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Posts posted by Annie343

  1. PAUL'S GRIEF: Paul was deeply disturbed over this crisis as any parent would be if their child was going astray; he exhibited his care and concern for them (likens to birth pangs) on their behalf; he was struggling that they have turned away from the true gospel and consider him as an enemy; he was hoping that his work has not been in vain

    CHRIST FORMED: it would look like Christ's image, a Christ-like character in their lives; seen being focused on understanding of God's benefits for them

    PROCESS OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION: have saving faith (internal motivation shown as love for God and Christ as well as for each other); there would be hope as the Spirit works in the believer; evidence from conversion to being rooted in Christ (personal relationship); being "in Christ" and filled with the Spirit; understanding the benefit of being clothed with Christ's righteousness; to live daily with the witness of God's Spirit; learning to follow Christ (pattern for our lives)

  2. CELEBRATING SPECIAL DAYS: No it is not wrong.  However we are set  free by Christ to live a life of righteousness not outward performances;  Otherwise this observance is imposing to observe the various Jewish days of worship (it is adoption leading to legalism); this is observing as a legal obligation or mantle of righteousness to be seen in God's eyes as being acceptable

    GRIEVING OVER OBSERVANCES: He was disgusted because of the danger of turning to the law - saying that Christ is of no value - so they are thinking they can earn some merit in the sight of God; the Judaizers were alienating them from Paul's influence (evil intentions and selfish motivation); they were being deceived (exercising no discernment)

    SIGNIFICANCE IN TERMS OF MOVEMENT TOWARDS JUDAISM: by turning back to the law they were giving up the relationship with God and returning to bondage - being drawn into a legalistic religious system; evidence of their strict observance of Jewish religious days (going back); every one who follows Judaism is required to keep the whole law which was never required for the Church

    BLESSED BY OBSERVING SPECIAL DAYS:knowing the motives, purposes, and understanding the true significance; to be seen as works of love; can be helpful in the Christian stages of life

    OBSERVANCE BECOMING LEGALISTIC: by trying to become justified by the law (being alienated from Christ); not continuing to obey the truth; Christ is not everything (focus); doing this of observing as if they were required by God or could earn favor with Him

  3. SPIRIT DEMONSTRATE FULL SONS: The Holy Spirit lives in our hearts bringing the character of Christ; we do not experience Christ's redemption apart from receiving His Spirit (seeing Him strengthening, helping, indwelling role); giving us assurance of experiencing the reality of being in God's family; assurance that we have everything we need to be fully saved (salvation)

    SPECIAL SENSE OF ABBA USED: personal, endearing term - Spirit cries out on our behalf and we cry abba with the Spirit; fearlessness of a child with honor of a respectful son;; approach God with the language of endearment and love; reverent, tender, affectionate; evidence of adoption and treatment like a son;  the most basic indication of our adoption is that we have a new form of address for God; through faith in Jesus, we have become sons crying as heirs of God

    SIGNIFICANCE OF BEING A HEIR: New relationship through faith alone; participation in and union with Christ for every believer by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit; our relationship have changed from servant (with no hope of inheritance) to sons; as sons we become heirs; how the sonship of Christians derive from the Sonship of Christ

    SENSE AS JESUS WAS GOD'S SON: Jesus is uniquely and exclusively the Son of God, equal with the Father from all eternity, unrivaled by any creatures in His essential deity; His divine person and eternal deity of Jesus Christ as it relates to His saving work in redemption and regeneration

  4. BOTH GENTILES AND THE JEWS ENSLAVED: they were enslaved to trying to reach God - thinking they can be saved on good deeds; no freedom which came with the gospel; we can now approach God as true children knowing that we are not saved by the law; use of things that man use to get right with God and secure favor and approval of God (to justify self before God); now they could enter into their inheritance; they feared fate - enslaved by evil spiritual powers which was apart from God; in bondage by the basic principles (stage of religious practice); any experience before accepting Christ as Savior; the proclamation of the gospel of grace was not told

    "REDEEM" MEANT: to buy back, deliverance; set free from the law; redemption was the price paid to gain freedom for a slave; Jesus was the perfect sacrifice - took on the curse of the law; ongoing purpose - receive the full rights of sons; Christ paid the price by taking the penalty for our sins; having a new relationship with God; by His death providing an atoning sacrifice; be adopted as a son of God - part of God's family; great benefits believers receive through faith in Him; buy us back so we might be divinely adopted; Jesus was born under the law - He submitted to the curse that the law imposed to redeem those who were under the law

    ADOPTION RIGHTS: full rights as sons and full heir to all that his adoptive parents possessed - this idea of inheritance with Christ (the status in God's family); full son - all that God possesses is yours; adoption being combined with heirship; full heir to new family guaranteed; all legal rights; equal to all other sons; person's origin or past no longer a factor in his legal status; confirmation to believers by the Holy Spirit that we are adopted as God's children

  5. SO LONG TO SEND THE MESSIAH: The spiritual immaturity of those living under the law; when the world was ready to gain an adult knowledge of God; Father chose the time for the coming of Christ to make provision for people's transition to spiritual son-ship;  God knew it was the right time; historical events not yet in harmony; time predicted and ready for His coming; delay of redemption was in accordance with divine arrangements and favor of men; the time when the race would be most benefited by His coming; world in a suitable state for receiving Christ; God's sovereign choice - in God's timetable

    FERTILE GROUND FOR THE REVELATION OF THE MESSIAH AND THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL: from the human point of view, Jesus was born at a very favorable time which combined to create a situation in which the gospel could spread; exact religious, cultural, and political conditions; the world was at peace; communication by the same language (spoken and understood) with extensive use (cultural); there was the expectation of the Messiah (religious), commercially with the system of roads; common system of law (politically)

  6. GENTILE CHRISTIANS SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS:Yes they were considered second-class by the Jewish Christians because they didn't have the foundation of the Law to guide them; They were seen as being at a disadvantage ant he difference of treating each other (Jewish had a spiritual privilege and position - they were uncomfortable from long held prejudices), however, they should be regarded alike with no special consideration (abolishing prejudices) with human distinctions losing its significance

    BASIS OF UNITY IN CHRIST: Identification because all baptized by one spirit into one body; associated with being united to Christ as being joined together in His death (buried) and His resurrection; we are clothed with Christ (life hidden with Him); we have Christ's robe of righteousness; being justified by faith (inherited promise); new relationship revealed - common principle in how we relate to God; we share as co-heirs (all who bear the Christian name); faith focused on Jesus Christ - clothed with Him (:put on" Christ) and when God sees us, He see His Son and accepts us - God takes our faith and places us in Christ with the same characteristics, attitude and intentions; Abraham's seed - spiritual children

    UNITY PULLS DOWN BARRIERS:We recognize in Jesus common life (seek others); sets aside superifical distinctions; all labels become secondary - change of heart and actions and valued each other; equal standing before God; all being a child of God; all on the same level in regard to salvation; we are all one - no group is superior to another; all equal in Christ with a new identity; Jesus is our peace and abolishing in His flesh the law - one new man reconciled with each other to God through the cross; acknowledged need for a divine solution - confident in hope; understanding of God claimed; trusting Him with Christ's sacrifice and faithfulness to stand in our place

    SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS IN CONGREGATIONS: no different with the understanding that we have been united with Christ through salvation

    DO IF SO: go to the cross to put on Christ before people in our conduct

  7. PURPOSE OF THE LAW: points out people's sin and shows them that it is impossible to please God by obeying the law completely; to show the true nature of transgressions; to reveal sin (people more aware); God never intended the law to be the way of salvation or do the work of the promise; temporary; to drive men to seek the promise of Jesus Christ, that is righteousness by faith

    INTENDED TO JUSTIFY: We cannot do enough to become perfect; the law was not to reveal a way of justification, but to disclose the true nature of sin; have to trust in God's grace; Jesus alone justifies a person (his belief); justification to save a person is faith in Jesus Christ and our response of faith; the law is powerless in saving man (proves that a person is made acceptable to God by faith); the law focuses on action and cannot give life

    LAW - RESTRAIN SIN: to deter men from committing sins; kept us away from evil; to declare its penalty; to stop boasting and self righteousness; the human condition tells us we are sinners (gave a sense of our lost condition); protective custody of the law; it was a disciplinarian until Christ came; it kept us out of trouble; shows men they are guilty; shows men their sin and its danger; it condemns; pointing out the wrong and providing reproof; to stir man to pay attention

    LAW - EXPOSE SIN: faith in what should be revealed (desires that we know are wrong); held people in bondage; shows men where he fails; accuses, give guilt and conviction take over; law lead man to see his need for Christ; we are sinners so it is given to reveal sin; shows us our hopelessness on our own; it preys upon man's heart and mind; only hope - Christ has set men free; showing man that he is unable to secure righteousness by himself; there are distortions of reality; see clearly


  8. CONCEPT CURSE OF THE LAW: The law demanded perfection and that a curse was attached for failure to keep any part of it; the burden of trying to keep the law was seen as a curse, however, no person could keep all of the law; everyone has broken the commandments and everyone is cursed; the "curse of the law" was transferred from sinners to Christ; Christ willingly allowed himself to become cursed for all  humanity (endured the crucifixion); in his death, Jesus broke the curse;  salvation and sanctification come by faith not works; need to depend on God for our justification

    GENTILES AND THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT: blessing was given to Abraham to come to the Gentiles; Jesus showed that his work on the cross applied to everyone; purpose for Jesus Christ bearing the curse of the law was to open the door of blessing to all men; having been justified by faith will by faith receive the promised Holy Spirit; Jesus made a curse that all may come and partake of the benefits of His salvation; the promised Spirit is for all; True sons of God are those who are led by the Spirit of God; 

  9. ARGUMENT FOR JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH IN LOOKING AT ABRAHAM: Abraham modeled the work of faith - he believed in God's ability to perform what was promised; accepted by God as righteous and so the patriarch was justified before he was circumcised; provision made for all nations as well as only those who have faith to receive the blessing of justification; Paul turned to an example from scripture to support his teaching of salvation by faith alone; Abraham's belief was the precedent over legal circumcision - considered righteous because he believed God; exemplified faith in God when he responded in faith, he was not saved by the deeds of the law; leading trait in the character of Abraham - trusting God regardless; he illustrated the truth of justification is by faith alone - challenged to be a witness to all; he completely and unquestionably trusted God - proof he did what God said (believed and obeyed); gave life totally to God

    WE ARE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM: being a descendant of Abraham, Jews believed they were automatically the people of God because of their heritage; all people who believe are declared righteous because of their faith in Christ; belief is the first and only step to salvation; it was God who planned from the beginning to justify Gentiles by faith - response required means an active trust or commitment; personally rely on him which parallel the response of Abraham through Christ; God made the blessing available to all who would imitate Abraham's obedient belief in God; sufficient for salvation to say we are the children of Abraham; true sons of Abraham are those who believe God; those who are of faith are judged righteous with Abraham - all an act of God - God takes a man's faith and counts that man's faith as righteousness

  10. ARGUMENT FOR SALVATION BY FAITH WITH THE PRESENCE OF THE SPIRIT: Foolish - began by faith (no provision under the law) - Holy Spirit gives sanctification; seek help to discover and apply truth of His Word; receiving Spirit at conversion based on acceptance of the gospel message; God's Spirit within them to live for God; responded by faith and grown by the Spirit's power; experiences and being focused on Christ - initial response; how they received the Holy Spirit; positive evidences of the Spirit's presence; justification is by faith - the manifestations of the Spirit on your heart; gives truth; being daily renewed; gift imparted with the connection with preaching; Holy Spirit dwells within - God counts faith in Christ; miraculous working by faith; looking at Paul's lifestyle (his experiences)

    SPIRITUAL ENVIRONMENT OF GALATIANS CHURCHES:  the Judaizers promised to  guide their faith by adding the law; however, seeing the law as a gate for salvation; illogical thinking; lacked discernment without stability of character (easily led astray); yielded to falsehood and error; prideful; influential people placed in leadership

    GAIN AWARENESS OF ENVIRONMENT TODAY: the rising of cults and heretical teaching; need to be alert to danger; biblical message should be internalized in thoughts and actions; seek right relationship with God; not to rely on own efforts to please God; standing on the promises of God; not to have an elevated spiritual manner - being conformed to the world; not obeying the truth; emphasizes self - not the Spirit; truth of God's Word for application

  11. "CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST" AND WHAT IT MEANS: Christ's death is appropriated and transforms life (gives life); share in Christ's suffering; trusts in Christ for salvation; spiritually participate with the Lord's crucifixion and victory; joined by faith to Christ; died to the law and baptized by the Holy Spirit's work in our lives; united to Christ's burial and resurrection; divine power released to live the Christian life; conversion experience (progressive); hidden in Christ; trusting God's righteousness

    "I NO LONGER LIVE": no longer controlled and dominated by self; doctrine of the indwelling Christ (takes up residence in our heart); now the temple of the Holy Spirit to live for Christ; new life; transformation and union with Christ; self taken off the throne (not living in our own strength and efforts) being yielded to Christ for His will to be done; life of faith; no longer living our life according to the old self which is dead; empowered by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ; life of faith and not according to the flesh and world; surrendered to Christ; past is no longer influencing the present

    MOTIVATES LIFE: our relationship with God; privilege of salvation (Christ's sacrificial death for us); faith builds on the sacrifice; Christ in charge; an attitude and lifestyle of giving to God and others; carries life-giving in everything we do; confidence in God - looking to him for strength and trusting His promises; allowing Christ to live through us; focused on Christ

  12. IMPORTANCE OF CHRIST'S DEATH WHEN CIRCUMCISED IS OFFERED: It is essential - it gives the right response to God (faith not the law); the law's role was to lead people to Christ (however, He is the end of the law - fulfilled by Him); not looking to  Christ for justification by faith but depending on the law as the source for salvation; it was the love of Jesus for us not following a prescription (formula); Judaizers were teaching that Christ (grace) alone was not a true salvation without following the law; saying His action was not good enough; the purpose of the law was to cause us to know we are a sinner; the law condemns; it did not solve the problem of sin; in essence it is saying that we not able to be righteous on faith alone; not understanding the grace of God 

    SUFFICIENCY OF THE MESSIAH'S DEATH: need to look and understand the importance of the cross; it is  justification by faith and not to be earned (righteousness); it puts to death the self which tries to please God by keeping the law; it undermines this foundation of Christianity; otherwise it would nullify the grace of God; people stand as sinners before God; His dying on the cross was to take our punishment for sin; accepting that there was a purpose for Him to die on the cross; picture of God's love to us; providing the basis of living for God

    IMPORTANT TO LUTHER AND THE REFORMERS: knowing justification changed his life (not trying to earn salvation) but being the work of God; we receive God's righteousness and He wanted to change the church to be aligned to God's will; to show the intense love for God's work (let go of the church's hypocrisy) - it being ineffective of the way the church was dealing with the problem of sin; life pointing to Christ and challenging the activity concerning the selling of indulgences and its role to salvation; his 95 theses on the authority of the Catholic Church for change; salvation being an act of God's mercy; to turn the church back to a foundation of God's Word and the gospel; we are sinners at the root of our being

  13. DIFFERENT PEOPLE FROM OWN CULTURAL PRACTICES:We're faced with the unknown - want to bring comfort and ideas to be part of the plans from our own perspective (what is considered the norm in our eyes); It is given without being sensitive to the environment and its affect on people (changing ideas and roles without foreseeing the consequences)

    EXAMPLES IN CHURCH HISTORY: the Native Americans were considered to be heathens and needed corrections by the missionaries - bringing information regardless of how this would be seen; changing their employment to be like the visiting culture in order to be accepted as the right way of doing something as well as beliefs

    DANGER: ignorance, racism, feeling condemned by the missionaries for traditional customs; not being conformed as to values without understanding; comparisons

  14. PAUL CONFRONTED PETER PUBLICLY RATHER THAN PRIVATELY: because the whole congregation was involved; it was a public event that could destroy and damage the Gentile Church; public scandal deserved a public rebuke; a severe blow to Christian fellowship; actions had started a domino effect with consequences; Paul had equal authority to admonish his wrong - Peter was walking an unrighteous path (harm and confusion to all); any degree of racial separation challenged the heart of the Gospel; felt compelled to rebuke Peter for him to not compromise based on how he would look by others

    TALKED WITH PETER PREVIOUSLY: Yes, brought forth since regarded this as an insult to the  Gospel and the offense being serious and urgent; Peter influenced the other Jews; implying a difference  between Jews and Gentiles; that this was against God's revelation as witnessed by actions concerning Cornelius; made aware that this would be discussed in front of people and warned; the affect on others (to bring this out in the open and not secret) would be shown (what is right)

    PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF THIS BENEFIT THE JEWISH CHRISTIANS: defectors needed to hear of the truth that all men were accepted by God (equal); their actions and attitudes not consistent with salvation to all; Paul's actions were immediate and forceful; God's plan did not rest on keeping the law; they didn't need to take extreme action but the truth being affirmed; there was freedom in Christ; to reflect truth regardless of people; an illustration of acting out the truth would be evidenced (not relying on peer pressure to govern behavior)

    BENEFIT THE GENTILE CHRISTIANS: that they weren't second-class believers and that the Jews were better than Gentiles; they needed to know it was not necessary for them to be circumcised in order to be saved; there would be no hurt feelings and confusion about the truth of the Gospel; there was conflict that had been resolved in a godly fashion

    PRESSURE ON PAUL: he stood alone but boldly declared the truth even in being in the minority; felt the future of the Gospel should be explained and the Word not compromised; angry and frustrated

  15. EMBRACED THEN WITHDREW: He was formally holding to Jewish law, but he was living much like the Gentiles before the visitors came; withdrawal was gradual and deceptive; affirming what God had abolished; before he had fellowship with Gentiles but now he was aligning himself with the Judaizers

    HIS CHARACTER: Influenced by visitors pretending to be sent by James; his own behavior did not support his convictions; he was guilty of sin by aligning himself with men who were in error; he was afraid and a hypocrite; weak (not standing up to his convictions); gave into human nature; inconsistent; had previously modeled Christian love and liberty; by actions he was wrong and caused confusion; compromised beliefs; did not stand with Paul; fear was his motivation; man-pleaser; double-standard; he followed the crowd; claimed to oppose racism; ambivalent

    SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER: he was not acting in line with the truth of the Gospel; racism is incompatible; he was declaring that the Judaizers were correct; that salvation was only by God's grace and not rested on the law; knew the restrictions had been abolished

    BARNABAS: when the crisis became intense he sided with Peter;  led astray by hypocrisy; he was not a Palestine Jew but Greek and had no personal stake in the situation; should focus on the purity of the Gospel (experiences with working with Gentiles) and feared reproaches by the Judaizers' rank

  16. WHY - DISTANT FROM LEADERS OF THE JERUSALEM CHURCH: to show that Paul was not apostolically inferior to the pillars of the church's authority; the Judiazers claimed that Paul's authority came from the leaders; Paul was empowered by the Holy Spirit to minister to the Gentiles as Peter was to the Jews; Paul was recognized to be equal with the leaders

    WHY - WRITE OFF THE LEADER'S APPROVAL OF HIS MINISTRY: they showed recognition of the truth of the gospel; approval showed cooperation around the truth; they had a common commitment and Paul was eager to cement the bond of friendship between Jew and Gentile Christians; right hand fellowship was a solemn vow of friendship and partnership; Paul didn't want to risk the breaking with the center of Christian faith (they recognized the grace given to Paul); he agreed to continue the practice of remembering the poor (practical concerns) since Jerusalem was economically pressed and as he brought gifts on this trip

    HOW - FURTHER HIS ARGUMENT: he had a legitimate calling to ministry to Gentiles God's grace with approval of the leaders (being saved by the grace of Jesus Christ); the council said that they should not be required to follow laws and traditions


  17. Paul was called to the council to address the issue of Gentile salvation  and the imposing of the Mosaic law; Paul hoped leaders would support his ministry looking at the evidence and not give in to legalism (he didn't want to have a wasted ministry efforts) Paul took the opportunity to discuss his approach to reach Gentiles; motivation of second visit was in response to revelation; he wanted the council to clear up any misunderstandings and that he was commissioned by God (made the point that he didn't learn the gospel by man); the judaizers' teaching was there can be no salvation with out circumcision; they tried to undermine freedom in Christ; they also threatened to disrupt the unity of the church and ursping of Paul's power; Titus not compelled because grace was sufficient (not to question liberty that is found in Christ); the leaders supported Paul's position and that slavery to the system of works righteousness was not for the Gentiles; Paul spoke of justification before God by faith in Jesus Christ; all people are saved from sin without bondage to tradition

  18. FACTORS OF BACKGROUND: willing to do all for the gospel (zealous and commitment); to pursue cultures that are different (open-minded); his knowledge based upon scriptural background to clearly explain what salvation consist of and being responsible to the spirit of the scripture (bold enough to stand up for himself against errors); background of defying others for his beliefs (strict education to combat what the Word is saying (devotion)

    GOD USING HIS BEING DIFFERENT: his credentials being a sovereign move of God; purposed from birth for service that is other than the ordinary just by the fact of his calling and revelation (able to meet challenges with clarification and understanding of situations); confirmation of a different type of Christian (gentiles) ministry; being able to know truth and being an apostle confirmed by Jesus

    MY UNIQUE BACKGROUND FITTED FOR MINISTRY: education and meeting people with the same  perspective on life (the effects of abuse): firm grasp of the scriptures with determination to convey truth; testimony of salvation  not being the usual method of revelation; gift of teaching demonstrated with various media

    UNIQUENESS GIVEN: open to different cultures and the desire to see gifts in operation; hearing the voice of the Lord as a prophet - to speak forth new revelations; operate in the deliverance ministry with laying a biblical foundation

    SEE UNIQUENESS AS A GOD-GIVEN STRENGTH: being yielded and submit all things to the Lord; not looking at people as a threat but being confident of my identity in Christ; see how God can use me in spite of myself; understanding that I have a role (purpose) in the body of Christ and being intentional to not compare myself with others; being actively manifesting my gift under the power of the Holy Spirit; how I can bring others to the Lord

  19. SOURCE: Revelation from Jesus (not by man or any human source); independent in terms of revelation , received it directly from Christ; not a human interpretations as authority and guide; was not taught it; didn't model his preaching after teachings from others

    TRUE REVELATION: Jesus appeared to him personally; content same as for the Jews truth given; pattern relating to the Old Testament; witnessed by disciples and the Holy Spirit

    CONFORM TO OTHER FOUNDATION SOURCES: history, reporting, and research

    DANGER OF TEACHING AS A DOCTRINAL BASIS WITHOUT SCRIPTURE: Usually this is salvation by works; authority of scripture questioned and misused to support their own doctrine; not reading the bible for oneself but taking it from someone you consider a spiritual giant; errors given from man's interpretation and philosophy; pride and deception resulting from it being held up as truth without confirmation or a reality check as being important to base your Christian living on; should focus on Christ and being Christ-centered reality (humble as Christ was and following His teachings); self-exalted ideas

  20. PERVERSION OF TRUE GOSPEL DANGEROUS TO GALATIANS BELIEVERS: when they are not strong enough to really fight; they have a desire to do all they can do to show sincerity which is why the Judaizer's message was so appealing (which would allow them to become super Christians); being condemned (judged) instead of realizing freedom in Christ; turn eyes away from the Lord; mixing grace (which is free) with something that binds the soul (not walking in truth); not being restored or have conviction leading them (cause hearing to be dull); Paul warned them to be alert to the danger; there is grace with nothing added (not necessary) for salvation; believing perverted gospel when Judaizers preached a false gospel (recognize); being easily swayed to run after something that is harmful to our spiritual health (causing us to be bound); trying to chase after the golden fleece without consequences

    TWISTED (OR UNBALANCED INTERPRETATION OF THE GOSPEL) AFFECT CHRISTIANS TODAY: considering that there is no need for discernment and do not seek the truth (bible study, prayer, fellowship); not willing to know God's will in light of the bible and not listening (being influenced by all people); seen as being a super Christian; accepting man's opinion as an authority on living the Christian life; hearing that they can do something in order to say they are saved (a works orientation); mixing grace with the flesh instead of knowing who you are in Christ; walking in guilt with burdens that have been overwhelming as well as considering other religions; deceived and open to the enemy; being in error and turning away to a false gospel - take the stand of faith being for us (can depend on God's words); seeing no need for the cross and the blood of Jesus to be proclaimed to combat error; no need to recognize when it is man's gospel; believing new age ideas that are contrary to God's word - understand the need to being prepared for spiritual warfare; not putting the Word into action; accepting everything at face value and what is offered; confusion with no peace; no change in life

  21. PURPOSE JESUS GAVE: To die for our sins that He would deliver us from the world; it is His sacrifice that made it possible to know God; Accepting His grace instead of condemnation; righteousness made possible; understanding that it is not about man (it's the work of the Holy Spirit); He gives us peace instead of guilt and shame; seeing God's glory

    JESUS RESCUE PEOPLE TODAY: with His grace He offered salvation; able to take or be with Him in every situation; focused on Jesus to combat the influence of the world; seeking and wanting Jesus; for our minds to be renewed and as well as we repent; man has no part in saving himself; understand to allow the Holy Spirit to move in our lives; the Lord speaks to us; ability to do God's will; the cross being allowed to take all things (looking and understanding the emphasis); knowing that it is not about doing things that we think would save us (seen as a requirement)

    KEEP PEOPLE FROM FALLING BACK: The Holy Spirit covers us when we follow Him; looking to Christ for answers; being willing to yield and submit self regardless of what people might say; He gives us new desires; convict us - when being pulled back into what would gratify the flesh or with friends that do not respect your new lifestyle; not to dwell on the past but knowing that all things are under the blood; remove self from the environment that would tempt us; He gives us His strength; giving God the glory and praise 

  22. MEAN "TO SEEK HIS FACE": To want God's presence in our lives; knowing that God keeps us; to smile and acknowledge God with a grateful heart; to want more of God; doing His will; a heart attitude

    NECESSARY: Faith; wanting to be near God; an intimate relationship; willing to listen and obey; a hunger for the presence of God; salvation

    TALKING TO GOD CHANGED MOSES: His face was radiant; He communed with God regardless of the people; wanted to see God; his worship was more as his glory was seen; access to God; seeking to obey God; turning first to God; being an intercessor on behalf of the people; jealous for God's name to be honored

    COST TO SEEK HIM: Live not as the world lives; open to God's will; suffering; knowing that being in Christ means ultimately we win; looking beyond our situation; model to others God's love; IT IS WORTH IT!

    SEEKING HIS FACE TO THEME OF LESSON: to want to see His glory and to live in the kingdom of God; practicing God-authority; knowing who you are in Christ; desiring God and not look to the world for answers first; being in God's presence; being bold for Christ and reflecting His glory; act like we know God (our lives); willing for the best for others; spiritual disciplines; priority of what God wants; living the kingdom life; resting on God's promises; daily action and attitude to experience God's glory

  23. DESCRIBE THE GLORY WE WILL EXPERIENCE: His bright and radiant presence; will see Him face-to-face; living in the New Jerusalem; foundation of glory and honor; witness of the kingdom's glory and the new heaven; would not need light; the riches of His mercy will be realized; will be surrounded by the environment of luxury gold and precious stones (picture of abundance) and His glory magnified

  24. RULE AND REIGN NOW: Experience here (eschatology) hope; with Christ we rule and reign with Christ given authority now; we are a kingdom of priests today; serving Christ; endure now for future expectation

    MEAN AFTER CHRIST RETURNS: We will have revealed hope (His coming); His glory will be revealed; we will receive the crown of glory; fullness of Christ's reign; He will pronounce judgment: will reign with Christ for a thousand years; sitting on the thrones prepared for us

    RELATIONSHIP TO THEME: a glorious expectation (hope); fullness of glory and we will receive His glory (He gives it to us); His kingdom prepared for us (our inheritance); He is known as the Son of Man as in Daniel's prophecy

  25. WHEN CHRIST RETURN: He will return as King and Judge; faith rises to glimpse who Christ is and His coming reign; full glory will be revealed; He will come with glory and power and gather the Elect; all will see Him and angels will be with Him on the clouds; He will sitting at the right hand of God; renewal of all things; glory and kingdom reign and all will see Him; He will Judge; all nations will mourn

    UNDERSTANDING OF DANIEL'S PROPHECY OF THE SON OF MAN: Son of man led to the presence of the Ancient of Days; given authority, glory and power; He is the Son of Man coming with the clouds; future with continuing glory; use of symbolic terms evaluated

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