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Everything posted by forgivenforgivenforgiven

  1. Shalom Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. The conditions that must be met is giving of your own resources to Yah and His Kingdom work. I am to give to Yah and others so that I meet the conditions to obtain His promises. 2. There is no limit. Yah will supply all my needs, but it is what He wants for my life not what we think we want. 3. What this promise means to me is what I sow is what I will reap. Whatever I ask in Faith believing according to Yahs will, will be fulfilled in my life. His bank account of giving is always filled it's whether i believe whether i will receive it or not. Trust Yah to meet our needs no matter what. The things that are impossible with man are impossible with Yahweh. Shalom FAITH
  2. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. They were credited by their giving of the heart with no recompense, no expectations in return. When you give on the earth you have a righteous payment at the resurrection of the Saints. 2. Their giving was linked to temporal blessings by, "What you sow, so shall you reap. I have found when I am in the most need when I give whether it be time, the limited food I have and i give thats when Yah opens up the window of heaven and pours out a blessing that I cannot contain it. Its in my lack and I give that is the true sacrifice of self, that is when I am beautifully blessed. HalleluYah Shalom FAITH
  3. Shalom Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. Greeting, 1. Paul has learned a secret of being content in any and every situation whether hungry, Fed, living in plenty or want. He can do everything through Him who gives him strength. 2. No, our ambition in life is to love Yah with all our heart, soul and mind. 3. It is necessary for us to die to self trust and rely on Yah that He will give us the strength to endure when we need to abase and to be grateful to Him when we abound. Shalom FAITH
  4. Shalom Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. Greetings, 1. It threatens because it is not reality, it gives you the impression of a false hope. You would lose your trust in Yah because He wouldn't be following through with having you prosper. 2. You don't have to do anything. It makes one lazy and think life is going to be given to you on a silver platter. 3. When you abase-not have, be content in what state you are in:lacking. When you abound- be content, go in thanksgiving in what you have received, abundance. Shalom FAITH
  5. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. Greetings, 1. When we give thanksgiving before prayer, requests, petitions to Yah in the midst of an attitude of remembering Yahs faithfulness, love and power in past situations and thus expectations of His answer in the situation builds more faith. By asking and having a conversation with Yah about our requests causes our relationship to deepen because it then builds more faith and trust in Him when He answers your prayer. 2. When we pray with thanksgiving Yahs peace will guide our hearts and mind. Shalom Faith
  6. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS: 1.You open Yah to meet your challenge head on with a solution when you thank Him for what He has done in your life. It's like He is working on your past faith when you thank Him. 2. We believe it will already have happened. Thanksgiving is the language of Faith. I love that statement. If we are not grateful in the little things how can we be grateful in the little things He does how can we be grateful in the big things. Shalom FAITH
  7. Shalom Saints by Faith in Messiah Greetings, 1. He has learned a secret of being content in any and every situation whether hungry, fed, living in plenty or want. He can do everything through Messiah who gives him strength. 2. No, our ambition in life is to love Yah with all our heart soul and mind. 3. It is necessary for us to die to self and trust Yah that He will not give us anything that we can't handle. He will give us the strength to endure when we need to abase and to be grateful to Him when we need to abound. Shalom FAITH
  8. Shalom Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. Greeetings, 1. It threatens us because it is not reality, gives you a false hope. You would loose your trust in Yah because he wouldn't be following through with having you prosper. 2. You don't have to do anything. It makes one lazy and think life is going to be given to you life on a silver platter. 3. When you abase, not have, be content in what state you are in. Usually when I lack then can I only see the manifestation the showing up of Yah in performing the miracles in my life. When you abound, be content, go in thanksgiving in what you have received. If you are not grateful in the little the little things why would He give you greater. Shalom Faith
  9. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah. GREETINGS, 1. It is important to take control of your mind. It is by this process you release the negativity in your mind. Rom. 8:28 "And we know that all things work for good to them that love YAH to them who are called to His purposes." All things even the bad, if you look for the good you will surely find it. Learning from the bad that happens in our lives gives us experience down the road to share with another so that they may grow through their trial. I also like the Scripture verses 2Nd Cor.10:5,6 "Casting down imaginations (reasoning) and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of Yah and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah. And having in readiness to revenge (punish) all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. When we take control of our mind thoughts we revenge punish ALL disobedience. If we think on negative thoughts it gets us into trouble, we sin, either against ourselves or others. To revenge means to punish our negative thoughts by taking them captive to the obedience of Messiah. We must remember every thought that enters our mind is not ours. The enemy has power over the air-waves. When it is negative it is not of Yahweh. 2.Yes when we take captive our negative thoughts and replace them with positive- think on right things, transform the mind on things of Yah we will have peace. 3. I take my thoughts captive. If you want to know who controls your mind, write out all the thoughts that come into your mind for one day, you will know who controls it. 99.9% will be negative. Satan. Then you will know how important that command is in taking your thoughts captive. When you do, you will be at peace. So many are exhausted at the end of the day because they try and fight a physical battle when it is a spiritual one. The only one that gives you anxiety is Satan, anxiety is the strongman , kick him out. Focus on Philippines 4:8 think on the things of Yah. Read your Scripture, sing praises to His name and your life will be in complete peace, because your mind is stayed on Him. 4. It is working great for me because I choose to take every thought captive to the obedience of Messiah that's how I eliminate anxiety, stress, depression, etc. Past failures don't haunt me anymore because I kick the demons out and tell them to be gone in Yahushuas name. HalleluYah. Shalom FAITH
  10. Shalom Saints by FAITH in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. When we give thanksgiving before we pray,request, petition to Yah in the midst of an attitude of remembering Yah's faithfulness, love and power in past situations and thus an expectation of His answer in the situation builds more Faith. By asking having a conversation with Yah about our requests causes our relations to deepen because it builds more Faith and trust in Him when He answers our prayers. 2.When we pray with thanksgiving Yah's peace will guard our heart and mind. Because your Faith has been exercised in action that you have already received it as you did in the past. Faith is not something you study but practice. Shalom FAITH
  11. Shalom Saints by FAITH in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. When we give thanksgiving before we pray,request, petition to Yah in the midst of an attitude of remembering Yah's faithfulness, love and power in past situations and thus an expectation of His answer in the situation builds more Faith. By asking having a conversation with Yah about our requests causes our relations to deepen because it builds more Faith and trust in Him when He answers our prayers. 2.When we pray with thanksgiving Yah's peace will guard our heart and mind. Because your Faith has been exercised in action that you have already received it as you did in the past. Faith is not something you study but practice. Shalom FAITH
  12. Dear Saints by FAITH in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. You open Yah to meet your challenges head on with a solution when you thank Him for what He has done in your life. Its like He is working on your past faith when you thank Him for what He has done in your life. 2. Thanksgiving affects our faith as we pray because we believe it has already happened. "Thanksgiving is the language of Faith." I love that statement. If we are not grateful for the little things we receive then how can He bless us with the bigger ones, Shalom FAITH
  13. Shalom Saints by FAITH in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, REJOICING in Yahweh is an action. It blossoms from the inside out. Because that is the only way one can have joy in the midst of the trial, it's Yah's joy that dissolves the flesh to walk in His Spirit. 2. I believe as a believer we are to act opposite to the flesh. Yah has given us all unique personality, my personality is powerful, perfect. Unless one is born from above will I really see a joyful perfect powerful. They are too busy trying to be perfect to be joyful. Before I was a believer when someone would smile at me I wondered what they were up too, I was suspicious of them. Im speaking of myself here, a smile is not perfect it wrinkles your face to a perfect personality. Yah tells us to rejoice and be glad it proves our imperfections of a perfect face. Only Yah is perfect. Many get caught up in the world, work, labor, we become fatigued and tired. Who has time to be joyful when you feel that way? To be joyful when we don't feel like it. We have to override our flesh and put into action JOY in our life in the good times and the bad. Joy is sharing a smile Joy is helpful a friend Joy is giving to the poor Joy is writing to prisoners Each one of these gives a smile to the receiver. What are the effects of rejoicing? All I can think of is the homeless man on Google. Someone had brought him a buggy full of groceries. What did he do to show his rejoicing? They showed a picture of him down on his knees thanking Yahweh for the food that had just been given to him. His hands were folded in prayer above his head. It stated under the picture. A homeless man was found on his knees in the street praying and giving thanks. When he was asked, "Why a homeless man with nothing would be thanking Yahweh. He replied, Yahweh would never forsake me and though I might not have much in material things. I have the greatest GIFT of all SALVATION. THANKS to Yahshua the Messiah. He said, "My riches don't come from man or money but from Our Heavenly Father...Homeless but RICH. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE EFFECT OF REJOICING I HAVE EVER HEARD OR SAW. THIS ONE IS A GOLD CROWN GIVING THANKS REJOICING ON His knees for the world to see in who gave it to him, "His Heavenly Father." The effects of rejoicing is the outward expression and action and feeling of one that others see. For me when I first felt the joy of Yahweh is when I came out of the church of Babylon. I felt His love, joy fill my being. I felt like I was on a spiritual high, nothing could get me down.The night I felt His presence I put a chair by my bed so He could sit down. I prayed He would be with me always and that He would sit in that chair and watch over me all night. When I felt that spiritual high it was like He had consumed me. The effects if joy? Another time I saw the effects of joy in my life was, when my family was resistant to the faith because they were still in the Babylon Denomination. A few of my children thought I was crazy because the house was divided in belief, there was strife, aggravation etc. The spiritual high I experienced was His Joy because in the flesh I would have been distraught. It was like He sheltered me under His wings and no evil spirits could touch me. My first born daughter went to school and told her girl friend that her mother was acting strange. She is singing and happy and our house is in turmoil. Her girlfriend said, "I'm glad my mother doesn't do that." Later that friend has become a believer today. I remember at the same time this was happening I was out in the garden weeding and singing. I believe the joy Yah gave me was to keep me sane. I was singing: You Are The Light Of My Soul Yahweh! You are the light of my soul Yahweh you are the candle in my life. You are the light of my soul, Yahweh You keep the flame burning bright. You are the one who lights my path You lead me in the way of truth. You are the rock on which I stand Forever more I will trust in you. Forevermore I will trust in you. My daughter came out and asked if she could help me. I said, "Sure." I continued to sing, later she told me she hated the song, couldn't stand it, but after she left me she could not stop getting the tune out of her head. That was the effects of the spiritual joy Yahweh placed in me in the midst of our families turmoil. Wow, six months later, on weekends I prayed and fasted for their salvation they came to the knowledge if truth and cane out of Bab. I desire with great desire for Him to give me that spiritual high of joy once again, but again it becomes restrictive because we operate in our feeling and thus quench the joy He really desires us to have and express. True joy from Yah can be expressed inside and then be manifested on the outside for others to see. That shows genuine joy. But the Human joy we put conditions on in that we have to feel in order to express and even then can be false joy. Have a blessed week, Love in MESSIAH, Shalom FAITH
  14. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS: 1.My citizenship is in heaven, I'm not from around here. My allegiance/loyalty is to Yahweh and Yahshua. My discipleship is being a replica of My King, Yahshua. 2. It keeps me focused on the stake, dying to the old man putting on the new man. I do what the Messiah did and said. When I focus on Messiah I do not make my stomach my god, I don't glory in shame nor do I mind earthly things. 3. When the church is married to the state, by having a 501 C (3), they are denying Messiah because the government controls what they can preach in their church. The government wants the people to claim them as their god that's why you can't do anything without their permission or contract. This happens by way of birth certificate, once your parents sign that birth certificate you become CHATTEL PROPERTY, number, and you become a person. A person is a Corporation, business. THE GOVERNMENT steals your true identity a living soul created by Yah to becoming a fictitious person, Corp. The Contracts you take out with the government means you have to get their permission, to work, SSN number, to get married, a marriage certificate, numbered, to drive you have to have a drivers number, to fish you have to have a fishing license, number and when you die you have to have a death certificate so who ownsyou? Do the government can clip in on your insurance, each bond is insured. That's why our men have no choice in being drafted, they are chattel property once we sign a birth certificate. That's why we have to send our children to school, that's why we can't discipline them the way the Scripture states, because they call that child abuse. I had a friend of mine a Christian she went to Fidelity Trust and got the original birth certificate of her son, it had been sold on the market and traded in other countries. If you look close to your birth certificate you will see in fine print, American Banknote. I am a teller and a banknote means money.... wake up.., He who the Son sets free is free indeed. If you want out of the system ask Yah for a new name, Yah named Abram to Abraham when coming out of Chaldean, BAbylon,that's what we can do in coming out of the world we did and Yahweh gave us all new names. Don't feed the system. HalleluYah With much love in Messiah, FAITH
  15. Shalom Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua, GREETINGS, 1. Paul is bold to ask others to imitate him because he follows Messiah and is a doer of the Word. 2. The enemy gets in our life to distract us in being obedient. We get lazy we don't put on the full armor of Yah. We do not obey the command to take every thought captive to the obedience of Messiah to walk upright before Yahweh. We hang around the wrong people. Who we associate with is who we become. 3. Yah sent His Son for us to follow. He is the perfect example. Yahshua only did and said what the Father told him to say. If we memorized all of Yahshuas Words and used them in this world. The world would be introduced to His Father. They would also see the power and miracles in His name. 4. The people that might imitate me would be family, friends and possibility acquaintances. They see how we live and respond to situations in our life. Family Testimony: When we studied fruits meet for repentance, becoming a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. When we as parents would do something wrong and see our children do the same thing, we asked them to forgive us for teaching them a bad example. They became more repentive and asked our forgiveness. Then they started to ask forgiveness because of their thoughts. I thought maybe their going over board, until Yah led me To Acts. 8:22 "Repent therefore of this thy wickedness and pray Yah if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee." I said to my children, "What I do in moderation you will do in excess." Friend's Testimony, I was shopping at a department store and we had purchased linoleum. We had a problem with it when we were laying it down and it ripped. There was a warranty that it was guaranteed not to rip. When I shared with the salesman he got very defensive and went up one side of me and down the other with a very sarcastic attitude. I looked at him very calmly and said,"Sir your services are no longer needed." A friend was with me and she said, "Wow!" I would have said a few choiced words he wouldn't of wanted to hear." I said, "Why would I allow him to ruin my testimony as a believer? She thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to have to remember that line when I want to blow up at someone, thanks you taught me something." Praise Yah for an open heart to receive. Many Blessings, Faith
  16. Dear Saints by Faith in Messiah, GREETINGS, 1. It is a privilege to be called and know what purpose you are to do for Yah's bidding and that is to be all that Yahshua is. 2. Yes His calling to us was to sell all and travel and preach the Word of Truth. In doing so what we sowed, REPENTANCE- Truth, we reaped Truth, the names of the Father and Son. God is a title not His name, His name is Yahweh. Sons name is Yahshua, there was no" J" till the 1500's. What was He called before that? In Acts when Paul wad knocked off his horse, the Savior spoke from the heavens in the Hebrew tongue Scripture says, Jesus is a latinized Greek name, so is the scripture wrong in saying He spoke in the Hebrew Tongue? If you look for other languages when they translate it they speak the Greek, of Aramaic name, or is only here that they don't make the right translation? Makes you wonder why? Our calling is to live a life in Messiah that means come out of the world, die to the flesh, count the things of the world to be a loss to you. 3. Yah's call becomes dim when we do not accept the convictions of the Holy Spirit and we turn away by being disobedient. When we get caught up in life and too busy to study the Word or listen to what He has to say, we become deaf of hearing. 4. We can renew our call by being attentive to the still small voice. By studying the Word having an intimate relationship with Him, know Him so we can be like Him. 5. The specifics is to know Messiah and learn to be like Him. Many Blessings, Shalom FAITH
  17. Shalom to the Saints by FAITH in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. What do you need to forget so that you may focus on Messiah today and tomorrow? Our past can interfere with us coming to know Messiah because lack of forgiveness that is usually the reason people are always looking back. Whether it be against yourself or someone else. Unforgiveness will hold you back from knowing Messiah. When we hold ourselves or others in bondage, we live our life a curse according to what we won't forgive them for. Testimony Example: I had a hate toward my mother for rejecting me and abandoning me for years. Because of my Unforgiveness I lived a life of rejection. When I would make friends and there would be strife I would be first to cut off the relationship because I was not going to be rejected first. When I got married and had a disagreement with my husband about something, I would be the first to walk out the door because no one was going to reject me first. But because of my Unforgiveness I set up my own rejection continuously throughout my life until I forgave myself and her. After I forgave myself and husband I did not live a life of rejection any more. "He who the Son sets free is free indeed." 2. I need to forget the past and all its garbage and leave it there. I had to forgive and love to move on and come to know Messiah. 3. Yes when you learn to forgive and love, that is the two antidotes that will help you come to know Messiah better. This will also free you from sickness and diseases. Because what you hold back in not forgiving yourself and others will eat you from the inside out. It had been proven medically and spiritually. It happens first in the spiritual be fore it happens in the physical. May you have a blessed week. With much love FAITH
  18. Shalom to the Saints by FAITH in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. To know Messiah is to be like Him. It is to act like He did, it is to say what He said, it is to die to the flesh and to lay down your life for a friend. It is a life's journey on this earth. Even when you die you would still have a long way to go to know Him. 2. Yes in order to know Messiah we must walk by FAITH not by sight. If we choose to know Messiah then we must learn to walk opposite to the flesh to walk in the Spirit as He did. This is what Messiah did to walk sinless. 3. You have to have both faith and relationship to know the Messiah. 4. No you can't have one without the other. Faith and relationship go hand in hand. 5. Where am I on my quest to know Messiah? I am learning daily to die to self, the flesh. When I come to a cross road in my life where I can't decide I yield my will to Yahweh by casting a lot. I pray ask the petition write on piece of paper, "Yea" or "Nay." I ask my petition and pray not my will be done but His. I shake the cup and Yah draws out His will for my life and I am content on the decision He has made. I exercise fruits meet for repentance every day. I ask forgiveness to Yah and to man and I give forgiveness to man. I take every thought captive to the obedience of Messiah to avenge (punish) all disobedience. I study the Word to learn more of His ways and be obedient to His commands. I am memorizing His words so I can use them in my speech to say to others. I purpose to give to the needy, to help the widow and give to the poor. I also at each meal ask the Father to forgive me of any sins so that whatever I eat does not defile my body for He says, "who ever eats unworthly shall shall eat and drink damnation to himself, for this cause many are sick among you and many sleep." I look to Him to convict me of my wrong and to humbly yield my life to do His will. Many Blessings FAITH
  19. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. Law observance is like being a Pharasee or Saducee. Do as I say not as I do. That is being law observant. Righteousness through Faith is a heart change: not by works but by example trusting Yah in all things and waiting on Him to guide and direct our life. In Rom. 2:14,15. "Shew the work of the law written in their heart's their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another." In Jer. 31:31-35 Tells us the law was written on our heart's, so heart is the conscience to know right and wrong. But Yah gave man a free will to accuse or excuse it, even our thoughts. In and of myself I can do nothing. Yahshua only said and did what the Father told Him. I watched a movie where Yahshua spoke only Scripture to people, can you imagine doing that to people? That would be so awesome. 2. Our assembly walks by Faith not by sight. Concerning the law we are obedient to it. All what the law means is instructions. Whatever Yah commands us to do in the old covenant, for it is the foundation of our faith. When Yah says in His Word we are to be obedient to all "GENERATIONS, FOREVER," He means just that. In regards to His commands in the Old Covenant it doesn't mean it washes it out in the New Covenant by saying the law has been done away with. A command is a command. And we are to be obedient to it. He would rather obedience than sacrifice. Yes Yahshua was the once and for all sacrifice but that does not mean He abolished the Old Testament commands for His generations and it was to be obeyed forever. 3. Society on the whole is anti-God. They like to be independent of any law and make their own laws. Some say they are better than Christians because they see Christians as hypocrites. John 14:17-19 "Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it see th him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him; for he dwealth with you and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, the world seeth me no more, but ye see me because I live, ye shall live also." 4. It easy to follow a system than a faith. Religion is a system of see me? But no inward change. All words but no action. To walk by Faith means to totally depend on Yah. Many are too impatient and miss the blessing. They want answers here and now, where walking by Faith means you have to wait on Yah. FEED YOUR FAITH AND YOUR DOUBTS WILL STARVE TO DEATH. FAITH IS SEEING LIGHT WITH YOUR HEART WHEN ALL YOU SEE IS DARKNESS. BE ON GUARD STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH BE COURAGEOUS BE STRONG AND DO EVERYTHING IN LOVE WITH MUCH LOVE IN MESSIAH FAITH.
  20. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS: 1.Paul saw his religious pedigree as empty it didn't satisfy his heart. Pride was in the religion he came out of. That is why he considered his religion Rubbish it could not be compared to the Faith he had in Messiah. 2. He considers it an obstacle because it would hold him back in following the truth and becoming Messiah like. His religion was earning ones credentials to stand before Yahweh. He rejected that teaching. 3. Religion in most part causes one to have only head knowledge with no change in ones life in becoming Messiah like. Paul's faith in Messiah was heart knowledge that meant he was a doer of the Word. Head knowledge is being religious: being a hearer of the Word, deceiving their own selves. It was hypocrisy. Being religious causes one to be prideful, arrogant, and full of themselves. That cannot be present when following Messiah Yahshua. When the people needed healing they went to Him and He healed them. He didn't ask them what church they belonged to or what doctrine did they believe? He wasn't interested in religion He gave them truth. He said: "Go and sin no more, your Faith has made you whole." "Go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you." "Your Faith has made you whole. Following Messiah means to, "Walk by Faith not by sight." In Revelation Yahshua says, "When I return will I find FAITH on the earth?" HE DIDN'T SAY RELIGION. Have a blessed week. With much love in Messiah, FAITH
  21. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. I believe it is human nature to have confidence in the flesh and in the congregation. As a believer if we want to live in the Spirit we are to walk opposite to the flesh. When the flesh wants something we don't do it. The Household of Faith chooses to walk by Faith not by sight thus we see the manifestations of Yahweh's doings in our life which is exciting. 2.Yes we have just recently struggled in our confidence in the flesh. My husband had a car accident in 1986 diagnosed as a silent brain injury. He had bruising on the temporal lobe and cognitive difficulties. Thus it is known in later years to grow scar tissue where the bruising took place. In this occurring it caused him to have seizures. When we heard this we just accepted the Drs. diagnoses. Trusted in their confidence rather than Yahweh's. The Spirit of Yah revealed to me when I was looking up another scripture verse the one with epileptic healing came up. I thought of the one when He healed the little boy. I got on line and read a few articles and was determined to call out these spirits that wanted to control my husband's body. We started calling out the demon of seizures, deaf and dumb spirits, confusion, in- balance, ringing in the ears, headaches, etc. The demons would manifest with a noise, deep breathing, panting as soon as we heard their arrival we would start praying and casting them out. All of a sudden they would not make themselves known before they manifested in my husbands body,now th st they had been found out they went silent they would come with no warning. I prayed and asked Yah to let me know wake me up in the night so we could cast these demons out and He did. My husband has now been seizure free close to a month. He got off all herbs also. Praise Yah for delivering him. Yahshua said, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy that nothing by any means shall hurt you." When we renounced accepting what the doctors said, stopped putting our confidence in them Yah delivered him. HalleluYah. As for circumcision I believe it is an everlasting Blood Covenant with Yahweh, between Him and man. Read Gen. 17:10-14 Many people have head knowledge that means no change in their life. You can be circumcised as a baby and have no change in your life when you grow up. Circumcision means nothing. Then you can have heart knowledge meaning you see changes in your life from the old man to the new man. Then you make the decision to be circumcised like Abraham did at 99 year's old because Yah told him to enter into that Blood Covenant as well as his seed and future seeds. Yahshuas parents dedicated Him to Yahweh and later He matched that physical Blood Covenant by living a righteous life. He says in His Word, a male child is to be circumcised on the eighth day. Why on the eighth day? Because the blood has the cauterizing element and it is the highest on that day. Normally hospitals will give them a vitamin K shot, however Yah had it already covered thousands of years ago. Then we see Abraham as an example to be circumcised later in his life, was Yah giving a message at the age of 99 it was not too late to enter His Covenant? But his life had already been converted in Faith he trusted Yah and a heart change accrued. Yah wanted him to still enter His Covenant of a physical blood Covenant in the flesh because that's the only way a blood Covenant could be made. Its not whether you are Jew or Gentle it's a matter of whose children you are. We all come from Yah. Through our circumcision of flesh and heart we become children of Abraham in entering the Covenant of Yah. If we claim to be the seed of Abraham where Yah calls all males to be circumcised then what right does man have to say it's not necessary when the Scripture days, Gen.17:10-14 "This is my Covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee;Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the Covenant between me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised; and my Covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting Covenant. And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken my Covenant." So here we read it's an everlasting Covenant, for all generations and those that do not do it their soul is cut off. If you can get a chance to read a book called, "None of these Diseases," Excellent book talks about when you do this it's not only a Covenant with Yah, but for health reasons. Woman that are married to men that have been circumcised they do not get cervical cancer, also those men that do get cancer in his organ, it has to be cut off. Do you think that would be a curse? Interesting Yah would say that man would be cut off from him and literally his organ is cut off because of his disobedience. May Yah fill you with His Spirit so that your eyes would be opened to see and ears to hear, in the mighty name of Yahshuas Ha Mashiyach. HalleluYah. Many Blessings, FAITH
  22. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. I believe it is human nature to have confidence in the flesh and in the congregation. As a believer if we want to live in the Spirit we are to walk opposite to the flesh. When the flesh wants something we don't do it. The Household of Faith chooses to walk by Faith not by sight thus we see the manifestations of Yahweh's doings in our life which is exciting. 2.Yes we have just recently struggled in our confidence in the flesh. My husband had a car accident in 1986 diagnosed as a silent brain injury. He had bruising on the temporal lobe and cognitive difficulties. Thus it is known in later years to grow scar tissue where the bruising took place. In this occurring it caused him to have seizures. When we heard this we just accepted the Drs. diagnoses. Trusted in their confidence rather than Yahweh's. The Spirit of Yah revealed to me when I was looking up another scripture verse the one with epileptic healing came up. I thought of the one when He healed the little boy. I got on line and read a few articles and was determined to call out these spirits that wanted to control my husband's body. We started calling out the demon of seizures, deaf and dumb spirits, confusion, in- balance, ringing in the ears, headaches, etc. The demons would manifest with a noise, deep breathing, panting as soon as we heard their arrival we would start praying and casting them out. All of a sudden they would not make themselves known before they manifested in my husbands body,now th st they had been found out they went silent they would come with no warning. I prayed and asked Yah to let me know wake me up in the night so we could cast these demons out and He did. My husband has now been seizure free close to a month. He got off all herbs also. Praise Yah for delivering him. Yahshua said, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy that nothing by any means shall hurt you." When we renounced accepting what the doctors said, stopped putting our confidence in them Yah delivered him. HalleluYah. As for circumcision I believe it is an everlasting Blood Covenant with Yahweh, between Him and man. Read Gen. 17:10-14 Many people have head knowledge that means no change in their life. You can be circumcised as a baby and have no change in your life when you grow up. Circumcision means nothing. Then you can have heart knowledge meaning you see changes in your life from the old man to the new man. Then you make the decision to be circumcised like Abraham did at 99 year's old because Yah told him to enter into that Blood Covenant as well as his seed and future seeds. Yahshuas parents dedicated Him to Yahweh and later He matched that physical Blood Covenant by living a righteous life. He says in His Word, a male child is to be circumcised on the eighth day. Why on the eighth day? Because the blood has the cauterizing element and it is the highest on that day. Normally hospitals will give them a vitamin K shot, however Yah had it already covered thousands of years ago. Then we see Abraham as an example to be circumcised later in his life, was Yah giving a message at the age of 99 it was not too late to enter His Covenant? But his life had already been converted in Faith he trusted Yah and a heart change accrued. Yah wanted him to still enter His Covenant of a physical blood Covenant in the flesh because that's the only way a blood Covenant could be made. Its not whether you are Jew or Gentle it's a matter of whose children you are. We all come from Yah. Through our circumcision of flesh and heart we become children of Abraham in entering the Covenant of Yah. If we claim to be the seed of Abraham where Yah calls all males to be circumcised then what right does man have to say it's not necessary when the Scripture days, Gen.17:10-14 "This is my Covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee;Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the Covenant between me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised; and my Covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting Covenant. And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken my Covenant." So here we read it's an everlasting Covenant, for all generations and those that do not do it their soul is cut off. If you can get a chance to read a book called, "None of these Diseases," Excellent book talks about when you do this it's not only a Covenant with Yah, but for health reasons. Woman that are married to men that have been circumcised they do not get cervical cancer, also those men that do get cancer in his organ, it has to be cut off. Do you think that would be a curse? Interesting Yah would say that man would be cut off from him and literally his organ is cut off because of his disobedience. May Yah fill you with His Spirit so that your eyes would be opened to see and ears to hear, in the mighty name of Yahshuas Ha Mashiyach. HalleluYah. Many Blessings, FAITH
  23. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua. GREETINGS, 1. I believe it is human nature to have confidence in the flesh and in the congregation. As a believer if we want to live in the Spirit we are to walk opposite to the flesh. When the flesh wants something we don't do it. The Household of Faith chooses to walk by Faith not by sight thus we see the manifestations of Yahweh's doings in our life which is exciting. 2.Yes we have just recently struggled in our confidence in the flesh. My husband had a car accident in 1986 diagnosed as a silent brain injury. He had bruising on the temporal lobe and cognitive difficulties. Thus it is known in later years to grow scar tissue where the bruising took place. In this occurring it caused him to have seizures. When we heard this we just accepted the Drs. diagnoses. Trusted in their confidence rather than Yahweh's. The Spirit of Yah revealed to me when I was looking up another scripture verse the one with epileptic healing came up. I thought of the one when He healed the little boy. I got on line and read a few articles and was determined to call out these spirits that wanted to control my husband's body. We started calling out the demon of seizures, deaf and dumb spirits, confusion, in- balance, ringing in the ears, headaches, etc. The demons would manifest with a noise, deep breathing, panting as soon as we heard their arrival we would start praying and casting them out. All of a sudden they would not make themselves known before they manifested in my husbands body,now th st they had been found out they went silent they would come with no warning. I prayed and asked Yah to let me know wake me up in the night so we could cast these demons out and He did. My husband has now been seizure free close to a month. He got off all herbs also. Praise Yah for delivering him. Yahshua said, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy that nothing by any means shall hurt you." When we renounced accepting what the doctors said, stopped putting our confidence in them Yah delivered him. HalleluYah. As for circumcision I believe it is an everlasting Blood Covenant with Yahweh, between Him and man. Read Gen. 17:10-14 Many people have head knowledge that means no change in their life. You can be circumcised as a baby and have no change in your life when you grow up. Circumcision means nothing. Then you can have heart knowledge meaning you see changes in your life from the old man to the new man. Then you make the decision to be circumcised like Abraham did at 99 year's old because Yah told him to enter into that Blood Covenant as well as his seed and future seeds. Yahshuas parents dedicated Him to Yahweh and later He matched that physical Blood Covenant by living a righteous life. He says in His Word, a male child is to be circumcised on the eighth day. Why on the eighth day? Because the blood has the cauterizing element and it is the highest on that day. Normally hospitals will give them a vitamin K shot, however Yah had it already covered thousands of years ago. Then we see Abraham as an example to be circumcised later in his life, was Yah giving a message at the age of 99 it was not too late to enter His Covenant? But his life had already been converted in Faith he trusted Yah and a heart change accrued. Yah wanted him to still enter His Covenant of a physical blood Covenant in the flesh because that's the only way a blood Covenant could be made. Its not whether you are Jew or Gentle it's a matter of whose children you are. We all come from Yah. Through our circumcision of flesh and heart we become children of Abraham in entering the Covenant of Yah. If we claim to be the seed of Abraham where Yah calls all males to be circumcised then what right does man have to say it's not necessary when the Scripture days, Gen.17:10-14 "This is my Covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee;Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the Covenant between me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed. He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised; and my Covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting Covenant. And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken my Covenant." So here we read it's an everlasting Covenant, for all generations and those that do not do it their soul is cut off. If you can get a chance to read a book called, "None of these Diseases," Excellent book talks about when you do this it's not only a Covenant with Yah, but for health reasons. Woman that are married to men that have been circumcised they do not get cervical cancer, also those men that do get cancer in his organ, it has to be cut off. Do you think that would be a curse? Interesting Yah would say that man would be cut off from him and literally his organ is cut off because of his disobedience. May Yah fill you with His Spirit so that your eyes would be opened to see and ears to hear, in the mighty name of Yahshuas Ha Mashiyach. HalleluYah. Many Blessings, FAITH
  24. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah Yahshua, Greetings, 1.The problems the Philippians were having was complaining and being discontented.Even though they did have a heart to help Paul and to take care of his needs. 2.Paul speaks about this problem by exhorting Timothy, how he serves with a willing heart. Timothy went through the testings, he stood the test by gold refined by fire, he was proven by his character to be Messiah like. 3. Epaphrodites sacrificed himself at the cost of dying to the flesh. Being that example of love toward the brethren, even when he was not well. We too should stretch ourselves in reaching out to those who are hurting. Have a blessed week, Faith
  25. Shalom to the Saints by Faith in Messiah, Greetings, 1. When we serve Yahshua as a slave we give to Him our all. Whatever it takes, dying to the flesh, putting yourself on the altar of sacrifice to love Him with all your heart soul and mind. No matter what it is, we do as He did. He went to the stake as a lamb lead to the slaughter. Serving Him as being a preference means you had to compare Him to someone. To prefer Him over another. That shouldn't be an option. 2. The quality of our service is to be one of obedience. If is to be a humble privilege to serve our Master. Being a slave to Him is a high honor. 3. Our commitment to Him gives us a high reward, His blessings. 4. Leaders who serve out of preference do no make Him first in their life. They make choosing Him an option. He should never be put on that level that is an insult to His divinity and who He is. With much love in Messiah FAITH
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