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  1. Saul has lost his reverence for God almighty which causes him to roam like a madman into even sacred parts. The Holy Spirit is a powerful force that connects with our spirits. Our spirits naturally submit to the power of God through the Holy Ghost. Our flesh cannot win in a battle with the Holy Spirit!
  2. I Samuel 18:14 Because the Lord was with him. All of David's success is directly connected to the fact that the Lord was with him. God blessed him to be a courageous and successful leader and touched the people's hearts to follow him. What Saul meant for evil and destruction, God flipped it around and used it for David's good. Saul meant to put David in danger and cause him to fail, but God used it to prepare David and elevate him as a leader. It only further built his reputation amongst the people.
  3. The battle is the Lord's attests to His power and might. He can do anything. He will fight for His purpose in our lives. it is not up to us to fight but to station ourselves (stand, be steadfast) and see Him fight on our behalf. It is important that we stay in prayer daily so that we know which battles we are assigned to. We must not get ahead of God but stay focused on Him in all we do. Ask God to reveal His plan and even the minor details of life and He will. Jer. 33:3 Call unto me and I will answer and tell you great and mighty things you do not know.
  4. Does Saul have faith? If so, what is the source of it? In reading the text, I am not convinced that Saul had faith. I think that at this point Saul was desperate and had nothing to lose. Allowing David to fight was his only option and David was certainly convinced of his ability to win the battle. Why stop him? I don't think Saul's decision to assist David is any indication of his faith in God. David's strength as a warrior comes from being fearless. Courage and determination can take you a long way, but at faith in God and you are sure to succeed. I am blessed by David when he said "The same God who did it before will do it again!"
  5. David understands that he belongs to the chosen people. The people who have the favor and protection of God. David understands that "if God is for us, who can stand against us!" As adopted sons of the most High God we should all possess that kind of faith in the face of the enemy. I believe Eliab is jealous of David's faith. David's faith exposes his insecurities. Not to mention, they know that David was anointed king instead of them. He has been called special by God. This probably already created division, kind of like what Joseph experienced but on a much smaller scale. Jealousy. David has faith in God as His protector. He knows that the Lord is on His side. Wouldn't it be awesome if we all believed that in every trial that we faced.
  6. Saul believes that David has been summoned to become a court musician. God had other plans. God used this time to grow David and prepare Him for leadership. He studied under the king before he assumed the position. David also had the opportunity to make some divine connections, especially with Johnathan. Often times we don't understand why God places us where He places us or why. It can seem like a minor change but sometimes these are major set-ups. In order to be more teachable, we must work to fully rely on God. This does not come natural for Christians because we have a desire to understand everything. Relying on God comes through prayer, fasting, and studying the word of God. Look at what He has done before and recognize that He is the God who does not change. He is faithful to never leave us nor forsake us. God help us to rely on you even when we don't understand what you're doing. In Jesus name!
  7. God continually reveals through His word and through life, that He gives direction as we walk in obedience. God does not reveal the entire plan at once, it unfolds as we walk in faith. Sometimes it is hard stepping out without the full picture, but day by day with obedience God reveals His plan. He is also merciful enough to send confirmations along the way. At this very moment, I am walking out a plan that I do not fully understand but if I walk in obedience and keep my eyes on Him all these things shall be added to me (Matt. 6:33). It gets scary. This is where faith comes in...He wants us to trust Him.
  8. Rebellion is a form of arrogance in that you are basically saying God I have enough power and wisdom to handle my situation. I know what's best for me. The truth of the matter is that we don't know what's best. We lack the ability to see into the future. We also lack the ability to release the chain reactions that occur at each decision we make. God knows. If you sense a rebellious spirit arising in you, it is important to repent immediately and ask the Lord for direction. Ask God to reveal any area of your life where rebellion exists. Ask for prayer partners to intercede on your behalf. God can change you and your entire situation with prayer.
  9. Rebellion is a form of arrogance in that you are basically saying God I have enough power and wisdom to handle my situation. I know what's best for me. The truth of the matter is that we don't know what's best. We lack the ability to see into the future. We also lack the ability to release the chain reactions that occur at each decision we make. God knows.
  10. Rebellion is a form of arrogance in that you are basically saying God I have enough power and wisdom to handle my situation. I know what's best for me. The truth of the matter is that we don't know what's best. We lack the ability to see into the future. We also lack the ability to release the chain reactions that occur at each decision we make. God knows.
  11. Rebellion is a form of arrogance in that you are basically saying God I have enough power and wisdom to handle my situation. I know what's best for me. The truth of the matter is that we don't know what's best. We lack the ability to see into the future. We also lack the ability to release the chain reactions that occur at each decision we make. God knows.
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