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Everything posted by Irmela

  1. 2.1 In what sense are we asking that the Father's Kingdom should come? We are asking that Jesus come into our lives in the here and now and finally also His soon return physically to take over and rule and reign as Lord and King 2.2 Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on Earth? We want God's perfect will to be done even here while we are on earth. 2.3 How should this prayer affect our living? We should live Christ-filled lives, serving God with all that we have and in all that we do.
  2. 1.1What about our lives and words "hallows" the Name of our Father. Our attitude as we approach God our Father with familiarity, as our Dad, and yet at the same time with respect and honour. 1.2 What desecrates and besmirches it? The using of His Name in vain (swearing and cursing) desecrates and besmirches it. 1.3 How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We should show Him respect and honour due to Him. Approach Him as our Daddy, the One Who cares for us, Who loves us, Who disciplines us, Who has authority over us, Who blesses us.
  3. 7. What kinds of ministries of preparation do we see in the church today? Why is preparation so important for the future? What does the history of revivals teach us about the importance of preparation? Why do we sometimes get disillusioned with ministries of preparation? Sunday Schools where children are taught about God's love power and justice. Youth meetings where young people supposedly receive guidance and preparation for their future in this world and eternity. Colleges where students prepare for ministry .... unfortunately much doubt is also sprouted. History of revivals teach us that there is a lot of prayer which foreruns revivals. Then comes repentance. God wants righteousness and holiness. Sin stops the working of the Holy Spirit. Ministry of preparation is a lonely ministry. Change does not happen overnight. It is easy to become discouraged if no change is seen
  4. 1. Why are the neighbors surprised at Elizabeth's choice of a name for the baby? None in the family are called John. A child was usually named after someone in the family, especially the first-born son. Why are they so surprised when Zechariah writes "John" on a wooden tablet? (1:60-63) This confirmed what Elizabeth had said. All had assumed that Zechariah was deaf and dumb so they motioned with signs, instead of just talking to him. As soon as he wrote down the name, his power of speech returned and he praised God, and they were amazed. 2. How does the filling of the Holy Spirit relate to prophecy? (1:67) In what sense was the "speaking in other languages" on the day of Pentecost actually prophecy? (Acts 2:4, 11, 17) To be filled means to be full of, in every way - his actions, thinking, speaking. Zechariah firstly praised God. Then he prophesied about the Messiah and then about John ( the forerunner of the Messiah) The 'speaking in other languages' wld have been prophesying that the Good News was not just for the Jews/Israrlites but for the whole world. 3. Zechariah and his son John were from the house or tribe of Levi. What does it mean when the prophecy refers to "the house of his servant David"? The Messiah would be descended from the kingly line of David. What tribe was he from? David was from the tribe of Judah. How is His lineage significant? (See Genesis 49:10. Also Luke 2:4, 11 and Matthew 2:4-6.) The sceptor or leadership would be from Judah. Both Matth and Luke point out that He was from the House of David. .... King Interesting too .... Mary was cousin to Elizabeth (from the priestly line of Aaron, from the tribe of Levi) .... Priest. 4. How are the terms "salvation" and "rescue" used in Zechariah's prophecy? (1:69, 71, 74, 77). Salvation and rescue is to care for, to set free, to deliver from or to liberate. Do they speak of military or spiritual salvation? Spiritual Salvation, i.e. salvation from the power of sin, so that they can live godly lives which reflect holiness and righteousness before God. When does the Messiah bring spiritual salvation? Through the forgiveness of sins. Sin kept them in captivity and forgiveness set them free. (pardoned them) . When do we believe Messiah brings about military deliverance to his people? When He will come again as reflected in Revelation. 5.What is the purpose of Messiah's salvation in verses 74 and 75? What kind of lives does he expect us to live? To serve Him fearlessly and be in His presence. To live holy and righteous lives. 6.What are John the Baptist's chief tasks as outlined in 76-77? He was to prepare the way for the Messiah. He was to give them the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of sins, i.e. call them to repentance so they cld receive the forgiveness of sins and be set free or experience pardon (spiritual salvation).
  5. 1. Why do you think Mary wanted to see her kinswoman, Elizabeth? What do you think Mary hoped to get out of the visit? Mary and Elizabeth were both with child. These children were both sent with a specific purpose connected to each other if one can put it like that. I am sure Mary was greatly encouraged by Elizabeth and vice-versa. Mary's time to be misunderstood and looked down upon was fast approaching and her time with Elizabeth would be of great help to her. At least Elizabeth would understand her. 2. In what way is Mary blessed among women? Mary is blessed in that she believed the angel and also in that she showed no resistance for what God was about to allow to come to pass. 3. Mary "believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." How did her actions demonstrate this? Her trip down south to her cousin Elizabeth was evidence of her belief. She went to Elizabeth, the one person who would be able to help her. 4. How does saying psalms of praise bring benefit to God? How do psalms of praise benefit us? We are acknowledging Him in praise and declaring our trust in Him. When we do that we become filled with joy. 5. In what ways do you think Elizabeth acted as a mentor to Mary? How has someone mentored you in the Lord? How has God used you to mentor others? Elizabeth was used as an instructor and teacher and as a friend and confidant. Elizabeth was pregnant .... it was a miracle and much talked about , .... Mary was about to enter a similar period in her life.
  6. Talking to God brings me closer to Him, be it by asking for something, or be it by sharing something. I tend to talk to Him at any and all the time. 1Thess 5:17 does encourage one to be unceasing in prayer. It is so much easier to share or bring a request to Him as soon as it (the need/pain/joy ....) is there.
  7. Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? When praying in secret we are not tempted to impress anyone nor do we need to fear saying the wrong thing or using the wrong words, or expressing oneself in a wrong way. God hears and knows our hearts, even if the use of our words is not eloquent enough. In which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? Praying in public in order to be seen and heard by others so they can see how pious we are is offensive. How do flowery prayers hinder the developments of disciples? They get us nowhere as they don't seem to be directed to God Himself, but sooner to man.
  8. How does Jesus' teaching here on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? It encourages one to continue giving. What will you do differently as a result? Try not to doubt the one asking/begging. Not judge. What keeps us from giving more to the poor? I think ones hesitancy is because there are those who abuse the gift and use it for alcohol and drugs. It is almost wiser to give food. Even there one has seen the food accepted and dumped in the nearest bin, as that was not what was wished for. Sometimes one does feel it is better to give to a charity organization .... but often the real needy are too proud/scared to go there. .... One time I know we were asked not to give anything to street children as they were being encouraged to go to a shelter. Is that a good enough reason? I guess we need to be wise in the where and the how of giving. Be sensitive and obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I just read the answer from "AngelOnLine" - What they do with it is not our problem, let God take care of it.
  9. 1.1 How do the commands in this section relate to "performing for the audience of One"? When you give, let not the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Pray to your Father Who is in secret (go into your private room). Let your fasting be noticed by your Father. ... Each of these ... giving, praying, fasting .... not to be done for all and sundry to know about it but .... performed for the audience of One. 1.2 What is the antidote for the chief sin that is addressed here? The antidote is secret time with our Father. He is the One Who can fulfill the longing for love and Who can meet the need for insecurity. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself. 1.3 In what ways do churches and non-profit organizations use this sin to motivate people to give? They publicly display the giver's name be it on a plaque, in the newspaper, magazine or anywhere else. This motivates others who had been hesitant to give to either give a similar amount or even more. In a church service they call people to the front of the congregation to be seen by all ... and blast out how much was pledged to be given .... others are then enticed to give a similar amount or more ... ( Giving has become a compulsion and is no longer done out of pure motives) Others that cannot give that amount feel guilty and are often driven away.
  10. 1. What was different from Mary's "How?" question, to Zechariah's "How?" question? (1: 34 , 18) Mary's question was one of amazement and not doubt whereas Zechariah's question was one of unbelief. Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined? Mary believed and Zechariah doubted. 2. Secular people often make fun of the virgin birth. Does this passage actually teach that Jesus was born of a virgin? Yes. In verse 34 Mary says she had had no intimacy with any man as a husband, which is the normal means of conception. If so, why is this important to our understanding of who Jesus was and is? It shows it was supernatural. It was indeed a miracle. 3. Why was Mary frightened? It was not an everyday occurance to have an angel come to you. And then what a responsibility awaiited her. Is her fear reflective of unbelief? No. Of wonder at the fact that such a thing could happen without her being intimate with a man and to her of all people. 4. Why is it so hard for us to accept being a servant? Submission is hard, especially if 'self' is not buried and rears its ugly head. Why do we have such trouble being submissive to God? We often complain when we do not "see" the end and need to submit in a situation that is not easy. 5. Have you had any experience where God has taught you to be a willing servant? Yes, many. God is so gracious.
  11. 8.Why does God "punish" Zechariah (if that is what you call it)? What effect do you think it has in his life? I think it is calling Zechariah into a deeper/closer walk with God and a greater reality that God does answer prayer and does what He says He will do. The answering of the prayer was Elizabeth's pregnancy and there was no doubting the fact that Zechariah had indeed seen the Angel as the thing he said would come to pass - did come to pass - he could not speak. Further I do think it jolted him into realizing that God is truly merciful, awesome, and amazing. I am sure this experience brought him even closer to God. What effect do you think it has on those observing Elizabeth's pregnancy and birth? I am sure it brought a certain amount of awe onto all and sundry as well as an exciting expectancy of what God was about to do. How do you catagorize this - as punishment, discipline, rebuke, chastisement or something else? I think this was God's way of dishing out discipline in love. Zechariah could now not talk - it was a time to draw closer to God on his own without talking/discussing it with anyone. Though we discipline our children, why do you think we resist the concept that God can punish His servants? I think many times we do not realize or accept what is happening as a type of punishment, but just take it as a happening in time. Discipline is part of loving and we find it hard to accept that part of loving from God Who is so merciful.
  12. 6.1 In the context, what do you think verse 48 means for the Christian? I think it means that we must be mature in how we handle situations - love as best we can, as He loved ... in difficult and in not so bad situations ... always keeping His Word in mind or His Ways. 6.2. Is perfection taught here? No, but striving to live as Christ desired. 6.3. Does maturity express the idea best? Maturity of godliness in mind and character. 6.4. How about the idea of sinless perfection? Aim for that .... but we are still on earth. 6.5. How does verse 48 relate to verse 45? The wicked and the good both receive blessings from God in nature and in everyday living. We too need to strive to deal the same with the wicked and the good.
  13. Yes, but it needs to be done in a godly manner, not revengeful or hateful way. I guess in self-defense. There are consequenses to actions. One might have forgiven but the "law" takes charge and then it is also could put the "guilty-party" behind bars depending on what had been done.
  14. Yes, but it needs to be done in a godly manner, not revengeful or hateful way.
  15. His teaching is against retaliation and revenge as He advises us, "Love your neighbour as yourself".
  16. 7.Compare and contrastZechariah's reaction (v18) to the angel's announcement to Mary's. (v34 + 38) What is the difference between her question and his? Zechariah's prayer for a child was about to be answered by the birth of John. Through that, not only his prayer, but also the prayer/longing of the nation would be fulfilled, viz., the coming of the forerunner of the Messiah as prophesied by Isaiah and Micah, so that the Messiah could come. Zechariah's doubt was reflected in the question .... How can I be sure of this? .... and the excuse with it, .... we are old in years .... Mary in turn had not prayed that she would be the one to carry/care for, the Christ-child and when she heard the announcement from the angel, she asked how it would come to pass and then after the angel explained, she gave her "will" over completely, and said "Let it be so". I am uncertain of the translation used in the exerpt which reflects Zechariah's question as "How can this happen?" and Mary's question as "How will this happen?
  17. 1.1 What do we learn about Zechariah and Elizabeth in 1:5-7? Zechariah and Elizabeth were both descendants of Levi as well as of Aaron. Zechariah was a priest and was of the division of Abia which was the 8th one in rotation of the divisions as ordered by David and Zadok many years before. They were old already and had no children, as Elizabeth was barren. 1.2 What kind of people are they? They are God-fearing people, living righteous in the eyes of God. 1.3 What is Zechariah's job? Zechariah was a priest. Twice a yr, his division was called up for a week to fulfill their part in the temple service. The rest of the time he lived and worked in a little village in the hill country of Judea, South of Jerusalem. 2.1 Why do you think that it happened that the "lot" fell upon Zechariah to be the officiating priest for offering incense on that particular day? I believe God allowed it to be like that because He wanted to share the news with Zechariah, that John was to be born, in a very special way, and at a very special place. 2.2What does the offering of incense represent? The incense represents the prayers of the people. 3.1 Which are the most important points (which the Angel Gabriel's msg involved) to you? Personally the reassurance of not needing to fear and that prayers get answered. Also the fact that prophecies do get fulfilled. It is wonderful to know and experience that God does do what He promises. 3.2 Which do you think would be the most important to the people of John's time? That John was the forerunner of the Messiah, fulfilling the prophesy of Isaiah and Malachi. 4.1 Specifically , which part of this prophecy does Zechariah question and disbelieve? (1:18) That the child will be borne by Elizabeth and be theirs as they were both advanced in years. 4.2 Why do you think he can't believe it? They had hoped and prayed for many years and no child had been born to them. 4.3 What kinds of things are we unable to believe that God does in spite of us today? The humanly speaking impossible things. The things that require faith, i.e real faith. 5.1 What are the symptoms of unbelief in a Christian? Doubt and despondency. Feelings of low self-worth. Being spiritually dull and not sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 5.2 How does unbelief hurt a disciple's life? Joy leaves. The person is often filled with shame. 5.3 What is the cure for unbelief, do you think? Humility, repentance, prayer, studying the Word, and becoming more sensitive to God. 6.1 What is the difference between unbelief and asking the hard questions? Unbelief asks how is it possible, whereas the hard question is, how will it come to pass? 6.2 How is the latter necessary to solid faith? It builds faith when one is able to hear how it will get done, even if it is not understood completely.
  18. 3.1 They call to radical love and not to retalliation and resistance. 3.2. No 3.3 I think we should learn from them and recognize the need to show love rather than be involved in clashes and fighting. Resolve an issue peaceably.
  19. 6.1 The purpose of the "eye for eye" and "tooth for tooth" regulation was justice was being served and revenge was being restrained. Man's vindictiveness was not being encouraged, but restrained. 6.2. This law is designed to be administred by a court or judge 6.3 Judicial action ..
  20. You should not need to only be believed if you take an oath. You should be believed because you are known to tell the truth (without adding tails to it) Your words should be known that they are not full of deceit but true and then there would be no need to swear an oath and we would easily be believed.
  21. The best is to be there for them and do not judge them or the other party. Pray together. When the person is ready, work through what Scripture says about the topic. Repentance brings healing and also enables one to forgive and lay aside. With this topic as with every other, allow God to do the revealing. Be available to hold up the hurting and to love uncondisionally
  22. 5.1 No. I think that after seeking forgiveness for whatever sin caused the separation from the first marriage, that Christ does forgive and you do not live in adultery. It could also be that one spouse moves in with another person after the divorce, then automatically the other partner is free to remarry as the oneness is then broken by another. 5.2 No 5.3 Ask for forgivenessand stay in the second union
  23. 4.1 I think it was quite different to the idea they were used to. A certificate could be written out and that was the end of it. God's way was that a man should leave father and mother and be joined to the woman and the two would be one. This should be a lifetime union. 4.2 I don't think misunderstand but rather shocked at the finality or seriousness of it
  24. 3.1 No, the Mosaic Law does not command divorce. What it did command was a legal severing of the marriage, i.e. with a certificate and financial implication and the ability to re-marry. 3.2 It allows it (but there a 'buts' to consider) 3.3 It allows divorce because of hardness of man's heart (selfishness, self-centredness and lack of communication). 3.4 It was not for divorce but marriage to be for a life-time.
  25. 2.1 No. Anyone that has had "sexual union" was joined as one flesh. 2.2 By "natural law". What I understand becoming one flesh is "sexual intercourse". 2.3 I guess many got 'joined together' by **** and driven together by loneliness and not even taken into consideration if that was the partner God had in store for them
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