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Posts posted by Eilen

  1. We, as Christians, have to live in a way that by our exemplary, obedient lives, we will be able to stop those who criticize the faith.   The only way we can accomplish this is living by God’s words,  His commandments.  We must live a life beyond criticism, above reproach and above shame so that others may see this and glorify our Father, in heaven.

    Our rebelliousness makes us part of the crowd, we stray from God and His teachings.   St. Peter mentioned that our ’blending in’ detract from God’s praise 1Peter 2:12.  Being rebellious causes us to hurt God since we no longer do His work wholeheartedly His glory and glorious kingdom is not being preached by us when we go astray.

  2. Matthew 5:16 ‘ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see  your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven’

    When Christians commit good deeds, they cause others to emulate what they do.   Unbelievers realize that they do not have to be a slave to the evil that exists in our world, but have the comfort of knowing that they are god’s own and He is looking out for them. Our good deeds are able to bring others to Jesus.  They tend to bring people from darkness into light so that  they can see the joy of God’s kingdom. 

    Our ‘blending in’ causes us to lose focus on God.  We are not able to show our good deeds spreading His word and living the godly life that we as Christians should. 

  3. Matthew 5:16 ‘ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see  your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven’

    When Christians commit good deeds, they cause others to emulate what they do.   Unbelievers realize that they do not have to be a slave to the evil that exists in our world, but have the comfort of knowing that they are god’s own and He is looking out for them. Our good deeds are able to bring others to Jesus.  They tend to bring people from darkness into light so that  they can see the joy of God’s kingdom. 

    Our ‘blending in’ causes us to lose focus on God.  We are taken up with worldly things and are not able to show our good deeds spreading His word and living the godly life that we as Christians should. 

  4. Peter is telling us that we have to renounce Satan and his evil.  The world in which we reside is full of sin.  We have to remember that we are God’s own and all our values should come from Him and not the culture of where we reside. .  We were made in His image and He expects us to be like Him.  God does not condone sin.  He gave His Son to suffer death on the cross for our redemption.  He expects  us to recognize that we have sinned and that we should seek forgiveness.   We have to be strong and stay focused on God’s word.

  5. Praise is a vital part of life surrendered to God.  By praising God, we are reminded of His greatness, His power and presence in our lives.  Our praise  must show our devotion and love for God.  We have to be sincere in our prayers.  Our praise should express our admiration and love for God.  This should be a part of our daily lives.  We praise God for the salvation we receive.   

  6. A priest’s mindset towards God is being a channel for God’s grace, forgiveness, love and mercy.  He is God's servant, he serves the Lord.  He has to live for God’s glory and not for that of the world in which he lives. His task is to carry on God’s discipleship on earth, spreading His word to all, praying for the sick and suffering, spreading the gospel to all.

    This mindset inspires me to listen to the word of God, try to keep his commandments and live a spiritual life.

  7. Holiness is next to godliness.  To be holy is to be cleansed of all faults and to be set apart by God who is himself faultless and pure.   Believers must be absolutely perfect.  They need to live a life by God’s standards and be in this world but apart from it in their thoughts, words and deeds.

    I do not think that I am anywhere near the definition of holy but I am trying to get there.  

    To become holy one must forge a relationship with God who is our Savior.  We have to show our faith that Jesus, God’s Son, is the only one who can redeem our sins. We have to live a daily life not trying to blend in with the world, but living according to God’s Word as we study the bible and grow in it.

    I find myself often living the life of this world instead that of my Father.   I need to spend more time studying the word of the Lord.

  8. Jesus’ coming signifies eternal life and a place in our Father’s house.  We have to prepare for that glorious event now on earth. We have to get our heart, body, soul ready for this occasion.

    With Jesus’ coming there will be no pain, sorrow, only everlasting joy to all believers.  If we want to inherit everlasting life we have to be faithful disciples of Jesus at all times.   We have to be strong in our faith that God will see us through all obstacles.  We have to be always prepared.  ‘For this reason, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.’  Matthew 24:44
    We become careless, lazy, not strong enough to resist many of the temptations thrown our way.   We tell ourselves that there is time.

  9. The basis of Christian believers’ joy is their unwavering belief in Christ and love for Him even though they have never seen Him.  They know that they are God’s own and He would always  protect  them.

    I would not say that this joy is a sign of human emotion which can be fleeting. It is something sacred and far deeper.  It comes from the heart, from God being in all the believer does or says.  It is the comfort of knowing that God is in charge, He is our guide and He will always be there for us.

    Happiness is a state of mind that does not last forever sine there are events in life which can affect one’s happiness such as the death of a loved one.  Christian joy is expressed by believers at all times since they have faith that God will see them through whatever trials or adversities come their way.  They are God’s own so they know that God will always be with them, comforting and protecting them from the trials of this world.  

    I suppose the counterfeiter will be the one who boasts about his joy as something he has achieved by himself while the real believer shows his in showing his faith in God, by doing the works His Father wants him to do.

  10. Yes.  Last year I was diagnosed with a lump in my breast and had to have surgery.   There was a period of fear but prayers can alleviate that.  I learned that God was the only one who can heal our bodies.    We have to have steadfast faith in the power of the Lord.

    There is much worldly pressure on our faith.  This pressure helps to refine, strengthen and prove that one’s faith is genuine.  When our faith stands the test, we are protected by God’s power and this results in our glory and honor at Jesus’ return.

  11. God ensured our salvation by giving His only Son to die on the cross for the redemption of our sins.   Once we have steadfast, non-questionable, unbreakable faith in Him, God will protect our inheritance of eternal life in His kingdom as He promised.  Christian believers are God’s people and are guarded by His mighty power.

    My part is to believe, have faith on God and continue to live by His commandments in this world full of evil.

  12. I think that forgiveness and obedience come together as a package because God asks us to obey and live by His commandments.  He knows that most of us are weak and not spiritually strong to do this.  He is a merciful, loving and forgiving Father.  He is willing to forgive us when we confess our sins.  God promised us forgiveness when He sacrificed His only Son for our redemption.  When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father's commandments and remain in His love.” John 15:10.    One however cannot say that one is becoming a Christian so that he can get his sins forgiven.  No, he has to open his heart to God and walk God’s commandments.  He has to prove by his faith works that he is a Christian.

    Forgiveness and obedience are linked.  We can only have forgiveness if we are obedient to God and are doing His will.  Obedience to God shows our love, our faithfulness to Him.  The choice of obedience is left to us.  Those who keep His commandments do so because they love and believe in Him.  Even those who not followed His commandments can ask for forgiveness and have it granted them.

    We are saved by grace and exalted by what we do.  Our faith cannot be seen since that is an internal quality and can only be expressed externally by our good deeds.  All works are acts of faith which one possesses beforehand.   Salvation by grace comes to anyone who asks for it and accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior

  13. Our home on earth is just temporary and it is definitely not perfect.  A Christian identifying with His homeland, is identifying with a world that is full of evil and daily temptations, sin.  He is identifying with a world that will no longer exist at Jesus’ second coming.   Christians must thus strive to move into their permanent, heavenly home with the Father where they can enjoy everlasting life.. 

    Yes, I think that many Christians have found themselves in this situation.  I tend to be distracted by the distractions around me. 

    We have to live by God’s words, we have to open our hearts to His voice and proclaim His teachings to all.  We have to live by Him and allow Him to live in our hearts..

  14. St. John paints to me a picture of euphoria in  God’s Holy city, the new Jerusalem, at the second coming of Christ.  God’s new kingdom will be one where all God’s chosen will live peacefully with Him.  There will be no stress, there will be want of nothing.  Everyone will be happy singing God’s praises  and praying all day long.  There will be no more sadness, no pain, no suffering, no death. Those whose names are in the ‘book of life’ will be communing with God face to face.  I envision a world in which there is only perpetual light and no darkness.  God’s new kingdom will be one free of evil, unbelievers and open only to believers.

  15. Ruling and reigning with Christ now means that we, believers have to be vessels for Christ.  We have to spread His Word so that non-believers become believers in order to be with Him at His second coming.  We have to be witnesses of love, forgiveness, mercy which are available to all who believe in Jesus. That we show our good works, living by His commandments.

    Rule and reign after Christ’s return means that all of God’s people, righteous believers, will be gathered up to sit at the right hand of the Son of Man in His Glorious Kingdom where evil no longer exists but life everlasting.

    Daniel had prophesized that the Son of Man will come into his glorious kingdom where Satan reigns no more.  Believers will now see Him face to face.

  16. In the 2nd coming of Christ, His glorious presence will be observed by all.  It will not as before when His face could not be seen.  It will be a coming that will be manifested in final judgement of all the nations of the world where believers will rule and dwell with Him in His kingdom. 

    The Son of Man coming on clouds, being given dominion and glory in His kingdom was just as Daniel predicted.     This was also written about in the many books of the bible.

  17. We rule by using the spiritual power given us to make the world a less dark place.  To fight Satan by bringing more believers to Christ, letting others see that God’s kingdom is there for all who believe and recognize the power of God within themselves.

    The world would be a brighter place to live in.  There would be less sin, less evil.  There would be more tolerance for each other in their religious beliefs, their way of life.  We would more aware of the one God whom we serve, sharing in his glory.

    After Christ’s return, there will be one God, one King whom we all serve, one religious faith,.  We would all as brothers and sisters live without sin, without the terror of Satan, living in the glory of the Lord, being with Jesus in His Father’s kingdom.

  18. The basis of spiritual authority is to use God’s authority to proclaim his kingdom.  This is granted to us through His Son Jesus Christ.  It is the basis of ‘Healing Ministries’ where God’s power in us is used with faith, compassion and love.

    Today many of us are unsure of ourselves in God’s eyes. We are confronted with those who doubt our works, rebuke us.  

  19. A believer’s suffering does not make him stop spreading God’s words.  As shown by Paul and others who were persecuted for Christ’s sake in the bible, unbelievers see the persecuted faith, love and understanding of God’s grace, glory and power as they continue to preach the Gospel.

    Paul feels that our weak bodies are empty vessels which contain treasures of the greatness of the power of God.  It is there waiting for us to open our hearts inviting God in to show us his glory, power, love, mercy.

    The treasure that is contained within us is our being the children of God, made in his likeness.  We are loved by Him, He sacrificed His Son so that we all might be saved and partake of His heavenly kingdom. He is omnipresent, omnipotent; all we have to do is allow Him to enter into our hearts and live by faith, keeping His laws.

    We often tell others to believe in themselves that they can accomplish what they wish. This serves as encouragement and support.   Our lives however are in God’s hands.  We do not accomplish anything on our own, whatever happens was designed by God.  The course of our lives has been chartered out by God.  He knows our every desire.  

  20. We are God’s children.  As believers we are filled with the Holy Spirit which allows God to shine through us as we spread His word.

    ‘Let your light shine’ means allowing  unbelievers  to see te good works and behavior of believers so that these could be emulated.  

    Spreading the word of the Lord, living by faith and  keeping his commandments.

    We were made in God’s image and He expects us to live by His commandments so that others may see it and glorify Him.

  21. Having a strong manifestation for the glory of God increases one’s hunger for Him.   Believing, having faith in God, allowing Him to manifest Himself in us. Participating in prayer meetings, religious forums, being around spiritually minded friends/individuals all help to increase this hunger.   Devoting your time to studying God’s words and praying to Him.

    Depletion of this hunger occurs as a result of a Christian believer becoming bogged down with the worldly situations around them.  Self-denial, self-indulgence, discontent, fear, anxiety, habitual sin, unforgiveness and loss of the desire to fellowship with God are all contributors to the depletion of our hunger for God.

    Being truthful and acknowledging to God our sins and allowing His Holy Spirit to enter us and guide us.  ‘ Search me O God and know my heart, try me and see if there is any wicked ways in me”   Psalm 139:23.  Pray for spiritual hunger remembering that how much we hunger for God, His desire for us is greater.

    Christians fast because they are hungry for God’s Words and His Spirit in their lives.  Fasting helps us to direct our thoughts and prayers to God Almighty and being nearer to Him.

  22. Our “light, momentary afflictions” achieve for us “eternal weight of glory” as Christians  fight to proclaim God’s words and are often met with obstacles such as persecution and  non-believers trying to refrain them from getting this accomplished.  For Christ people, these obstacles/afflictions are not insurmountable because of their deep faith in God.  They concentrate not on the distractions, but look internally  with anticipation to sharing Christ’s eternal glory, joy and peace.  They are well aware of Timothy’s words “God will reward those who trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior for their sufferings for Jesus’ sake” 2 Timothy 4:6-8   

    Suffering causes us to reflect on our relationship with God.  Maybe we should look on our suffering when we exclaim “why me Lord?” not negatively but positively, though difficult for many and recognize how its purpose is to purify our souls and bring us closer to God, especially if we have strayed away.  Suffering shows us God’s mercy, love, forgiveness, healing power and that we are His children and He cares for us.

  23. A believer begins to feel, taste, realize the reality of God more directly, more intimately, more effectively.  It is the heightening of God’s reality in the believer’s life.   The believer comes to experience God’s divine order, he becomes sanctified.

    Many believers remain spiritual infants because they have not matured in the Lord.  Just as an infant needs proper nourishment to grow, a believer needs spiritual nourishment to grow in Christ.  Some Christian believers remain carnal and selfish.  Many  have a great lack of knowledge and understanding of the Word of God.    Many believers do not spend time studying the bible so how can they grow spiritually and spread the Word of God?

    Deep exposure to God helps a person to begin to experience God’s divine order.  It helps them to grasp the power of the Holy Spirit.   Such an individual becomes more sanctified, more Christ like. He allows God to take control of his life.  He  is able to be molded to God’s will as he is filled with the Holy Spirit.     

  24. To be able to look in the mirror and see oneself as God sees you, Christ being in you.  To search within oneself to see the revelation of God in our souls.  To have the Spirit of God in us.  To have an intimate relationship with God that never fades away.  To have Christ dwell in us and be able to see that He is the Son of God as God manifested in the flesh.

    Yes. God’s glory is all around me.  The earth and all the things He made.  He was there with me as I recently had surgery, made my operation a success and was there with me each day during my recovery.   

    I think that I have to study the bible and understand what God is like.  I have to become a Christian believer and reflect on Christ who is the Father’s image so that I could become more like God’s image.

    My faith has to be stronger.   I am distracted with the worldly distractions around me.

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