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About brianthedisciple

  • Birthday 10/18/1960

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    Seattle Wash
  • Interests
    Bike riding, walking, spending time with my family

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  1. Q3. (John 1:40-42) What role does Andrew play in Simon Peter’s conversion? after Andrew spent an unknown period of time with Jesus, the assumption is that there were many things that Jesus shared with him after this time of sharing, he immediately went and got his brother Peter. Another assumption, I believe truth, was the anticipation and expectation of the Messiah by the Jewish people, to include Peter and Andrew, and when Andrew reported, this is that Messiah that we've been expecting, Andrew was able to bring his brother to meet Jesus Today, why do so many Christians substitute bringing a person to Jesus with bringing them to church? the expectation is that simply by the person being in God's presence, and hearing the preaching, that is how their friend will get saved What might be the similarities? Jesus is being proclaimed (hopefully), and the word of God being preached is powerful and can bring salvation What might be the differences? Andrew had a personal encounter himself, and brought his brother to experience that same encounter simply coming to a church service might take away some of the personal touch that a person needs to encounter the risen Christ
  2. Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? The journey to where He was staying was equally important the place where he was staying Jesus apparently gave opportunity to have a conversation along the way as well as where he was staying Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus? Jesus was the long awaited messiah, so people had been looking for and anticipating his arrival for centuries they wanted to learn from him possibly the believed he was the one to deliver them from bondage under Rome, so they wanted to be a part of that What does “being with” Jesus mean today? asking Him to join me on my everyday walk constantly having a desire to learn from Him and about Him Trusting His lordship in my daily life circumstances
  3. Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? John the baptist In the previous verses, the day before they followed Jesus, vs.29, is a discourse from John about "the lamb of God" His rank above John, He existed before John, and the purpose of his baptizing (that He might be revealed to Israel) He testified (to everyone, including these disciples, possibly) that he saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and rested on Him The Father instructed John on what to look for in the person who would baptize with the Holy Spirit, vs. 33 He testified (to everyone, including these disciples), that this was the Son of God After all this, the next day, vs. 35, no wonder they followed Jesus What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case? He lost at least 2 disciples But, the was the purpose of his coming, to introduce Israel to the Messiah, so in essence, nothing was lost
  4. Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? John's baptism was a singular event: a person came to him to repent of and be forgiven of their sins, and that's it Jesus baptism was multi-dimensional. As a pentecostal believer, the emphasis that I learned was on the speaking in tongues. What I appreciate about this lesson is that it highlights the multi-dimensions of the Holy Spirit I experienced, and continue to experience these "dimensions" of the Holy Spirit, but I never saw Him in this way before: "Born of the Spirit" (3:6, 8), "born from above/again" (3:6). Worship "in Spirit and in truth" (4:24). "Rivers of living water" flowing out of one's heart (7:38-39), offered to "whoever believes in me." "The Spirit of truth," who is with you and will be in you (14:16-17) -- another Counselor (Greek Paraklētos), the indwelling Spirit. The Spirit (Paraklētos) who will teach and remind believers of what Jesus said (14:26). The Spirit (Paraklētos) who testifies of Jesus (15:26). The Spirit (Paraklētos) who will guide us into all truth (16:13-15), and who will convict the world of sin (16:8-11). The Spirit Whom Jesus breathed upon his disciples -- "Receive the Holy Spirit" (20:22). Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event? As I think about it, the baptism in water is an mere earthly "symbol" of the heavenly "symbol", the baptism in the Holy Spirit, to be totally immersed in, and plunged into the presence of God. In Acts 2, the apostles appeared drunk after receiving the Holy Spirit, ie, totally immersed in and plunged into God's Spirit.
  5. Q4. (John 1:29) What does the title “Lamb of God” tell us about Jesus’ ministry? he came into the world with a specific mission and purpose, to be sacrificed as a lamb, sent by God to do this According to 1:29, whose sins did he come to take away? the people who have existed on this planet, both past, present, and future In what ways did Jesus fulfill Isaiah 53? he did not open his mouth to defend himself he wasn't impressive looking that anyone would desire him Abba laid on him the iniquities of all mankind
  6. Q3. (John 1:19-27) How does John the Baptist show humility? he denies he is one of the great prophets of the old testament, though he was very popular How can a person see himself as the fulfillment of a passage from Isaiah and still be humble about it? he understands his calling and maintains a close relationship with God How does John see himself in relation to the coming Messiah? he didn't see himself as worthy of the most menial task that a slave would perform, tying his shoes How can a person be such a strong revivalist preacher and still remain humble? close communion with His God Can humility and powerful, confident speech co-exist? of course it can
  7. Q2. (John 1:26-27) Why did John baptize? He was sent to prepare the hearts of the people and get them ready to receive the coming messiah What is the meaning of the baptism he was performing? When a person was baptized, they showed a desire to repent of their sins and receive forgiveness from God What do you think baptism represents to those John baptized? They thought he was doing this because he was one of the 3 great men that were expected to come in the last days: Messiah, Moses, or Elijah
  8. Q1. (John 1:19-23) Why do you think John the Baptist was being hassled by the religious leaders from Jerusalem? Possibly because he was drawing large crowds and the people were gravitating to him instead of them John was calling the religious leaders out because of their sins and hypocrisy What were they afraid of? Losing power How did John understand his own mission? His job was to prepare the people to receive the soon coming messiah How much conflict do you think could be expected from John’s mission? Anytime people are threatened, they are capable of doing just about anything to maintain their power and position.
  9. Q5. (John 1:18) What does it mean that Jesus is the “Only God” or the “Only Begotten God”? He is unique and one of a kind. Does the Apostle John seem to make a distinction between God the Father and God the Son? "who is Himself God" "is at the Fathers side" What does all this mean for our understanding of the Trinity? not that I totally understand it or ever will, but, it is clear that all parts of the Trinity are clearly God, but, in each, there is distinctions from the others
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