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Everything posted by charliet

  1. 1a Having acess to the father is important because:We aren`t left to deal with lesser beings but have the privilege of direct access to the King of kings and Lord of lords himself. 1b Because we are reconciled to God with whom we didn`t previously have "diplomatic relations,"now we have access to the Father. 1c We obtained this access to the Father through Jesus Christ who opened the door. He`s(Jesus Christ)"The mediator between God and humankind. 1d No way can an unsaved soul carry out the two greatest commandments. Only by the shed blood of Jesus Christ can one gain access to the Father thus,allowing he or she to fulfill the two greatest commandmentsfound in (Matthew22:36-40) It is the love of the Father through the free gift of His Son that made it all possible
  2. Eph.3:20-21 Where does God`s power work according to verse 20? How much power is at work here quantitatively? Why isn`t it more evident? How does exercising Christs`power on earth bring glory to God? 5a God`s power works in and through us the born again believers in Christ. 5b Quantitatively speaking:God is able to work "Super abundantly"more than we can even imaginein our wildest prayers`. 5c Because I think whatever the cause or reason we as weak christains do quinch the Holy Spirit that is within us .We must strive to live a totally surrendered life to christ so that our lights may shine so that others will see christ in us.Hard sometimes,Yes! but that is there if we would but believe. 5d His Power exercised through us and for Him in every way aids in the upbuilding of His Kingdom and in doing so does bring honor and glory to His precious name. Amen.
  3. From the standpoint of power,what is the significance of Paul`statement that "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus..?" 3 As I see the significance of Paul`statement;At the very moment that we received Christ as saviour we immediately became a part of Christ body and we are promised an eternal home in heaven. When we are called home forever to be with our Lord we will be heirs and joint heirs with Christ. So all that is under His feet is under ours.
  4. Eph.1:20-22 The Ephesian Gentile Christains believed in various spirit beings that exercised power over them. What is the significance to them of Paul saying that Christ is seated at God `s right hand in the heavenly realms? In what sense are these spirit beings And powers under his feet? 2a Paulhad been teaching the Ephesian Gentile Christains at that time as well as to us today that Christ has the absolute authority and is enthroned with all power and honor that goes with the position of the heavenly realm of sitting on the father`s right hand. 2b A good example(todays example)of this Pastor Ralph is the one used by you. At the fall of baghdad in the second Gulf War where Iraqis pulled down the statue of Sadaam Hussein and then climbed on top of it etc. So when we read the phrase in scripture, it has an important significance. To be under ones feet means yo have complete power over one who has lesser power....." OMNIPOTENT"
  5. When Paul would think the Ephesians he would often pray for them that God would open their spiritual eyes to a full comprehension of all that God has for them.His prayer is three-fold,that they might know the... 1. HOPE to which he has called them. 2. Inheritance which the saints possess,and 3. Power that is focused on believers. And too,Paul was speaking of the eyes of their heartsmay be opened or enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called them. The power mentioned in 1:19 operates in every willing born again believer. I say willing because every born again believer isn`t always such a willing vessel. Good example`s of this power is. 1.The Resurrection of Christ 2.The salvation of ones soul Now this is extraordinarily humongous power
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