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Jonathan Edwards

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Everything posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. Well sound admonitions! Due to lack of Christain formation, and service; it would be a grave mistake to appoint to such a high office who hasn't not mortified pride...self exaltation. New converts before learning the lessons of humility and being a servant of God is likely to fall the same way Lucifer did. Haughtiness, proud, exalted, and despots are needed in the Church of God, Elect and glorious. The words are teachableness and humility. New converts are diamonds in the rough. New seminarians are not coming from ideal Christain homes, and some are in need of drastic discipleship as they pursue seminary studies. The mortification of pride is something that must be looked for in a Ministerial candidate. Too many embark on a Ministerial candidate path with thoughts contrary to the basic Christian values of being a Bishop, pastor or Deacon. This emphasis on humility is very important; it is an indication of the fruits of the Holy Spirit are present. The Holy Spirit cannot assist Bishop, pastor nor deacon who is conceited, and doesn't have a teachable spirit.
  2. A happy marriage and a well ordered family is a strong indication that a Ministerial candidate could be a good pastor. Christ chose busy men to be His Apostles. Christ knew that they were diamonds in the rough. God chooses busy men to do His work. They have intellectual acumen, maturity and just plain "chutzpah" to do the job. Sadly many men are not disciplined nor are they fit for pastoral offices. They carry too much baggage from their old lifestyles. Young men enter Bible schools or seminaries with immature attitudes and sadly--lack of Bible background and a steady spiritual formation. If a pastor's family is in disarray, some serious troubles are in store for his parish. This is very common these days. In our days, church denominations realize that their ministers have "clay feet" and do offer counseling assistance thereby keeping the parish on a even keel. We must pray for so many in the ministry who are undergoing severe stress; many pastors do need genuine "leaves of absence" when there are severe family problems.
  3. Women in the Church can teach, pray and give prophetic messages in more smaller and private Apostle Paul has no problems with that. What he is aiming at is that public messages and public teaching and preaching are confined to men. Men really need to have a male pastor. It only makes sense. Even in the ancient Christain churches:.Syrian Orthodox, Mar Thoma churches and Coptic Orthodox churches....this mandate has been followed. However, we do read of Holy women of God have been allowed to minister to fellow believers for centuries. Sts Catherine of Siena, Theresa of Avila were tremendous reformers and preachers of the Gospel. The Holiness movement in the USA, had a number of women who were dedicated to the propagation of the Gospel. There is a caveat! These women were subjected to male leaders of their respective churches.
  4. The focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul didn't want the old pagan customs to continue in the lives of these new believers. The emphasis on outward show is off limits for the Christian man or woman. It is the "over the top" extravagant dress: hair style, wearing gold and fancy apparel that Apostle Paul is against. He wants the women to be more concerned about being formed in the image of Jesus Christ; the pagan culture fostered extravagant dress which had no place in the Church of God. General rules are definitely in order. Little by little, a new believer will be more cognizant about proper dress. A few rules in the church bulletin would be in order. Fitness outfits, cell phones and immodest clothing both male and female, have no place in the church. Conservative Mennonite and a number of Amish churches have a nice way to inform an inquirer or member about proper dress for church services.
  5. New converts at Ephesus came from mystery religions. Though Christian, some of their old habits persisted in their spiritual lives. Christain prayer was not like the frenzied pagan mystery religions in which all sorts of strange behaviours took place. The Oracle of Delphi is a good example. At that pagan shrine, the priestess would go into a trance and state oracles from the gods; this was due to putrid fumes from the underground. Also there were men in a mystery religion in the Phrygian area of Turkey that would castrate themselves after getting into bizarre states of mind. This type of worship was contrary to orthodox Christian Church worship Apostle Paul wanted to stress that Christain prayer is very holy; he was truly emphasizing the utmost respect for God based on the five books of Moses. We are temples of the Lord Spirit; we cannot allow anger or any negative attitudes to ruin our temples. We live in an imperfect world. We have to endeavor to live in peace with all men. This way we adorn the Gospel by our lives. We pray for those with love though they may cause much grief at times.
  6. Salvation of men cannot be a matter of selfish indifference. Apostle Paul was no Unitarian Universalist; there is the universality of the Divine good will for man's salvation only through Christ Jesus. Apostle Paul wants to exclude the Gnostics emphasis on mediation of angels and gnostic mythological stories. The Ephesians came from such a gnostic background; and Apostle Paul didn't want these new converts to go back to such fables. Christ the Mediator was was man as well as God. Christ is the New Adam, the Head of humanity, the new Man, the Lord from heaven, able to restore the lost relationship between God and man. It was strictly due to the death of Jesus Christ that all the blessings of redemption came forth. Christ voluntarily gave Himself to be the Victim. Apostle Paul taught that Christ is the Messiah who had obtained from the Father the heritage of both Jews and Gentiles
  7. Apostle Paul wanted the Church at Ephesus and other churches to be soul winning stations. Apostle Paul uses the phrase "in Christ" so many times in his Epistles. He was so blessed to be called by God "...ordained a preacher, and an apostle". He took this calling very seriously. Apostle Paul had such a grip on the kerygma that any other teachings were repugnant to him. Nothing could diminish his love of the Holy Bible and atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Ephesus church was a soul winning church. Truly a lighthouse in a city of darkness. Pagan worship was rampant in Ephesus; Diana temple and gnostic teachers deluded many with fables and useless genealogical questions. Apostle Paul and Timothy lifted up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ constantly; they could not afford to get sidetracked.
  8. Timothy had a serious job to do. He had to confront the fables and genealogical questions being promoted by false teachers. The important phrases are "in Christ"...."godly edifying in faith". Paul charged Timothy to avoid disputings that cause strife, divisions, and parties. Timothy had a serious mandate to teach his congregants about the dangers of ship-wrecked faith. Apostle Paul knew of cases of those who thrust away their faith becoming blasphemers and false teachers overthrowing the Faith of others. A true man of God must not succumb to false teachings of the Gnostics; he must be a diligent Bible student every day. One cannot be passive like King Solomon who married pagan wives, and adopted pagan practices, nor like King Ahaz who rejected the warnings of the Prophet Isaiah. One's conscience is reformed by the HOLY SPIRIT our Advocate and Teacher. It is imperative not to quench the HOLY SPIRIT by believing in doctrines contrary to the HOLY BIBLE. The danger of these new believers going back to the mystery religions, and immoral lifestyles. He didn't want these new believers nor Timothy to go the ways of Hymenaeus and Alexander...both rejected the Faith, and became enemies of the Gospel. Both had faith and a good conscience prior to their rebellions.
  9. Apostle Paul became a pattern for the salvation of all sinners. Because Christ came to save sinners, Paul gives praise to God for having been chosen as a pattern for all who will believe on Christ to everlasting life. We learn four facts of the Father: God is King Eternal, incorruptible (immortal), invisible, and the only wise God. We are reminded of Ephesians chapter 1. God's foreknowledge and predestination--Apostle Paul was in awe of the benevolent magnitude of God's mercy. In private prayer and in outdoor evangelistic ministry, I have prayed similar prayers of Thanksgiving. We build ourselves up in the Faith. Power of heartfelt praise is so crucial in one's life. We focus on the positive, we offer up sacrifices of praise with hearts of gratitude. The Holy Spirit has such important role here on earth to show us Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul was taught by the Holy Spirit the kerygma as taught in throughout the Epistles. The time he spent in the desert wasn't wasted. In solitude, God revealed these mysteries.
  10. Apostle Paul is praising God for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ who had called him to the ministry. He thoroughly any notion of merit on his part. Paul strictly attributes his ministry and perseverance to the HOLY Spirit. It was God's grace that enabled him to bear witness to Christ and to suffer. Paul wanted to convey his deep gratitude to God for the graces that he was bestowed at his conversion. He was full of faith and love toward Jesus Christ, whom he previously disbelieved in and reviled. This is an important lesson for us. Apostle Paul kept his focus on the Lord Jesus Christ, unlike the spurious heretics of his era: Simon Magus, Cerinthus, Marcion, Arius, eta. Apostle Paul stayed clear of gnosticism and also the Judaizers that wanted new Christians to observe the Law of Moses. It is so imperative to be diligent Bible students and not be caught up by heterodox teachers.
  11. There were judaizing teachers who were constantly seeking to bring Christains back under the law of Moses. As a result, endless spurious fables of numerous gods were being taught to those lacking simple faith in CHRIST ALONE for salvation. Empty arguments composing of legendary tales led to strife and debate. Apostle Paul wanted Timothy to be occupied with the essentials of the Christian faith. Lack of focus on the kergyma of the Gospel led to fables, superstition and endless genealogical questions, including strife and debate.
  12. Some churches have what is called Canon Law. Tragically the United Methodist Church is going through tough situations. Their ministers are bound to obey the Book of Discipline; tragically obedience amongst ministers has not been thorough. Bishops have not been agressive to enforcing the various rules on lqbtxyz issues. A number of UMC churches have left the denomination to pursue a more conservative Biblical path. The fear of men will not dissuade a true Bible pastor or Bishop from doing his job. The heterodox or schismatic is brought back to his or her senses and recants incorrect doctrines or behaviours that are condemned in 2Thessalonians. Confusion and serious doctrinal errors spread. This is very common in mainline denominations. The souls that are affected by spurious doctrines! St Paul mentioned how even the elect may get caught up in heretical or Antichrist teachings. Lack of serious Bible study lack of sanctified living has ruined great churches in the past. Andover seminary, Harvard and Yale Universities were centers of Bible orthodoxy for years; the situation is totally different.
  13. Apostle Paul is stating that it is doctrinal sound not to support busybodies and lazy people. Disfellowshipping of such people may be necessary if they still refuse to obey the truth. Continual admonitions are to be continued until such meddlers, busybodies and lazy ones and cease from their useless matters. Tough love is not easy. It is not right to support meddlers and busybodies; they may have to hit bottom first, and than realize the futile ways of their lives. However, Paul is also stating that we are to remember the worthy poor. We are not to be weary in well doing; we have to bear each other's burdens. Even we are instructed to admonish a wayward person as a brother.
  14. Apostle Paul kept his place as a diligent soldeir in the army of the Lord. His thoughts and heart were caught up in Christ Jesus. He had no time to waste engaging in idleness and getting involved in other peoples' lives. His job as a tent maker was taxing, and Apostle Paul had to maintain his churches. He wanted to be example of what a disciplined Christian should be. Paul loved Christ deeply; he didn't want to be a stumbling block to these new Thessalonian Christains. He surely had a right to be supported by local churches. It meant more to him that being a working man and by his role as a servant, he was teaching these new converts about what a mature Christian should be doing. Paul didn't want his new converts to backslide, and go back to the old mystery religions and immoral behaviour.
  15. Time to withdraw from such peoples that are disorderly. We waste precious time associating with such characters in view of the Parousia. Yet, we are to admonish such brethren to stop meddling in other people's affairs, and to earn a livelihood. Our Christain duty is to live quiet and busy lives as we await the Parousia. Apostle Paul wouldn't tolerate laziness and meddlesome behaviours. Such behaviours encourage Christian believers to not perservere in holiness; too much laziness and indolence just foster backsliding. Apostle Paul knew that the Thessalonians needed to be busy and forget the idol religions that they came out of. "Niptike theoria" watchful mindness is very important for the believer. The early Desert fathers and monastic movements made this very clear to their members.
  16. Having perservering graces are so important. Many people need to implore God for perservering graces; we are weak people without the assistance of the Holy Spirit. It is sad fact, that many people don't even perservere in a regular job or paying their mortgages or rents. By observation, one can tell if someone is walking on the road of Holiness just by looking at a person's daily life. A true Bible believer will perservere even during very troubling times. Just day by day doing the the same routine chores says quite a lot! Backsliding! A tragedy beyond words! Many people during the prophetic ministry of Ezekiel gave up. Isaiah and Jeremiah saw how people gave up their faith in God. Apostle Paul must have heard how some in the Thessalonian church did not heed to his letters. Being so far from the Macedonian church, all he could do was to continue to pray and send Timothy to confirm the Thessalonians in the holy faith. Perservering in holy joy is so crucial for the believer. The joy of blessed assurance will be the nuclear energy for the believer. We carry each other's burdens. During the dark nite of the soul when things don't make sense; we need a comforting word. We also have to comfort others as well when they are going through tough situations. The Body of Christ doctrine underscores the importance of our role to help others to perservere. The Eastern church fathers wrote eloquently about "theosis". We go from glory to glory. We have responsibility to have faith in God and perservere on a daily basis. We are to have "niptike theoria"....watchfull mindness. This means a disciplined Christian prayer schedule and lifestyle. There is no magic involved; it is all part of taking up our Cross and following Christ. God will renew us in the Holy Spirit as we follow a "regula"....daily Bible and discipleship, evangelistic outreach and partaking in the Sacraments of the Church of God. Apostle Paul had a "regula"; he was diligent in his daily prayers and evangelistic endeavors as well as making a living.
  17. Prophet Ezekiel taught about the stumbling blocks in the hearts of men. Rebels deliver chose the ways of idolatry and sinfull living. Though God has provided the plan of salvation, and sent His prophets, peoples' minds and hearts are imbued with sin. If men persist in rebellion, than God gives them over to their own stumbling blocks-their false teachings and sinfull ways that will **** their souls. God cannot save men who **** their own souls. Man reaps what he does. It is God's will that all come to repentence (John 3:16;2 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 22:17).
  18. The Antichrist will be a man of sin, the embodiment of of lawlessness,and leader of the great apostasy. The son of perdition due to the fact of being destined to destruction by his rebellion like Judas. He will set himself as God, above God and be worshipped in the future temple in Jerusalem. He will be killed by Christ when Christ returns at Armageddon. Revelation 13: he will have miraculous powers given to him by Satan; a deceiver and Satan's agent to be dictator.
  19. They were disturbed greatly because they thought they missed the Rapture. The Thessalonians were concerned as a result of either pretended revelations, false teachings and a pretended letter from Apostle Paul. These new converts came out mystery religions that were characterized by such confusions. The Thessalonians were just beginning on the road to mature Christianity. First, there will be the apostasy. This is the great apostasy during the 7 years of tribulation...after the Rapture and the 2nd Coming of Christ. Second, the Antichrist comes to full power over the 10 kingdoms inside the old Roman Empire during Daniel's 70th week. When the hinderer of lawlessness, the Church of God has been removed from the earth. than the Antichrist will be revealed.
  20. The saints of God shall be like Christ; for they shall see Him as He is. No more glass darkly; the children of God have a glory at this moment, but at the Parousia, the glory of God will shine forth in all it's splendour. The numerous angels of heaven will wonder at the exceeding glory of the Lord shining in his saints. We need to live in His presence now; we take up our cross daily and have watchfulness at all times. Unbelievers who scoffed and persisted in rebellion cannot behold the glory of God. God hates sin. The unbelievers cannot behold the very holiness of God. It will be too late to repent. The Book of Revelation describes in great deal the overcoming power of God's glory over rebellion. The absence of God's face ! No beatific vision. No partaking of going from glory to glory in heaven. No rewards for good deeds that were done here on earth. Endless regrets for sins of omission, sins of commission and long forgotten sins. Outer darkness will constitute the misery of hell, because the soul is then cut off from the source of all good and of all holiness. One can safely state that the wicked will be blasted by the face of the Lord. They will not partake of the joy and glory which will reign in the presence of Christ.
  21. The wicked will not have the Beatific vision; the destruction of all gladness,hope,; never to behold the glories of God. No chance of being reconciled with God. The Prophet Ezekiel had a vision of the various Gentile leaders that were cast into Sheol. All the glories of their empires, grand temples, wartime conquests and fame---could not assist them! They ended up in Sheol due to disregarding the natural law that God placed in their hearts.
  22. There is no annihilation. No possibility of reconciliation with God in the afterlife, no beatific vision, and there will be eternal banishment from the presence of God. Besides this punishment, there will be punishment in eternal hell. Banishment from the presence of the glorified Jesus will constitute the misery of hell, because the soul is then cut off from the source of all good and of all holiness. The big mystery is that we believe firmly that God be in all in all and that "in Christ shall all be made alive", while there is still a hell in the universe of God. The founders of Unitarian Universalism, Christian Science and Jehovah Witnesses couldn't grasp a literal eternal hell. As a result, many bizarre doctrines originated from these various sects: denial of the Holy Trinity, actual Blood Atonement and Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
  23. God wouldn't be just if sins were left unpunished. The Prophet Ezekiel had profound visions of God's holiness! He emphatically preached that God is truly just in all His ways. People during Ezekiel's ministry were complianing that God is not just. They wanted their secret sins, and idol worship. The purpose of the various punishments as described in Prophet Ezekiel's visions and sermons was to bring forth true repentence from the people. Ezekiel has the threefold affirmation of God in Ezekiel 24; God is truly Jealous and desires that people forsake that which will bring spiritual death. We are rehabilitated as we walk on the road of Holiness day by day. We go from glory to glory as we study the HOLY BIBLE, partake of the Holy Sacraments and do works of mercy. The sinners' retribution will occur in the future. There will be a day when the Lord is to render vengeance to the ungodly, that is to be the day when God is to glorified in His saints in Christ. The assembled universe will marvel at the infinite love who has called a people out of darkness and stamped His own glorious image. Christ is King and Judge as well as Friend and Saviour. During His earthly ministry; He did not excercise His office of Judge. Jesus Christ cannot endure eternal injustice. Our Saviour is strong to execute judgement in accordance with the Holy Bible. Only the pure in heart can see God.
  24. Persecutions, pressures and stress remind us that we have clay feet. We need the balm of Gilead during dire times as we come to the end of our resources. Many times we realize that how limited we are. Aaron came to that point right after his two sons died as did the Prophet Ezekiel after his wife passed away. Aaron was involved in idol calf worship; he needed to be thoroughly instructed concerning the Holiness of God. Aaron and Moses were schooled by God that the things of God are not be trifilied with. Ezekiel heard the threefold self identification of Yahweh (Ezekiel 24:14,27). God guaranteed the fulfillment of prophecy. Ezekiel went on preaching the Word of God, no mourning clothes, no weeping. Amazing how the Prophet Ezekiel went on with his ministry despite the hardheartedness of the people there in a pagan land; no Temple as well! Without the testing of our faith, we could have ended up as "outer court" Christians. 1 PETER 2:9 would be so foreign to us. The Epistle to the Hebrews would be a closed book. The testing of our faith-the dark night of the soul is to prepare us for the beatific vision. God in His divine wisdom knows how to refine us; the inward working of the Holy Spirit does the outworking in our lives so that we are conformed to Christ.
  25. I would go over the 22 commands and admonitions listed in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5. People without assurance need to obey what is in God's Holy Word. Some serious soul searching is required by the one who has little or no assurance. Plus, such a person perhaps has not been Baptized in the Holy Spirit; and tolerating secret sins doesn't help one bit. No assurance of salvation is the monkey wrench that ruins the testimony of so many Christains. They have no desire to preach the Gospel, no desire to witness nor hand out Gospel literature. Very serious problems will come along unless the believer carefully examines the promises of God. The Epistles of St Paul are full of statements on assurance. He never would have taught "presumptuous assurance". Paul always taught that we must obey the Lord. We need to live a holy and sanctified life; we are still running the race.
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