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Everything posted by Majjinniss4

  1. The significance of the confession that "Jesus is Lord" is to make a public declaration and be not ashame to verbally voice this statement. By openly acknowledging Jesus is Lord , it is a binding declaration or contract of our faith in God, and it is stating that Jesus is God. It is necessary for salvation because one has to be fully convinced , be obedient and put all trust in Jesus as Lord. It includes submission and positively and publicly confessing Jesus is Lord.
  2. The implications for governments that Yahweh is King of Kings and Lord of Lords suggest that governments/ nations will be blessed when they acknowledge their Ruler. Should nations reject Yahweh as the supreme King, the nation will be judged harshly because they have rejected the commandments. When a nation remove God from its currency and pledges and ardently secularising national life, it becomes a God-less society. There are no morals , and standards are compromise. It undermines God's supremacy and commandments. Many of society 's moral laws are based on the Decalogue So to remove God , would be to embrace a corrupt society, a society like Sodom and Gomorrah. A nation without God is a nation in distress facing spiritual and physical warfare.
  3. The personal implications of Yahweh being my King and Jesus being the Messiah sent from God is to know God personally. To have a relationship with him. Yahweh as my King, signifies he is my ruler and does not make laws and later break them. He is consistent and constant. He is justice and truth and is the supreme Ruler over everything that I do. I believe that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords; he is God who was manifested in flesh.therefore the laws and rules are the same yesterday, today and forever. The advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as king are his promises to me are sure; he is my rock and my provider. My submission to the King on an everyday basis means I can talk to him, walk with him and leave my burdens with him. He is trustworthy and offers protection and comfort when everyone fails. I hon our him and try to live by faith in him as Abraham and others did.A person reject Yahweh because they don't know about his love and commandments.
  4. In the Old Testament tithing was was an appreciation and acceptance that God is King . It also acknowledged that God is the Provider. It was an act of responsibility and a sign of gratitude to pay respect to the king who made provision for all things. When Christians of the New Covenant tithe we are believing that God is our King and our Provider and he will supply all our needs. By tithing we are maintaining the ministry and supporting the vulnerable.
  5. Justice is fairly distributing to someone what they deserve . Mercy is forgiveness . It is not giving someone the punishment they deserve. Vengeance is fairly executing justice. Yes, a holy and righteous God can justly forgive sins without punishing them through the death of Jesus on the cross. Jesus took our punish to save us from damnation. Jesus died a shameful death so that we might be redeemed. When we ask for mercy our Heavenly Father draws us closer to the cross.
  6. A Christian's commitment to social justice in our community should be one of compassion and generosity. As outlined in various texts in both the old and New Testament eg Exodus 22:22 and Deutoronomy 10:18. God defends the cause of the fatherless and widows , and he loves the alien giving him food and clothing. We also know that he who oppresses the poor shows contempt for our Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors Yahweh . Proverbs 14:31) Finally, Matthew 25:36 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat......... Our actions should be to help others . We can do this by visiting institutions, homes so as to offer our support whether it be emotional or financial.
  7. A Christian's commitment to social justice in our community should be one of compassion and generosity. As outlined in various texts in both the old and New Testament eg Exodus 22:22 and Deutoronomy 10:18. God defends the cause of the fatherless and widows , and he loves the alien giving him food and clothing. We also know that he who oppresses the poor shows contempt for our Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors Yahweh . Proverbs 14:31) Finally, Matthew 25:36 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat......... Our actions should be to help others . We can do this by visiting institutions, homes so as to offer our support whether it be emotional or financial.
  8. A Christian's commitment to social justice in our community should be one of compassion and generosity. As outlined in various texts in both the old and New Testament eg Exodus 22:22 and Deutoronomy 10:18. God defends the cause of the fatherless and widows , and he loves the alien giving him food and clothing. We also know that he who oppresses the poor shows contempt for our Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors Yahweh . Proverbs 14:31) Finally, Matthew 25:36 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat......... Our actions should be to help others . We can do this by visiting institutions, homes so as to offer our support whether it be emotional or financial.
  9. A Christian's commitment to social justice in our community should be one of compassion and generosity. As outlined in various texts in both the old and New Testament eg Exodus 22:22 and Deutoronomy 10:18. God defends the cause of the fatherless and widows , and he loves the alien giving him food and clothing. We also know that he who oppresses the poor shows contempt for our Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors Yahweh . Proverbs 14:31) Finally, Matthew 25:36 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat......... Our actions should be to help others . We can do this by visiting institutions, homes so as to offer our support whether it be emotional or financial.
  10. We can know and understand the Righteous and upright God by having a relationship with him. We can show our love for him and help others to understand by walking in his ways and keeping the commandments. If we delay truth ,we deny the Upright or Just One. Truth in different culture varies therefore, truth in one culture may not be truth in another . We can declare God and his son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world by following their commands. We must try not to be caught up in Cultiral relativism. As Christians we value all people regardless of who they are. Truth is not subjective John 17:17 Truth is absolute and there does exist a moral standard to which all people of the world will be held accountable. Revelation 20:11-12
  11. Isaiah's realization of God's holiness has affected him spiritually and emotionally. He has a feeling of unworthiness and unclean. Isaiah is afraid because of uncleanliness and lack of purity before God. God makes Isaiah holy by cleansing him by way of a seraphim touching his lips with hot coals from the altar. Since the altar is holy and pure, the hot coal is a symbol of purification and atonement.isaiah's guilt is taken away.
  12. Q3. I found 7 in psalm 95. The Psalmist call on us to worship and praise our Creator. These actions are appropriate to show our gratitude and acknowledgement of the one who created us.
  13. Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter,Creator or Maker have over his what he has created? Because he exists in what he has created. We are the masterpiece beautifully made and formed in his image.He can use us as an instrument for whatever purpose he desires. How should that affect our lives,our self image, or sense of purpose? Because our God is Good, so whatever he has created is good.We need to believe and see the positivity in ourselves by giving God thanks.
  14. Q1. (Isaiah 45:9-12) Why is it rediculous for the pot to second guess the potter. Second guessing what should have been or would have been is simply being ungrateful and a waste of time and energy. The potter has much thought and creativity to produce the work of art. He knows how he wants the end product to look like. The pot would not have existed without the handiwork of the potter. How do we Christians do this? We christians are never content. We allow evil to take over our lives causing us to express ingratitude.We are never happy with how we are and wish to be like someone else. What is a better attitude and behaviour before our God? To humble ourselves and praise God for our mercies and blessings.Thanking him for the way we are created.
  15. David was truly anointed.He was blessed with courage and wisdom.He believed that if he could defeat a lion and a bear,his God would deliver Israel from the philistines through him.We see how David put all his trust in God and believed in his saving grace.He was not afraid because God was with him an on their side. if we disrespect Yahweh, by idolatry or defile him by any other means he will show vengence. Yet he is a God of love and compassion and a judge.
  16. The First and the Last meaning The one who is and always will be. There is no one before me, there there will be no one after me.I am everlasting, from age to age. God's revelation to Moses was to give clarity to the name Yahweh the one and only true God. He is the eternal one.
  17. Inhabiting Eternity with the Eternal God is beyond my comprehension and indescribable.It will be totally outside the dimension of time. there will be no more sorrow or pain and the former things are past. All evil will be banished, God's life and glory will be determinative for all that exists and takes place. What would it be like when I inhabit Eternity with God? Everytime I think of this I become speechless and humbled. It would be glorious uninmaginable.
  18. The name Yahweh reveals that it stands for the almighty all powerful person.It means I am that I am.No other gods could attribute this meaning or title,only the Creator.He is not an idol that is made of stone and wood, but an all seeing supernatural being.He is the past,present and the future. The Aleph and the Tav. The idol gods worshipped by the Egyptians were made of inanimate stone and wood.they were not endowed with a spirit.They were carved by man.
  19. Having the knowlege that the battle is the Lord's should give us strength, courage and confidence to go forward marching. We must not be hesitant to put our trust in The All mighty, for he is our Banner our Refuge.We must not give up but fight against the wiles of the enemies. We MUST put on the whole armour of God as outlined in Ephesians 6:11-17 I think that timidity and brashness reflect negativity. Timidity is having fear and lacking confidence/faith.Lacking a strong relationship with God and allowing warfare to take over in our lives. Brashness is having disrespect and behaving in an irreverent manner.If we have the knowlege that the battle is the Lord , then we can't afford to lose our souls by being brash. God will not fight for me if what I am doing is not his will.Not my will, but his will be done.Before I enter my battles, I must seek God first and look to his Banner.
  20. Having the knowlege that the battle is the Lord's should give us strength, courage and confidence to go forward marching. We must not be hesitant to put our trust in The All mighty, for he is our Banner our Refuge.We must not give up but fight against the wiles of the enemies. We MUST put on the whole armour of God as outlined in Ephesians 6:11-17 I think that timidity and brashness reflect negativity. Timidity is having fear and lacking confidence/faith.Lacking a strong relationship with God and allowing warfare to take over in our lives. Brashness is having disrespect and behaving in an irreverent manner.If we have the knowlege that the battle is the Lord , then we can't afford to lose our souls by being brash.
  21. Moses' rod was like a signal pole in this battle because when his hands were raised it gave the courage to the Israelites to fight and defeat their enemies.This may likened to the staff/rod Moses and Aaron used in the presence of Pharoah to show the miraculous power of the Most High. God is always near during our trials/battles and he is our Jehovah Nissi, our Refuge. We can take shelter under his covering for in the name of our God, we must always lift up our banners.
  22. Jesus did not called on the Heavenly hosts in the garden because it was God's plan to save mankind through his sufering and death. He did not call on the hosts so that prophecy may be fullfilled as it is written. When Jesus calls on the Heavenly hosts in Revelation 19:11-16 is when he comes to judge and makes war with the antichrist and followers.
  23. Elisha's servant was afraid because the city was surrounded and it appeared they were outnumbered by an army with horses and chariots.he became anxious and his thinking was blinkered. The difference between Elisha and his servant was that Elisha trusted in God and the servant's faith was minimal. For our eyes to be opened we need to put all our faith and trust in G-D.We need to have a personal relationship on our Creator. The 1John 4:4 strengthens me because it says if I am of God ,then he is in me. He gives me power to overcome evil. For the spirit of God is greater than the spirit of the antichrist.
  24. The Commander was not there to take sides but to take over and take charge as Commander of the Lord's army. This is significant was for Joshua to acknowlege God's claim and God's purposes. We tend to expect God to support us rather than submit and follow him.The battle was a joint venture.We must follow the Lord and be in submission of hie authority. Joshua would have felt reassured and confident because he had heard Moses say "the Lord will fight for you;you only need to be still. So he fell down in worship and submission before his creator.
  25. King of Glory is the supreme ruler of Heaven and all the universe.... the creation. He is the owner of all the earth.He is mighty in battle and close to his people. G-d is the Father of Glory.Jesus was in the bo som of the Father even before the world began, he was one with the Father,and that was glory. We should have an intimacy with G-D in our worship so that we are brought into oneness with him. Our lives will be enligjtened and transformed.We will reflect a radiance on our person like Moses did.
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