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Jesus Follower

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  1. It is easier than taking responsibility for our sins. No. No. He gives us free will. Our sin and His forgiveness show us His grace and His power to change us. He gets all the glory for destroying death and sin and purchasing us for Himself.
  2. I haven't let Satan destroy me, rather God has kept me in faith. God has reduced my confidence in man-made systems and myself. I am less fearful and more thankful of Jesus' complete and powerful work on the cross and in me.
  3. God has reminded me of His sovereignty. Also, the security of His perfect work on the cross.
  4. Do God's will. That God would work in us what is pleasing to Him. For us to do His will. He made us, and bought is w/a price. He is worthy of our praise and our lives.
  5. Jesus offered the same power for abundant & eternal life and power to save for the Hebrews as for their leaders. For me He still has the power to save me and cause me to live a fruitful life for Him. He is Lord, Saviour, compassionate priest and guide. He is active in my life, providing, saving, healing teaching me from His word and by the power of His Holy Spirit.
  6. Reliance on money more than God. Always wanting more even when needs provided. Generosity is the antidote for greed. Generous to giving to the Lord's work. Trusting in God as our provider. God's promises, that He will never leave us or forsake us. His Word! He is our helper and He will never leave us or forsake us.
  7. They show evidence of Christ's work in us. Kindness to strangers @ work. Kindness to people I don't know well @ Church.
  8. Yes. Fearing the consequences of rebellion toward God is wise. Eternal damnation is terrifying and rightly so. Unhealthy fear would prevent us from approaching God's throne with confidence. Would cause separation from God instead of causing us to draw close to God.
  9. No. Holiness will result because the heart changes. Behavior changes after that. Habitual sin can accompany being held out of heaven, if the person does not have saving faith.
  10. No. These verses deal with hardship relating to persecution, trouble because we serve, love, and obey God. Punishment is because we disobey, God Does punish disobedience, but that is not what these verses are dealing with. Punishment teaches sin has horrible consequences. Often, the punishment is much less severe than the actual consequences of sin. To make us more like Christ, and to bring peace, righteousness, into our lives, training us for heaven.
  11. Offers a light at the end of the tunnel. Our hardship has a reason, and ends up benefiting us. It also will have an end. Peaceable fruit of righteousness, share on God's holiness, prepare us for heaven.
  12. It is exhausting emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Often, it persists for long periods of time. To receive our reward. Yes, grown tied before, when little to no evidence of fruit. And those serving with me working to counteract how I was trying to serve God.
  13. Saints who have gone before, successfully living out their faith in spite of suffering. A race set before a great crowd. He had perfect faith, suffered perfectly, and successfully. He made salvation possible. His obedience and suffering makes it possible for us to live and suffer in a way that honors God. And to be received into heaven.
  14. Faith. God's word. Israelites had faith in God's Word. Egyptian army trusted in their own strength. She absolutely had faith and she took her opportunity to make a choice to be included in God's family. We are wise (shrewd ) when we accept God's gift of salvation and avoid eternal judgement.
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