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Everything posted by frances.fink

  1. people are always most of the time anyway critical of CHristians or for that matter anyone. The look and judge by the persons character and ways, if they don't suit their way they will have something to say, which is wrong. They use what they think that person should be, how they should act. We see that is this Scripture of how the Pharisees looked upon John and Jesus, actually to discredit their mission.
  2. When John the Baptist was called to go forth from the desert by God, he was under the Old Covenant, and so was Jesus, that is why we read in the Gospels that He followed The custom of going to the Temple on the Sabbath day, Saturday. Jesus's coming forth for His ministry was the dividing line that the Old was going to be gone, completed in HIm and the New Covenant will begin, therefore lots of His teaching was about why He came and the end of His earthly ministry would be completed at the Cross, His death. Thereby when He said is was finished He meant not only the Atoning Sacrifice for man's sin forgiven for those who will accept Him as the Savior, but the end of the old Covenant. Those prophets understood that there was someone greater coming but did not exactly know Who, or How, even with the Words they spoke, The new covenant made available to all at Jesus's death on the Cross. I am of the new covenant, and I am hidden with Christ in God....Col.3
  3. Christians struggle when it seems that "nothing important happening" in their lives, and that struggle leads to self, finding a way that he or she thinks it is right, but is not of God. He actually desires us to have patience, and patience is a virtue, but we find all that difficult to go by, so we think and devise a plan that they feel will satisfy their need to be "doing" something important. But in it all if we Wait upon the Lord, for HE will want us to hear from Him, to hear and see His plan and then go His way. If we learn to wait upon the Lord to hear from Him, He forms in us the ability to see what is to be done and how to go about it...Leadership comes from those under the authority of leaders who have gone this way before, the right way. If we wait upon the Lord in prayer and persistence, we will know how to proceed and then be able to lead others in the correct direction that only the Lord can give.
  4. Because we are One with Him, we are In Christ because of our belief and faith in Him and His Shed Blood that was for our atonement, He rescued us, and we are His. It would pain HIM because He sees what the cause is that leads to Him having to help us along to stay on the right path. Conviction by the Holy spirit in me puts me on the correct way to go to repent and move along.
  5. Jesus knew that Saul was alone at that time in prayer what he was praying we do not know, but Jesus said to him there would be one coming. He did not Saul that he was going to be part of "the way", Ananias comes as Saul was told one would come, he laid his hands on him, and scriptures states he receives his sight and then the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and then was water Baptized. Ananias was just as we would be getting a direct order from Our Lord, and question Him, like don't you know who this guy is and what he has been doing to your people? Jesus tell him bluntly that he will be used mightily, the one who persecuted will now come and be a mouth for me. Yes there has been times I knew the Lord told me to do something...I heard and did not want to do it, procrastinated, but amazingly enough when I was determined not to do this particular thing, HE said to me loud and clear "get in there!" I did listen then when I heard the loud stern voice, and it was a wonder, and so happy that I did finally listen and He showed me much...and I praise Him and Exalt Him daily. there has been times I did not listen and suffered the consequences, but I know it hurt God more than me...He is so lovingly filled with Mercy and Compassion for His people....amen....
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