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Everything posted by bertha

  1. Q1. (3:8-9) Which of the qualities Peter mentions in 3:8-9 are most evident in your congregation? Which are most needed? What can you and your friends do to change the relational climate at your Church so it is more Christ-like? Our congregation has most of these qualities mentioned by Peter. Humble, loving/affectionate, compassionate, harmonious, sympathetic. I have been there a little over a year, and that's what caught my attention. We are a big family. When one hurts, we all hurt. When one laughs(promotion, pregnancy, new house, etc) we all celebrate. I really can't think of anything that our church can change or do except tone it down some on the music. It can get pretty loud for older people that are used to older quiet/mellow type of worship. Other than that, I see a church that is definitely striving to be Christ-like. What I, myself, can do is to continue to pray that I, too may reflect these qualities. I'm not used to expressing much sentiment. I feel like I'm the oddball. I pray for a heart like Jesus. I see the change in me, but I have a long way to go. Just need to continue to let the Holy Spirit guide and lead me.
  2. How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband's prayers. How can treating a husband wrongly hinder a wife's prayers? God says if you love me obey my commandments. He commands for husbands to love their wives like Jesus loves the church and for women to submit to their husbands. When we don't, we are being disobedient and pretty much rebelling against God. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, the body of Christ. To rebel is to go against God's word. To rebel is worse than witchcraft. These attitudes will hinder our prayers because we fail to forgive or right our wrongs. The word of God says if we have something against our brother, go and take care of that before coming before the Lord with your offerings, and I would say in prayer as well. Pride is the main culprit that prevents us from submitting to our spouses.
  3. Q4. (3:7) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what way does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why do wives sometimes try to dominate their husbands? What harm does this do? How is domination of another person contrary to God's nature? Because without knowledge and wisdom we react. When we react we tend to be led by our emotions, which many times get us into trouble. The Lord says seek wisdom and knowledge for without it his people perish. When husbands use God's wisdom and knowledge, they are being submissive and obedient to God. They will pass on this wisdom into their marriage, and you cannot go wrong when God is the center of your marriage. We are by nature inclined to sin. By nature selfish. That, I believe, is the reason why both men and women want to dominate each other. This is contrary to what God wants from us, which is to be submissive, caring, loving, giving, honoring and considering others before ourselves. Pretty much everything that goes against our human nature. That's why we need the Holy Spirit to help us in all these areas.
  4. Inner beauty is cultivated when we allow ourselves to die to "self" and allow the Holy Spirit to renew our hearts. This takes submission, discipline, self control, daily application of the word of God. Character is gained when we set our minds to practice or put to exercise God's word( the fruit of the Spirit), in a daily basis. We start forming habits(good), which with time form our character. True character is important to God because it is through our testimony(our walk) that He is glorified. It's through us that others will come to know Jesus. We are reflecting our Father in heaven. This pleases God. According to the bible, women with godly character can win over their husbands with the way she treats him: with love and respect. I, myself, am having a difficult time with my husband in this area. Makes me feel like he's taking advantage of my "niceness", and continues in his mean, egoistical(selfish) ways. But, this is where longsuffering comes in, and patience, and trust that God is in control and will give me the victory.
  5. Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance? Women should try to look their best, first of all because we reflect Jesus. We represent God's kingdom. We are sons and daughters of the King of Kings. Therefore, we should make every effort to dress modestly and with honor. We also have to look our best for our husbands. Men tend to be visual and so we have to keep ourselves nicely kept so their interests will be in their wives. Like a preacher once said, there's so many beautiful women out in the workforce that our husbands come across, and for the husband to come home to a sloppy looking wife is asking for trouble. I agree. Today, women spend too much time trying to look like the next model. Too much competition. Taking too many selfies. It's sad that we don't spend enough time improving our inner being as we do our outer. There should be a balance. If your inner qualities are deep and strong, your appearance will take care of itself. "Self respect, discipline, grace, intelligence, kindness, tenacity, grit, courage - all the qualities of a strong inner self are what true outer beauty are developed from anyway. A woman's outer beauty - physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally are all built on the strength and depth of her inner self".
  6. Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian? Because of our sinful nature. Pride and haughtiness arise easily in most of us. We don't like people ordering us around, telling us how to do things and how not to. On the other hand, the opposite of these two is humility, a rare quality that we all need to work hard to cultivate and maintain. Submission does not necessarily mean you have no voice and can't make suggestions for improving something once in a while. But, we cannot make it a habit of always wanting to put in our two cents worth. We have to dutifully submit to our superiors because this is the will of God. If and when what we are asked to do goes against God's word, we are to obey God as ruler rather than men. For God is the Highest Authority.
  7. Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean Sin can continue to have power over us if we allow it to. The same power that Jesus had to defeat sin has been given us, but we need to exercise that power by crucifying the flesh and it's selfish desires. As long as we live in this sinful world, we will struggle with sin. We must put on the whole armor of God to be able to withstand every evil dart that the enemy throws at us. This includes bad thoughts, evil desires, reckless behaviour, such as lying, cheating, envy, ****, drunkardness, etc. We need to heed the word of God which says to focus on those things that are "true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable". God gave us the Holy Spirit to empower us. It takes personal discipline and commitment. Living for righteousness means pleasing God and doing His will. Being obedient, walking in truth, praying for others, helping the less fortunate, feeding the poor, defending the helpless, sharing the gospel of peace, etc. These are acts of righteousness. God with us and in us, and through us will bring about fruits of righteousness, for God is righteous!
  8. Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? Personally, to me it means that I was given a ticket out of hell. Because of my sins, I was condemned to die and suffer eternal damnation in a place called hell. Yet, Jesus took it upon himself to stand up for me, represent me, and make the decision to take my place and set me free from condemnation. When I think back at what I have done, who I was before Jesus, it repulses me. Makes me sick to think of my sins. To know that Jesus loves me so much as to take all my dirtiness upon him and cleanse me, brings me to tears and is reason to worship and praise him for His goodness! I am eternally grateful to receive such a gift: Salvation. I am humbled to think he offered himself for me. I cannot thank him enough. In return, all I can offer him is myself, my heart, my obedience, my loyalty. Forsaking all and surrendering to Jesus. My soul rejoices to know that now I can have a relationship with Jesus, not only here but eternally in heaven.
  9. Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? From the very beginning, God made it clear that only a spotless( with no blemish) lamb could be offered as a sacrifice to cover our sins. Any other sacrifice would not be accepted. Jesus the Son of God was perfect, holy, and sinless. Jesus and the Father had a perfect union. He was one with the Father. The Father is holy and demands holiness and perfection. When Jesus bore all the sins of the world, His communion with the Father was interrupted, temporarily. Though we can say temporarily, we must understand that Jesus could do nothing without The Father. He felt abandoned, though I don't think that God would abandon His Son ever, but Jesus was becoming that perfect sacrifice at that moment. I believe Jesus was able to go through with this because it was his strongest desire to please the Father. He trusted God that he would be raised from the dead and take his original place at the right hand of the Father. When one considers this wonderful act of Love — dying in order for us to also die to sin and be raised into Eternal Life: that we, like Him would become one with the Father, it should bring us to our knees in all humbleness. Grateful, for this undeserving grace! Praise be to God!
  10. Jesus suffered for me personally in that being yet a sinner(me) he (the perfect lamb of God) chose to leave his kingdom in heaven, became a servant, and was willing to die for me that I may live. He did not open his mouth when he was falsely accused, beaten, spit at, his beard pulled from his face, put to shame on a rugged cross( meant for the worst of sinners). He was momentarily separated from His communion with the Father, which for Him was an eternity for He and the Father were inseparable. THis hurt Jesus the most. He bore my sins. All this was meant for me. I was suppose to be on that cross. I have been redeemed. Full price paid for by the precious blood of Jesus. He suffered it all for me. Salvation is a personal decision. He who believes shall be saved....
  11. Q4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage? After reading this passage, I find myself feeling, pretty embarrassed. I have much to learn from Jesus' example. Just a few days ago, I was treated rather rudely at a deli at Walmart. The young lady didn't greet me when she waited on me, and she made me feel like I was bothering her with my order. I noticed her throwing my items in the counter as she was filling my order. I was in good spirits right up to the moment I decided to ask her kindly if she was having a bad day to which she answered coldly "I'm busy". Well, I will admit I left my deli items behind and told her "if that's how you are going to treat me , then I don't think I need these", thank you. She smiled at me and said "thank you" back. Afterwards, I was helped to my car by a very nice older gentleman. A big difference in attitude. Anyway, I failed the test. I told God I was sorry for failing the test. Though I didn't yell, or throw a fit, I still admit I was hurt and retaliated by not taking my deli items with me. I had to pray and ask God to forgive me for how I reacted to that situation. I realized I still have a lot to learn from Jesus' example. I could have handled the situation at the deli differently. Maybe, I could of responded, "well, I'm sorry you're day has been real busy, I hope it gets easier, have a nice evening". So, I still have a lot to learn from the Master Teacher. Jesus set an example for us to follow and I will put my trust in Him and allow Him to form in me His character and let myself be guided by His Spirit and not my own.
  12. As Christians, we are conscious of God when we know that our very words and actions will be judged by Him. As followers of Christ we have to keep in mind that we represent God's kingdom. God is longsuffering, forgiving, loving, kind, patient, etc. These characteristics should be in all believers at all times. I believe no one should have to suffer physical abuse, especially in our days. We are blessed to have rights that protect us in this area. Other than that, we shouldn't be complainers at work because this only makes us look bad as Christians. We should strive to do our best and get along well with others, but there will always be that someone trying to ruin your day. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world's rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. We must pray at all times and know that God will bring to judgement all things. I admit I sometimes struggle at work with unfairness, rudeness, badmouthing(employees with other employees). I happen to have an administrative position which allows me to talk to the employee/s but the results are not always pleasant. I get the silent treatment most of the time. As a Christian I wish we would all work together in a pleasant atmosphere, but I understand sometimes God uses these situations at work to build our character. To sharpen us. Therefore, if it is up to us, let us be at peace with everyone, enduring all just like Jesus.
  13. The word of God says that whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. This honors God. We represent God's kingdom. We are ambassadors of Christ. Our job is for people to come to know God. We make God known to others by how we live our lives in this world. We can glorify God by doing our work in such a way that we make the invisible God visible by what we do and how we do it. When we fail to live up to God's expectations and that of our employers, we are discrediting God. For God has placed authorities/masters over us and commands us to obey and respect them as we do Him. If we do otherwise, we disrespect God.
  14. Forgot to mention, God hurts when we get rebellious because we become ungrateful children. Like Israel, we love the blessings, but continue in our selfish ways. God gave his only begotten Son to die for us. He paid the ultimate price on the cross that we may live a righteous, holy life, free from the bondage of sin; obedient, submissive, and dependent on HIM. When we rebel against God, we are taking this sacrifice in vain. This hurts God.
  15. Being submissive to authority honors God, first of all because this is a command given to us by God, and obedience pleases God, therefore it honors God. As Christians we carry his name and so our lives reflect on Him. In the secular world, when we see disobedient children, rebellious, uncivil, etc... we judge them by their behavior and tend to look to their parents as being unfit parents, or simply parents that didn't raise well mannered children. It makes the parents look bad. So, our Christian walk will reflect how people view Jesus and might cause people to not want anything to do with Christianity. This brings dishonor to God. Let us then be children of light and walk accordingly, guided by the Holy Spirit bearing fruits of righteousness, that our Father in Heaven may be glorified!
  16. Our good deeds honor God in that when others see those good deeds they will have a curiosity as to what moves us to behave in such a manner. It opens a door of opportunity to witness and introduce Jesus as the source of our good deeds. Many hearts will turn to God and he will receive honor and glory. If we conform to the world, people will not see a difference in us, and so they won't know they are missing out on anything. They might even go as far as to call us hypocrites and close their ears to the message of Salvation. They will continue to live hopeless lives, miserable, and lost in their sins. This does not bring glory to our Father, Creator, Redeemer of all, who wishes to be known by all his creation as the ONLY TRUE GOD. Our REDEEMER who offers new life to all who believe.
  17. Peter reminds us that we are pilgrims, strangers in this land. Sojourners. Our citizenship is in heaven. We should not settle down, unpack our suitcases and make ourselves comfortable. So long as we are here on earth we will have a constant battle with the flesh. The prince of the world has declared war against the children of light(God) he seeks only to steal, kill and destroy. We must not conform to this world nor give in to the temptations it offers, instead everyday be transformed by the renewing of our minds. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
  18. It should inspire in us an attitude of thanksgiving, gratefulness, knowing we are not deserving, but it's all because of His great love for us and the power of the sacrificial lamb's blood(Jesus) shed for us at the cross. It should make us proud(in a good way) to know we were chosen by God to be a "special people", called for good works. We are working for the King of kings, we are royalty, this should inspire in us to act accordingly. Being obedient, working diligently, knowing our Father will reward us graciously.
  19. My praise should be one of thanksgiving. I bring praise to God by being obedient, humble and having a contrite heart. I praise God in spending time in His word, in prayer. By sharing the good news of salvation with others. My walk, my talk, my actions should be such as that lifts God's name on high. Giving freely(sharing) as it has been given me by Him. A true sacrifice that of a repentant heart, humble and contrite, God will not despise.
  20. Our mindset as of a priest is to intercede for others. Therefore, we should be holy, humble, filled with the Spirit because that's the only way we are able to please God, for God is Spirit. This calling should make us feel honored to be chosen /picked by God that we may offer living sacrifice of praise and worship, obedient as little children to Him. To know that we are standing in for others should move us to live honorably, in fear of God.
  21. Before Christ, I felt worthless. Always comparing myself to others and falling way short. All my childhood memories were of people calling me worthless. No good. After becoming a Christian, I struggled to accept the fact that Jesus really cared about me, of the so many people out there He could think of me. As I matured in my Christian walk, I understood what the sacrifice He made on the cross meant for me. I got to know Jesus personally and now I have an indescribable joy knowing I belong to Him. He loves me. I am His and He is mine. I strive to build treasures in heaven as now I know my citizenship is not here but in heaven. Though I still struggle to share myself with others(I tend to keep to myself), I lean on God to help me reach out to others in the same love He has showered me with. I invest in teaching teens and children about God and His plan for salvation, in praying and interceding for others, and overall in pleasing God.
  22. People don't like to hear others point out their shortcomings/wrongs. Seems like everyone has set up their own standard of living. There's always someone worst than them is their reasoning. Yet, God our creator has set a standard of living for His people and being that He has paid a ransom for us in sacrificing His only Son for us, that we may be reconcile to Him, it's only fair that He expects us to adhere to His laws and statutes. God being holy and righteous has the right to judge us accordingly. He has given us every opportunity to accept this precious gift of salvation and to be obedient to His word. Final Judgement is God's way of doing away with all evil and disobedience from those who reject His love(His Son Jesus Christ). If we leave this out when preaching the gospel, then we make God a liar. We question His holiness and righteousness. Then there's no reason for a new heaven and a new earth, for our God will accept everyone, both just and unjust. Jesus would have died in vain.
  23. Holiness is being set apart for God's purpose. Set apart from the worldly passions and the lusts of the flesh to a life of obedience and submission to the will of God. To be holy is to die to our old ways(to self) and imitate Jesus. Being holy is to hate evil. To be able to meet God's standard of living, I must allow myself to be guided by His Spirit. To be righteous and be merciful. My struggle is sometimes I tend to focus on our shortcomings and forget that we are God's masterpiece and He isn't done with us yet. I see the evil around me and neglect to see the great things God is doing in us. God is still on His throne in control of all things. This I must focus on, in that we are made perfect in Christ. Glory be to God!
  24. Christ is at the door, coming for a an unblemished church. A holy church. His bride. He expects us to be sober, vigilant, laboring to expand his kingdom. In anticipation, we are suppose to strive to live a holy life, serving, witnessing, strengthening our relationship with God. All this with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus' return means glorified bodies, eternal life in God's presence. No more tears, no more infirmities, no more hunger. A new heaven and a new earth. All will be made new. This is what we should look forward to. This is what should encourage us to be vigilant, and not let our guards down. When we become complacent, we become lazy, and lose focus on our mission here on earth. Next thing we know, we are conforming to the world and in danger of losing all we have so diligently worked for.
  25. Inexpressible and glorious joy is joy that cannot be explained. There are not enough words to express such gratitude of what God has done for me. He rescued me from the miry clay, he has cleansed me, and made me anew. He lifted me up to a high place and set me upon "The Rock". He is my banner, my high tower in which I find rest in my neediest hour. God is my Salvation, My Redeemer, and I owe Him my life. This joy is like a fountain overflowing from within because Jesus lives in me. It is God's Spirit in me the cause of this joy. For God has poured HIs love in us all and joy is a fruit of the Spirit within us. Happiness is but for a moment. It passes when the excitement is gone. We get emotional with different circumstances, a wedding, a special song, a new arrival, a date, etc. It too, shall pass. God's joy is everlasting. It remains in good times and in bad. Whether rich or poor, in sickness and in health. Knowing there is a better place awaiting us in heaven. To God the glory!
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