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Everything posted by JAT

  1. It is valuable to counsel with spiritual people in the Christian community when we're learning to discern God's voice because those who have a spiritual relationship with God may have some insight and maturity to help us discern with us whether we have heard form God or not. They also enable one to test where the voice may have come from. This is especially helpful when one has a spiritual mentor - a guide. The danger of always going to another person to confirm God's word is one does not really begin to develop and rely on the faith in God to speak to the individual directly. Out growing a mentor is a common occurence because one should be striving for maturity and relationship with the Father directly, developing and building a personal realtionship with the Lord Jesus.
  2. The voice of the devil might sound like the justification of the behaviour and actions one has taken. 'we'll they did it first so you have every right to take, steal, demand or take back etc. After a fall, it may be - We'll you are a sinner, you can't go back to God like this best to have a period of purity, goodness or time earning his favour back before you return to him. At which point the devil can continue to lure one away. the knowledge of scripture is necessary for discernment of these voices because if we can identify them we will know who they are and can be armed with how to deal with them the right way.
  3. Gideon asks God for a sign because he trying to anchor his faith. Gideon has belief because he is already destroyed the alter of Baal, the rest of the idols and rallyed troops. The difference between Gideon seeking confirmation and tesing God is Gideon has faith and has put this faith into action. In this case Gideon is unsure of the as to whether he has heard God's voice and so is asking God to establish his faith - so he has a firm and permanent basis to go forth and fulfil God's commands. Whereas testing of God is primarily made by peope of unbelief who want signs and wonders and still may not believe. I think if we are truly descerning God's voice God does not mind us aksing in faith for confirmation as long as the heart is not desiring from a prideful, testing or demanding place, in these cases I believe God may be upset in us asking for confirmation.
  4. Pride can corrupt our hearing from God because we: become the centre of attention as opposed to messager get caught up in being the hero of the story and not the guide want to be part of the reaction and not he catalyst. Which all centres from a deep pleasure, satisfaction or achievement of being closely associated with God and the need to be admired. We can protect ourselves from being deceived by our pride by: surendering every aspect and dimension of our lives to god my spirit, soul and body, my heart mind and will Asking the Holy Spirit to resore us in Him, renew us in Him and lead us to God's will.
  5. The willingness to obey without full or part understanding of the reasons for God's commands is so important becasue it conveys two things in relationship under knowledge of the the person; trust and faith. When we have knowledge of the character of the person we trust especially when we do not know where He will lead us we have faith that He has our best at the heart of His will for our lives. The alternative which does not appear to be an alternative is to trust in ourselves, to believe that we have all the answers. In this case we are more like Psalm 32:9. Where we do not take counsel and advice nor are ready to to run where wisdom points the way. Hence stupidity of the heart leads us to fall into all forms of sinful calamity. Obedience can sometimes help us understand God's workings becuase when we trust God, choosing to do his will by obeying what God show us we can find out what he is planning to do through us.
  6. A desire for a relationship with God is more important than seeking to hear his voice because desire creates relationship a knowing of that which one yearns for. A need that must be satisfied. This desire to have a relationship wth God to know Him more intimately, leads us on to find out more about him, to know his character, what He love and likes and abhors. Developing this kind of relationship is an essential foundation to build on for the trust between us and God to grow. When we trust God because we know ( yāda ) Him we can leverage this relationship (based on trust) when it is not clear what or where God may lead us to; in what we perceive is the dark or hidden path (unknown - to us). The hard things God may ask us to do. Hearing God's voice contributes to the relationship becuase after a relationship and trust has been established, we are no longer reliant on the novelty of the hearing God's voice as it relates to our perceived special position or relationship that one might believe this confers. Hearing God's voice just adds some more colour to vibranccy of colour that already existed in the relationship as opposed to being the feature wall. We are commanded to press on to know the LORD because within us there should be a sense of urgency to build a relationship with the LORD. Akin to taking hold of a prize. A prize which Jesus has given to me with the riches of this prize something that we can take hold of as we strain (it'll be a sttetch) towards heaven. Paul's passion for a relationship with God does insipre me, becuase it enables me to view the journey as a race, a journey which we must take becasue the prize is worthwhile. The prize is a richer, moe rewarding relationship with the LORD God knowing Him and the joys that exist in a wholehearted trusted realtionship within his presence.
  7. Eli's council to Samuel was "Go, lie down, and if he calls you, you shall say, 'Speak LORD, for your servant hears"' Yes, this was good counsel from Eli. The significance of Samuel recognising that he is a servant of the LORD is important becasue Samuel has positioned himself in a humble subordinate role recognising his role and postions to the LORD's in their relationship.
  8. I think God sometimes does not talk to us because, sometimes we are not receptive, nor listening out for his voice or expecting him to speak to us. Other times it maybe becuase he has spoken and we ae expecting a different word or confirmationthat what we heard is right. Similarly, it maybe becuase God is not speaking to us at that time. It all seems challenging to discern, but I believe that God does speak to us and in his will, will enable us to hear from him in his time, so we can take comfort in Psalm 27:14 when God is not speaking to us - Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD! in earnest expectation that God will speak in his timing which is the right timing for his will to be done in our lives.
  9. When God give me insight into the spiritual state of people around me, I should be asking God what he wants me to do, say or act once I receive this insight about them. Yes. I have have had a nudge form God that resulted in a person receiving help, I received a nudge that I should ask a client how he bacame a christian, it turned out that he had not accted Christ into his life becasue he did not know he needed to he thought he was a christian because his parents were. I learned from these experiences that God communicates very well asking me to get involved with his objective to follow his lead if I put myself aside and see where he wants to deliver his mercy and love
  10. The similarity between God's brief, inarticulate nudges or promptings, and David's use of the Urim and Thummim to receive direction is that the both are forms or revealings form God. In the case of nudges or promptings or in the case of 2 Samuel 5:19 -the Urim and Thummim God chooses to communicate in simple manner yes, no or left, right type response we saw earlier with Philip and Ethiopian eunuch. In these cases we are to keep going with the guidance we seeem to have. God is not telling us where we are going but just to follow and head for the objective, which is revealed progressively. When David needs more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer God provide what is needed with clear direction. So we can be confident that when listening and discerning God's voice, once we know his voice we can be suer that the nudges, promptings or need for more that a yes or no are what we need for that objective God has given us to achieve.
  11. When reviewing these verse in Acts the promptings from the Holy Spirit are clear when seeking God's voice. As a pattern for one's walk with God, I believe that God does speak to me in promptings and nudges and has on occassion been a audible voice; albeit in some some cases I had not at the time been able to differentiate God's voice from my own internal monologue. So, I believe that expecting to hear from God and hence listening for Him in whichever way he communicates is essential if we want to hear God's voice. No is just as important an answer as yes, when the will of God is present in the answer. It's a bit like expecting to get some directions and only waiting for a right hand signal ('go right, go right') and then getting a left hand turn and experiencing confusion. I have felt God's promptings to take action, although I cannot bring to mind at occurance at the moment. I'll ponder and come back to theis question. hmmmmm.....
  12. It is important for Simon to get a very clear command from the Spirit to go with the visitors because: Simon is confused by the dream I think he believes is has significance because it happened three times Hence, clarification from the Spirit to go with Gentiles, who potentially pose a threat to Simon is important. If the word wer not so clear I believe Simon would have procrastinated and not gone with the visitors When criticised Simon explains that the Spirit told him to go without hesitiation, which provided an explanation to the vision Simon had of eating with the uncircumcised men. I think it takes a strong faith to obey the Spirit and take an action you know you will be criticized for later, I know I disobey when I know I might face critism for obedience - the lack of action needed in the present feels better than the fear of critism later..
  13. I think that Paul must have felt great comfort to know that God personally was encoouranging him. Having a personal interaction with God whilst feeling hurt, weak and alone. We learn that God is a personal God that understands our individual needs and can and does meet those needs in the best way he sees fit to encourage and support us.
  14. I think the the author contrasts the "still small voice" to the wind, earthquake, and fire to demonstrate the wild and ferocious nature of God's love. God's love can appear to be wild, untamed and out of control when He wants it to be but it can also be small and gentle, illustrating that God administers his love based on Him know what we need, not necessarily what we want. God's voice comforts and renews Elijah because the strong wind, earthquake and fire caught hs attention and made him remain in the shelter of the cave withdrawn in safety. When Elijah hears the gentle whisper he goes out to the cave's entrance curious about the gentle voice calling him following the ferosity of the earth bemoaning. This is the start of Elijah's journey from safety in the cave to coming out, to be comforted by God gentleness of approach meeting what Elijah needs. It is easy to miss God when his voice is gentle and quiet becuase like the wind, fire and earthquake it can drown out a gentle, quiet sound calling to us, especially when all we expect is the noise of the environment around us.
  15. The Holy Spirit makes the mind of Christ available to us because the Personhood of the Spirit is one with the Father and hence knows the mind of God. We who are believers receive the Sprit of Christ as a gift from God. The indwelling (interior) guide is a part of the father personhood and therefore we have access to the Father and his thoughts and will for us through the Holy Spirit. This priviledged realtionship enables us to become dependent on the Holy Spirit if our hope is to be more like Christ. This relates to listening to God's voice because the Spirit knows the deep things of God which we have been given access to understand the things God has freely given us.
  16. Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? The promises that Jesus gives concerning the Holy Spirit are He will: * Help us * Be with us forever; live with us and be in us The Father has sent the Holy Spirit in Jesus's name to: * Teach us all things * remind us of everything Jesus has said * prove the world to be wrong about sin (because people do not believe in Jesus) and righteousness (because 'I' am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer) and judgement (because the prince of this world now stands condemned) The Spirit of truth will: * guide you in all truth * not speak on his own, He will speak what he hears * tell you what is yet to come * glorify (Jesus) because it is from (Jesus) that He will receive what he will make known to you. How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God? These relate to guidance becasue they speak of the character the Person of the Holy Spirit has both what He will do, how He is led in relationship to the Father and and what he will do with and for us in the relationship. So, we can gather from the promises Jesus gives us of the Holy Spirit that the Paraclete is the Person who comes along side us who is our advocate with God the Father, guiding us in what to pray for, how to pray and aligning our hearts and will to Gods as an interior presence.
  17. Q2. (John 5:19, 30) Why do you think Jesus said, “By myself I can do nothing”? (vs. 30). Jesus claims he can do nothing by himself because Jesus elected by voluntarily submission to come under the authority of God How do you justify this statement with Jesus’ divine nature as the Son of God? This statement is justified by role of the trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit being equal in Person (hence of the same nature), but with voluntary submission to God the Father. In what ways can we use Jesus’ example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? We can see Jesus' example as a pattern for our own life and ministry by also: Voluntarily submitting our will not in part but the whole to God. This means surrendering every aspect and dimension of my life totally and completely to God. How do you think Jesus would “see” and “hear” the Father? Q2. (John 5:19, 30) I think Jesus would see and hear the Father by seeking the Father's heart in a matter, what would please God, what does God delight? What would his Character and nature agree with in my thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours and spirit of my intent.
  18. Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus’ prayer life? The pattern I see emerging in Jesus' prayer life si that he goes off to pray by himself. Looking for a quiet, solitary place, without distraction and frequently , eventhough there are others present he still finds a place where he can be alone with his Father. Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? I think Jesus spends quiet time with his father before the day begins so that he can recentre himself on what the Fathers heart for his life and day is. To hear from his Father, to be one with his Father, to know His fathers work for him and love for him. How does this prepare him for his ministry? This prepares Jesus for his ministry becuase by know his father Heart by maintaining a time to listen to his Father Jesus knows the will of his Father and the delight He has in him and the permission the Father has given to go, do and be. How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? The disciples desire for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt to impelled to do because the disciples where swept up in the joy of seeing people healed and made well that they wanted this new found fame of their lead 'superstar' to continue. (Mark 1:37-38) Why? Do you have a Quiet Time? They wanted for Jesus to be known for this as they understood his healing to be the main focus of his ministry and hence by associated so would they. What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? To improve the quality of my time with God each day, I will maintain the time I have set aside to meet with God, but improve it by also asking and listening for God's will for me.
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