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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by garymerkel

  1. Our position in Christ is secure and by His Spirit, as He empowers us to do His will, His purposes will be accomplished. Being seated WITH Him means relationship. He is our King but also our dearest Friend. We are part of His royal priesthood, His ambassadors, part of His holy nation as described in I Peter. As we preach and teach His Word, it comes with His authority. As we pray according to His will and in His name, it comes with His position as the One Who ever intercedes for us. Being seated with Him means I have an eternal inheritance because of our relationship.
  2. Could it be that God through Paul is showing Christians and the Gentiles the supremacy of Christ over all powers, especially when it comes to eternity. The devil and demons have power on earth now, but will be thrown into the lake of fire. So the question comes to believer and non-believer (Gentiles), "Does it make sense to listen to and obey the gods of this world who will one day be judged and in hell or does it make sense to listen to and obey the One Who has the power and authority and will judge them and reign forever and ever, with the gods of this world being under His feet?" All authorities and powers will one day be subjugated to Christ. They have short term power because of free will given in the garden of Eden leading to the fall of man. Actually it started before then with the fall of Lucifer. That power will become as the dirt we tread upon because the full appropriation of Christ's power will be manifested. Also "under His feet" says that as believers now, we are safe and secure "under the blood of Christ", and the devil, nor the powers of darkness can snatch us away from God's mighty hand, thus great encouragement to believers to live as we ought, motivated by gratitude.
  3. Greetings. I have started a new ministry designed to help area church revitalize. This study falls right in line. I have been a pastor 28 years and married for 43. God has blessed us with fruitful ministries. This is the next stage for which we are depending on Him.

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