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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Lisema Ralitsoele

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Everything posted by Lisema Ralitsoele

  1. 1. Q1. (John 13:10) Jesus seems to speak to Peter in symbolic language here. In what sense does a "full bath" represent baptism? The starting point for anyone to have fellowship with Jesus is that they be born again, repentant of their confessed sin and forgiven. John the Baptist achieved this symbolic cleansing through baptism in the river Jordan which is similar to “a full bath”, which Jesus elevated to Baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, even after been born again, we are not without sin; we continue to tread in the dust of sin characteristic of the roads of this world 2. If this is so, then what kind of needed cleansing does "footwashing" symbolize? As a result, we need to maintain our sanctification process by prayer that our daily sins are forgiven, as in the “footwashing” custom which is undertaken to refresh the feet after each journey.
  2. 1. Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God's glory be revealed even in death? God’s glory is revealed even in death in that through the sacrificial death of the One who knew no sin the lives of many were saved from eternal darkness hell to the eternal Light. 2. How does the seed illustrate this? Paul’s explanation on how the seed illustrates this is just perfect and easy to understand when he says: “What you sow does not come to life unless it dies.” 3. How does Jesus' death illustrate this? It was only after His death, resurrection, and ascension that He sent down the Holy Spirit. As a result, there was no longer just one Son of God, but many of His followers all over the world, empowered to advance his Kingdom. 4. How does us dying to our old life illustrate this? Dying to our old carnal lives illustrates this in that by being born again our lives are expected to blossom in a godly manner inside and outside so that people are awed by our positive change and are attracted to following Christ as we become His disciples.
  3. Q1. (John 9:1-3) Is sin always the cause of sickness or affliction? No! Sin is not always the cause of sickness and afflictions. What are some of the good results that come out of the sicknesses and afflictions of godly people? Some of the good results that come out of the sicknesses and afflictions of godly people are: · Prosperity: Naomi was struck with the affliction of the death of her husband and two sons in a foreign land. In the process, her daughter-in-law Ruth also lost her husband; but Ruth determined to stay with Naomi as she returned to her home country where they both were doubly blessed with prosperity through marriage to Boaz. In addition, Ruth and Boaz were blessed with being in the lineage of Jesus Christ. Spiritual maturity. The Apostle Paul shouldn’t have suffered; but he did for the glory of God. In this way, Paul taught us to stay the course.
  4. 1. Q2. (John 8:21-24) What does it mean to "die in your sins"? To “die in my sins” means dying before I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, believing in him, and repenting of my sins-God forbid! 2. What is the consequence of this? The consequence of “dying in one’s sins” means that they have paved their way to spend eternity in hell with Satan. 3. How is it possible for Jesus' enemies to be speaking with the Savior from sin without receiving forgiveness from him? It is possible because they judged Jesus by earthly standards of the flesh. “You are not even 50”. As a result, they hardened their hearts against receiving the truth that would set them free. 4. They are so close, but so far! Do you know anyone like this? Yes. I know somebody who was fed the poison of Communism during the heyday of the Soviet Union.
  5. 1. Q1. (John 8:12) In what sense is Jesus the Light of the World? Jesus is the Light of the World in the sense that through the Holy Spirit indwelling within us we have God’s presence, we are assured of His protection, as well as His everlasting guidance. 2. What is Jesus' promise concerning light for his followers? Jesus’ promisefor his followers is protection from sin leading to eternal life with God. 3. Exactly what does that mean for the way you live? It means I must not focus on the value systems of this world; but follow in Jesus footsteps and try hard to heed God’s voice.
  6. Day 4 Meditation (Revelation 5:1-8; 6:1). 1. What does it say about you that Jesus, the Most Worthy One, died for you. It says that I am loved; I am appreciated because I have been purchased at a very high price and I should live righteously in his honor. 2. How does he value your worth? To have been bought at such a high price whose value is beyond estimation, means that he considers me to be of extremely high worth. 3. How casual should you be before the Lamb who is Most Worthy? I should not be any kind of casual at all at all. 4. What is the appropriate relationship with him? I should be humble before him and obey him. Like John the Baptist, I should exalt the Master’s worthiness, "the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie" (John 1:27). 5. In what ways has he humbled himself to reveal himself to you? He guides me through the Holy Spirit, persistently forgiving me for my sins and he has been kind enough to let me recognize when it is He who is talking to me.
  7. 1. How do humility and victory go together? Humility and victory go together like, as the song goes, love and marriage: you can’t get one without the other. When we humble ourselves before God, He empowers us and we conduct our lives victoriously in his sight. As 1 Peter 5:5 says: likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 2. How do the lion and the lamb fit together? The lion and the lamb fit together in that Jesus according to genesis 49:8-12, is the lion of the tribe of Judah, destined to rule over his brothers, over all Israel and over all his creation. Jesus is also the lamb because he was obedient to God to the point of death on the cross by which he paid the price for the sins of the world, and through his resurrection, defeated death and Satan himself, and thus established his authority to defeat all the forces of evil for us. 3. How did Jesus humble himself? I have to quote Philippians 2: 7-9 to do it justice: Philippians 2:7-9 new international version (niv): 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name. 4. Why is it necessary to humble ourselves before God will exalt us? I think that the best way to answer this question is through the following passages from the book of Proverbs: Proverbs 11:2 When you act with presumption, convinced that you’re right, don’t be surprised if you fall flat on your face! But walking in humility helps you to make wise decisions. Proverbs 15:33 The source of revelation-knowledge is found as you fall down in surrender before the Lord. Don’t expect to see Shekinah glory until the Lord sees your sincere humility. Proverbs 18:12 A man’s heart is the proudest when his downfall is nearest, for he won’t see glory until the Lord sees humility.
  8. 1. Day 1 Meditation (Revelation 4; 5:6). Why is everyone around the throne worshipping? They are compelled to do so in this spiritually electrifying atmosphere as worship happens spontaneously orchestrated by the heavy presence of the Holy Spirit. They are worshipping because God and Jesus, in their full majesty, magnificence and awesomeness , are in their midst and it is joyful that everyone around the throne should express thanks and honor and glorify God and the Lamb of God seated at the right hand of the Father. 2. Why are they chanting and singing? The whole atmosphere is spiritually captivating and they are not of themselves but are infused with the Holy Spirit. 3. Why do you think that we get bored with worship after a few minutes? We get bored because often we come with our baggage into the Church, which prevents us from fully engaging our mind, soul and spirit in worship. The atmosphere around the altar may be drab, and spiritually uninviting. 4. What does that indicate about our hearts? It indicates that our hearts are easily deflected from following Jesus. 5. What can we do to change this? In some instances access to financial resources may alleviate the situation. For example if in winter late comers open the door and let the cold winter wind come in, people will turn their heads to greet the late comer with angry stares. However, where it is not an issue of the Churches’ financial lack, then discipleship should be intensified.
  9. 1. Q1. (John 5:19-20) Are we intended to emulate Jesus' listening to the Father, or is knowing the Bible a modern-day substitute for this? Knowing the Bible is good. It is a prerequisite to doing ministry. However, what we learn from the Apostle Paul‘s experience in Acts 16:6-7 is that we must emulate Jesus’ listening to the Father. Paul’s Vision of the Man of Macedonia 6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. 2. Why don't churches teach more about hearing the voice of God? A few Christian denominations have it as their tradition to listen to God’s voice: many denominations do not because of the failure to interpret properly the example that Jesus set for us. Jesus established a pattern of going away to pray, during which time he received guidance from the Father on what to do in various cases. This pattern was demonstrated to his disciples for them to emulate. What would happen in our generation if we would learn to dynamically hear God and then obey what he is saying to us? If our generation learnt to hear and obey what God is saying to us, we would act , as Jesus did, righteously and accomplish the miracles of healing the sick, making the lame walk and casting out demons and greater than these as Jesus promised. We would also be good at discipleship for our communities and indeed the whole world to be a better place
  10. 1. Q4. (John 5:14-15) Is it possible to be blessed outwardly, but lost inwardly? Absolutely! This man received tremendous blessing - being healed of a sickness of 38 years without praying for it and without expressing gratitude for it. And he remained faithless. 2. Why did Jesus confront the healed man in the temple with his sin? Jesus is Grace. He had to finish his assignment of healing the man both physically and spiritually, and finish it to perfection, without any blemish. It would be useless for the man to be healed bodily and still be a candidate for hell- eternally. 3. How was this necessary for a full healing, his salvation? This was necessary for a full healing because the Apostle Paul says in Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Does the man seem to respond with faith to Jesus' rebuke? This man is really blessed to have been followed up by Jesus. In my human weakness I would have told this man in very harsh terms what an ungrateful dog he was.
  11. 1. Q3. (John 5:9-13) Why are the "sabbath police" (the Pharisees) so upset at the man who is healed? They are upset because in their zeal to interpret the law strictly, they go overboard as they consider themselves infallible without the need to revisit the relevant provision of the law as regards working on the Sabbath. 2. How can a person be so intent on rules that they miss what God is doing? People become hard of heart because of self consciousness, being drunk with their social status. They focus on the rules that they have made instead of putting God first. 3. Have you ever caught yourself doing that? Yes, as a parent I have been unreasonably strict on my children. 4. Has someone in your church been so intent on "how we do things here" that they couldn't see God at work? Yes, a pastor was angry with a church elder who agreed with a lady to start building an ablution block and pay for it directly instead of giving the funds to the pastor to order that the work be done. What is the sin of the Pharisees here? The sin of the Pharisees here is to worship the man-made rules rather than the Word of God; thus breaking the 3rd Commandment.
  12. 1. Q2. (John 5:6) Why do you think Jesus asked the invalid if he wanted to get well? I believe Jesus knew the invalid’s faithless heart. However, Jesus had to demonstrate God’s grace even in the absence of desire, even in the absence of faith. Furthermore, Jesus had to teach his disciples proper ministry. Why is it important for us not to make assumptions, but to seek discernment about people's needs before we pray for them? It is important for us not to make assumptions so that we make effective prayers because where two or three have met in His name and are agreed on an issue, He will grant our requests as He considers expedient for us. Without discernment we might pray at cross purposes.
  13. 1. Q1. (John 5:1-16) How would you describe the invalid's character? I would describe him as hopeless and somewhat arrogant. 2. The invalid's faith? There’s nothing that testifies to the invalid having any level of faith. His answer is more in the form of a complaint and putting blame on others:I have lost hope because nobody helps me and these people are selfish, rather than an enthusiastic “I’d really appreciate being made well”. 3. How does Jesus' healing here demonstrate the grace of God? Jesus’ healing demonstrates the Grace of God because this man firmly believed that the only way he could receive healing was through being dipped in the Bethesda pool. He didn’t even dream that healing could come by the Son of God. 4. Why do we humans find it difficult to accept grace when it is offered to us? It’s not only from our ignorance; it is also because the concept of grace is a difficult concept to understand just like that. It takes time and being well-grounded in Scripture. Why do we resist the concept that God's gifts are entirely by grace? We have a culture of “eating by the sweat of one’s brow” imprinted on us. So we believe we can only benefit through our own determined effort, which serves to boost our pride.
  14. Q2. (John 4:9-15) 1. Jesus' words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? My experience is that, in the natural we thirst, we get dehydrated and we feel the physical sensation and are able to express our feeling of thirst and our desire to quench it, and we proceed to do so. In the spiritual realm it is different. Those who thirst are unaware of it. They just go through an emptiness of life, pursuing the pleasures of this world in an attempt to reach satisfaction which eludes them because it is the wrong prescription. In the spiritual the prescription or thirst quencher has to come from an outside source familiar with the living water as Jesus came to the Samaritan woman. 2. Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? The woman seems to be spiritually thirsty at this point, finding herself compelled to stay and continue to listen to Jesus. 3. What caused her deep thirst to surface? Jesus patiently engaged her in an interactive sermon at the well enlightening her about the good news. 4. What does this teach us about our own witness? It teaches us that we should be ready to share the Word of God irrespective of our bodily condition, wherever we are and with whomever. It further teaches us that we should not allow ourselves to consider other people as unworthy of our sharing the Gospel with them.
  15. 1. What motives cause the woman to bring up a religious controversy to Jesus? She wanted to justify the position of the Samaritans. 2. Why do people today try to generate religious controversies with us? Out of ignorance, they might be like the rich man who wouldn’t have compassion with the poor man at his gate. I can quote a painful experience I had with a former friend of mine (after this experience I decided he no longer was a friend). This friend of mine is extremely rich by our South African standards. So, I requested him to consider helping my Church, the Methodist Church, hoping that he would be sympathetic because a long time ago I had seen his wife wearing a Methodist women’s uniform. His response was that he would rather help orphans. Encouraged, I told him the Church had an orphanage in the mountains and we would much appreciate his assistance. His response devastated me. He said he would be ready to give a bag or two of oranges and a couple loaves of bread and perhaps when those kids grow up they can forget the Church. The expletive he used to describe the Church I couldn’t even repeat to my wife. 3. What are their motives? Maybe their motives are like my former friend’s, whose motives seem to be to justify his position of being anti-Christ and to advance the destruction of the Church.
  16. 1. Q4. (John 4:16-19) What was the effect of Jesus' special knowledge of the woman's history with men? The effect was that she was shockingly awakened out of her casual regard of Jesus as just another Jew, to declaring: …You are a prophet. 2. What effect did it have on her faith? Jesus’ special knowledge of her history gave her discernment thus sowing within her, faith the size of a mustard seed. 3. How can such gifts of the Spirit work today to bring people to faith or deepen their faith? Jesus promised that when he goes he will send the Holy Spirit who will empower us to do what He had been doing, and even greater things because He was going to the Father. Armed with this word of empowerment, we can by faith, use our healing, prophesying, and miracle working gifts to deepen people’s faith.
  17. 1. Q3. (John 3:29) How does John the Baptist find joy in Jesus' success? For one, Jesus’ success signifies John the Baptist’s accomplishment of his mission to come ahead of Jesus to prepare for His coming. Secondly, John is acting in a godly manner because the Scripture says we are to “magnify the Lord who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.” 2. Do you find joy in the success of others who could be seen as competing with your ministry -- in your church or in your community or in your denomination? I do find joy, and I do envy the other churches for their good buildings and large following that contributes substantial tithes; all I can do is pray that God will bless our small church and congregation so that our church can be self-sustaining. Why do you think some pastors seem to compete with each other? I think some pastors compete with each other because they are not well “discipled”. They consider themselves as the heads of the church, rather than Jesus.
  18. 1. Q2. (John 3:26) Have you ever resented "larger churches" that attracted people from "your" church? In my environment, No, I have not resented “larger churches” attracting people from my church. In my country the main stream churches are the Roman Catholic which is by far the largest and wealthiest, followed by the Evangelical church established by the French, then the Anglican church from our English former colonialists and lastly the Methodist church of which I am a member. What I have somewhat resented are the upstart churches termed broadly as the “Saved” category of churches that are mushrooming all over the place. Our resentment derives from the fact that these churches are established, predominantly, for personal gain by people who are not well “discipled” at all. They are in it for the money and typically spread the wealth message in a poor country such as mine. 2. What is wrong with this kind of possessiveness? Their possessiveness is anti-Christ like. They do not even want what they perceive as competition from their assistants. Is it self-pity or something else? It is self-aggrandizement.
  19. Q2. (John 2:3-5) Why do you think Mary pushes Jesus to solve the wedding host's problem? In Genesis 25, God shares a prophecy with Rebekah: “22 And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord.23 And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger”. We see God sharing a prophecy with Rebekah, whilst Isaac was left in the dark. Maybe this is the beginning of women’s intuition, and so perhaps Mary as the mother knew something that we are not told in the Bible, but she was just a channel for fulfilling God’s purpose which Jesus could have known beforehand. Are her words to Jesus appropriate? Her words to Jesus are appropriate because she wants to rescue the wedding feast from disaster. Would you categorize Jesus' reply as a rebuke? No, I do not characterize it as a rebuke but as a statement of fact from Jesus who was always conscious not to manipulate publicity. If so, why does he go ahead with the miracle? He goes ahead with the miracle from sensing that the Father has a purpose with it.
  20. Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes "too busy" to spend time with friends and relatives? Sometimes we are “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives because they’ll be coming to ask for something, bring squabbles and complaints or just gossip; at the same time, if we do, we might be missing the opportunity to be a light in the darkness, to practical about our discipleship, and to point my friends and relatives to Jesus. What does Jesus' attendance at this wedding tell us about him? Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tells us though He is God, He is also fully human and humble enough to fulfill and not shun family visitations where He is just another invitee renewing family connections over food and drink. How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives? We can apply that learning in our personal lives by being ready to “hang out” with friends and relatives in order to take advantage of the slightest of openings to lead them to discipleship by example because people come to Christ by personal recommendation of a person they know and respect. It might also get us to leading in prayer.
  21. Q5. (John 1:50-51) Which aspects of Daniel's prophecy in Daniel 7:13-14 does Jesus apply to his title as Son of Man? By calling himself the Son of Man and saying that the angels of God ascending and descending on him, Jesus is referring to Daniel’s aspects of One given authority, glory and sovereign power, and eternal dominion since He is the stairway between heaven and earth, the only pathway for believers to go to the Father. When will the Son of Man complete his ministry? The Son of Man will complete his ministry after finally banishing the devil, his demons and all evildoers to hell forever and ever. At this point Jesus will gather his elect to spend eternity with him.
  22. Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? Jesus deals with Nathanael’s skepticism by miraculously revealing to him his character that is so amazingly true to Nathanael that he comes to the faith. What was the nature of the miracle? The miracle was in the nature of a supernatural prophetic insight. Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? Nathanael bestows on Jesus the title of “King of Israel” which is the same as saying Jesus is the Messiah.
  23. Q3. (John 1:40-42) What role does Andrew play in Simon Peter's conversion? Andrew played a crucial role in Simon Peter's conversion in that he did not keep his discovery of Jesus to himself. Instead, he went looking for and found his brother Simon and told him, 'We have found the Messiah' and then he brought him to Jesus. Today, why do so many Christians substitute bringing a person to Jesus with bringing them to church? It is in the Christian custom; beginning with bringing children to Jesus through baptism in Church, graduating to acting out our role as evangelists by bringing/recruiting people to church. What might be the similarities? Peter is the rock, the foundation upon which Jesus built His church of whom He is the Head and therefore the church is filled with Holy Spirit. What might be the differences? The differences might be that whilst Jesus is the same today and tomorrow, the church congregants and the church leadership are prone to being influenced by the flesh.
  24. Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn't Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? With His divine nature, Jesus knew that if He told them where He stayed they might turn back and promise to find Him another day. This didn't' suit Jesus. He is a Savior now; He has them now, and He must do His job of redemption now. Why was it important for disciples to "be with" Jesus? The disciples had to follow Jesus so as to learn from Him in order that He might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons. What does "being with" Jesus mean today? "Being with Jesus" today means spending time with The Word, the Bible and other sanctified means such as this course.
  25. Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? I think it was upon the recommendation of the Holy Spirit which prompted them to follow Jesus when they heard John say: 'Look, the Lamb of God'. What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case? I would say that this recommendation which was set into motion by John cost him nothing; instead, it helped him to maximize the achievement of his divine assignment of announcing the coming of Jesus by contributing a disciple(s) who helped to "prepare the highway for the Messiah".
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