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About AdventIlliniRx

  • Birthday 11/07/1959

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    San Antonio, Texas

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  1. 1. What does the darkness at Jesus' crucifixion represent, do you think? (Luke 23:44-45a)....darkness represents a void where The LORD is not present. The death of Jesus Christ was a time where that void existed 2. What is the meaning of the curtain of the temple being torn in two? (Luke 23:45b)....the curtain being torn in two represented the end of the Sanctuary on earth. The Sanctuary was the place where The LORD was present in the temple in Jerusalem. the tearing of the curtain destroyed this place. 3. What does Jesus mean when he says, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit"? (Luke 23:46) Why does this saying comfort us so much?....each one of us has the Spirit that is given to us by The LORD. 4. What did the centurion see in Jesus' last hours that caused him to declare Jesus innocent, a righteous man? (Luke 23:47)...Jesus Words were expressions of Love instead of anger. 5. What would you have felt like had you witnessed Jesus' crucifixion -- if you didn't know the next chapter in the story? deep disapointment, like all the Disciples and Apostles felt. 6. Why is faith so important during the dark chapters of our lives? Faith sustains Hope. What does it take to shake off the numbness and depression and take hold of that faith once more? Pray, Study, Praise, Meditate on The Word. 7. What does Jesus intend for us disciples to learn from this passage, do you think?...many lessons but the primary Lesson is That Jesus IS LORD.
  2. 1. How did the temple soldiers abuse Jesus? (Luke 22:63-65). with brutality. physically abused. Why did they abuse him, do you think? they believed he was an enemy of the State and and enemy of the Synagogue (Church) 2. Why was it important to Jesus' opponents to get him to admit to being the Messiah? (Luke 22:67a). To justify the torture and murder. What kind of Messiah were they expecting? a Davidic King. A restoration of Israel as a sovereign nation. 3. Why are Jesus' opponents often unable to listen to truth told them by credible people? (Luke 22:67b-68). They are 100% self-centered. How does understanding this help us to be more faithful disciples? Jesus is example of 100% non-conformist and Faith. 4. Read the passage about the Son of Man that Jesus refers to in 22:69 -- Daniel 7:13-14. What does this tell us about Jesus' preferred title of Son of Man? Jesus was 100% human being. What does it tell us about Jesus' true nature? Jesus was 100% human being and 100% Divinity simultaneously. 5. Extra credit: What, if anything, do the concepts of Messiah and Son of Man have in common? Messiah is Saviour and of Son of Man is a King. What are the differences between them? Messiah is related to God. Son of Man is descendant of human being 6. What did Jesus' Jewish opponents mean by the term "Son of God"? the relationship to God. What do Christians mean by the term "Son of God"? Is related to God Why is Jesus as the Son of God so important to our understanding of him? It is the character of Jesus. 7. What goals did Jesus' opponents achieve in his trial before the Sanhedrin? What liability did they incur by means of these proceedings?
  3. 1. What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and his ministry acts in Capernaum? “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” The LORD is source of Liberty and Justice. physical, spiritual and mental. 2. Jesus' words were spoken with conviction and authority, compared to the scribes who often spoke in the synagogue. What was the source of Jesus' conviction and authority? Jesus IS THE LORD His divinity? YES Or something else? NO Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching? YES Why or why not? The Holy Spirit lives in all Disciples. 3. Why do you think the demon oppressed man interrupted Jesus? satanic angel /spirit 4. After you've read Dr. Wilson's essay on "Demonization and Deliverance in Jesus' Ministry" (in Appendix 2, do you think he proves his assertion that demonization describes a range of demon influence, rather than complete possession? Why or why not? 5. Why isn't recovery from demonic deception always instantaneous? What is the process of deliverance that a person must go through to come to full freedom? 6. Give examples from your own life or experience on how deceptive and innocent involvement in sin can appear, and how terrible the consequences. struggle with overcoming addictions (physical, mental), ***********, 7. What will happen in your life if you toy with or nurture the temptations you have to sin? slavery What happens when sin and Satan get a foothold in your life? slavery
  4. 1. What lesson was Jesus seeking to teach his disciples when he sent them out without purse, bag, or sandals? (Luke 22:35). To be 100% dependent on The LORD. 2. Why now does he tell them to take a purse and a bag? (Luke 22:36a). Necessary items for travel 3. Why does he tell them to sell their overcoat, if they need to, in order to obtain a sword? The Gospel is as important as clothing What is the main point of mentioning the sword? (Luke 22:36b) Persecution is a consequence of The Gospel. 4. Extra Credit: Is his command to obtain a sword meant literally or figuratively? Both What difference will your decision on the interpretation of 22:36b make in terms of your actions? determines your religion and philosophy 5. Why does Jesus' quotation about being "numbered with the transgressors" have to do with the context of this passage? (Luke 22:37)non-compliance is an element of Discipleship. 6. How was being "numbered" with the transgressors fulfilled in Jesus' life? by the cross. According to the passage quoted in Isaiah 53, what did he do for the transgressors by means of his death? forgiveness.
  5. Mark E Marek, Adventist, Texan, member of Seventh-Day Adventist Church, born in 1959, born again around 2000, BS Engr University of Illinois - Urbana, MBA St Marys Univ, SATX, sales/business development executive, Texas independent health benefits and business owner insurance agent since 2016, dba Affordable Medical Insurance Solutions LLC, golfer, republican.
  6. 1. John was Conceived by The Holy Spirit. His father and mother were from tribes of Priests. He was set aside by The LORD, fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. 2. If I believe that The LORD is omnipresent and omnicient then I believe that The LORD has foreknowledge of my life regardless of my choices. 3. The LORD has given me a character and spirit of non-compliance which questions EVERYTHING and trusts no one, except The Word of The LORD. John provides an example of that character type. 4. I am not dependent on anyone. 5. The LORD Forgives ALL sin. The LORD Jesus Christ died a death by crucifixion to Forgive ALL sin. ALL are forgiven. 6. The Word says that Repentance is required to be born again. 7. The LORD has Forgiven me of my sin. I have Repented. I Believe. I claim The Promise of Rest, Peace, and Eternal Life. I am Born Again.
  7. zaccheus is a government official with a high-ranking. He was despised by the jews because they were occupied by the roman government. Jesus knew Zaccheus adn was using him as example of God's love for all humans, unlike the jews who hated roman governance. Jesus continually teaches about Love. Zaccheus story is yet another example.
  8. It is ironic that the Disciples did not believe in the Power of Prayer. seems to be the human condition. humans don't believe in a Universal, Eternal God, the I AM. The Remnant Church believes and is assured. We will be assured by engaging with developing a permanent relationship w God.
  9. Christianity faced the challenges of the jews, the roman government (which was becoming more tyrannical and secular)....The Apostle Paul spent the majority of his time and did all the Disciples in defending themselves from persecution by the government and by the jews
  10. Barnabas is a Levite, so he has the heritage of Ministry. Also he is a native to the land, so he is a leader in the community. Also he has a heart for ministry. Barnabas was a prophet. Barnabas original name was Joses. The Apostles nicknamed him Barnabas which is translated son of encouragement (Acts 4:36). in aramaic, his name means "son of prophecy". ...Barnabas was one of the leaders in the early Jerusalem church and was later a missionary to the Gentiles. His name was Joses, but the apostles called him Barnabas, which is an Aramaic name meaning “Son of Prophecy,” and which Luke translates “Son of Consolation” or “Son of Encouragement.” He was a Levite from the island of Cyprus, but is first seen in Jerusalem (4:36). He was generous with his possessions (4:37), showed a kind spirit toward others (9:27), and was godly in his character (11:24). When the Jews in the Jerusalem church heard of the Gentile conversions at Antioch, they chose Barnabas to go to them. For a year he stayed and accomplished a great work among them. Then, when God called Paul to begin his missionary work, He also called Barnabas (13:2). They severed their relationship before Paul’s second missionary journey over the issue of John Mark’s reliability, since Mark had abandoned them on their first journey (15:36–41). Barnabas does not appear again in the narrative of Acts. He is identified by Tertullian as the author of Hebrews. Clement of Alexandria reports that Barbabas was one of the Seventy (Luke 10:1) and was the author of a so-called Epistle of Barnabas. But all of these reports are probably incorrect. (First Reference, Acts 4:36; Primary Reference, Acts 13.)
  11. i agree that the woman was forgiven of her sins before she entered the home of the pharisee. Jesus already knew she would be there and knew of her actions...what i never realized was that with the woman kissing the feet of Jesus, we see that Jesus resisted temptation of sexual ****. If He was a false prophet or and evil spirit or the anti-christ he would have used the woman's affection in fulfilling his own sexual ****.....it has been said by many that Jesus never faced the temptation of sexual sin, but this is an example of the LORD resisting temptation to commit adultery or fornication. Mark E. Marek San Antonio, Texas 78250
  12. Amen. Thanks for the Lesson on Power of The Holy Spirit. I need to remember that the Power of The Holy Spirit is equal to the Power of Jesus Christ. Mark Marek, SATXUSA
  13. The Gospels, Jesus's Words, always are focused on The Spiritual & Holy, while humans are listening to His words and analyzing the physical instead of the Spiritual.
  14. i don't support the Theology of Apostles living or existing past the original 12 which were Apostles chosen by Jesus Christ which the last one was Apostle Paul. To suggest otherwise is taking a view that is extraneous to Scripture, which as a Protestant Christian who believe in "solo scriptora" Theology makes the Theology of Apostles living beyond the Apostle Paul and Apostle John gives credibility that is speculative.
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