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Everything posted by Valteenia

  1. When we are prideful, we display our will and not God's will. To protect ourselves from being prideful, we need to stay humble and promote God (not ourselves)
  2. Be willing to obey God without understanding the reason is to show that we trust him with our life and show us our faith in him. Through obedience God let us know what he is doing and what work that he is doing through us.
  3. A relationship is important to me because I have to know him to be able to trust and obey him and live the abundant life. Knowing him help me know his will and not my will. To walk in his purpose, we have to stay connected (fellowship) with him. We can't do it alone. We need him to empower and teach us how to trust him and obey him for his purpose. He is the only one who can help us die to ourselves. Paul inspires me. He let everything go to get to know God. He was given revelations to write most of the new testament. He wasn't one of the disciple that walk with Christ but he got to experience Christ in different ways. This give me hope that he will reveal himself to me.
  4. Eli told Samuel to response to god by saying "Speak Lord, your servant is listening". It was good counsel because it let god know that he has your attention and is ready to listen and obey. Putting yourself in the position of a servant is giving God honor and respect. It is acknowledging that He know what is best for you and that He knows everything and has all power. You are saiding that he is your master and as a servant, you will obey his commands.
  5. No is important as yes. God knows the way that we should go. When God said no and we say yes, we don't have any peace and we have to live with the consequence of our action.
  6. He had to get a clear understanding of the spirit so that he wouldn't lean to his own understanding. The gentile were not accepted yet to be follower of Christ. When others have not received confirmation of the spirit. they lean to their own understanding and criticized for what is being done. The question is " Who will you please, man or God? We must stand when others don't. We must be obedience to the spirit.
  7. If we are sure of God's instruction, then we will not follow it or listen to others. Paul was sold out for Christ and he had made up his mind to do whatever it took to please God. When we choose to do the easy way, then we usually have to take that test over (like Jonah) Every test on this journey is design to develop and teach us.
  8. I think that the author made this contrast because we think that God will show up in big and irregular things. God's voice comfort and renew Elijah by giving him an assignment. When we focus on God's work then we don't focus on our situations as much.
  9. Paul received the hope of god being with him and know his situations. What I received about God speaking to Paul is that God's grace is the same for all his children. If He did it for Paul, then we can expect him to do it for us. I also was reminded that it is in our weakness that God show us his power. I was feeling bad(like Peter)when I fell in obedience. I was reminded of my human weakness and that I must stay connect to God to empower me. This lesson was right on time for me. Thank you
  10. The Holy Spirit is in every believer. He reveal to us what he has heard from the father. We have to expect and listen for the spirit which is the voice of god.
  11. The Holy Spirit guide, teaches, comfort and counsel and empower us. In John 16:13. when he said that he will not speak on his own but will speak what he hear and he will make know to us.. then I concluded that we hear God through his spirit in us.. But God can speak audible but that another lesson.
  12. Jesus was complete God and complete human. He put his divinity aside and function as human to be an example for us. When we commune with the Father by praying. we should pause to listen to him. He want to fellowship with us by a two way conversation. We pray but we sometime don't listen for him to speak. I was guilty of this but now I am expecting him to speak
  13. Since we can not do anything without the Father, we need to seek him 1st. Our secret place is where we commune with the Father for guidance and for his will to be done.
  14. What increase one's hunger for God? A need and a desire to have the mind of Christ increase one's hunger......hunger for intimacy What tends to deplete this hunger? Timing....when it seem to take a long time, disappointment, frustration and when things don't turn out the way you were hoping for. What will it takes for your hunger for God to be renew to great intensity? When you get sick of tire being sick of tired. Coming to the end of yourself. Also when you are trying to kill the flesh and you are tired of trying it your way. How might fasting help in the process? Fasting put you in a humble posture.....letting go of your desires to hear from God
  15. Suffering humble us. God said to reign with him that we must suffer with him. We can feed our flesh for a temporary solution but we have to feed our spirt to get eternal glory. Suffering is also how God discipline us to become in his image. He love us too much to leave us the way that we are. All things work together for our good. Suffering doesn't feel good but it is good for us.
  16. We received the glow from being in his presence. We move from just been a hearer but a doer and we are being transform to his image. Babe stay on milk because they refuse spend time with god so that they don't received their discipline that we need. It is also like the different seed that fall on different ground (some don't have any roots or the devil steal it soon as they received it. Some look for riches and material things instead of seeking for Jesus. Deep exposure help transform us to his image and stop feeding the flesh.,
  17. To behold his glory to me mean that you have been in the presence of the lord. Yes, I believed that when we pray and meditate on his word and he give us revelation then I believe that we are in his presence. When we come to church and lift him up, we are in his presence. To experience his presence on a regular basic is to stay connected to him in praying and studying his word and obeying his word. Disobedience and just being a hearer and not sanctifying ourselves can hinder us.
  18. Jesus received honor and glory from God when they heard the voice" This is my beloved Son and I am well please with him". Transformation verified Jesus's death was part of God's plan. It showed that Jesus was the Son of God. It was about his authority and confirm Peter's confession of being the Messiah. Transfiguration strengthen the disciples and us.
  19. Jesus glory and kingly authority was in the beginning(before all time) was the Word (Christ). He was present originally with God. When He was on earth, he was completely human and completely God but committed no sin. Now, he is in us as the Holy spirit.
  20. The kingdom of God was not coming in the manner the Pharisees were expecting. Jesus brought the kingdom of God to earth. His presence was a taste of the kingdom. God was ruling in the heart of some of the people.
  21. Tabernacle in the wilderness meant the tent (place of dwelling or sanctuary where God will dwell among his people) Kingdom of God is Jesus teaching that is in us. When Jesus came to earth (according to John 1:14.---..The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us) Was He not consider our tabernacle? (Just asking) The kingdom and his glory come together in the wilderness when the cloud came over the tabernacle of meeting and the glory of the lord filled the place. Shekinah Glory fell. In today time, I think that it is the same when we come to church and the spirit of God fall in church. (order of service is interrupted by the spirit.
  22. Moses wanted to know God more to follow him and he wanted the people that he was leading to know him and follow him. God want to reveal his glory to all who seek to know him. Paul saw his glory as power to change to his image.(glory to glory) Moses and Paul wanted to change themselves and others. God's glory is a revelation of his nature and attribute. He is not just a God of wrath and judgment. His nature is love. We need to keep seeking and studying the word and be doers of the word. As we remain in the word seeking revelation of his glory, we will change through his spirit.
  23. God is a jealous God and will not share his glory. He show his anger when there is disobedience and his holiness is disrespected. His holiness is part of his nature that separate him from a sinful man. Sin is offense to his holiness. This is the reason for being a consuming fire and he show his wrath against those who oppose him and willingly turn from his love and grace and believe. Thank God for his love to send Jesus to make us righteous.
  24. Reputation Glory is involved when we praise the Lord......giving God his due credit that is due to his name. The glory that is in us is the inherent glory.....when God manifest himself to us through his spirit or when God is in the church, it confirm with our spirit.
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