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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by JamieO

  1. Q1. How is the meaning of Jesus’ name linked to his mission? What is his mission? How did he fulfill this mission? How did he fulfill his mission in your life? Jesu' Hebrew name is a compound word that means "Yahweh saves" meaning save, deliver, give victory or help. Both Maty and Joseph were directed by angels to name him Jesus, it's the message for Joseph being ""he will save his people from their sins". Matthew 1:21. That is Jesus' mission, to save his people from their sins. Therefore, when we say his name we should always be reminded that God sent him with the express mission to save his people from their sins. Jesus, did indeed save his people for their (our) sins as became the sacrificial lamb and bore our sins that we might be so free in front of God - those who are his people who have repented and accepted his sacrifice. He fulfilled that mission in my life as well, as I have repented and accepted his gift of salvation.
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