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Everything posted by tires

  1. I was paralyzed in a car wreck and this began a long journey of me facing life with physical disablilities and limitations. So i went through stages of grief and became an alcoholic and drug addict..finally i cried out to the Lord for help and salvation and He saved me..What God accomplished in my life was i became genuinely saved through these difficult circumstances..Genuine tested faith bring glory to Christ because it involves suffering in a small way the way Jesus suffered..and the Lord says in Peter "i have suffered now follow in My footsteps"..so it shows we are following Christ when things are difficult and not when its easy and anyone can give lip service when life is easy
  2. Q2. (1:2) Why do forgiveness (sprinkling) and obedience come together as a package? Why is it deceptive to think you can have one without the other? Extra credit: If true faith requires obedience, how can we say that we are saved by grace rather than works? (Ephesians 2:8-10) because without forgiveness their could be no obedience...when i am born again the blood of Christ is the propitiation for my sin...makes me a new creature as though i have never sinned before God...this new creation enables me to be obedient to Christ....prior to new life i had only one nature ..dead in my trespasses and sins ( ephesians 2 ) so i could not obey God...It is deceptive to think you can have one without the other because it takes both of them to identify that either one of them is real..extra credit.. how can we say we are saved by grace rather than works if true faith required obedience?....very very simple...We do good works for God BECAUSE we are saved....we do not do good works TO GET saved....if someone has no good works then how could they be saved?...if one reads Ephesians 2:8-10..it answers this question..."For by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works so no one can boast. For we are Gods workmanship crreated in Christ Jesus for good works that God has prepared before hand that we should walk in them"
  3. Gods part in securing salvation one could say is 99.9% His part and .1% my part...God became a man and set aside all His power and rights and chose to be whipped and beaten and scourged and ultimately crucified a horrible death on the cross..all while i was a rebel and transgressor...giving zero allegiance to Him..Romans 5:8...then He was buried for 3 days and may have visited hell to tell satan and demons ( you all are going down in a lake of fire soon )..then on 3rd day He rose again to defeat sin and death and this resurrection became my justification..in other words His resurrection procurred sin being taken away from me as though the first Adam never sinned to begin with...when i put my faith and trust ( my part...1% ) in Christ and what He did on the cross ( 1 Cor. 15:1-4 ) i am now born again..a new birth...a new creation the new has come the old is gone..and now i am baptized into One Body by One Spirit..in the family of God forever..i now have a living Hope an excpectation a reality of Eternal life and future by a Living and Risen Savior..and now my future inheritance is imperishable..it can never fade or grow old or be taken away..it has been secured..who through faith are shielded by Gods power until the coming of salvation...God does the saving, the consecrating...ultimate glorification of the body..creates an inheritance that is so divine and cannot fade or grow old or taken away and God shields all of this...and we just keep the faith..even the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains
  4. a Christian who considers this world more their home than heaven with Jesus Christ is a carnal christian or a baby christian or maybe a false convert? Yes i have caught myself doing this ..actually quite a lot lately after a series of very difficult circumstances...it showed me my heart of pride and unbelief...we must repent of all worldliness and cast ourselves on the mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord
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