word and so much more. He keeps simply showing us His will and His ways. How, through His Spirit which through our faith He freely has given us. Okay, to sum it up: God loves us so much He sent His Son..."biological" son in human terminology, thus making Jesus God, but He also sent Jesus as human...making Jesus into a child of God too. We become children of God as humans for our faith...So Jesus showed us that as a human He was a child of God (a son, the kind of son or child of a Father we are to become through our faith) and as a God, He was God's Holy and Righteous Son as He created Him to be. So to me Son, shows that Jesus was like John describes, God's one and only begotten Son and He was everything Holy and Righteous as God is, but He was also human which God the Father isn't, showing us that as a human we are able to inherit the Spirit of God through our faith, making it possible for God the Father's Spirit to exist in a human body. I see it this way: God created Jesus to be human and to be Him, thus making Him a "biological Son" as a God and because He is also human He is a child of God in the sense that He served Father by doing His will. Both ways were achieved because Jesus is the Spirit of God, created in the Spirit, to reveal His Spirit and to give His Spirit. Jesus as a human showed us that we too as humans can be a child of God.
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