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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Yaneth A

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Everything posted by Yaneth A

  1. Hi my name is Yaneth, i am from New Jersey, I am so excited to online bible study.
  2. First question : we’ve expected to be use by God . However we do something that we can God we are ready to served on his purposes ?
  3. Relationship with JesusChrist , it is a relationship that’s help us to approach to him . He doesn’t or care about law . He wants us just to loves each other’s , justice , compassionate .
  4. Everyday God is showing his mercy and power. In my case , it was many events that happens almost at the time that made me to run to his protection and he continuous pushing us with love , Every time when we going through something and we are still believe on his promises we move to another level , we are starting living the glory and glory
  5. Persecuting Chris people , is persecuting Christ himself because we were created by God we were made like him . We are one body , not perfect like God or Jesus . He made us with love , each part inside and outside belong to him . So any person mistreat us they mis treat Jesus Christb
  6. all has a purpose, God will be reunited two different people. Ananias as a disciple of God a men of God, and Saulo the persecuted . the humble man full of grace of God and Saul the terror of the crime, no mercy with christian followers .God used him to show to saul that he can have a miracle from the most honest person. He just was wonder about the powerful of God and for him was normal to obey.
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