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Everything posted by sfaucette

  1. fear of the unknown is natural. whether we go where we have not gone before physically, spiritually, or mentally we are taken outside our comfort zone it takes time to get familiar and confident in new things whether it be a new job, new marriage or something else we have not experienced before. When I feel afraid I go to God. The Bible says to cast all our cares upon him for he cares for me. For Joshua God told him serveral times to have courage and to not be afraid. Couage is the wherewithall we have to use to lead others. If we are overcome by our aprehensions then others we are trying to lead will not follow because we will be seen as weak and indecisive.
  2. even after God had shown Moses that He would be with him, Moses still wanted to back out and not do God's will. This made God angry with Moses. Moses still was focussing on his own disabililities instead of on God's ability. When we focus inward all we see are our shortcomgings and its difficult to believe that we can be more. It was definitely going to take Moses out of his comfort zone of just tending sheep. When God agreed to let his brother do the speaking then Moses was more willing. I am not sure I ever felt God was angry with me but I know I've disappointed him many times. Its when I know I've obeyed him that I feel the most satisfied and more at one with him.
  3. I sensed a lack of self confidence. But really now, Had Moses actually known much about Yaweh till now? Would you or I do anything different? We picture ourselves doing God's work in our own strength which is little. God specializes in taking the weak to show His strength. If it were all up to Moses who would get the glory?
  4. I imagine this was not the only time Moses had seen an Israelite being mistreated. We don't know at this point in time if he was living on his own outside the palace or if he had a position of authority or what. One can only imagine. If he was dressed as one from royalty when he killed the task master then why would it have made Pharoh so angry? Anyway, that is not exactly answering the question at hand. On the positive side Moses has a sense of justice. He feels the need to be involved and not just report injustice to others. On the negative side Moses may have not fully thought out the consequences of his actions. Seems to be he let his emotions rule rather than his rational thinking.
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