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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Richard Hawkins

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Everything posted by Richard Hawkins

  1. See Mark 7:20-23 We then fall back on the concept that we can save ourselves by work. It's not wheat we do but what Jesus Christ has done for us that matters. We would not be living lives of faith. Confessing sin daily.
  2. Completing the temple would not strengthen Zerubbabels political power in the Persian Empire. However it would strengthen his standing with the people. As a descendant of David, he was in the kingly line of the coming Messiah, and deserved a signet to show his authority. God's spirit enabled prophets and kings to lead the people to righteous living. We are a Holy Priesthood. 1 Peter 2:5
  3. God wishes to be glorified by our deeds. Matthew 22:37 tells it best. When you love God with all your heart, you will seek to accomplish great deeds in his name. He takes pleasure in me in when I show compassion towards others while carrying the message of the Gospel. My self seeking excuses.
  4. We seek a new life void of entanglements that lead to sin. Our moral compass should always point to the commandments of Jesus found in the New Testament. We should participate in serving the Lord's Supper at the earliest opportunity and grow in service though prayer and reflection. Allow the Holy Spirit guide us throughout the day,
  5. Giving up is easy. Most people who are pessimists find it easy to quit. That way you don't have to do anything, Remember quitting is forever. A winner never quits. A winner finishes the race. A winner faces his obstacles and practices until he has mastered the course.
  6. Some will become ravenous wolves seeking to scatter the flock or teach falsehoods in the church. Our shepherds need to be aware of undercurrents and strange practices at all times.
  7. My personal work is improving. I am preparing lessons to the taught whenever the need arises.
  8. The Hebrews in Egypt, who were comfortable with the Egyptians gods and Egyptian foods had to be forced out of Egypt. The Hebrews in Babylon were comfortable and many chose to stay. Those who returned to Jerusalem had to be rewarded to help them in their journey. I suppose they weren't a prosperous. Those who followed Jesus were the poor. Those with wealth weren't willing to give up their wealth and follow Jesus. True disciples are willing to give up all in the cause of Christ.
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