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Jonathan Edwards

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Posts posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. Aiding and abetting someone not ready nor fit for the ministry is wrong.   Apostle Paul knew all well that candidates for the ministry still have development issues : home life, secular issues, personality defects and more important:  doctrinal issues.   The Ephesian church couldn't not afford more problems by allowing those unfit candidates to be ordained.   Many came out of "mystery religions", and carried over gnostic pagan ideas.  Not saying that they were not sincere; they needed more time and catechesis before ordination.

    Today, we see this horrific situation.  Current pastors and church workers in much trouble.   Divorced, separated or charged for serious crimes.   Even went through the seminary formation and received academic degrees.   Many churches had to pay out millions of dollars due to lawsuits incurred due to pastors, deacons and church workers acting in ungodly fashion.

  2. Maintaining true Christian doctrine was paramount.   Timothy had to be reminded of his solemn charge to maintain order in the local church.   This wasn't optional.   Apostle Paul had a tremendous insight of the Church of God as the Body of Christ, the elected and predestined children of God.

    Apostle Paul knew that there will come a time when all our works will be tested.  Will we have wood, stubble and hay or choice gold and rubies.   Our characters must be formed by the Holy Spirit.  Timothy would need to be partial in his pastoral judgements, not listening to rumors and half truths.   Also he had a firm obligation to not to give into timidity from reproving men of high influence in the Ephesian church.

    In our day and age, compromise on so many issues is common.   Apostle Paul had such a a profound sense of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the profound mission of the Church: just the thought of compromise and not reproving those in error was just unheard of in Apostle Paul's ministry.

    Our culture lacks fortitude.   Reason why so many churches are in error is lack of manly ministers in the pulpit.   Compromise of doctrine and lack of chutzpah to combat heterodox doctrines and characterize many churches and  seminaries. 

  3. Those actually preaching and teaching the Word of God.  They study and prayerfully prepare to instruct their congregations.  They just don't do administrative work like some of the local elders.  Deuteronomy 25 is our text to support our position on financial compensation. They indeed receive honor due to their spiritual dignity as shepherds whom the Holy Ghost has set over the flock of Christ.

  4. Neglect of widows involves practical denial of the Faith.  The heathen held widows in high regard.  So it was incumbent for Timothy to make sure that the Ephesian church would be a shining light in the midst of unbelievers. The light of this mystery of godliness" would greatly aggravate these sins of neglect, and therefore cause scandel. The denial of the duty of love, a denial of the faith.

    It is in conjunction with our Faith to take care of the widows who nourished and cared for us in our childhoods.  The person who deliberately neglects providing for his household is deemed worse than an unbeliever.  This is referring to relatives who live under one roof.   Paul  deems such infidels as "wanting in the Faith"....those who profess faith but do not live out the spirit of the Gospel.

  5. The secret of the devout Christian life is the indwelling of Christ within, not on abstaining from things without.  The Christian who dwells in the Holiest of Holies is focused on Christ alone; it is without controversy, undisputed fact that Christ is the mystery of Godliness..1 Timothy 3: 3:16; Colossians 1:27.  Godliness is outworking of the Grace of God outworking in our daily lives.  Our characters are being formed; we have the Mind of Christ as we study the HOLY BIBLE.

    The fruits of the Holy Spirit are manifest in our lives as we walk with the Lord.  It is indisputable....Christ lives in me.   I now have soteria due to the one final sacrifice of Christ.   

    Strict morality has its place.   However, we cannot lose sight that it is THE GRACE OF GOD that we are preserved in holiness all day long.   Our focus is on the Lord not focusing on minutae of rules.  In the Christain life, it is due to our love of God that we act in a sanctified manner.  We have been regenerated by the HOLY Spirit.  Adherence to rules alone will only go so far.

  6. Their spiritual development is malformed.   Instead of having a personal relationship with God, and meditating on the mystery of holiness; they focus on externals most of the time.  It could be the upholstery of the pews, the specific color of the sanctuary walls, or whether or not to support a Bible school.  A number of denominations are in endless debate over the use of musical instruments.  Same thing going on in the Kerala state in India.   One denomination is in uproar about Liturgical practices.   

    Lack of evangelistic zeal !   Instead of preaching the mystery of holiness; sadly many churches get off the tracks.  They end up going Laodicean;. their first love for the Lord is practically gone.   No one is getting saved, no one is getting healed; the church assembly has become insipid.    It forgot the clarion call of 1 Peter 2:9. 

  7. Apostle Paul urgently states this because he is moved by God.   The germs of false teachings were already spreading with a more serious apostasy in the future.  The mystery of inquiry had already begun it's work. The doctrine of faith was to be corrupted by "denying what was true, by adding what was false." Christ alone is the Author and Finisher of Faith.   There were heterodox preachers during these early days of the church that were spreading doctrines incompatible with the Orthodox faith....Christ is truly God and man.   This is the mystery of Godliness.

    St Timothy had to combat spurious Gnostic heretics: main teaching was that matter is evil.    If he didn't, the Ephesian church could have ended up under the control of any of the Judeo-gnostic sects.  True Gospel preachers taught that God's idea of life is that body, soul, and spirit are to be redeemed.

  8. Sad but true....many times sincere Ministerial candidates are not mature emotionally nor capable of handling such an important position as a shepherd.   There are important factors to be considered: intellect, emotional and spiritual aspects of the Ministerial candidate.   In our age, it is a fact that such candidates need deep Ministerial formation.    They did not get proper spiritual formation as children nor were they raised in good Christian home.  Plus, ministerial candidates were former drug users and perhaps never catechized.  Lots of issues indeed to deal with for seminary staff members and for Ministerial candidate search committees !

  9. We cannot let our guard down in regards to the Devil.   It is very important to be watchful, careful, sober and alert in the ministry.  By having a malformed character, there will be problems.  Being a leader in the local church requires good character.   The Book of Proverbs underscores the necessity for everyone to be sober and maintaining composure in times of stress.  Timothy and Titus had many challenges; they had to shine forth the presence of Christ.   They needed to be strong; not giving into despair, and not tolerating heterodox agendas to infect their congregants.

    Big problems in store for a congregation if the negative traits of a Ministerial candidate are overlooked.    What tragedies have occurred due to ignoring negative signs exhibited in the lives of Ministerial candidates.

  10. A man who is well rounded.  Apostle Paul is emphasizing good character of the bishop/pastor.   Being in a state of marriage is a good indicator that the candidate to the office of Bishop is mature.   A mature person with a well developed character is a prime candidate for such an important role in the local church.  A individual with such character flaws, though zealous for pastoral office, is not a proper candidate for the local church nor for a diocese encompassing local churches.  Being married with a well ordered house, a calm demeanor, hospitable, able to teach and who is spiritually mature---is a proper candidate.

    Having a family is a good indication that the Ministerial candidate is able to lead a congregation.    The church must be very careful as to avoid creating scandal by appointing people who are not ready to handle the responsibilities of pastoral leadership.   In consideration of a Ministerial candidate, reviews from outside church sources are also very important.   They have pertinent insights that perhaps a church board or Ministerial assessment team missed along the way.


  11. Apostle Paul wants to keep order in the Ephesian church.   His vision of the Church as the Body of Christ is very deep.   Paul didn't want spurious teachings to spread like gangrene: the Ephesians were new believers that came out of Greek mystery cults, and were exposed to Judaic gnostic philosophical subjects.   Paul had just cause to instill in Timothy the immense value of order in the local assembly.   Women in Ephesus we're converts from these false religions, newly baptized but still not mature in the true faith.   The oracle of Delphi was headed by a woman that would go into trances, and give oracular utterances.  Paul believed that church order is imperative; local church must be protected from false prophets that would get naive congregants to accept "babblings" or "vain imaginations".

    Yes, Christ is the head of the church.   Males only should head the local assembly.  Women do have tendencies to cause strifes and spread doctrinal errors. Paul wouldn't tolerate this.  Timothy had a holy mission to contend for the Faith during a difficult period in the Church.  He couldn't risk more problems by allowing women to spread false doctrine or create splits in the local assembly.

    Women really should not be pastoring men.  A cornucopia of problems awaiting!  Men need to be under a male Bishop/pastor; vice versa for the ladies.   I do believe that there are cases where God ordains women for special missions that require Charismatic leadership: St Catherine of Siena, St Theresa of Avila,and the women leaders of the late 19th century Holiness movement.   None of these women had a spirit of pride and strife with the intent of overuling legitimate male church leadership.

  12. Women in the Ephesian church needed to concentrate on being salt of the earth instead of calling attention to themselves.  The focus of the local assembly is on Christ Jesus, not starting divisions, and arguing over endless gnostic philosophical subjects, including coming to the church services dressed in inappropriately.   Apostle Paul believed and preached that the church is the Mystical Body of Christ.  He wanted the female members of the Church to spend their time and resources doing good deeds; they were in Christ, they put on the Baptismal robes, the old life of ostentatious clothing, and hairstyles---were history.

    Having a sensible dress code is in order.  Coming to church in beach wear or athletic clothing are not appropriate.  We need not be like the Amish or conservative Mennonites.   We need to look clean and neat and dress in accordance with the local church standards.   Men should not being wearing beach wear not ladies wearing outfits more appropriate for a picnic.  

  13. We must be reconciled with others before we bring our offering to the Lord.  Very important concept!  Prayer is very holy, we have to hearts of peace, not full of strife and anger.   In the Ephesian church, the vain gnostic philosophical subjects perhaps we're causing debates amongst the congregants.   Instead of magnifying the Lord in their services; they were harboring strife and anger towards other believers in the church that didn't share their particular version of gnostic Judaic angelic emanations.    Entry into the HOLY of Holies for the High priests in the OT wasn't a casual matter; carefull attention to various rules had to be performed.  Sons of Korah lost their sense of the Holiness of God when they rebelled in the desert.   Ananias and Sapphira also lost the sense of God's immense holiness.

    We pray for all men.   Apostle Paul knew the importance to pray for all; God's plan of salvation was revealed from heaven.   No time to let anger and  strife to sidetrack our prayers.

  14. God has given the price to set free the prisoner, or sparing the forfeited so that they can live. Jesus Christ is the ONE MEDIATOR between God and all men, by whom ALONE men can come to the Father, and gave Himself a ransom for all. Christ himself referred to being as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45).

    Christ is the divine Substitute and Messiah who has obtained the from the Father ...all families and nations of the earth, both Jews and Gentiles. Christ is the New Adam, He is the head of humanity. Christ's divine nature operated in Christ's priestly work.  Gnostic mediators of angels is excluded.  The Ephesians were in danger of accepting mediators that would take away from the High priest Jesus Christ in the order of Melchizedek.

  15. Paul had such a deep understanding of the kerygma.   It was so central to his heart and mind.  It was a Catholic message that Paul was preaching: ALL MEN to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth.  He was so convinced that God the eternal King, immortal, invisible and the only wise God called him to the ministry.    

    No wonder Paul had no use for vain babblings concerning spurious Gnostic genealogies and heterodox teachings.  He was convinced that we as Christians are the Body of Christ.   In water baptism, we have put on Christ.   We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light; we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, and a peculiar people.   We have no time to end up in arguments about New Age doctrines, theosophical discussions, and arguing with naysayers who aren't EVANGELISTIC .

    We are an Apostolic people, evangelistic preaching and evangelistic outreach are in our blood.   We cannot do otherwise.  We take the high road while others are caught up in ashes, arguing about things that aren't biblical, not evangelistic,; we move on and get caught up in divisions  and strifes.  It seems that the Ephesian church was getting sidetracked by heterodox teachers,and confusing young believers.   They were getting caught up in forms of gnostic Judaism instead of going out witnessing  about the Lord Jesus Christ.

  16. Paul had such a deep understanding of the kerygma.   It was so central to his heart and mind.  It was a Catholic message that Paul was preaching: ALL MEN to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth.  He was so convinced that God the eternal King, immortal, invisible and the only wise God called him to the ministry.    

    No wonder Paul had no use for vain babblings concerning spurious Gnostic genealogies and heterodox teachings.  He was convinced that we as Christians are the Body of Christ.   In water baptism, we have put on Christ.   We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light; we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, and a peculiar people.   We have no time to end up in arguments about New Age doctrines, theosophical discussions, and arguing with naysayers who aren't EVANGELISTIC .

    We are an Apostolic people, evangelistic preaching and evangelistic outreach are in our blood.   We cannot do otherwise.  We take the high road while others are caught up in ashes, arguing about things that aren't biblical, not evangelistic,; we move on and get caught up in divisions  and strifes.  It seems that the Ephesian church was getting sidetracked by heterodox teachers,and confusing young believers.   They were getting caught up in forms of gnostic Judaism instead of going out witnessing  about the Lord Jesus Christ.

  17. Apostle Paul knew that his assistant and main preacher TIMOTHY at Ephesus had his work cut out for him.  Timothy had to deal with heterodox doctrines, people falling prey to such bizarre doctrines, and debates that would fracture church unity.  Timothy had to recall those prophetic utterances, and to renew himself to be a faithfully pastor/Evangelist.

    Timothy had to be like Moses and Aaron who faced stiff opposition in the midst of persecution and rebellion.   Timothy received the heavenly Gospel; he couldn't afford to compromise the truth as given to him.   Nor could Timothy waste time arguing with heterodox teachers, no matter what high sounding metaphysical declarations they uttered.

    Perhaps Timothy wanted to spend time dialoguing with heterodox teachers and wasting time attempting to convert those who believed in forms of gnostic philosophical Judaism and mystery religions.  Timothy was called to be an evangelist and proclaim the Gospel truths.

  18. God is Eternal King, immortal, invisible and the only wise God.  God is the King of the ages; God is not like Gnostic angelic emanations, nor is God like the Greek gods who engage in various forms of immoral behavior.  God is incorruptible, not subject to laws of entropy, and capricious behaviors of the pagan gods.   Our souls are immortal just as God is immortal.   God is invisible with our normal eyesight.  Just as the next city 40 miles away; however, as we get closer, the city appears in plain site. Throughout the Bible we read of visions of God beheld by holy men of old.    They drew nigh unto God; Apostle John described the appearance of the Risen Christ. God is the only source of wisdom and immortality. We, the angels, the Zoe in Revelation 4,  Christ and the Holy Spirit partake of this wisdom.  Our bodies will be made immortal in the Resurrection.

    Yes indeed!  We build ourselves up in holy confidence to approach the throne of grace in the time of need, and in daily worship.  By saying this Bible verse out loud, we are indeed boosted to come before the Lord!  We give glory to the only true God for such a complete salvation.   Our focus is on what Christ's one unrepeatable Atonement as accomplished; we are so blessed with SOTERIA !  Forgiveness of sins and physical healing; we don't lack !

  19. Apostle Paul knew the Ephesians were being exposed to a form of Judaism that was Gnostic.   A type of kabbalistic form of Judaism.    Paul didn't want Christians to get involved with high sounding metaphysical discussions on genealogies and various emanations of the Kabala angelic brings.     Paul knew how holy the Law was, it was sent from heaven.   However, the Jewish Gnostic teachers were not teaching authentic Judaism; they were getting into all sorts word discussions based on esoteric philosophies that were common in the ancient world.

    Vain babblings and heretical teachings were all detrimental to simple in Christ Jesus. Apostle Paul had a serious apostolic mission to keep the churches on the road of orthodoxy, they could not afford to accept spurious doctrines which would lead to division in the local church.  Apostle Paul was adamant that the Cross of Calvary would be lifted up high,; faith in the finished work of Calvary is essential, not vain imaginations and discussions on gnostic philosophical subjects.

    We must contend for the Faith once delivered to the Church of God.   New Age and accepting heterodox agendas will divide the local assembly.   The kergyma will be forgotten, and souls will be lost.   People will end up like Alexander the coppersmith and others mentioned in 1 & 2 Timothy;. backsliders lost their first love for the Lord. 

  20. We have the dispensation of God which is in faith.  Fables, genealogies based on myth don't increase the "first love" of the Ephesians.  The kabbalistic gnostic teachings would cause the Christian faith to become another sect robbed of it's "first love", and prepare the way of deep apostasy.

    The focus of the local congregation must be on Christ Jesus as set forth by Apostle Paul and Bishop Timothy.  Serious Bible study is extremely important in order to stay on the road of holiness.  Lack serious Bible study among believers will cause to end up in various forms of heterodox doctrines.    This has happened time and time again. A prime example is the history of Puritan theological schools like Yale and Princeton Universities.   They were centers of Orthodox Christian formation centers, but eventually fell into heterodox agendas.   Likewise, various churches that fell into heresies and schisms, lost their focus, they lost their evangelistic fervor.   Tragically they no longer focused on the Cross of Christ, and accepted various forms of heterodox doctrines: vain babblings and vain imaginations.   God has given many over to a depraved mind.



  21. Urgent call was due to the impending bad weather that would make traveling hazardous in that part of the world.

    Delay would entail not getting his winter cloak and Bible study materials.  Paul needed these items in that dark dreary prison.

    We don't know for sure whether Timothy arrived in time to see Paul alive.  Probably Timothy was arrested in Achaia on his way to Rome (Hebrews 13: 19-23); we cannot be certain if he actually met up with Paul and his assistant Luke.  I know that I would have done my utmost to visit Paul in prison.  Our intentions mean much in the eyes of God; we may not be able to fulfill our goals, we rest in Christ and leave the results to Him.

  22. We truly invested our time and other resources; we cared very much for individuals, but they went their own way.  It is only human to grieve: but thank God we leave our burdens with the Lord.  That is what Paul did; he knew that he had surrender to God those individuals who forsook him while he was imprisoned.

    Even those who move away can off into another orbit.  Their attention go on to other things.  Typical of American culture.  Peoples'  attention and interests are fleeting. Paul knew what koinonia was all about.  He had a profound understanding of the Church as the Body of Christ: we are members of each other.   The importance of the local church was very critical in evangelistic endeavors.  So when some of his associates backslid or just ended up in heterodox doctrines; it deeply touched Apostle Paul.

    Apostle Paul had firm faith in God when others forgot him; though Luke was with him, Paul knew that God alone was his high tower.



  23. The rewards in heaven that are waiting in heaven for those that prove true to Christ during their earthly pilgrimages. Paul will be rewarded for his Apostolic efforts.

    To all that love Christ's appearing.

    Basis of receiving this Crown:.  surrendered unto the Lord.  We cannot be found wanting; we must have the mind of Christ.   Daily sanctification is absolutely necessary to receive this Crown.  Christ taught about degrees of damnation and degrees of heavenly rewards.  The saints will be rewarded according to their works (Matthew 10:41-42; 16:27; Romans 14:10-12; Revelation 22:12). We will be judged as servants (Romans 14:2; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15).  Let 2024 be a time of purging of self; we need to be fit for Master's use.

  24. He fought as a honorable wrestler.  It was due to his love for the Lord Jesus Christ that he endure sufferings, deprivations and bring forsaken by former brethren.  Paul wrestled against temptations, false brethren, and disappointments.

    Paul had to keep up his momentum like a dedicated runner.  As good runners know, they must be disciplined: good diet, proper sleep, and keeping physically fit.   Slacking off is detrimental to a good runner.  It's about "regula".  Maintaining a daily schedule of prayer, Bible study and adherence to a list of rules conducive to leading a good Christian life.   Professional runners utlize rules daily; no haphazard nonchalance !

    I need to get a daily hourly planner so I can be more methodical in my prayer and Bible study time and ministerial duties. I am doing good now, but still a more structured schedule is in order for 2024. Keeping the faith for me is adherence to daily Biblical study and not compromising during the discharging of my Ministerial duties.

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