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  1. Yes it is possible to have a pure heart. God forgives or sin and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. We put on the Righteous of Christ. Our part in this is to repent of all sin and draw close to God.
  2. David seeks to maximize his sins. Pardon requires true repentance which would require authentic acknowledgement of sin.
  3. We need to believe that God is willing to pardon. The faith is based on the Character and attributes of God. We gain faith by reading and meditating on the Word of God.
  4. I think that Abraham's boldness did please God because it showed that he had a relatinship with God and trusted in God's character. Boldness, humility and faith might cause God to take delight in my prayers to Him.
  5. Abraham demonstrated his humility before God by basically asking God's permission to press on and asking that God would not be angry with him. boldness must be tempered with humility because we must remember our place and that we are mere men/women speaking to the Almighty Creator of the universe.
  6. The basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom is that surely God would not destroy the righteous along with the wicked. It relates to God's character in that He is a just God.
  7. God’s character, desire, and purpose do not change but the doctrine of the immutability of God doesn't restrict His action. God cannot answer a prayer for something outside of His will.
  8. A wrong understanding of determinism and predestination keeps us from gutsy prayer because it makes us think that our prayers won't accomplish anything because everything is set in stone. I believe in the immutability of God but I think maybe God has conditions attached to His plans and the outcome depends on our response. Like when God was going to destroy Nineveh and sent Jonah and the people repented and they were saved. Also, God said, "If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from Heaven and heal their land." This seems to indicate that His healing our land is dependant on our actions. I think you would call a belief that our prayers make no difference fatalism.
  9. We should pray with boldness and according to God's Will. The logical grounds were that the Israelites are God’s own people, His reputation, His promises, His character, and His consistent mercy. Praying the promises of God means to quote God's promises back to Him in prayer. Knowing the Bible helps to get your prayers answered because you will know the promises that God made and you will also learn what God's will is.
  10. The people had asked Aaron to make a god that they could see and so he collected all the gold they had taken with them when they left Egypt and formed a golden calf. As if that wasn't bad enough they blasphemed God by saying to the people "here is your god who brought you out of Egypt" and then they used it as an altar and made burnt offerings. How can a loving parent on earth be angry with their children and punish them. The Israelites sinned by making an idol. The consequences of sin is death under the law. It is only by God's love and mercy that we get anything but death. God's sentence was justified because the Israelites were guilty of idol worship and blasphemy. According to the Bible, blasphemy is the unpardonable sin!
  11. We need to continually ask for forgiveness because even though we are no longer under the power of sin, we still do sin, and we want to keep our slate clean before God. How can God bless us when we are living in sin by not forgiving others? If we don't forgive others for sinning against us, how can we expect God to forgive us for sinning against Him?
  12. We don't like to ask any one for help because we think it shows weakness and we think that in order to be mature that we should be able to do everything on our own. We seek to be independent of God because we don't want anyone to control us but we want to be able to make our own rules and live according to how we feel. We should ask God for our daily bread even though we have jobs and can go out and buy what we need because God has made it possible for us to have the job and healthy so we can work. He wants us to depend on Him for everything.
  13. When we pray "Thy Kingdom Come" we are asking for Jesus to reign over all the earth and for Him to come back quickly. we want His Will to be done instead of our own. we should be preparing for His coming and reading His word to find out what His Will is and to align ourselves to it.
  14. My life and words Hallows God's Name when I give praise and honor and live according to HIS statutes. What desecrated and besmirches it is when I live in ways that are not honoring to Him and when I misuse His Name. When we pray we hallow His Name by honoring Him and giving Him praise for who He is and all He has done.
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