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  1. IN {1:15-16] IN these verses we are told to be like our FAUTHER [GOD] HOLY FOR HE IS HOLY. So we are to be holy. HOLINESS mean being totally devoted or dedicated to GOD-set aside for his use and set apart from sin and it influence. not our way but GOD way for us.===We are holy now because we accepter JESUS as our lord and savor though his flood that cleaned us and with the help of the HOLY SPRIT. We must be obedient to GOD word and the guiding of the HOLY SPIRET which us a new life the old person past away and a new life began. The biggest struggles I have with holiness is My self the flesh and keeping God first by not keeping my eyes on Him as I should.
  2. our attention should be placed up on GHRIST imminent return at any second=== The imminent return of CHRIST should motive us to live for him , This means being mentally alert {prepare your mind for action= DISCIPLINED [self-controlled}= and FOCUSED [set your hope fully}, as obedient children we must live GODLY life and be willing to help others===When we don't expect Christ return soon we become less attentive and less active about God work.
  3. Q-5 One thing come to my mine is John20;29 Where Thomas would not believe that the one he was talking was Jesus until he seen and felt the scares, How much more blessed are the one that have not seen and do believe----Though we have not seen him[ as.. his children-the chosen one] we still believe, the joy this no words can express.
  4. Q-4 When my wife had her second hip replaced and for some reason every thing went wrong and she got a infection that that like to have carried her out[ and would have if it was not for GOD grace and mercy] and when she said that she were ready to die and seeing her suffering is when I knew that we had to put our trust in God and let him take control. God let us know that this was not a time to give up he had others plans for her, It help the both of us to realize that there was a GOD and we must put our trust and faith in him and be obedient to what ever he has in store for us,
  5. Q-4 When my wife had her second hip replaced and for some reason every thing went wrong and she got a infection that that like to have carried her out[ and would have if it was not for GOD grace and mercy] and when she said that she were ready to die and seeing her suffering is when I knew that we had to put our trust in God and let him take control. God let us know that this was not a time to give up he had others plans for her, It help the both of us to realize that there was a GOD and we must put our trust and faith in him and be obedient to what ever he has in store for us,
  6. According to 1; 5God part is to protect, shield and keep us safe until the return of Jesus Christ ===== Our part is to obedient children and serving him until his return,
  7. GHRIST coming soon get our undivided attention; we should live in such manner that it will be pleasing to GOD that by doing so it might lead people to GHRIST, His word tell us that he will come again for his church. no one know when his return will be so we need to be ready every second of our life so up on his return we will be ready for our everlasting home with JESUS.==SELF-CONTROL and SOBERNESS===We are responsible for the way in which we live and conduct our self we should live in such a way that others can a difference in our lives than the people who is living ungodly. our mine should sober {clear] not on what This world can offer us for this is not our home .WHAT HAPPENS IN OUR LIVES WHEN WE DON'T EXPECT CHRIST TO COME SOON==== We do not keep our mine fully on serving him as we should. We think that there are plenty time later to serve him
  8. As these people were departed from where they were raised and settle in another part of the world could have been stressful and when they look at that instead of looking at what GOD had in store for them. We know if we are born again that we all are sojourn in this world and we all are strangers looking for the day that we will take our place in our heavenly home, we are in this world but not a part of the worldly thing that this world offers. to mush self and not enough time on what GOD want us to be focus on. Our LORD JESUS CHRIST should and must take first priority
  9. Hi my name is wendell from Griffin Ga. glad to part of this BIBLE study===Ake for all prayers tolift me up as i star in a new era,
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