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  1. That Jesus in us should be the power and glory displayed to others. It should be God living in us and not we ourselves. That God use us to be a light that draws others to Him and that He is The Lord of our life so that we live fully and completely in His power and be empty of ourselves. That He be sovereign both in our hearts and here on earth. That Jesus' second coming and defeat of the enemy will come soon. We pray for the Father's will to be done because we receive His spiritual blessings - He chose us, He redeemed us through Jesus, and forgave us - He set this forth as His will, His plan even before the creation and so that all things in heaven and on earth will be in unity with Him. Also so we will live for the praise of His glory - to be filled with the fruit of His righteousness, so we can be pure and blameless before Him. (Ephesians. 1:3-14; Phil. 1:11) This prayer should keep me humble, putting myself second or even third. Living in amazement of God's awesomeness and greatness. Desiring for Him to fill me with His great love for me so that my joy will spill over to others. Bringing me back to humility and fulfillment knowing I get to call Him my Daddy. To seek to glorify Him and Give Him control of my life, living in obedience, and expectation of His great love and power.
  2. I seek to let God have the credit when others recognize any good thing that I do - I ask God to keep me humble and recognize that any ability or skill or good thing in me is His working to mold me and change me to be more like Him. I recognize that it is Him working when my reactions to stressful situations are ones of peace and grace toward the situation or person causing the stress. I fail to recognize His sovereignty and power in all situations. I will often use the exclamations of "O my Lord" or " O my God(gosh)" without any real reverence or recognition of His sanctity and holiness. I begin my prayer time by recognizing God as exalted, lifted up, as the creator of all things, worthy of honor and glory. Often I begin with the words of a song, such as "How Majestic is Your Name" or "You Are Worthy."
  3. Hello ya'll, I live in the state of Texas and am originally from Kansas. I am a woman who is seeking God's leading and his call in my life. As part of my journey I have felt a strong desire to grow in my prayer life. I know that prayer is powerful and I am looking forward to seeing that power at work in the study of God's word.
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