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whateverlord2@gmail.com's Achievements


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  1. When we are in the middle of a trial, it is easy (for me anyway) to take the rope and run with it, depending on my own resources and actions rather than depending upon God...rather that having faith in Him and knowing, remembering that He is always there wanting to see me through. Learning the hard way that my dependence is not in my own doing, rather it is in having faith in God and relying on His guidance in whatever comes my way, Experiencing the many trials in my life, I know that I cannot make it without Him. I rely upon His Word to guide me and to communicate with my Father through prayer. I will never live long enough to endure trials on my own. Thank God for being there for me, for all of us in even the smallest trials and/or the biggest trials in our lives. ✝️
  2. People blame God for evil because it is our nature to blame someone else, even God, rather than take responsibility for our own evil desires. God only gives what is good. He does not tempt us with evil. We may be tested by God, but that is not the same as being tempted. Does God tempt sinful people? God tempts no one. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Why does He allow people to sin? God is gracious enough to give us free will. When we are not in relationship with God, it is much easier to be tempted by those evil desires within us that if not controlled lead us to sin. God allows evil to exist because it is a part of the world in which we live since Adam and Eve ignored God's command in the Garden of Eden. Their disobedience (sin) brought evil, shame, pain and death into the world. As we deal with with evil temptations, God uses these for good to draw us closer to Him and to strengthen our faith. ✝️
  3. I have experienced many trials over my 74 years but God is good. He has never given up on me and as He promised, I was never forsaken by my Savior. In my younger years in N.C. , my husband at the time and I farmed. I was in an accident involving farm equipment which resulted in all of my hair being pulled out. My scalp was pulled away only in front. I was 24 years old. After a year, my hair began to return. Within that year, I had to help run a restaurant with my husband and his brother and his wife. The only good that came from that experience was that, while wearing a wig, it made me get out into the public's eye and helped me to gain self-confidence once again. My two children were 7 and 8 years old at the time. From this experience, I knew that no matter the trials that life would bring, I could always count on my Lord. Satan is always lurking around the corner in life to tempt us, trying to draw us away from God. But with God, I am the victor, knowing that He is always with me to guide, protect and love me. Without Him I could never do it on my own. ✝️
  4. In reviewing the posts available, I have not seen any current ones for 2018. The posts that are available go back to 2005. Is this study no longer current and no longer viewed if there are current participants? I have been reading the texts in the book of James and about to answer the questions, but I am not sure that my input will even be seen.
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