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Christopher Olamiji Taiwo

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Posts posted by Christopher Olamiji Taiwo

  1. 1 hour ago, hanks said:

    Q17. (Matthew 13:47-50)

    What is similar about the Parable of the Weeds and the Parable of the Net? What belief are these two parables meant to counter? How does a belief in the ultimate triumph of righteousness encourage Christians?

    In both parables the main point is that both good and evil exist together. The kingdom is ruled by Satan and is corrupt, but this is only temporarily until the end of the age. The kingdom still belongs to God who created it, and one day the good and evil will be separated and judged by Him.

    The ungodly somehow think they will escape judgment - the fact that they are still alive helps them believe they will get away with their evil deeds. Also, by intermingling with believers they think they are not so noticeable. In this life it seems they are getting all the attention while the believers are despised and humbled.


    But there will be separation and judgment. This is a great warning to the unbeliever and a great encouragement to His disciples – righteousness will ultimately triumph. The good are headed for glory while the evil are headed for hell.


  2. On 9/16/2023 at 5:09 PM, Katy said:

    Q16. The sheep were placed on the right, which is the place of highest honour. The goats were separated from the sheep because they fought with the sheep at night when the shepherd was asleep. 
    It is not Salvation by works. These are the kind of things we are motivated to do as a result of being saved and having the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God… not by works so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2v 8-9. 
    Jesus tell us that whatever we do to help the poor and the needy or anyone in any kind of distress, it is as though we were doing it for Him. 
    Jesus told this parable to His disciples to instruct them in how Jesus expected them to look after people in need but it was also telling them about what was going to happen at the end of time. The sheep and goats represent all people living both good and bad but at judgement day the goats ( representing those who did not follow Jesus) will be separated from the sheep ( who represent followers of Jesus) will be separated and taken to heaven while the goats will be sent to hell. 
    We must all play our part in helping those who need practical help as well as spiritual help. 


    On 4/22/2023 at 1:17 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless?

    The sheep are complimented for love, compassionate acts. The goats are the wicked people who ignored their sole responsibility to others people need. 

    The salvation is not by works because it's by unmerited favour for those who believe in the works on the cross and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

    Jesus Christ identity Himself with the least of those brothers one who had the same mission of purpose. Jesus Christ tells the Parable to His disciples in order to educate them how live the lives mercy and love with people. 

    The modern day disciples need to learn how to show love with each other no matter the color because we are body. The disciples should be merciful and compassionate in behavior in order to motivate missions to aid immigrants, poor and homeless. 


  3. 1 hour ago, Katy said:

    Q15. The rich man’s sheer greed and absence of mercy for those who are poor, especially Lazarus are the reason he went to hell. His excessive banqueting and costly garments and neglect of Lazarus who was in dire straits, tell of a man full of himself and living to satisfy every desire he had. He had no concern even for a beggar right outside his door! 
    I think his sins were greed, lack of mercy and selfishness.

    In hell he still thinks of Lazarus as inferior to him. He asks Father Abraham to ‘send’ Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue. V24. Than in verse 27. The rich man is begging Abraham to ‘send’ Lazarus to his family. 

    The point of the parable is that we get the opportunity on earth to do what we can to help those less well off than ourselves. If we ignore these opportunities and think only of gratifying ourselves, then we will be punished. We must do all within our power to advocate for those who cannot speak out for themselves and to serve and give what we can to the poor. 

    Within our church we do very little for those around us who are poor. I volunteer at our local food bank and work in a charity shop which serves those unable to afford normal shop prices. 
    Our church supports a number of missionaries who serve the poor. We also support organisations like ‘Asia Link’, Open Doors, and their humanitarian efforts. 



  4. On 4/22/2023 at 1:13 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

    The humorous about the Parable of the speck and beam is the same because both are talking about hypocritical behavior.

    We gets to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes when we realised human beings are not perfect.


    Paul insisted that spiritual members must correct the sinning Christian brothers or sisters with humility and love and also be careful not to fall in to temptation. 

  5. On 4/22/2023 at 1:12 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q13. (Matthew 21:28-31) Which son represents the tax collectors and prostitutes? Why do you think so? Why is it harder to actually obey, rather than just mouth the words? How is the lesson of this parable similar to the lesson of the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders? (Matthew 7:24-27) Why is actual obedience essential to true discipleship?

    The first son represents the tax collectors and prostitutes. The first son changes his mind of rebellion, he repented by does what he father asked him to do. It is harder to actually obey rather than just mouth words because to is putting in practice of what we heard or read than just saying it. 

    The Parable is more similar because both are of active or obeying the words by practicing the same. 

    To actual obedience is very essential to the true disciples because that is the evidence and proof of the discipleship. 

  6. On 9/9/2023 at 5:57 PM, Bianca said:

    A person has to truly want the life Jesus has for them. They just can't do it passively. We have things to do on our part in order to get to the place we need to be. God will never turn anyone down saved or unsaved that is truly seeking him with the right heart. 


    Not everyone is going to find the narrow gate. God has made that very clear. Many people get caught up in their own world and how the world see things. They care more about what others think and how they personally want to live their life the way they want to then what God has to say about it.


    The parable encourages people to keep following Jesus no matter what because it matters to God what we do and our choices. It encourages us to continue on the path of righteousness because that pleases God. We can't go with the flow because it will not end up good in the end. 


  7. On 9/9/2023 at 5:55 PM, Bianca said:

    .Following Jesus means more than just listening to his teachings we have to put them into practice. Sometimes people think that Jesus teachings sound good but when it comes down to it they really don't want to follow him all the way. They want to claim to be truly serving Jesus but in their own personal life they are not doing what he says, their only listening.


    One way is by being a good example that young Christians can look at. When they look at you putting things into practice that can also encourage them to do the same. Also praying about it and getting them involve the right activities that can help them put Jesus teachings into practice.



  8. On 4/22/2023 at 1:08 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q10. (Matthew 5:23-26) Why did Jesus tell the Parable of the Guilty Defendant? How do people we have wronged and to whom we have not kept our promises get in the way of us worshipping God properly? In what ways is it hypocritical not to address these matters to the best of our ability?

    Jesus Christ tell the Parable of the Guilty Defendant so that we can be wise in dealing with issues that lead to disaster or disgrace for both ourselves and family. 

    The people we wrong or offended get into our way of worship blocking our relationship with God if we fail to reconcile with them. 

    It's hypocritical if we failed to address the matter to the best of our ability that could bring disgrace or dishonour to the family and ourselves. 

  9. On 4/22/2023 at 1:07 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q9. (Mark 7:14-23; Matthew 15:10-11, 15-20) What does Jesus teach about the heart of man? What does Jeremiah 17:9 tell us about the heart of man? Why do we try to look good on the outside, but resist letting Jesus change us on the inside? Why is repentance necessary for an outwardly “moral” person in order to be saved?

    On 9/7/2023 at 9:13 PM, Krissi said:

    Jesus taught that what comes out of us is what we really are. Everything we think, do and say eventually reflects our inner selves. The sum total of thought, words and deeds are our essence, so to speak. And, we know we're never clean enough on the inside.

    In my case, recently, I've been very fearful. Fear is contrary to faith. But it is deep within me and is manifesting itself irrespective of my desire to keep fear bottled up within. I need the Spirit's cleansing.

    Jeremiah teaches that the heart is deceitful ... terribly so. In fact, it's so tainted by deceit and sin that it is "beyond cure." (NIV) But, in spite of our core deceitfulness, we are sanctified by the Spirit. Yes, we have to obey Him, but prompting and cleansing are His job. We can reject His cleansing ... we can choose to stay dirty, but we cannot clean ourselves. That choice is up to God.


    Perhaps we try to clean up the outside because we feel so helpless when it comes to cleaning the inside. Again, we can't clean ourselves. Only Holy Spirit cleans within us. This is a big part His job, it seems. 

    Baptism washes the outside of the body -- the Spirit washes the inside. From Hebrews: "let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." (NIV)

    What's going on in this verse? We're drawing closer to God. Sincerely we want to be better than we are. We are confident and faith-filled that God's Spirit will clean our inner being, and will wash away our guilty conscience. We will be purified with pure water/Spirit.


    Repentance starts this process. It energizes the Spirit, so to speak, to begin cleaning. Without repentance, the Spirit may not clean us as He would have until we give Him permission to enter into us with His divine mop. Our outside may trick other Christians and people into thinking we're more pure than we are, but repentance shines a light on the inner filth so the Spirit can start cleaning. So, even though we cannot clean our inner selves without the Spirit, we can push the Spirit away or refuse to repent, which has the same effect.


  10. On 4/22/2023 at 1:05 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q8. (Matthew 21:33-46) Who do the servants sent to collect the landowner’s share of the crop represent? What happened to Israel who rejected God’s servants and Son who were sent to them? This is a parable about resisting those whom God sends to us to help us. Have you ever seen a church reject a pastor or leader that God sends to help them? Why is supporting our pastors and leaders important to God’s plan for the church? (Hebrews 13:7, 17). In the Beatitudes, how does Jesus encourage those who are rejected and persecuted? (Matthew 5:10-12)?

    The servants sent to collect the proceeds from the tenants represent the prophets and messagers of God sent. The Israel who rejected the servants of God and His Son will dealt with on the judgment day while the kingdom will be taken away from them. There are many churches today that the members rejected because they refused to compromised their faith in Jesus Christ. 

    It is very important to support our Pastors and leaders in order to achieve the God's plan for the church. 

    In the Beatitudes Jesus Christ encourages those who are rejected and persecuted for His sake and gospel to be happy and be glad for great are their reward in heaven and that they wouldn't be the first as they did same to the prophets and servants before them. 

  11. On 4/22/2023 at 1:03 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q7. (Matthew 22:1-10; Luke 14:15-24) In Jesus' Parables of the Wedding Banquet (Matthew) and the Great Banquet (Luke), who are the people represented by those recruited from the streets and lanes of the city? From the highways and hedges? Who do the servant-recruiters represent? How diligent are you and your church in recruiting those who are of a lower class than others in your congregation? What keeps you from this Kingdom task? How might your church fulfill it?

    The Parables of Matthew and Luke, the people represented from the street are poor, lame, blinds and Gentile. People from the highway and hedges are Pharisees and Jewish. The servant-recruiter represented evangelists. As disciple of Jesus Christ I am so committed to recruiting lower class people into the church based on my abilities spiritually and financially. Nothing keeps me from the kingdom tasks. My church would fulfill through total commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit take control of all the activities in the church. 

  12. On 4/22/2023 at 1:02 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q6. (Matthew 22:1-10; Luke 14:15-24) Who do the excuse-makers represent? What are the potential results of excusing ourselves from carrying out God’s will as we know it?

    The excuse makers represent Pharisees and Jewish. The potential results of excusing ourselves from carrying out God's will as we know it, will lead to the judgements of God. 

  13. On 4/22/2023 at 1:01 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

    The Israel's barrenness was by their refuser to accept Jesus Christ even the John the Baptist gospel of repentance. The only thing that keeps the Holy Spirit is the word of God. As disciples of Jesus Christ we learn that the must be productive through the obedience of the word or teaching of Jesus Christ. 

  14. On 4/22/2023 at 12:59 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q4. (Matthew 18:23-35) In the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, where do you see justice? Where do you see grace? Where do you see greed? Where do you see unforgiveness? What lessons from this parable are disciples to incorporate into their lives?

    In the parable of the unmerciful servant, I saw justice in Master cancelled debt, I saw grace also in the master kindness of cancelation of the servant debt because he did not asked for cancelation but time to repay. 

    I saw greed in the action of the unmerciful servant and the spirit of unforgiveness for failure to forgive his colleague and threw him into prison. 

    The lessons learned that disciples can incorporate into their lives is the spirit of forgiveness and ability to show mercy to others as they also received. 

  15. On 4/22/2023 at 12:58 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

     Q3. (Luke 7:41-43, 47) According to Jesus’ Parable of the Two Debtors, do you think the woman was saved prior to the dinner or during the dinner? How effusive is your love for Jesus? How should we as disciples express our gratitude for salvation?

    The woman was saved during the dinner. My love for Jesus Christ is extremely special and is continually increasing every day. The only way to express our gratitude for salvation is going to any extent preaching the gospel of salvation all days of our life. 

  16. On 4/22/2023 at 12:57 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q2. (Luke 15:11-32) What does this parable have in common with the Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin? What does the parable tell us about our Father’s way of operating and his values? In what ways does the older son hold his father’s values? In what ways does he lack them? What should disciples learn from this parable to equip them for ministry?

    This parable and the Parables of the Lost Sheep and lost coin are the same because both parables expressed the love and grace of God for His children. 

    The parable tells us that our father's way of operating and values are different from our way of operation. 

    The older son holds his father's values as call for because of his self righteousness and he lacks value of love for his brother. 

    The disciples should learn the parable to equip them for the ministry so that they will understand that they must accept those repentance souls and show them love. 

  17. Q31. What was Elijah's primary mission? How successful was he at this mission? How can we measure success in ministry? What are the dangers of self-assessment? When can an accurate assessment be made?

    Elijah's primary mission was to turn people back to God thats repentance mission. 

    He was successful partially on his mission through anointing Jehu and Elisha to complete the mission. 

    We can't measure ministry success by what we do but to continue until rapture because our Jesus Christ has completed the work we are to spread the word. 

    The danger of self assessment is losing our reward because of pride as we did nothing then spread what had been done on the cross. 

    The accurate assessment will be made on the judgment day after the rapture. 

  18. Q30. (James 5:16-18) Elijah is James' example of an ordinary man who did extraordinary things through believing prayer. Do you believe God can use you in extraordinary ways? Why? or Why not? What keeps us from being used effectively?

    Yes of course, because of faith in Jesus Christ and my commitment, determination to serve and constant prayers to be use in the things of God kingdom. 

    The thing number one is sin non surrender to the things of God that is disobedience. 

  19. Q29. (Malachi 4:5-6; Luke 1:17) In what ways did Elijah's ministry and calling have similarities with John the Baptist's ministry and calling? Was John the Baptist actually Elijah reincarnated?

    Elijah's ministry and calling have similarities with John the Baptist's ministry in clothing, boldness and bring back people to the Lord. 

    Yes, John the Baptist was actually Elijah reincarnated according to scripture and what Jesus Christ teaches in Luke 1:17. 

  20. Q28. (2 Kings 2:9-11) Why does Elisha ask for a double portion (or full first-born's inheritance) of Elijah's spirit? Is he greedy for power? Is it right to long for a greater presence and power of the Holy Spirit? How should we seek this?

    Elisha asked for a double portion as the first-born inheritance in Jews law. 

    He is not greedy for power he only asking for first-born inheritance. 

    It is long for a great presence and power of the Holy Spirit and prayer faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

  21. Q27. (2 Kings 2:2-6) Why do you think Elijah discourages Elisha from following him at the end? What is Elisha's response? What kinds of discouragements have you faced that made you wonder if you should keep on following the Lord?

    Elijah discourages Elisha from following him, may be want to be alone or testing how determines Elisha is. 

    Elisha responded that as long as the Lord lives he will not leave him alone. 

    The only discouragement sometimes is about praying constantly for something and get no answer but I will never leave Jesus Christ alone. 

  22. Q26. (2 Kings 1) Why is Yahweh offended by Ahaziah's consulting Baal rather than Israel's own God? What are modern-day applications of this sin? Have you ever made important decisions without seeking God's wisdom? Why? 

    Yahweh was offended by Ahaziah actions of consulting Baal rather than Israel's own God because he abandoned the real God and only God to sink help man made god the work His hands.

    The modern day application of this sin is worshipping or trust in our ability and possessions than trusting God. 

    Yes, because of impatient and feelings that it's the will of God. 



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