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Posts posted by Annie343

  1. RULE AND REIGN IN CHRIST'S KINGDOM NOW: Exercise authority for the purpose of the kingdom and will of God; to engage in spiritual warfare; using spiritual gifts as part of the body of Christ; to be bold in going to God understanding the kingdom of God in oneself (focus on Christ)

    BELIEVERS TOOK THIS SERIOUSLY: The enemy would be pushed back from influencing mindsets and situations; we would operate as kingdom people refusing to yield ground to Satan; we would feel empowered to act in a manner worthy of the Lord; stand in the stance of victory to overcome various situations; suffering will be limited to operate in a believer's life; all one as part of the body

    THINK RULING AND REIGNING CONSIST OF: We would be seated in heavenly places with Christ as the head; authority exercised against the forces of Satan; inner assurance that God can do all things; to serve in Christ whereas the power of Satan would have no effect; all in submission to Christ as well as the earth renewed as the garden of Eden with no troubles prevailing over our life in the light; people would go to the eternal place as their deeds warranted; being thankful as Christ's rule over all

  2. BASIS OF SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY: Seeing God's dominion as King, Ruler and with power; authority everlasting and delegated to operate doing God's will in His people; the Word being the foundation with His promises; acknowledging the kingdom's rule (with us); knowing that we win the spiritual battle and thereby acting and thinking like kingdom people (God with us); authority in using Jesus' name for the work of the kingdom; our rights as Christians (given commandment by Jesus); using spiritual gifts and being lead by the Holy Spirit

    NEGLECT TO EXERCISE AUTHORITY: not understanding the opportunity given to do God's purpose in the world; not to looking from the Word to actions (but being worldly minded); not seeking to do God's will because of the responsibility (being accountable); to not see it as our rights but as a burden; low self-esteem (can God use me?); not seeing it as something needed from the position of being "in Christ" and knowing that we are standing because of Jesus with His power 

  3. SUFFERING MORE CREDIBLE: we all suffer but it is how we respond when faced with suffering; witness by our actions and attitude of still being yielded to God; to give God the glory regardless (truth being lived out)

    "JARS OF CLAY" CONTRAST "ALL-SURPASSING POWER: Weak, imperfect, immoral people being the vessel used by God to show His glory; being subject to God's purpose - acknowledging the omniscient God and His work

    TREASURE WITHIN US: Treasure of satisfying our spiritual thirst through Christ; the Spirit of God leading us; the glory of God displayed (not of self); the hope shown to people - compassion and love of God; the spiritual gifts seen

    DIFFER FROM NEW AGE TRUISM: There is misplaced honor but we need faith above all; living according to the Spirit and not the flesh; revealing God's power and not self; hearing, seeing, sharing with others (not selfish with goal of placating self and putting it above God); focused on eternal life and what would please God (motives)

  4. SENSE "LIGHT OF THE WORLD" : Witnessing to others of Christ's transformation; giving the light to live as in our lives

    LET LIGHT SHINE: Reflect derived glory from being with the Lord; Others to see our good works

    CHARACTER & ACTIONS: When we worship, obey and serve the Lord; going to God first for all things; living according to the standard of the Word

    CREATED TO DO GOOD WORKS: To bring and give glory to the Lord; others can see love in action; prepared by God to submit to him; being doers of the Word by our works; being the light of hope in the darkness; showing our priorities 

  5. INCREASE HUNGER: as we get to know God, wanting more of Him; reading and praying with purpose; a zeal and passion of all things concerning the intimate relationship with God; force and purpose of life focused on what would please God; faith and attitude seen as seeking Him; know God - give up things for Him; to be with God (in His presence)

    DEPLETE: being a carnal christian; following the law rather than grace; lack of spending time with God; looking to the world for answers (willful)

    RENEWED DESIRE of wanting to know Christ; looking up to His glory; goal of being changed into the image of God; being in the Word; around people excited about God; being desperate as our lifeline of knowing God (to cry out to Him); continue to seek Him (pursue God's will); yielding self to Him

    FASTING: bringing the flesh under control for His glory (spiritual growth); encountering experience with God for more of Him 

  6. AFFLICTIONS ACHIEVE ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY: looking at problems from the perspective of having received what is promised (glory more than troubles), an abundance of more of God (seeking Him)

    SUFFERING WORKS GOD'S CHARACTER: being changed as Christ suffered - share with Him (have fellowship), pain forces us to look up thereby growing us up is the result;being transformed by His grace within us as we go through situations; see suffering as a stepping stone in the process of being changed and challenged;

  7. EFFECT OF CONTINUED EXPOSURE TO GOD'S PRESENCE: hope, joy, glory, holiness, knowing Him and being changed; take on the image of God; desire to experience God (having an encounter); can see your will aligning with God's purpose; being yielded to Him; evidence of being more loving and the use of spiritual gifts; desiring more of Him; beholding His glory

    REMAINING SPIRITUAL INFANTS: not actively seeking to have a relationship with the Lord; no drive or hunger for the Lord and His will; being distracted by the enemy's seeking to please self rather than God; catering to passions, lusts and worldly pursuits

    TRANSFORMATION: progressive process of sanctifying a person; being with the Lord wanting to obey and to keep His standard of holiness as well as the motive of life - focused on the Lord; being full of the Word (spiritual disciplines) and the Holy Spirit's work; desire to be changed with looking toward the Lord concerning conduct and character

  8. BEHOLD HIS GLORY: The light and life of God is reflected on us and in us thereby we can see the manifestation in our character and conduct; acknowledging the majesty of God with a transformation idea; giving self to God

    NECESSARY TO EXPERIENCE: Spending time with the Lord worshiping and seeking God; being a God-chaser

    KEEPS FROM EXPERIENCING: Distractions and low self-esteem; comparing self to others rather than giving God the glory as a new creation and being fearfully made.

  9. He has authority and power to effect change - seen in His glory and in the kingdom; authority over all things (everything under His control); no restrictions given; can support and offer forgiveness; gives us the ability to recognize His rulership and yield to Him

    Delegating: using His name (we are given His authority to bring all things to be subject to bow before Him); power by using His name (stand on Him, His promises and His will); being in faith that things would change - unbelief limits Him

    Glory seen by the light of His presence; giving Him honor and walking in the light

  10. Knowing that the time had come and knowing who He is (attention and happenings) - witness by the earth; His composure on the cross (it is finished); recognition that He is different

    We are suffering as Christ suffered and as being prophesied before in the Word; we are co-heirs; Christ being lifted up; the dark hour as the suffering Servant passage in Isaiah; 

    Kingdom proclaimed before people even when He knew was going to die (He is King)

    When going through things (trust and obedience in God even at that time - purpose for things happening); being focused on Jesus as the King; seeing His life and the light that He brings in all things - God the Father and Jesus the Son glorified; salvation made possible

  11. Displayed: face shone like the sun and God the Father speaking to Him from the clouds; eyewitness of His power and being changed; miracles (evidence); example of calling forth Lazarus (told before it happened that it would happen - part of belief)

    Intervention into our world (miracles, glory); seeing and knowing of His power; being glorified when He rose from the dead (recognition); work completed (salvation and bringing glory to the Father - honors); attraction

  12. Christ's origins: in the beginning (Word was with God and in "us" in Genesis; He is co-creator; always there before time itself; before all things

    Present: miracles (occasions seen)

    Not Hidden: considering light and darkness in this life (not understanding the importance); we have an expectation of His power

  13. Tabernacle in the wilderness is where God dwells.  It is acknowledging God's presence in the midst of a sinful people.  It is the place of where God's presence is in the OT (temporary).

    The kingdom of God is within us and resides with the people to give Him glory.  It is being the object and message of God.

    God's glory and kingdom comes together in the wilderness tabernacle by having the atmosphere of the Shekiah glory raining down upon us - it is God's presence overshadowing us with His inherent glory.

  14. Moses hungers to see God's glory because he wants to be with God (relationship as with important people).  It is his desire to know God in all of His ways to praise God for this revelation.  

    Paul presses on because his goal is to obey and see God.

    In myself, I hunger for more of God and do things that shows I am seeking Him.  It is a hunger to please God in all of my ways.

    I can increase this hunger when I consider who God is and then give Him praise.  It is wanting to know Him on an intimate level.

    This hunger cannot be satisfied but it can be dealt with by the spirit of spiritual disciplines and seeking to know His word.

  15. With God's glory we will be accountable for doing His will and with judgment we are looked upon in terms of when we obey God.  He judges our character and deeds.  The purpose of consuming fire is to purify us of sin and therefore we are able to give God glory and to be in His presence. When people willfully disobey God and His laws there is judgment, we are accountable to God which shows our obedience to God and wanting to please Him.  God's holiness can not coexist with sin because He is Light and all that is good.  Sin is darkness and comes from the soulish part of man.

  16. Reputation glory is worshiping God for His attributes.

    Derived glory is a reflection of glory from God when in his presence.

    Inherent glory is which only God has - independent of people.

    When I praise God reputation glory is involved.  I praise God for Who He is (nature).

    The glory within me is derived glory because when I am in God's presence, people can see that I have been with God.

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