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Jonathan Edwards

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Posts posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. Be kind yet forthright !  Apostle Paul didn't want his ministers to be bashing people over theirs heads.  He knew that being kind and approachable would gain the hearts of those who fell into heterodoxy.  St Athanasius wasn't too diplomatic with Arius who denying the divinity of Christ. But this was after Athanasius humbly tried to talk sense to Arius.

    I have asked God for forgiveness for the times that I wasn't the ideal minister/teacher as described in this Epistle.  I sure have a long way to go, I am doing better.  I do take the ministry quite seriously; outdoor evangelistic preaching can be challenging.   I ask God to be merciful on me for my impatience and spoken and unspoken remarks or complaints.  Lord Jesus Christ be merciful to me a sinner !

  2. The word is SANCTIFICATION.  Much self examination on a daily level is needed.  True Bible Christians have nothing to do with departure from  the truth and fellowship with ungodliness.

    Paul believed firmly that Christ founded the Christian Church as God's house the chosen Elect.  Christ the Son over God's house in which we are, if we hold fast our boldness and the glorifying of our hope into the end.   We must purge that which repugnant to our high calling.  We are to be as gold in God's eyes, not be just wood, hay or stubble.   We have a serious call to live lives of sacrifice and mortification to fit for the Master's use.

    Because of God's immense love for us, we abide by Romans 12:1.   We have responsibilities to be fitting Temples of the Holy Spirit.   Paul preached that we cannot quench the Holy Spirit; we cannot afford to just be wood, stubble or hay.   The Epistle to the Hebrews is a clarion call to Christains to be "inner court" believers; we can abide in the Holiest of Holies.  A place of rest near to the Heart of God.

  3. A true Gospel minister will be DILIGENT, seek God's approval in their work, and work with utmost sincerity and efficiency that will not bring shame upon himself.  The man of God must have skill in the use of the Word of God. All is being done for the eye of God.   Apostle Paul took 1 Peter 2:9  very seriously; he was motivated by a heart of love.   His ministry was not just a job with medical benefits, pension, and a nice parsonage.  He didn't approve of shoddy ministry, everything had to be outstanding.  Paul was not like the spurious Gnostic heretics; he avoiding vain babblings that would lead to full impiety and blasphemy.

    Paul had a  profound sense of 1 Peter 2:9.   He treasured his Apostolic calling.  Despite the trials and disappointments, he kept this heart and mind on the Lord Jesus Christ.   Like Nehemiah and post exilic setters, Paul had a mind to work.   He didn't allow himself to be enveloped in self pity and discouragement.

  4. We cooperate with God's gifts and graces.  We are not in a state of quietism; we just don't coast along in the Christian walk.  Apostle Paul all knew so well that he had to endure tough times; it wasn't an life.   He was not a day dreamer.   Paul knew that that each day he had to make the effort to preach the Gospel, and also take care of mundane matters as well.  Like a good soldeir, he had to endure tough times and all that entails.   There were days and nights that were not all joyous and devoid of problems in particular with heterodox believers.   Paul knew reality, he experienced good and bad days;. joyfully times and sorrowfull times.  Just like a faithful soldier at his lonely outpost, he maintained his alligience, and faithfully carried out his duties.

    The analogy of the soldier appeals to me.  I know from experience what it is to sacrifice, and carry out my duties as a former fraud analyst.   Many years on nite shift, including fulfilling my evangelistic responsibilities.

  5. If they did, there would be lost of parishoners.   Sadly, too many clergymen have not been taught correctly in regards to basic Christian doctrines on suffering and Mortification.   It could be just bad seminary formation that has affected many pastors occupying the pulpits.

    Timothy was a young preacher.   It must have been a trial for him knowing that his dear friend was practically left forgotten in a dank Roman prison.   Besides knowing that a number of Paul's associates abandoned his beloved spiritual father.  Timothy was indeed in a tough situation; the Ephesian church was in a city where pagan worship was common; he had to make sure that discouragement and frustrations did not get the best of him.  Timothy truly had to hold on the horns of the altar like Moses and Aaron!  Timothy had to be an encouragement to the Ephesian believers in their new found faith; it was no time for timidity.

    The crucifying of the flesh, and taking up the Cross, and being a testimony for Christ in the midst of trial-gave glory to God and a great encouragement to the Ephesian believers.  Completed glory is reserved for the day of judgment.


  6. The Church is not meant to be an incubator.  It's very important that the congregants understand 1 Peter 2:9.  They all have individual ministries; endowed with various charisms.  Paul's vision of the church is very important; he refers to the Church as the Body of Christ many times in his Epistles.  For the Church to function properly, it needs God ordained teachers and elders.  Five fold ministries as detailed in Ephesians are described in the Epistle to the Ephesians.  Paul knew that the local church needed a firm ecclesial structure as well as holy ordained men to function as pastors, evangelists,prophets, and Apostles.   The role of teachers and elders consist of perfecting the saints, edify, unify in faith and doctrine, and bring men into maturity in Christ.

    Administration and programs have to play second fiddle to mentoring "new blood".  In the Acts of the Apostles, the Apostles commissioned deacons to feed the poor, and other tasks so that the Apostles could be focus on their Apostolic missions.   Evangelism is the crucial reason why the local church exists.   It is not a venue for entertainment, social affairs, yoga classes or judo.  Time and time again, we read how the HOLY SPIRIT had such a prominent position in the early Church.   The local church is truly a soul saving station in the community.

  7. Apostle Paul had full confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ.   It wasn't just head knowledge.  Deep in his soul, Paul knew that his name was engraved in the palms of Yahweh.  Despite being in prison and abandoned by some of his associates, he had that deep love for God.   The Song of Solomon would describe Paul's stalwart faith.  A love stronger than death!  The HOLY Spirit was very real for Paul.   He treasured the precious anointing of the Holy Spirit.

    Paul was confident that God would preserve him!   Perseverance!  He had assurance deep in his heart that God would give him preserving graces.   Despite being in prison, Paul was able to retain his composure, and be a testimony to his captors.

  8. Apostle Paul wanted Timothy to be fully convinced that it is the Grace of God that gives us all the power to preserve in our Ministerial callings.  Not by power not by might but by the Spirit of God.   Truly a heavenly calling;. Timothy needed this timely reminder during his time at Ephesus.

    Timothy's consciousness would be renewed.  He would be deeply impressed that he could  fearlessly face the challenges and vicissitudes of the Ephesian church.   Having this mindset, he could zealously get to work, and win more souls for the Kingdom of God.   

  9. Like Apostle Paul,we must maintain perfect trust in the faithfulness of God.  God entrusts to his faithful servants the deposit of faith.  As servants, we diligently keep the deposit of faith with jealous fidelity.  We entrust our souls to God, knowing that Yahweh is faithfully.

    Like Apostle Paul, we accept the challenges and vicissitudes of the Gospel ministry.   It's not a carriage ride through Central Park nor a walk through the park.   We need that holy anointing from on high to persevere.

  10. Get back on the saddle!   To dilly dally is not productive.   Sometimes it takes much will power and plain old chutzpah to get back using the gifts that God has given.   God is a perfect gentleman and will not force anyone against their will.

    Be prayed up, and wait upon the Lord in quiet for a renewal of the Holy Spirit anointing.   This doesn't come quickly in most cases.    Times of refreshing come after periods of suffering, sincere confession of sins, and separation from the ocassions of sins.

    Setting up a strict adherence to a schedule is recommended.    No haphazard spiritual formation nor haphazard devotional life!  A firm daily Bible study time each day is also important.   

  11. Faith and patience are necessary for the man of God to obtain salvation.  We remain Orthodox, yet we are patient and meek in our replies to inquirers' questions.  Like Christ, we speak and defend our faith with in a loving fashion.   We represent Christ the Lamb of God who was kind to those who were not kind to Him.  St.Paul reiterates how important that we adorn the Gospel; we are living Epistles to the world.  So the way we conduct ourselves is very important; we kindly and thoughtfully give reasons for our Faith.

    We are like the tribe of Issachar who "knew the signs of the times".   The gifts of the Holy Spirit, gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge, will help to demolish everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.   

  12. We must FLEE from covetousness. As members of the royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) it our high calling to pursue righteous living, Godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness. We are to have the mind of Christ as we conduct ourselves in our daily lives.  It is God's will that we don't get into an abnormal covetousness frame of mind.  We cannot serve two masters as true Christains.   We have to cultivate WATCHFULLNESS, we are Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit; we are not like other people; we are inner court Christians.

    Within sound reason, we give of our monies to assist the widows and those in need.  God wants us to use sound judgement. To ruin our health, is useless.  We are not our own; we belong to the Lord.

  13.   The scraping TOGETHER and obsessed ventures for amassing riches debases the mind, destroys godly traits, and causes one to be endued with selfishness, pride, and avarice which ultimately leads to destruction and perdition.

    So many recent stories in the news illustrates the above.  Tragic when people suddenly die, and their estates slowly rot away, and their legacies are forgotten.  Riches become a trap when a Christian gets to enmeshed in a type of obsessed frame of mind.   The fruits of the Holy Spirit wither away, and soon serious backsliding starts.   Look what happened to St Paul's coworker: Demas.  Demas had grown cold in his walk with God.  He loved the present world;.anyone who loves the world, doesn't have the love of God.   Demas had free moral agency; he chose to backslide and fail God.

    We have make our election sure. We can choose our destiny.  God will not force us to walk in holiness nor force us to serve Him.

  14. Our God is El-Shaddai...all sufficient!  Though St Paul was in prison, his mind was on God...God is All in All. He didn't aimed at hidden agendas, nor filthy lucre.  The false teachers of his time had hidden agendas based on doctrines of demons.  

    We are to aim for the best for ourselves and our families but being content what God gives us.   We cannot allow the world, the flesh and the devil to detour us from firm devotion to Christ.   St Paul's former companions were enamored with other things contrary to the preaching of the Cross.

    Balance is resting in Christ at all times despite contrary circumstances.   Man purposes but God disposes.  We do what we can; however, we must be content for our daily blessings as God's deems fit.

  15. Lack of serious Bible study is the root of the problem.   Sad but true, new converts we're not properly catechized.  Over the years, there have been various movements which have appealed to many Americans with a modern affinities for consumerism. The Gospel of consumerism has become a staple for a number of televangelists and megachurches.  Tozer was even dismayed when churches were incorporating worldly methods to gain & retain church members.

    The words "suffering" and "mortification" are often absent from the preaching of televangelists and megachurches.   Their perception of God as an ATM machine is stilted.   Apostle Paul definitely knew what suffering and Mortification we're all about.  His life was not comfortable; he went through tough times but was mature enough to face the challenges of real living with the Grace of God.  Apostle Paul had a very deep Respect for God; he wouldn't dictate to God what he wanted, he left everything at the feet of Christ Jesus.  Coming from a Jewish background, the sanctification of God's Name is extremely important.    The Prophet Ezekiel was definitely the same way; many "new school prosperity" preachers wouldn't be comfortable with Prophet Ezekiel on their Ministerial staff.

    Prosperity Gospel preaching doesn't present the kerygma clearly.   There are deficiencies indeed:. lack of preaching of repentance, depravity of men, sadly---hardly a word or two about the burial, death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ .

  16. This warning is very important due to the fact that people have secret sins and hold heterodox doctrines.   By having "Communion in sacris", one is aiding and abetting someone who really needs to either repent or correct some errant doctrinal positions.   Apostle Paul has a very high regard of the Church of God as the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth. There will come a time when the hidden sins will be made manifest on judgement day.

    Very true that people will get upset towards a godly Bishop or Pastor when the "laying on of hands" is not done after a period of examination.   People that are adamant about their secret sins don't have an attitude of humility and shame; they are usually headstrong.   After carefully examining a candidate for Ministerial duties or for healing, the laying on of hands can be done at a proper time.   There is no magic in laying on of hands.   The Bible is very strict about honoring the name of God.   The Prophet Ezekiel repeats this over and over in his prophecies and sermons.   Faith in God, reverence for the name of God,and personal holiness are being set forth by Apostle Paul in these verses. Apostle Paul had a three fold solemn testimony before God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels.  Apostle Paul was very aware of the 2/3 of elected angels that remained true to God while others joined Lucifer's rebellion.  It's truly a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.

  17. Very important to have such inquests due to the fact that people are not perfect and have forgotten that they "clay feet".   Too many cases that sincere people have had grandiose visions, locutions, and to make matters worse---they are not diligent Bible students.  Lack of daily Bible study and earnest prayer time have been the causes for serious doctrinal errors.

    Doctrines of devils--explains why such temptations to coverup such false teachings, and not due to diligence in stopping heterodox doctrines.  The devil is a liar, and is responsible for deluding many people over the centuries.  Sadly many churches have "gave up the ghost" years ago.   They ended up in a state of inertia, a state of not doing anything or just doing the bare minimum to anathematize heresies.

  18. Those who labor in the preaching and teaching are counted of double honor.  The other class of elders are due honor for their governance of the local church; they have superintendence of the affairs of the congregation. 

    Deuteronomy 25:4 ".....thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treaded out the corn".  Also Luke 10:7.   Both the Law and the Gospel sanction the due support of the ministry.

  19. Christains throughout the centuries have cared for their elderly parents and relatives.  Despite eldercare problems, the Christian has obligations to do his or best despite great odds to fulfill the Biblical admonitions to take of the elderly.

    Success in eldercare may not be successful at times; there will be plenty of bumps on the road.   But we are so blessed that the least we did to one of God's children we did it unto Christ.  We offer up our discouragements and frustrations up to the Lord.  Though not perfect, God sees our efforts, and in due time we will be rewarded.

  20. It all boils down to having a daily Bible and prayer time.   Timothy caught more bees with honey than with vinegar.   By the way he conducted himself in a sober manner attracted new converts; it was real, not a show.  Timothy was the type of person that even unbelievers we're drawn to.  Despite persecutions, Timothy was truly a light on the hill.  The way he deeply believed, his strong enthusiasm, a deep love for Christ and the Ephesians, and the way he talked.  Indeed, Timothy was an icon--pointing people to Christ by the way he lived.

    Rules have a place but they are only guidelines.   All the textbooks on spirituality cannot make a man of prayer.   Like the prophets of old, we have to go up to our own Mt Sinai or the desert to seek the Lord.  The word is mortification. God works on us slowly at times to form into the image of Jesus Christ.  Not an overnight process; as we study the HOLY BIBLE we have the Mind of Christ.

  21. Godliness is best described in Apostle Paul's list of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Apostle Paul's background was replete with various laws, prohibitions and dietary laws.  Apostle Paul was so caught up with the Lord Jesus Christ and the mystery of Faith and mystery of Godliness.   No wonder why Paul was so emphatic on not stressing various rules and having a Manichean view on creation.  He couldn't add nor dare subtract on the salvific work of Christ.  Nor would Paul preach cheap grace.   

    The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will quicken our mortal bodies.  Apostle Paul was firmly convinced that the HOLY Spirit is able to sanctify the believer.

    A strict mortality had it's place.   However; the believer has supernatural power to live a consecrated life.   Due to the HOLY Spirit, s believer really doesn't need someone do be with him 24x7 reminding him of rules to follow.   The new believer has a heart of love for God, something new has happened!  New desires for holiness, disdain for the sinfull ways of the world. A new song permeates his heart and mouth! Living right is the natural outflow and not a burden of going by do's and don'ts.  

  22. We must be aware that there are seducing spirits that are counterfeits of the Holy Spirit, imitating the HOLY Spirit.  These seducing spirits cause people to doubt in the Holy Bible. Their mission is to **** souls and lead Christians astray.

    Mere performance of religious activities is attractive because it doesn't demand strict adherence to one and final atonement of Christ Jesus.  Various groups such as strict Amish and Hutterites have added on the Romans Road to Salvation.   Seemingly religious activities are attractive but they create a presumptive attitude in the hearts and minds of sincere people.  The wonderful message of Romans 10: 8-10; John 3:16 is practically forgotten.  Also the outer working of the Holy Spirit in the character of the Christian is also forgotten in favor of do's and don'ts.  

    Such attention on rules is detrimental to a personal relationship with God.  Perfectionism has noteworthy characteristics; however, we are called to primarily to enjoy the liberty we have in Christ.  We need Very much to heed to 1 Timothy 3:16; being obedient to the anointings of the Holy Spirit, we will want to live right and serve the Lord in holiness.  The important thing is focusing on what Christ has done for us, not on all the myriads of rules.

    Our Mormon friends cannot drink caffeinated beverages, yet they have used funds to build Las Vegas and wineries ! Their focus has been on the Book of Mormon and other revelations.  Apostle Paul was aware of mystery religions that had similar requirements.   He wanted the Ephesians to be totally Christ centered; this way they could truly advance in holiness minus the spurious trappings of pagan religious practices formerly practiced by the Ephesians.


  23. In the last verse of Chapter 3, Paul Gave Timothy the tremendous truth of the Incarnation "God manifested in the flesh...' Paul urgently and solemnly warns Timothy to be on guard due to "the Spirit speaketh expressly.".  Paul has a Divine mandate to tell Timothy to be cautious and on guard against false teachers and preachers.  Timothy had to realize that there will be so called believers that will return back to their vomit; the pure Word of God will drive them out.   A very holy truth is being taught here! The fact that these backsliders went out from the Church of God "made manifest that they were not of us" (cf. 1John 2:19).

    Timothy and the Ephesians were reminded that they must essentially hold dearly to the mystery of Faith as taught by the Church, the pillar and ground of the truth.  They cannot get into a state of inertia; they must earnestly contend for the faith


  24. These negative signs are portents of trouble.   Apostle Paul wanted Timothy and his associates to be WATCHFULL..theoria niptike...keeping one's heart and mind on Christ.  A man of God in the ministry really needs to hold on tight to the mystery of Faith.   Just like the Syro Phonecian woman who needed a miracle despite being in a hopeless situation.   

    Having a calm quiet demeanor is essential in the ministry.  Being recollected is essential.   A man of God must understand deeply that his body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit; we cannot grieve the HOLY Spirit by being carnally minded.  The HOLY Spirit cannot work effectively through some one who is pridefull, insolent and disruptive.

  25. The Deacon is to hold the mystery of the Faith in good conscience.   This really striked me as to this unique qualification.  The Deacon in his pastoral duties must have a genuine faith in Christ, not just a professing faith, but a real, living, active productive faith.   As a Deacon, he has a very visible role in the community.  His conscience must be clear as a bell.   A Deacon cannot bring reproach on the Church of God.  I see this as a qualification aimed at the office of Deacon, not foreign to the ministry of the Pastor/Bishop/Elder. 

    Living in Ephesus amidst pagan practices and temples, Deacons have testimonies of Christ by they way they conducted themselves in church and in the market place.  They held the mystery of Faith as a very serious trust.

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