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Everything posted by Katy

  1. L I’m Q3.Godliness is something that is developed over time by consistently being immersed in the things of God. We do this for just one reason and that is that we love God so very much. It is something that is developed within our hearts over time as we grow in our knowledge and love of Christ. It is not something we notice ourselves but can be noticed by others. It takes time, consistency and single mindedness! We love God so much that we don’t want to offend or hurt Him in any way. Godliness is something that happens deep inside us in private with God. Strict Morality is a code of do’s and don’t that may have little to do with pleasing God, and more likely to be pleasing ourselves and thinking we are so much better than most people! It is religion and law keeping and nothing to do with a relationship with the Living God.
  2. Q2. As human beings we want to be in control of our lives. It is difficult for us to surrender ourselves and accept God’s gift of Salvation. By performing good deeds we feel we are contributing in some way to make ourselves good enough to be acceptable to God. The Scriptures tell that our good deeds are like “filthy rags”. Sometimes if we don’t fully understand the Gospel, our good deeds can give us a feeling of self righteous and superiority. The true Gospel is about Jesus doing it all for us. We cannot add or subtract anything to what Jesus did for us. Only Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross was good enough to redeem us back from our sinful lives. If we attempt to do anything towards our Salvation by legal requirements , we do not grasp the Gospel and are like the Pharisees and are insulting to Jesus.
  3. Q1. Paul was reminding Timothy about the prediction from God about False Teachers who would get into the Church’s and spread false teachings and lies. This was causing chaos in Ephesus and Paul wanted to forewarn his young friend and protégé. Being a father like figure to Timothy he may have been anxious that Timothy would find it very difficult to deal with. Paul wanted Timothy to be on his guard and to stamp out anything that was being taught contrary to the teachings of God. Timothy must also encourage and help the congregations so that they don’t become discouraged and drift into apostasy. Timothy must continue to be diligent in teaching God’s teachings so the people would be able to distinguish exactly what was true and right and what were lies from Satan.
  4. Q4. The qualifications for both Elders and Deacons are similar. They must be upright men, who love Christ and desire to serve the body of Christ to the best of their ability. Their roles are however different, the Elders are more mature Christians and are responsible for teaching and dealing with issues of discipline. The Deacons deal with the Church administration and paperwork.
  5. Q3. When considering someone for Church Leadership, they must be considered holistically. Every aspect of their character must be examined, not just the positive but also the negatives. This is why it is preferable if a candidate for leadership could spend a lot of time at the church getting to know the people and they getting to know him. Anger intimidation, force and pride should not be observed in this person. The fruit of the Spirit should be in evidence. If the church ignores things like anger, pride and intimidation, they will regret it because it is sowing seeds of resentment and hatred and general unrest within the church and possibly towards this person and it is not honouring to God.
  6. Q3. If a person is inclined towards anger, intimidation, force and pride, they may not be walking in the spirit, and therefore would be most unsuitable for church leadership. Potential church leader must show signs of humility, compassion, gentleness. All the characteristics of Jesus should be seen in them. That is not to say they are perfect we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Every day should be spent trying to humbly follow in Jesus footsteps . If the church appoints someone who is inclined to be angered easily, is full of pride and forceful, they will cause disruption, dissension and chaos. Worst of all it will dishonour God’s name and bring the church into disrepute.
  7. Q2. Prospective Leaders need to be observed closely to determine their true character. Are they beyond reproach, do they get on with people and welcome strangers? Are they a man of God, praying without ceasing, longing to see others come to Christ. Daily absorbed in the word of God, and willing and able to teach others? How do they treated their families, is there love and respect shown to his wife and children? He must not be a new convert in case he becomes conceited and acts rashly, he must be a man of maturity in the things of God.
  8. Q1. Paul is saying that a candidate for leadership within a Church must be the husband of just one wife. He must also be respectful kind and caring to both his wife, and his children. There must be a balance between love and discipline. Discipline should be only administered with love and never in anger. His home should be a happy open home, where all members of the family respect each other and forgive mistakes, and close ranks in time of trouble. If a man’s home is run in this way, he will probably make a good leader within a church. However if the children are disrespectful and out of control this would be a red flag, pointing to something within the family not being right. Further investigation would be needed. I do understand that some children can turn their backs on God in their teens, even though they have been brought up in a loving Christian home. These children would still be respectful and obey their parents, but maybe show reluctance to attend church etc. Fervent prayer is then needed.
  9. Q5. I think Paul’s main reason for not wanting women to teach was probably their lack of education and training. Also some were obviously causing some kind of unrest with their calling out at inappropriate times. Today women have opportunities to be educated and trained to teach just like men. In our church the Pastor or Elders preach during services, and this is reserved for the men. Women are involved in teaching in women’s groups, children’s clubs etc. This is accepted and works well. However I do think if no trained man was available, say in a missionary situation then a woman should teach. I think it should depend on the gifts people are given.There is no point in man or woman teaching if they don’t know the Scriptures and don’t have the gift of teaching from God.
  10. Q4. Paul was concerned because some women were wearing expensive clothes and accessories. This was done to show to others that they were doing well and could afford nice things. This should not have been the motive for dressing to go to church, it may make others feel uncomfortable because they were poor, and give them a sense of not being able to ‘fit in’! It also shows wrong motives for going to church. If one is so concerned about showing off their status in life, can they really be coming to worship God, will they have spent time in prayer and reading scripture before they came?? As women we need to dress modestly and with taste. What we wear depends on the culture and customs of the country and area we live in. I do think it is important to keep ourselves smart and nicely dressed. I think we do a disservice to the Lord if we appear to neglect our looks and how we dress and as a result look old fashioned and frumpy. I don’t mean we need to spend a lot of money but I think it is important to keep our hair nicely cut and cared for, and to be reasonably up to date with our clothes. These things can be done on a tight budget. It is honouring to the Lord to present ourselves clean, and well turned out.
  11. Q3. Unfortunately the false teacher who at infiltrated the church in Ephesus had caused anger and strife among the congregation, it would appear from these verses that the men were particularly affected. They were coming to worship with hatred anger and strife in their hearts. Because of this they were unable to worship in spirit and in truth. Their minds were preoccupied with other matters. Unless they came to worship with peace in their hearts and their minds focused on the Lord their prayers would not be heard. This is also a warning for us not to approach worship with worldly things occupying our hearts and minds. It is an insult to God and our prayers will not be heard.
  12. Q2. Jesus is both our Mediator and Our Ransom. Jesus , mediated between God and man. He went much further for us He didn’t just negotiate on our behalf He also became the ransom. Jesus was the the only one good enough to appease the wrath of the Father, Jesus was the only sinless person in existence and the only one who could ransom us by taking our place and becoming our ransom. Because Jesus loved us so much He was prepared to give up the splendour of heaven and come down to earth, with just one purpose in mind. That purpose was to die on a cross so there could be reconciliation between us and God. However we have free will He will never force us to follow Him. This is a decision each one must make for themselves.
  13. Q1.Paul emphasises salvation of all people, and not just Jews because with everything that was going on in the church, false teachers, the inward looking results of their attitudes, the wrong teachings etc, something was being missed. The gentiles were being forgotten and not being prayed for by the church congregation of Jews. This would suggest that they had forgotten about God’s great commission and were not involved in evangelism.
  14. Q4. Paul is trying to encourage Timothy by reminding him that when he was commissioned that he received from God gifts which would help him in his work. He wasn’t going alone he had the Holy Spirit to lead guide, protect, and counsel him . To fight the good fight means that no matter what comes our way that we hold on firmly to God through thick and thin. Only by doing this will we finish the race and please God. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. This promise is for bad times as well as good times. Paul tells Timothy that he must hold onto faith and a good conscience, because the two must work together. If there is sun in our lives we cannot work and be effective for God. We must keep ourselves pure and have a clear conscience.
  15. Q3.We learn that God is Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, The only God. When we think in detail about the essence of God , we can but praise Him. We are so privileged to have been called and chosen as one of God’s family, we must give Him praise on an ongoing basis. I do sometimes pray the Doxology in Jude v24 -25. Now I will add a few more.A doxology says all the things about God that I want to say but I’m not articulate enough to put the words together. So saying or reading one makes me think about God and how wonderful He is and how blessed I am!
  16. Q2. Paul was showing that it was not the law that changed his sinful way of life. Although the law was well know by him through ignorance he sinned grievously by killing and persecuting Christians. He realised his sinfulness by the grace and mercy of a forgiving God. Paul was open and honest to show that he had a sinful life before he was chosen by Christ and shown just how forgiving He is. If Christ did it for Paul , He will do it for any of the listeners who turns from their sinful ways and ask God’s forgiveness. This shows churches that no matter how sinful anyone is that we have a forgiving God. If anyone asks His forgiveness and turns from their sinful lives , Christ is waiting and longing to forgive and welcome the repentant sinner back.
  17. Q1. Some of the results of the false teachings at Ephesus were a very unhappy and unstable church. There were controversies , quarrels and strife. This was leading to division, inward thinking and distrust. The Spirit of the church was being compromised. This distracted from the work of the church and gave Satan a foothold! The church that is being subjected to false teaching is spiritually compromised because truth is not being taught and people pick up untruths which lead to confusion and quarrels. A church in these circumstances cannot thrive only God’s truth will make a church thrive and flourish. A congregation must also be humble and eager to hear, and obey. If a church is not hearing truth it’s people cannot go out any and fulfill God’s mission they will be telling warped messages which are detrimental to everyone who hears.
  18. Q55.Jesus uses two men the priest and the Levite who should be caring and helpful, but they turn their backs on the half dead and injured man lying at the side of the road. They were more interested in not becoming involved, or becoming ‘unclean’ by touching open wounds. The Samaritan by comparison was not hypocritical like the priest and the Levite. Although he was a Samaritan and hated by Jewish people, he saw the man’s plight and put all his biases on one side and got to work to see what he could do for the injured man. Jesus wanted this to be teaching not just for the learned man , to whom He spoke but also to us. We all need to examine ourselves as to how good a neighbour are we? Jesus is also showing us as well as the man who asked ‘Who is my neighbour’, that our neighbour is everyone in this world no matter who they are. We are all equal in God’s sight, and that should be the way we think. We must not limit our help just to those we know or are like us, but to others who are in need. Yes I am moved by those who are in need. I’m involved in various ways to help others. Sometimes the needs are overwhelming but we must look up and do the honest best we can. Jesus is with us and will help our efforts. If we just make a difference in a few people’s lives , it is better than doing nothing.
  19. Q54. Jesus told the disciples these parables to teach them about being faithful to their Master, and using the talents and gifts He has given them to bring glory to God and benefit those around us. There is also teaching on the punishment for being unfaithful and disobedient, these people will be thrown into darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For a long time I thought I had no gifts but on studying further I realised I did have some, because I am a Christian and so I have been given them by God. My gifts are encouraging, serving and listening. I serve where ever I can in church, and I do voluntarily work which I try to use as a means of sharing God’s love and speaking about Him. I try to be a good listener, I find so many people today are burdened by one thing or another. So many are lonely and just need someone to talk to. I think many do not know the importance of using their talents and gifts for the benefit of others and the glory of God. They don’t realise that they are depriving those around them of the benefits of their gifts. I knew very little about gifts until I studies Dr Ralph’s course on the Holy Spirit. This series was a revelation to me, most of it at least. Other people are selfish and can’t be bothered to use them. God expects more from greatly gifted people because they have been given more to work with. They have the benefit of education, social skills, and possibly finance to further their talents. Their reward will also be great if they are obedient and use their talents to further Gods kingdom and benefit others.
  20. Q53. Jesus uses this time with His disciples to teach them about humility and service to others. He chose to do one of the most menial job, washing His disciples feet to give them and us an example to follow. A parable is about teaching and so is this a very clear teaching which would not be easily forgotten and so this is a parable. This was shocking and embarrassing to the disciples because it was a job done usually by the lowest of servants. It was considered too menial for a Jewish slave, never mind The Master Himself! It was something that totally took them out of their comfort zone. It was strange and disconcerting for them. It is a parable of cleansing because it teaches us that when we accept Jesus as Lord our sins are forgiven. However we do need to regularly come to Jesus and confess any sins we commit , this is shown in the parable by having a bath signifies the total cleansing at conversion and the washing of feet only is the regular confessing to Jesus of sins committed during the day. It is a rebuke of pride and competition because Jesus is gently showing them how He desires them to act. To think of others , to serve in humility. This is the way to become ‘first’ by being a servant to those around us and those that are hurting in this evil world. It is good to be reminded by this parable of what Jesus wants us to do. There are certain people that I come across in my voluntary work that I just don’t like and I find hard to engage in conversation with and I know this must change and it is something I have been working on. Some days I am more gracious than others. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  21. Q45.In practical terms to “eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood”means to believe in Him, to have a close relationship with Him, to honour Him in every way we possibly can, and to obey Him always. To nibble bread rather than making a meal of it means one is not serious about their relationship with Christ. Other things are more important and Christ gets whatever time is left, if there is any left. Eating His flesh and abiding in Him are one and the same thing. Jesus used this “ offensive “ analogy to seperate the true believers and those who were hangers on.
  22. Q44. To abide means to be in a close relationship with Jesus. It is a relationship of closeness moment by moment. Jesus is abiding in me and I in Jesus is mutual in dwelling.To be abiding we must have a personal intimate relationship with Jesus. Without Jesus we are incapable of doing anything worthwhile. We cannot grow Spiritually, or become like Jesus unless we are following Him closely. Anything done apart from Christ has no value in eternity, we need to do things for Christ as only these things bring glory to him and will last.
  23. Q43. Skilful pruning helps the fruitfulness of the vine by preventing it from becoming too overgrown and allowing the sunlight to get through. It prevents disease developing in the vine. It produces better quality grapes. It cuts away all broken and diseased branches so that nutrients are channeled into the right areas of the vines. When we study His word and follow the Lord closely we are shown how to live as Jesus wants us to and as we gradually do this, we are being cleansed and more like Jesus. If we hold to His teachings, we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. That means we will learn about our sins and repent and know that Jesus died on the cross for us. His forgiveness of our sins will set us free. Set us free from being enslaved to sin.
  24. Q42. We tend to excuse, ignore or live in a bubble of denial when it comes to hypocrisy. We can easily detect it in those around us but we think, I’m different! Hypocrisy is talking in one way but acting differently. We are not walking the talk. Usually it is because of lack of humility, or pride! When we are full of pride we are not growing Spiritually because we are focused on me and not on God and the things of God. In the same way we will be disinterested in witnessing, neither will people be interested in what we have to share once they know that we are hypocritical. If our life is full of hypocrisy , we are being disobedient to God and distinctly show our disinterest in being obedient to God. If we want to be followers of Jesus we must get rid of all hypocrisy in our lives, as it goes against all the teachings of God, and we have been warned about it in parables from Jesus himself. Hypocrisy and following Jesus are not compatible.
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