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Jonathan Edwards

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Posts posted by Jonathan Edwards

  1. St Paul learned greatly about long-suffering during his ministry.   He had to be patient during very difficult times.   This way he kept his poise of mind, and didn't allow bitterness to corrode his mind and heart.   To be anointed by the Holy Spirit, a quiet heart is essential for the spiritual life.  Paul knew that abiding in peace was the oil to the machinery.   Forbearance, patience and gentleness are essential in the Christain ministry and formation of genuine Christian character.

    Paul had to deal with head stronged people who were caught up in rather serious doctrinal errors.   He knew that he could get more flies with honey than with vinegar.   By being patient, kind and having  forbearance; he was able to convince these erring Galatians that his Gospel was the true Gospel.  Yet he too had his limits; Paul was quite upset with the Judaizers.  He couldn't waste time trying to convince the Judaizers who were persisting in their errors.

  2. Paul was stressing the importance of a well rounded Christsin character that is complete.   The love of God is produced in the heart of the believer by the Holy Spirit; this agape love is the chief ingredient in the atonement for sin (Romans 5:5; Galatians 5:22).

    Those believers who have this love from on high cannot help but have joy and peace.  This is true assurance!   We have here the work of sanctifying grace.  This is borne out in Apostle John's Gospel and letters. We have tranquility of mind based on consciousness of a right relation to God.  We can come into the Holies of Holiest because Christ Jesus is our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.


  3. These people that uphold  contrary doctrines have basically accepted an inaccurate teaching commonly taught in seminaries, called "fundamental option".

    Their reasoning is if a person is basically a good Christian he or she can partake in  immoral behaviour and other sinfull activities.   The Prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel predicted that these false prophets would be deluded by their own specious reasoning.   We witness this tragedy over and over again amongst clergy from a host of denominations.   Highly educated indeed, but tragically deficient in dividing the Holy Scriptures.

    They would state that the works of the flesh are just fine, just as long as you 'don't hurt anyone' and maintain some semblance of Christian practice.  These same people would relegate 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 as an antiquarian teaching.   The philosophy of relativism influences their thinking.   Even amongst some Christian theologians...homosexuality has been deemed licit; through spurious scholarship, these verses has been twisted.

  4. We can live a victorious life over sin by being subjected to a Divine Person, the Holy Spirit.   The attempted law obedience In their own strength wouldn't help them.  The Holy Spirit anointing or the impulses of the Holy Spirit will assist us to live for Christ Jesus.  The evil nature's power over us is broken, and the believer need not to obey it.

    The Galatians needed to return to the Gospel of Grace of God and permit the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.  This struggling to be Holy would come to an end.  No need for myriads of rules and self effort.   The precious HOLY SPIRIT, THIRD PERSON OF THE HOLY TRINITY, present here on earth, would energize them.  What an amazing remedy!  The flesh with its affections and **** would fall away.--crucified with Christ and they could live the Spirit filled life.

    Being diligent Bible students, we have the mind of Christ.   We have the sure Word of God.  We have a more SURE WORD OF PROPHECY (2 Peter 1:19).  We don't follow the the oracles of heathen priests who faked spurious messages from idol God's.  We stand on the promises of God.   Yahweh has given us sure promises that we can indeed persevere in holiness all day long.





  5. The war in the Ukraine is a prime example.  A war that is fostered by the head of the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH.   Very dismaying indeed.   Divisions between the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches have created much heartache beyond words.   Amongst the Amish and other conservative Mennonite churches, their focus has been on various traditions from years ago, instead on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Divisions can occur readily on issues like painting your car bumper, ornaments on buggy horse or particular hat fashion.

    Focusing on Christ ! We look to Christ as our personal Saviour;  we truly endeavor to have personal prayer and Bible study time.  As Pentecostal Christians, we want to spread the Gospel light.  Evangelism is burning in our souls.   When all is said and done, we have no desire for the fruits of the flesh.   We have been baptized with love.   Christ puts a new song on our lips, we walk with a different step.

    Backbiting and rudeness are indications of falling from grace.   Absence of agape love in the church.  Instead of worshipping the Lord in the beauty of HOLINESS, the congregants have allowed their minds and hearts to full of unholy things.   I have witnessed this in the seminary years ago.  Sad how people allow themselves to let go of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Perhaps no one taught them the benefits of the "enlarged life""....becoming a true 1 Peter 2:9 member of the chosen nation and royal priesthood.

  6. The Cross meant that the Mosaic Law was over, and that one cannot be saved by good works.  The Law of Moses never taught that a sinner was accepted by good works.  No merited of salvation. by good works.

    Preaching of the Cross in a thorough fashion means to preach the FULL GOSPEL.  This is so important.   People need to realize that Christ's death, burial and Resurrection is central to our faith.  It entails admitting that one is a sinner in need of grace, and renouncing the world, the flesh and the devil.  Daily mortification of the flesh is also part of the equation.

    Tragic that many churches have lapsed into seeker friendly preaching.   No mention about renouncing the devil, repentence, and living a separate Christian lifestyle.  These churches are heterdox.   Not preaching the FULL GOSPEL and all the ramifications of Christain discipleship.  This compromise is not helpful to poor souls who in many cases don't know their left hands from their right hands.

  7. It is faith of the justified person which produces a transformed life, not physical circumcision. Physical circumcision has no power for anything in this life.

    It is due to the Holy Spirit that we can live lives characterized with the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Self effort in attempt to obey the law excludes sanctifying grace.

    Depending on the Holy Spirit with eagerness for practical righteousness is crucial.   Depending on self will, positive metaphysical or theosophical methods--are all in vain.    Movements such as Religious Science, Christian Science and New Thoughts are not preaching what is underscored in this Epistle

    Having faith in Chrust is what Paul is referring to.  It is a dynamic faith wrought by the Holy Spirit that enables the Christian to bear fruit.


  8. They lost their hold on SANCTFIYING  GRACE.  Chapter 5 is referring to the Hy Spirit's ministry to the believer.  Here we have grace as daily grace for daily living.  This is what the Galatians were depriving themselves of. God's grace became of no affect.  They have ceased to be in a relation to Christ where they could receive spiritual benefits that would enable them to bear fruits of the Holy Spirit, living lives pleasing to God.

    Trusting in the Law of Moses and the Levitical laws.   Christ alone wasn't sufficient for the Galatians;  through sphofistry, they were misled by high sounding arguments.

    Today, we have legalists in many major denominations that set forth basic teachings as Dogma contrary to Orthodox Christain teachings e.g.  LQBTXYZ agenda, gender neutral language in Liturgy and Bible translations, condoning sinfull life styles and promoting Unitarian Universalist positions on soteriology, Christ's atonement and inerrancy of the Bible.

  9. Paul is grieved due to the fact that the Galatians were resorting to self effort in attempt to obey the myriads of the Jewish ordinances, instead of their previous effort to depend on the Holy Spirit for the manifestation of the Christ like life.  The Holy Spirit was not being recognized and depended upon by the Galatians.

    Christ dwelt in the hearts of the Galatians  but inward working of Christ to the outward working of grace was gravely hindered.  Their attention was fixed on newly imposed laws enacted by Judaizers.   Salvation that is appropriated by faith and good works is heretical.  Galatians were not giving outward expression of their inward ability to be authentic Christians.

    Keeping our focus on Christ the Author and Finisher of our Faith is paramount.  Not depending on emotions, Religious experiences, pseudo visions and pseudo theologies.   Christ is formed in us as we daily study the Bible, pray, mortifying the flesh (sarx), and daily avoiding the works of the flesh.






  10. Special days of worship are not essentially wrong.    The error is making them conditions of salvation.

    Paul was grieved due the Gentile Christains accepting customs and ordinances that were for the Jews.   These Jewish special days are not essential for salvation.   It made no sense for Gentiles in Galatia to get involved with the details of Jewish observations of Sabbath, sabbatical years and the Jubilee years..  They were not centered on Christ the Captain of our salvation. 

    Christ is our Joshua in the order of Melchizedek.   He has gone on before us so we can have access to the Holies of the Holiest.  To add on to what Christ has done on Calvary is very sad.   We are a holy priesthood NOW, not bargain basement left overs.   We are seated in heavenly places with Christ NOW.

    There are seasons of times when we need to concentrate on spiritual matters.  We are not adding to Christ's atonement.   We need times to sequester ourselves just like Moses and the Prophets throughout the Bible.   Special days and various fasting can  be serious hindrances if we think that our salvation depends on them.   I went to a religious college, chapel services were mandatory morning, noon and nite.   A good regulated schedule is important but we cannot pass irrevocable laws on everyone to follow our unique regulas. I am all for discipline no doubt.   Christ must be ALL and ALL.

  11. Because we have put on Christ, we have that assurance in our hearts and minds that we have peace with God.  We mortify ourselves each day because we have the mind of Christ.   The sarx lifestyle, the world, the flesh and the devil--are past ! We have new desires, we have new goals--all centered on Christ.  The life of St.Augustine and St Mary of Egypt are prime examples of being truly born again.  They had struggles indeed to live Holy but were steadfast to live in the Holy Spirit.

    The word 'Abba' was a word of affectionate nature when used to refer to God.  This kind of usage was foreign to the common Jew during the time of Christ.  We have the down payment here on earth: we have treasure in heaven. We have now the richest gifts: the Holy Trinity indwelling us, we are Temples of the Holy Spirit  To get to God we don't have to go through the Judaic laws and the Levitical system.  

    Our status as sons of God is different from Christ's status as the Son of God.  We inherited original sin, Christ was sinless and was always the Son of God. The Spirit of God's firstborn Son is given to the true sons of God.  We have yearnings for God that are deepened; we press on nearer to God.


  12. Because we have put on Christ, we have that assurance in our hearts and minds that we have peace with God.  We mortify ourselves each day because we have the mind of Christ.   The sarx lifestyle, the world, the flesh and the devil--are past ! We have new desires, we have new goals--all centered on Christ.  The life of St.Augustine and St Mary of Egypt are prime examples of being truly born again.  They had struggles indeed to live Holy but were steadfast to live in the Holy Spirit.

  13. All men were slaves to sin and Satan, and held under the death penalty of the Law that they had broken.

    Exagorazo !  Christ has bought us back from the curse of the Law ( Sodzo).  Christ our Redeemer has set us free from slavery to the Law, Christ was made a curse for us.  The perfect Atonement has been made.   We have 'soteria' !  Abiding in the Vine !  What an awesome thought that all sins, diseases, and pain are atoned for.

    We are not entagled again into myriads of rules and man made traditions..  We are set free all observance of Jewish rites, ceremonies, days, times, years and many traditions that were accepted and made part of Rabbinical Judaism.  Rabbinical Judaism added many laws as codified in the Talmud and by Rabbinical scholars throughout the centuries.  Rambam (Maimondes) had detailed writings for Jews to read and do each day. 

    We can now come into the Holiest of Holies.    Christ our High Priest our Joshua has gone on before us; He is in the order of Melchizedek.   We are not in bondage to the stories of Jewish and Gnostic philosophical systems.    We need not to pursue medieval Jewish texts to reach God.  Christ is no emanating, Christ is the eternal Word of God.  

  14. Bible prophecies as revealed to the Prophet Daniel needed to be fulfilled. Prophet Daniel was given the date of His coming 483 after the edict of the Medo-Persian government to rebuild  Jerusalem.  Secondly, the Mosaic law had did its education work in spreading the message of the greatness of Israel to the Gentiles.   There was the Jewish diaspora, Alexandria, Egypt was a center of Jewish leaders and Learning.   Third, the Mosaic Law and the Temple would come to an end.  Gospel of Grace in Christ would  supersede.   Lastly the Roman Empire roads and Greek language would facilitate the spreading of the Gospel throughout the Empire.

    A word must be said about the Virgin Mary.   God predestinatinated and had foreknowledge that a very special woman would be a willing tabernacle to carry the Lord Jesus Christ for nine months.  God prepared the hearts of Jesus and Mary for this vocation.   Mary was the epitome of the hopes and dreams of her Jewish ancestors of past generations.  Her fiat that was given at the Annunciation was of tremendous importance.


  15. The Gentile Christains were deemed Second class. Christ is the unifying element in the church; those baptized in Christ now enjoy  home- coming!  Christ is our city of refuge, Jew and Gentile.  Like Abraham, we are all accepted and justified by simply believing. So we need to shake all self righteousnes, and look to Christ alone.   The Jews were focused very much to the ceremonial law as their hope of life.

    Baptism is the basis of our unity.  We have our  constant covering.  We have the full adornment of Christain character.   We have been predestinatinated to the very image of Christ, we have the beauty of holiness due to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.    All the forementioned creates within the believer the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  All distinctions between classes and sex, and ethnicities are in Christ lost site of.  It is Christ, not the Spirit , who makes us one in Christ (Ephesians 2:14; Roman's 12:5).

    Here we have many ethnic churches here in NYC.   Going back to the 1960's, the growth of ethnic churches have been very common.   These churches rent spaces in more traditional American churches, and than retain their particular ethnicities when they build their own churches.  Eastern Orthodox churches for centuries have been noted for ethnic parishes.   Much depends on country of origin that the original parishioners came from.   This vision of St Paul of the church wouldn't support plethora of ethnic churches.  An Egyptian church near my home is very ethnic.   Arabic is their mother tongue.   As an American from European descent,  I am not exactly part of the parish!   Their friends and culture are based in Egypt.

  16. ⁷The purpose  of the Law was to give to sin the character of transgression.   With the Law of Moses, sins were put on the accounts of the Jews, personal guilt incurred. The people had an innate disposition to continue in sins despite the laws and ordinances that Moses promulgated.

    As to justification, the answer would be no.  It had the character "unto" Christ (vv. 23-25).  The Law was a type of custodian to bring people to faith in Christ.  

    All throughout the OT, we read how the Law restrained sin.  When the Tabernacle  was built and the Aaronic and levitical priesthood was set up; there was a holy awe of Yahweh during their desert journey.  Though there were times of rebellion, the idolatry and false religion of Egypt were eradicated. During the desert wanderings, the Shekinah glory of God meted out severe punishments for idolatrous and breaking the laws and ordinances as codified in the Law of Moses.

    Throughout the books of Joshua, Judges to the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, the Law exposed secret sins like Achan's gold, intermarriage with idol worshippers. My favorite prophet Ezekiel was deeply influenced by the Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.  He preached the Law of Moses to the Jewish refugees in a pagan land.  Though in a pagan land, they could bear the Shekinah if they would do what was in the Law of Moses.

    Truly the Law of Moses was given by Yahweh.  What blessed words from above! The Tabernacle, the Holy Aaronic priesthood and Levitical ordinances.  But the OT saints had to wait for FAITH.  Christ the Mediator had to atone for sins; He is the  eternal priest in the order of Melchizedek.




  17. All who seek salvation by works of the LAW are under a curse, due to the fact it is impossible to keep the LAW and its standards.  ALL THINGS IN THE LAW: rituals, feasts, eta---there is strict obligation to keep all of them, and the Ten Commandments as well (Leviticus 18:5).  

    By FAITH!  What splendid news!   We are the spiritual sons of Abraham !  Christ has bought us back from the curse of the Law (sodzo) and we have soteria ( life in Christ).  By the atonement of Christ, we have zoe..all sins, all diseases are all atonement and removed from in God's plan.  Per Colossians 2:14, the LAW of Moses has been removed, we are not under its curse and eternal death penalty.  We have entered the Holiest of Holies, we aren't Outer court Christains but part of the royal priesthoo.  The Galatians were acquainted with spurious mystery religions based on fables, Gnosticism and a form of Judaism that wanted to get the Galatians into bondage from whence they came from.










  18. Basically those who exercise faith--like Abraham... exercise faith in God, partake with him in the same salvation which he received from God.  We the saints of God are blessed with salvation, rather than those who depend upon good works.

    A true principle---God's rule of action on the basis of which He operates for all time. Justification occurs by faith not by the Law of Moses.  Abraham was justified by faith prior to circumcision.  We Gentiles become spiritual children of Abraham by like faith, not by circumcision.   For time and eternity, our guilt and penalties incurred are removed; we are now RIGHTEOUS.  By the grace of the Holy Spirit, we partake of the divine nature and life; Christ the eternal Word of God "deifies" us; we go from glory to glory.  Our good works are results of Christ's inward workings us toward outworkings in our daily lives.

  19. They were baptized in Christ, and had received the Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit. There sufferings were not in vain.   Just like in the Epistle to the Hebrewz, the Galatians had a yearning to go back to the good "Ole Days".  Paul is firmly stating that the working of miracles amongst them was by faith alone and by works of the Law.

    Backsliding was on the horizon. Just like today, they were fickle, they weren't diligent Bible students.   The Galatians were suffering from spiritual amnesia.  They were vulnerable to false teachings that weren't preaching the ALL SUFFICIENT CHRIST.

    Regain this Pentecostal way : simple prayer meetings devoid of hype, loud music, chicanery, Just prayerfull seeking of God.   Just like back in the early 1970s!  Church basement prayer meetings.   Simple but prayerfull times of prayer, no one Lording over a prayer meeting....true participation of all.  






  20. Christ gives us new life.  This a life giving principle.  The Holy Trinity dwells with in us.  So now we can live the Christain life due to the inliving  Christ. We cooperate with God's grace to live as stated kin Galatians 5:15-23.

    Paul is stating that the "sarx" sinfull principle of life opposing God would not get the upper hand in his life.   Paul had a firm grasp on the sufficiency of JESUS CHRIST for salvation and sanctification.

    Paul preached that we are foreordained and predestinatinated.   This is extremely important for him.   God's plan of salvation is divine; it is truly a work of grace.   This is no light matter.  Christ gave Himself and loved him.  The vision on the road to Damascus made such a deep impression on Paul.   Despite all the years spent in the yeshiva and persecuting Christains, Paul was so convinced  of the ALLNESS OF CHRIST.  The word 'soteria' aptly describes Pauline theology.  Paul did not want the Galatians to act like unjustified sinners, seeking to become righteous via law-works.    




  21. St. PAUL was tutored strictly by God.  He spent time in the desert.   In the midst of the stark desert, he was divested of his academic and Rabbinical training.  Like Moses, Paul tarried in the desert.  Moses had to be divested of the false philosophical and theological schools of Egypt.  In quietness, Paul received strength and guidance from God.. We too must spend time in prayer so we can communicate the Word of God; we cannot be like academic theological professors on skid row or on a public street during outdoor evangelistic ministry.

    Alexandria,Egypt was a prime example how the early Church was a school of evangelism !  Great preachers of the Coptic church utilized effectively the various philosophical schools to communicate the Gospel.  They won the hearts of the pagan priests and philosophers in a tactfull way.   Cyril and Methodious as well--invented the Cyrillic alphabet to spread the Gospel to the Slavic peoples.  Condemning idols and other vices, the Slavs were converted by these two preachers.

    Traditional American revival meetings are terrific but wouldn't be effective amongst native tribes in Afghanistan.   It would be incumbent on the evangelist to use language and methodology characteristic of the native tribes.

    The unadulterated Word of God must go forth, sin must be dealt with; however, evangelical methodologies have to be tailored to the specific culture while the SUFFICIENCY OF CHRIST AND GOD'S PLAN OF SALVATION remain unaltered.  E.g. Egyptians are not like mainstream American evangelicals, so Egyptian outreach would be more subdued and Arabic songs would be more in order.  Typical Southern USA Gospel songs with hand clapping and shouting--would have to be tailored to Egyptian cultural behaviors in church.

    We proclaim the Gospel truth in an expository fashion.   Sin must be dealt with-by all means !!.   We need the Pentecostal gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge in the evangelical field. We may preach in a different fashion on the streets of NYC but we communicate the SAME GOSPEL in a different manner in Karachi, Pakistan.  We don't do cookie cutter evangelism.  But still the altar calls and firm principles of the Gospel ARE ABSOLUTE.







  22. Circumcision as a mandatory condition for salvation is totally contrary to Christ's sacrifice on Calvary.

    Cbrist's death on the Cross was very crucial.  Due to Christ's death and Resurrection, the Gentiles were now be beckoned to become part of the People of God.   Prior to that, Gentiles were deemed as aliens.

    During Martin Luther's time,  the faith was mingled with various spurious teachings.   The Gnostics of the 12th century  called Albigenses and Cathars were mixing Christianity with Gnosticism.  15th century ...Christianity and superstitious practices were prevalent.  Though Luther was a RC professor and a monk, it took time for him to realize that it is by GRACE ALONE.  He had religion and was a theologian in the monastery, but trusted also in his works to get to heaven.

    As for legalism today, rules are necessary for a steady and fruitful Christian lifestyle.   But we need to know that we are not saved by good deeds.  Some of our Amisb friends have gone that route.  Rules In regards to the use of cars, electricity  and electronic gadgets and dress don't save us.  We believe that God's informing of grace does an outworking in our lives.

















  23. It was a public event.  It was very crucial that the believers were instructed correctly about Christain doctrine.  Paul wasn't at the beckon call of anyone.   He had to set the record straight for the believers.   Many were new converts and not firmly established in doctrinal matters.   No record of a private meeting between the two.  This was public due to the presence of both Jewish and Gentile believers.

    Both Jewish and Gentile believers benefited. CHRIST ALONE IS OUR SUFFICIENT SAVIOUR !  We cannot add on to the one final sacrifice of Calvary.  CHRIST stated, "It is finished".     The Judaizers and Gnostics were hard at work to lower the true Christian Gospel by adding spurious doctrines, philosophies and traditions.  

    Paul was under pressure to defend the Faith.   He didn't cower, he didn't compromise.   Unlike like many Christian leaders today, Paul stood on the Word of God.   Paul was under pressure as a minister of God of this dispensation of Christ to uphold the sufficiency of Christ's atonement.

  24. It was a public event.  It was very crucial that the believers were instructed correctly about Christain doctrine.  Paul wasn't at the beckon call of anyone.   He had to set the record straight for the believers.   Many were new converts and not firmly established in doctrinal matters.   No record of a private meeting between the two.  This was public due to the presence of both Jewish and Gentile believers.

    Both Jewish and Gentile believers benefited. CHRIST ALONE IS OUR SUFFICIENT SAVIOUR !  We cannot add on to the one final sacrifice of Calvary.  CHRIST stated, "It is finished".     The Judaizers and Gnostics were hard at work to lower the true Christian Gospel by adding spurious doctrines, philosophies and traditions.  

    Paul was under pressure to defend the Faith.   He didn't cower, he didn't compromise.   Unlike like many Christian leaders today, Paul stood on the Word of God.   Paul was under pressure as a minister of God of this dispensation of Christ to uphold the sufficiency of Christ's atonement.

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